157 research outputs found

    Potret Hutan Adat di Desa Ewiri Kecamatan Leksula, Kabupaten Buru Selatan

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    The indigenous people of Ewiri Village are part of the ulayat (petuanan) Massarette in South Buru, which has local wisdom in Sasi (sihit), Enhamat, Tane Mehet, indigenous forests, Karamat/ Pamali, and Dusun. Indigenous peoples in Ewiri Village still have the structure and form of indigenous peoples, indigenous institutions, customary institutions, customary jurisdictions, customary law sanctions, and a very high dependence on indigenous forests. This study examines the management of customary forests in Ewiri Village, Leksula District, South Buru Regency. The research method used is descriptive research used to describe a human group's status or a particular data. Data is collected through interviews of respondents and key informants. The results showed that the management of indigenous forests in Ewiri Village has a relatively high dependence on forests. The community still maintains the customs, traditions of their ancestors, local wisdom, local knowledge, and other land-use practices. Customary Forest Ownership Rights are regulated based on the distribution of houses or soa indigenous peoples of Ewiri Village. The existing margas are Selsily Clan (Gefua), Solissa Clan (Mual), Lesnussa Clan (Masbait), Nustelu Clan (Marmau) and Behuku (Humboti). The pattern of utilization and management of customary forests by the indigenous people of Ewiri Village has stages, including land clearing, planting stage, maintenance stage, and harvesting and marketing stage. Forms of customary forest management include natural forests, gardens, and hamlets/air

    Hak Tenurial Masyarakat Adat Dalam Wilayah Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan Lindung

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    This study aims to identify community tenure rights in the Ambon City KPHL and find out the factors that influence community tenure rights. The research method used is a case study research with a qualitative approach. Data was collected through interviewing respondents and key informants. The results showed that the types of community tenure rights in the State of Soya in the KPHL management area included ownership rights, land rights, exclusive preference rights to use rights and utilization rights. Whereas the factors that influence community tenure rights include internal factors, namely land leases, rights to trees, land sale and purchase, and original rights. External factors include the establishment of protected areas, the absence of local regulations governing community tenure rights, development of educational institutions, rights to trees and land grabbing


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    This study aims to determine the socio-economic, cultural conditions, and income levels of communities around the forest on Banda Besar Island. The research results show that the community's economic condition depends on forest products managed through gardening (Agroforestry). Data collected through observations and interviews was then analyzed descriptively, qualitatively, and quantitatively. The research results show that the community's economic condition depends on forest products managed through Agroforestry. The social culture of the people on Banda Besar Island is very open to the outside world; the people do not differentiate between immigrants and natives, and ethnic mixing occurs very quickly. Some cultural traditions of communities around the forest include washing wells, buka puang, kombak, papaito, belang, cakalele, and the nutmeg-picking dance. The income of communities around the forest from managing forests using an agroforestry system can increase community income from three types of commodities, namely nutmeg, cloves, and walnuts, obtaining a total average income for communities around the forest of Rp. 16,082,667,-KK/Year and an average

    Nilai Ekonomi Objek Wisata Alam Pantai Lubang Buaya Di Negeri Morella Kabupaten Maluku Tengah

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    A natural tourism object is a form of tourism activity that utilizes the potential of natural resources and environmental management. The economic valuation of natural tourism needs to be done to see the value of the existence of nature tourism, which is sometimes valued. One method that can measure the economic value of a tourist area is the Travel Cost Method (TCM). Therefore this study aims to analyze the economic value of the natural tourism object of Lubang Buaya Beach in Negeri Morella, Central Maluku Regency. The results showed that the travel cost (Travel Cost) obtained 69,220 travel costs/person/visit, and the economic value of OWA Lubang Buaya Beach is Rp. 83,064,000 / year. OWA Lubang Buaya Beach in the perception of visitors is a safe place of recreation, beautiful natural beauty, and easy accessibility. It's just that the layout is not good, and tourism facilities are incomplete. So the need for additional facilities and better management. The results of the study of the attraction of beach attractions obtained only elements of beauty and comfort have all aspects of the assessment of the seven elements of the assessment criteria


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    Indonesia merupakan negara kepulauan yang kaya akan budaya dan menyimpan potensi bencana alam. Tidak hanya itu seiring dengan kekayaan alamnya di tiap daerah Indonesia juga memberikan kekayaan adat istiadat, bahasa, seni, dan keberagaman lainnya. Dalam setiap kebudayaan di Indonesia terdapat kearifan lokal di dalamnya. Namun dengan kekayaan tersebut nyatanya Indonesia pun selalu dihantui dengan kebencanaan. Indonesia memiliki gunung api aktif yang relatif banyak yang tersebar hampir di seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Itulah sebabnya, mengapa Indonesia dikenal sebagai ring of fire). Djalil, Rieneke, dan Tilaar, (2013) menyatakan bahwa saat ini terdapat 129 gunung berapi yang masih aktif dan 500 tidak aktif di Indonesia. Seiring dengan perkembangan pengetahuan masyarakat, kearifan lokal juga akan selalu mengalami perkembangan dalam praktik mitigasi bencana. Perkembangan ini tentunya tidak terlepas dari hasil inovasi IPTEK. Persoalannya adalah bagaimana adaptasi kecepatan kearifan lokal yang tertanam di masyarakat yang berpotensi mengalami berbagai jenis bencana alam di daerah atau wilayah masing-masing. Sebab potensi bencana alam senantiasa berdampingan dengan aktifitas keseharian masyarakat. Kekayaan budaya Indonesia didasari dari adanya potensi lokal yang dimiliki setiap daerah. Setiap daerah memiliki identitasnya masing-masing. Budaya ini selalu menjadi kearifan lokal yang memberikan peranan penting dalam kehidupan masyarakat local termasuk dalam mitigasi bencana. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologis. Penelititian ini dilaksanakan di Kelurahan Tubo, Kota Ternate, Propinsi Maluku Utara. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah bagaimana pemahaman masyarakat Kelurahan Tubo tentang kearifan lokal mitigasi banjir lahar dingin. Informan yang diwawancarai adalah masyarakat lokal dan Pemerintah Kelurahan serta Tokoh Adat. Hasil dari penelitian ini Kearifan lokal dapat dimanfaatkan dalam rangka mitigasi bencana alam. Kata Kunci : Kearifan Lokal, Banjir Lahar Dingin, Kelurahan Tubo ********* Indonesia is an archipelago that is rich in culture and has the potential for natural disasters. Not only that, along with its natural wealth in each region of Indonesia it also provides a wealth of customs, languages, arts, and other diversity. In every culture in Indonesia there is local wisdom in it. However, with this wealth in fact Indonesia is always haunted by disasters. Indonesia has relatively many active volcanoes that are scattered in almost all parts of Indonesia. That is why Indonesia is known as the ring of fire). Djalil, Rieneke, and Tilaar, (2013) state that currently there are 129 active volcanoes and 500 inactive in Indonesia. Along with the development of community knowledge, local wisdom will always experience developments in disaster mitigation practices. This development is of course inseparable from the results of science and technology innovation. The problem is how to adapt to the speed of local wisdom embedded in communities that have the potential to experience various types of natural disasters in their respective regions or regions. Because the potential for natural disasters is always side by side with the daily activities of the community. The richness of Indonesian culture is based on the local potential that each region has. Each region has its own identity. This culture has always been local wisdom that plays an important role in the lives of local communities, including in disaster mitigation. This research is a qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. This research was conducted in Tubo Village, Ternate City, North Maluku Province. The purpose of this research is how the community understanding of Kelurahan Tubo about the local wisdom of cold lava flood mitigation. The interviewed informants were the local community and the Kelurahan government and traditional leaders. The results of this study local wisdom can be utilized in the context of natural disaster mitigation. Keywords: Local Wisdom, Cold Lava Flood, Tubo Villag

    Persepsi Masyarakat Mengenai Peranan Vegetasi Kawasan Sabuk Hijau Di Sempadan Sungai DAS Wae Batu Gajah

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    Green open space is at least a minimum requirement for an environmentally sustainable city at 30% of the total area. Pressure on green free space, especially the Green belt area in the river border, tends to increase from year to year due to an increase in urban population. Therefore, this study aims to analyze people's perceptions of the green belt vegetation's role in the watershed of the Wae Batu Gajah watershed in Ambon City. The research method uses descriptive methods that describe a situation based on facts in the field and do not treat the object, with the hypothesis testing procedure using Chi-Square. The results showed that the community's socio-economic parameters consisting of age, formal education, and occupation had a significant influence on the understanding of the green border of the river. In contrast, gender and marital status parameters have no significant effect on understanding the green belt border. Formal education can influence attitudes and behavior through values, character, and understanding of a problem built in stages in a person. The type of work a person has for a long time working will affect the environment's mindset and behavior. The poor only have two sources of income, through salaries / informal business surpluses for basic needs


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    Forest area of Seho island was damaged. Mostly caused by the activities of people who live in and around the area. The activities were logging, wild animal hunting, as well as shifting cultivation. This activity is also supported by the community easy access into the forest. Community activities are threats to the existence of flora and fauna in the region. Agroforestry is a land use system by combining a variety of agricultural crops and forestry. The purpose of this study is to examine management of Seho Island with zoning approach and conduct management of multi-party collaboration. This study included a qualitative study, using the case study methodology. Selection of the sample (key informants) done intentionally (purposive sampling), by taking a sample of respondents by purposive sampling as many as 30 families. The results showed that managed Seho Island neighborhood zoning approach, namely 1. The core areas Seho Island nature reserve, 2. Buffer areas which is the area surrounding the core region (region Nature Reserve), which is generally found agroforestry plantation society, especially Plant cloves and Other forest plants, 3. Transition areas / Sustainable Development is an area outside the buffer zone on the public lands, beaches and coast, where the activity is intended for community economic development and regional economic development. In addition, the activities of multi-party collaboration is a necessity in the management of conservation areas Seho Island

    Función e identidad en los huertos urbanos de la CDMX

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    185 páginas. Maestría en Diseño.En la presente investigación se fijó como meta conocer las formas en que se desarrolla la agricultura urbana en la Ciudad de México, una actividad social emergente, en paralelo con las tradicionales formas de agricultura. Se argumenta que las experiencias vividas en los huertos urbanos dan cabida a la construcción de una identidad urbana con una forma particular de ser, hacer y estar en la ciudad que contribuye al desarrollo sustentable de la ciudad. Conocer las dinámicas y procesos de sus protagonistas: los huerteros, puede contribuir al conocimiento de las nuevas dinámicas urbanas. En este sentido, no se evalúa el potencial funcional urbanístico de los huertos, de acuerdo con los parámetros desarrollados por la literatura especializada, viéndolos como espacios multi-funcionales que catalizan procesos de construcción identitaria entre quienes participan en la agricultura urbana, desarrollando prácticas específicas de apropiación del espacio.Investigación realizada con el apoyo del Programa Nacional de Posgrados de Calidad del Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT)

    Metode Penyuluh Agama Islam dalam Meningkatkan Ukhuwah Islamiyah di Kelurahan Tompobalang Kecamatan Somba Opu Kabupaten Gowa

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    Hasil penelitian menunjukkan teknik yang dilakukan penyuluh agama Islam dalam meningkatkan Ukhuwah Islamiyah di Kelurahan Tompobalang Kecamatan Somba Opu Kabupaten Gowa yaitu mengintensifkan pelaksanaan dakwah, mengoptimalkan majelis taklim, mempererat tali silaturahim dan melakukan pendekatan individu. Adapun faktor penghambat penyuluh agama Islam dalam meningkatkan Ukhuwah Islamiyah di Kelurahan Tompobalang Kecamatan Somba Opu Kabupaten Gowa yaitu hambatan pekerjaan, sebagian masyarakat sulit menerima pendapat orang lain, dan kurangnya kesadaran masyarakat mengikuti majlis taklim