29 research outputs found

    Kajian Pemanfaatan Jenis Burung Air di Pantai Utara Indramayu, Jawa Barat

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    Studi pemanfaatan jenis burung air di pantai utara Indramayu, Jawa Barat dilakukan pada bulan Agustus-Oktober 2002. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan di lapang tercatat delapan jenis burung air, di mana dua jenis di antaranya merupakan jenis burung migran. Kegiatan menjaring burung merupakan pekerjaan sampingan dari penduduk desa sekitar pantai utara Indramayu, yang pada umumnya bekerja sebagai petani, untuk menambah pendapatan keluarga. Hampir semua masyarakat desa dari kelas usia produktif melakukan kegiatan tersebut dan menjualnya ke penampung. Setelah daging burung digoreng, siap dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat. Dua jenis burung air yang populer dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat adalah segrek (Gallirallus striatus) dan kuntul (Egretta intermedia). Perlu upaya pengendalian aktivitas masyarakat dalam memanfaatkan potensi jenis burung tersebut, agar pemanfaatan sumber daya fauna tersebut dapat berlangsung secara berkelanjutan

    Pengaruh Pengelolaan Hutan Produksi terhadap Keragaman Jenis Plasma Nutfah Perairan

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    Pengelolaan hutan produksi dengan model penebangan Reduced Impact Logging (RIL) membuat pembukaan tajuk seluas 13,3% yang relatif lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan penebangan konvensional (CNV) dengan pembukaan tajuk seluas 19,2%, memberikan pengaruh yang berbeda terhadap keanekaragaman hayati perairan. Ketersediaan nutrisi dan hara penting yang lebih baik di perairan kawasan RIL ditunjang oleh tingginya residu terlarut 95% dan rendahnya kecepatan aliran air sungai 50% dari perairan sekitar CNV. Kondisi fisik perairan yang demikian menunjukkan perbedaan nyata terhadap perbandingan nitrat dan fosfat (N/P rasio) di RIL dan CNV, yaitu 77,5 dan 51,3. Nilai ini menunjukkan kadar nitrat perairan yang tinggi, dan perairan berada dalam tipe oligotropic. Indeks keragaman jenis plankton di RIL 1,754 dan di CNV 1,682 dengan populasi masing-masing 12.916 individu/liter dan 7.222 individu/ liter. Jumlah plankton ini berkorelasi positif dengan N/P rasio (r = 0,9). Di perairan sekitar DAS areal penelitian terdapat 28 jenis ikan tergolong kedalam 20 genera dan 8 famili. Famili dominan adalah Cyprinidae 57,14%, Bagridae 17,14%, dan Anguillidae 7,14%. Sebagian besar ikan jenis endemik Kalimantan terdapat pula di kedua perairan RIL dan CNV, tetapi jenis yang mempunyai kerapatan dan frekuensi relatif tinggi ditemukan lebih banyak di perairan RIL

    Orphanage Welfare and Care Centre as Integration with Community

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    Islam glorifies the orphans and the evidence in the Qur'an was mentioned by 23 times with a word which refers to the orphans of poverty and destitution. This means, the orphans need care and defense of the community to enable them to live comfortably and perfectly the same as children who have a family or guardian. In Al-Quran and Hadith of the Holy Prophet clearly has insisted that tells us to do good to the orphans. Similarly, the majority of homes for orphans in the state, particularly in Mukim Batu, Gombak, mainly provides social services on a voluntary basis and not generates profits. Therefore, it is trying to give a good and comfortable life by giving protection to the poor orphans and the less fortunate. However, there are some home management orphans poor due to lack of assistance from the government, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and other assistance from individuals. Addition of complexity of the problem is that most of existing homes for orphans is not registered with the Social Welfare Department of Malaysia (JKMM) and indirectly complicate their getting help from the government. Therefore, the establishment of a Welfare and Care Centre Orphanage will try to meet all the requirements in terms of technical and legal aspects of building design. This will enable the center to register with the Social Welfare Department of Malaysia (JKMM) and indirectly to meet the needs and wants of the target group. Keywords: Orphans, Welfare and Care Center, Integration, Community

    Status Populasi Dan Kondisi Habitat Surili {Presbytis Comatd) Di Cagar Alam Situ Patengan, Jawa Barat*[the Population Status and Habitat Condition of Grizzled Leaf Monkey, Presbytis Comata in Situ Patengan Nature Reserve, West Java]

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    Population and habitat survey was conducted in June-July 2000, at Situ Patengan Nature reserve, which aimed to record the current population data and habitat conditions. We recorded seven groups of grizzled leaf monkey/surili occurred at nature reserve, with number of 3 individual were vary between 4-8 individual each group and population density of 17/km . Sex ratio of individuals were 1:1.86, with percentage of age structures consisted of 17.95% adult male, 33.33% adult female, 25.64% juvenile, 20.51% offspring and 2.56% infant. Vegetation analysis recorded 56 species of plants found in the reserve. Some of the species were dominance, i.e. pasang (Quercus sp.), kihiur {Castanopsis javanica) and puspa {Schima walichii). Since population survey were conducted by Ruhiyat (1983) with population 2 3 density of 35 individuals/km and Adriana (1995) with population density of 3.5 individuals/km , the population density of the monkeys shown trend of decreasing. The reserve, located adjacent with some plantation areas and production forest area of Perum Perhutani, isolated the forest. This condition predicted as a potential threat to the habitat and population of the monkeys. The monkey's population will be a doomed population in the future

    Pola Perilaku Pasangan Owa Jawa (Hylobates Moloch) Rehabilitan Dalam Kandang Perjodohan Di Pusat Rehabilitasi Primata Jawa (Javan Primates Rehabilitation Center) Patuha – Ciwidey Jawa Barat

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    Owa jawa atau Silvery gibbon merupakan primata endemik yang hanya ditemukan di pulau Jawa.Primata ini masuk dalam kategori terancam punah (PP No. 7 1999; IUCN 2009) yang mendapatkan prioritas pelestarian tinggi melalui program rehabilitasi dan pelepasliaran ke alam.Owa jawa merupakan hewan monogami atau hanya setia pada pasangannya saja. Dalam proses rehabilitasi penjodohan individu jantan dan betina Owa jawa merupakan persyaratan wajib dalam program pelepasliaran. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pola aktivitas serta perilaku harian individu owa jawa rehabilitan yang dipasangkan di Pusat Rehabilitasi Primata Jawa (PRPJ).Hasil dari penelitian ini diperoleh hasil yang menunjukan Secara umum kedua pasang Owa jawa rehabilitan di Pusat Rehabilitasi Primata Jawa mempunyai pola aktivitas harian dan perilaku yang sama. Pola aktivitas dan perilaku harian kelompok Owa jawa di Pusat Rehabilitasi berbeda dengan yang ada di habitat aslinya. Berdasarkan uji statistik, secara umum menunjukan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan nyata pada setiap aktivitas antara individu jantan dan betina pada kedua pasangan owa jawa rehabilitan, kecuali pada aktivitas sosial Pasangan B menunjukan bahwa adanya perbedaan nyata antara invidu jantan dan betina ini diduga dipengaruhi oleh lama waktu pemasangan

    Daily Activity of Proboscis Monkey (Nasalis larvatus Wurmb. 1878) in Disturbed and Degraded Habitat of Peat Swamp-Riparian Ecosystem of Rawa Gelam, at Tapin Regency, South Kalimantan-Indonesia

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    The daily activity of proboscis monkeys was studied on the degraded habitat of peat swamp ecosystem of Rawa Gelam, Tapin Regency, South Kalimantan Province. Data of daily activities were collected by followed the groups from early morning until late afternoon when the monkey went to the sleeping tree using the Scan sampling and Ad liebetum methods. The all of the groups observed has recorded almost have the same daily activities pattern, i.e. group 1 feeding 28.79%; moving 14.56%; resting 53,37% and social activity 3,28%. group 2 feeding 30.92%; moving 15.41%; resting 50.75% and social activity 2.91%. group 3 feeding 32.61%; moving 13.16%; resting 52.75% and soc[1]ial activity 1.47%, and group 4: feeding 32.08%; moving 13.97%, resting 51.64% and social activities 2.31%. Proboscis monkey eating leaves (89.4%), flowers (6.82%) and fruits (3.78%). The monkeys have different food preference when dry season and rainy season. Several times recorded proboscis monkey eating lotus flower. The monkeys used different height level when eating and resting. In dry season, the monkey mostly used 0-5 meters and used 5-10 meters in the rainy season. The lenght of daily range of proboscis monkey varies between 432 meters - 860 meters with an average length of 600.5 meters. Home range size of target groups of proboscis monkey were varied, which is group one 26 hectares, group two 32 hectares, groups three 21.25 hectares and group four 22.5 hectares. The daily activity of proboscis monkeys was studied on the degraded habitat of peat swamp ecosystem of Rawa Gelam, Tapin Regency, South Kalimantan Province. Data of daily activities were collected by followed the groups from early morning until late afternoon when the monkey went to the sleeping tree using the Scan sampling and Ad liebetum methods. The all of the groups observed has recorded almost have the same daily activities pattern, i.e. group 1 feeding 28.79%; moving 14.56%; resting 53,37% and social activity 3,28%. group 2 feeding 30.92%; moving 15.41%; resting 50.75% and social activity 2.91%. group 3 feeding 32.61%; moving 13.16%; resting 52.75% and soc[1]ial activity 1.47%, and group 4: feeding 32.08%; moving 13.97%, resting 51.64% and social activities 2.31%. Proboscis monkey eating leaves (89.4%), flowers (6.82%) and fruits (3.78%). The monkeys have different food preference when dry season and rainy season. Several times recorded proboscis monkey eating lotus flower. The monkeys used different height level when eating and resting. In dry season, the monkey mostly used 0-5 meters and used 5-10 meters in the rainy season. The lenght of daily range of proboscis monkey varies between 432 meters - 860 meters with an average length of 600.5 meters. Home range size of target groups of proboscis monkey were varied, which is group one 26 hectares, group two 32 hectares, groups three 21.25 hectares and group four 22.5 hectares. The daily activity of proboscis monkeys was studied on the degraded habitat of peat swamp ecosystem of Rawa Gelam, Tapin Regency, South Kalimantan Province. Data of daily activities were collected by followed the groups from early morning until late afternoon when the monkey went to the sleeping tree using the Scan sampling and Ad liebetum methods. The all of the groups observed has recorded almost have the same daily activities pattern, i.e. group 1 feeding 28.79%; moving 14.56%; resting 53,37% and social activity 3,28%. group 2 feeding 30.92%; moving 15.41%; resting 50.75% and social activity 2.91%. group 3 feeding 32.61%; moving 13.16%; resting 52.75% and soc[1]ial activity 1.47%, and group 4: feeding 32.08%; moving 13.97%, resting 51.64% and social activities 2.31%. Proboscis monkey eating leaves (89.4%), flowers (6.82%) and fruits (3.78%). The monkeys have different food preference when dry season and rainy season. Several times recorded proboscis monkey eating lotus flower. The monkeys used different height level when eating and resting. In dry season, the monkey mostly used 0-5 meters and used 5-10 meters in the rainy season. The lenght of daily range of proboscis monkey varies between 432 meters - 860 meters with an average length of 600.5 meters. Home range size of target groups of proboscis monkey were varied, which is group one 26 hectares, group two 32 hectares, groups three 21.25 hectares and group four 22.5 hectares

    Monthly rainfall prediction based on artificial neural networks with backpropagation and radial basis function

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    Two models of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) algorithm have been developed for monthly rainfall prediction, namely the Backpropagation Neural Network (BPNN) and Radial Basis Function Neural Network (RBFNN). A total data of 238 months (1994-2013) was used as the input data, in which 190 data were used as training data and 48 data used as testing data. Rainfall data has been tested using architecture BPNN with various learning rates. In addition, the rainfall data has been tested using the RBFNN architecture with maximum number of neurons K = 200, and various error goals. Statistical analysis has been conducted to calculate R, MSE, MBE, and MAE to verify the result. The study showed that RBFNN architecture with error goal of 0.001 gives the best result with a value of MSE = 0.00072 and R = 0.98 for the learning process, and MSE = 0.00092 and R = 0.86 for the testing process. Thus, the RBFNN can be set as the best model for monthly rainfall prediction


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    The objective of this research is to get Index of species diversity and habitat habitat characteristic in Garunggang Cave in July 2017.  The method used is the method of moving observation and time search. A total of 302 individuals consisting of 5 groups of taxa found in Cave of Garunggang (entrance 3). Species diversity in Cave of Garunggang in relatively medium condition (1 <H '<3) with value of diversity index (H') 1,9 based on variable of diversity type using Shannon-Wiener index. Based on its dominance there are 6 faunas that dominate, namely Hipposideros galeritus, Karstarma jacobsoni, Rhaphidophora Sp, Stygophrynus dammermani, Long leg spiders, and Small spiders. The fauna inside the Cave of Garunggang has a unique habitat such as on the floor, walls and roof of the cave. Cave Garunggang is a horizontal cave with a cave mouth circumference of about 3.7 meters and aisle length about 209 meters. This cave is karst cave (limestone). The diameter of the alley of the cave varies with underground rivers with stone and soil substrate and clear watery. The hallway inside the cave is branched off with several ornaments. In the rainy season the aisles become full of water and become a large underground river, evidenced by the presence of litter on the walls and roof of the cave that was carried by the water during the rainy season. The habitat characteristic of the exokarst Cave of Garunggang is known that the Cave of Garunggang has four zones within it, ie bright zone (cave mouth), transition zone, dark zone and total dark zone. At the bright zone (cave mouth) the temperature ranges from 31.8 ° C - 29.9 ° C, the humidity (Rh) ranges from 67.7% - 76.2% and the light intensity ranges from 475.3 - 848 Lux. At the temperature transition zone ranging from 30.4 ° C - 32.2 ° C, the humidity (Rh) ranges from 72.8% - 77.7%, the light intensity shows 0 Lux and the pH indicator shows the number 7 (normal water). In the dark zone the temperature ranges from 31.4 ° C - 30.4 ° C, the humidity (Rh) ranges from 77.1% - 79.1%, the light intensity shows 0 Lux and the pH indicator shows the number 6 (normal water). The final zone is a total dark zone with temperatures ranging from 30.1 ° C - 30.8 ° C, the humidity (Rh) ranges from 79.7% - 79.2%, the light intensity shows 0 Lux, and the pH indicator shows the number 6 (normal water)


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    Population and habitat survey was conducted in June-July 2000, at Situ Patengan Nature reserve, which aimed to record the current population data and habitat conditions. We recorded seven groups of grizzled leaf monkey/surili occurred at nature reserve, with number of 3 individual were vary between 4-8 individual each group and population density of 17/km . Sex ratio of individuals were 1:1.86, with percentage of age structures consisted of 17.95% adult male, 33.33% adult female, 25.64% juvenile, 20.51% offspring and 2.56% infant. Vegetation analysis recorded 56 species of plants found in the reserve. Some of the species were dominance, i.e. pasang (Quercus sp.), kihiur {Castanopsis javanica) and puspa {Schima walichii). Since population survey were conducted by Ruhiyat (1983) with population 2 3 density of 35 individuals/km and Adriana (1995) with population density of 3.5 individuals/km , the population density of the monkeys shown trend of decreasing. The reserve, located adjacent with some plantation areas and production forest area of Perum Perhutani, isolated the forest. This condition predicted as a potential threat to the habitat and population of the monkeys. The monkey's population will be a doomed population in the future


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    Owa jawa atau Silvery gibbon merupakan primata endemik yang hanya ditemukan di pulau Jawa.Primata ini masuk dalam kategori terancam punah (PP No. 7 1999; IUCN 2009) yang mendapatkan prioritas pelestarian tinggi melalui program rehabilitasi dan pelepasliaran ke alam.Owa jawa merupakan hewan monogami atau hanya setia pada pasangannya saja. Dalam proses rehabilitasi penjodohan individu jantan dan betina Owa jawa merupakan persyaratan wajib dalam program pelepasliaran. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pola aktivitas serta perilaku harian individu owa jawa rehabilitan yang dipasangkan di Pusat Rehabilitasi Primata Jawa (PRPJ).Hasil dari penelitian ini diperoleh hasil yang menunjukan Secara umum kedua pasang Owa jawa rehabilitan di Pusat Rehabilitasi Primata Jawa mempunyai pola aktivitas harian dan perilaku yang sama. Pola aktivitas dan perilaku harian kelompok Owa jawa di Pusat Rehabilitasi berbeda dengan yang ada di habitat aslinya. Berdasarkan uji statistik, secara umum menunjukan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan nyata pada setiap aktivitas antara individu jantan dan betina pada kedua pasangan owa jawa rehabilitan, kecuali pada aktivitas sosial Pasangan B menunjukan bahwa adanya perbedaan nyata antara invidu jantan dan betina ini diduga dipengaruhi oleh lama waktu pemasangan