15 research outputs found

    The amphibians and reptiles of Malinau Region, Bulungan Research Forest, East Kalimantan: annonated checklist with notes on the ecological presence of the species and local utilization

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    The amphibians and reptiles of CIFOR's field site in Malinau were investigated and observed followed by interviews with local people. A total of 97 species were noted, and 76 among them were confirmed. Malinau is an ecologically rich area for an exploited forest and researchers found less logging damage than previously believed. This study indicates that current logging activity has only minimal impact on frog diversity. Although their abundance is relatively low, the present study is unable to link this fact with logging activities because diversity levels are similar to those in undisturbed forests. All streams contain roughly the same species, indicating that the habitat itself is essentially homogenous. Knowledge of the habitat of amphibian species should be explored more deeply for future monitoring of logging activities. The local people used turtles, monitor lizards and phythons as food, but rarely eat frogs. Therefore the reasonfor the low number of large adults frogs of the genus Limmonextes is most probably the result of natural causes and not by human exploitation

    Kura-Kura dan Buaya Indonesia dan Papua Nugini

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    xix,189 hal,;ill,;21 c

    Laporan Ekspedisi Sumatra-Kalimantan: AQUATIC BIODIVERSITY OF SUNDALAND

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    Pada dasarnya keadaan hutan di luar kawasan konservasi Bengkulu sudah rusak parah sehingga keberagamannya dapat dikatakan sudah rendah. Penemuan Thaumatorhynchus brooksi, di daerah yang masih berhutan pada dasarnya hanya merupakan sisa hutan lembah sungai yang sulit untuk diganggu karena tebing yang terjal, tetapi ukuran luasnya yang terbatas diperkirakan tidak cukup untuk mempertahankan populasi bunglon bertanduk ini, Kami memperkirakan bahwa beberapa tahun sebelumnya bagian ini masih cukup luas, dan dalam beberapa tahun kedepan sudah tidak ada lagi. Penemuan Caudacaecilia paucidentula dan Ichthyophis sumatranus menunjukkan bahwa Taman Nasional Kerinci Seblat masih merupakan kawasan penting bagi keberlangsungan fauna endemik Bengkulu. Bukit Kaba perlu diperhitungkan untuk menjadi kawasan konservasi yang penting karena ada sejumlah jenis katak dan reptil endemik untuk daerah tersebut. Daerah logging di Tumbang Kaburai diperkirakan masih menampung keberagaman hewan akuatik yang cukup banyak. Selama pengamatan, jumlah jenis masih terus bertambah setiap hari sehingga kalau pengamatan terus dilakukan maka dalam beberapa hari diperkirakan jumlah yang diamati dapat melebihi 100 jenis amfibi dan reptil. Sedangkan ikan dan Crustacea yang diamati cukup beragam tetapi tidak dapat diidentifikasi di lapangan. enemuan Barbourula di luar daerah konservasi memberikan indikasi bahwa pada saat ini Taman Nasional Bukit Baka-Bukit Raya merupakan habitat yang sangat penting untuk elestarikan kodok air ini. Jenis ini hanya terdapat di kawasan TN BBBR (endemik lokal), sehingga fungsi TN ini menjadi sangat penting. Secara umum telah diamati sebanyak 136 jenis amfibi dan reptil dari ekspedisi ini, 62 jenis dari Sumatra dan 96 jenis dari Kalimantan serta sejumlah ikan udang dan kepiting. Karena kami membatasi koleksi, maka tidak semua jenis dikumpulkan, dan jumlah rata-rata per jenis yang dikoleksi pada dasarnya tidak mencapai 10 ekor, kecuali untuk jenis yang masih diragukan identitasnya

    Conservation status of the only Lungless Frog <i>Barbourula kalimantanensis</i> Iskandar, 1978 (Amphibia: Anura: Bombinatoridae)

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    In response to the recent rediscovery of Barbourula kalimantanensis, which is currently the only known lungless frog, a number of biologically important aspects of the species were examined and its taxonomy and conservation status was reviewed. Based on the species’ ecological requirements, habitat restrictions and recent severe habitat loss, we propose to change the conservation status of Endangered B2ab(iii) to Vulnerable B1ab(iii) and earmark the species as a conservation flagship for the region and for Indonesia

    Genetic Divergence and Evolutionary Relationship in Fejervarya cancrivora from Indonesia and Other Asian Countries Inferred from Allozyme and MtDNA Sequence Analyses

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    To elucidate genetic divergence and evolutionary relationship in Fejervarya cancrivora from Indonesia and other Asian countries, allozyme and molecular analyses were carried out using 131 frogs collected from 24 populations in Indonesia, Thailand, Bangladesh, Malaysia, and the Philippines. In the allozymic survey, seventeen enzymatic loci were examined for 92 frogs from eight representative localities. The results showed that F. cancrivora is subdivided into two main groups, the mangrove type and the large- plus Pelabuhan ratu types. The average Nel's genetic distance between the two groups was 0.535. Molecular phylogenetic trees based on nucleotide sequences of the 16S rRNA and Cyt b genes and constructed with the ML, MP, NJ, and BI methods also showed that the individuals of F. cancrivora analyzed comprised two clades, the mangrove type and the large plus Pelabuhan ratu / Sulawesi types, the latter further split into two subclades, the large type and the Pelabuhan ratu / Sulawesi type. The geographical distribution of individuals of the three F. cancrivora types was examined. Ten Individuals from Bangladesh, Thailand, and the Philippines represented the mangrove type; 34 Individuals from Malaysia and Indonesia represented the large type; and 11 individuals from Indonesia represented the Pelabuhan ratu / Sulawesi type. Average sequence divergences among the three types were 5.78–10.22% for the 16S and 12.88–16.38% for Cyt b. Our results suggest that each of the three types can be regarded as a distinct species