32 research outputs found

    Emergenza e marginalità: la nostra barbàrie. Responsabilità edcucative

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    The theme of marginality - understood as an existential condition of substantial alienation and exclusion of people from the social, cultural, political and productive processess of so-called organized societies - is becoming more prominent in the contemporary pedagogical debate. Particular attention should be paid to the risk of disseminating a widespread culture of marginality in emergency and post-emergency situations, by their very nature subject to phenomena of brutal acculturization and massive deculturization

    Il superamento degli ostacoli all’apprendimento e alla partecipazione. Recenti acquisizioni sulla didattica inclusiva e sulla formazione dell’insegnante di sostegno come azione di sistema: evidenze

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    The present work can be included in the debate about the education sustainability and its aim is to make a contribution to the reflection on the inclusive teachers’ training starting from the outcomes of a survey carried on during the III Cycle of the annual Course of ‘Specialization for teaching support to students with disabilities’ of the University Aquila. These outcomes were also analyzed with reference to the results of another survey driven, adopting the same methodology, in the previous edition (II Cycle) of the above mentioned course. The objective was to investigate (through a pre post course participation detection) the development of international inclusive teaching attitudes with the course attendees. Development common to both the training experiences examined.Il presente lavoro si inserisce nel dibattito sull’educazione alla sostenibilità e vuole fornire un contributo alla riflessione critica in tema di formazione dell’insegnante inclusivo. Ciò a partire dagli esiti di una indagine, terminata nel 2018, condotta nell’ambito del III Ciclo del Corso annuale di ‘Specializzazione per il sostegno didattico agli alunni con disabilità’ promosso dall’Università dell’Aquila. Tali esiti sono stati discussi anche in riferimento ai risultati di un’altra indagine realizzata – con lo stesso impianto metodologico ma su un diverso campione – durante la precedente edizione (II Ciclo) del Corso sopra menzionato. L’obiettivo del presente lavoro è quello di indagare (tramite una rilevazione pre e post partecipazione al Corso) lo sviluppo nei corsisti di atteggiamenti didattici che la ricerca internazionale definisce inclusivi. Atteggiamenti ad esito eventualmente di entrambe le esperienze di formazione prese in esame

    Liquid book and Special Educational Needs

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    I ricercatori che studiano le strategie di apprendimento e le metodologie di insegnamento più efficaci hanno dimostrato che un approccio multimediale alla scrittura e alla lettura è utile per aumentare queste abilità in alunni con Bisogni Educativi Speciali (BES). Il gruppo di studio per l’educazione speciale dell’Università degli Studi dell’Aquila e la casa editrice Anicia di Roma, al fine di sviluppare un metodo di studio e di insegnamento, hanno progettato l’applicazione multimediale “Libro liquido”. Essa risponde alle esigenze di apprendimento degli studenti realizzando una didattica inclusiva

    Tecnologie per l’inclusione. La formazione dell’insegnante di sostegno: un’indagine nelle scuole della Regione Abruzzo alla luce della pandemia Covid-19

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has, directly and indirectly, had a strong impact on education, on all school grades as well as on the university. For example, students, institutions, teachers and families had to respond un-predictably to the transition from a face-to-face teaching to a remote teaching (Distance Teaching and Integrated Digital Teaching). Need to create learning environments, as per their projection (in terms of accessibility) the teachers were not yet prepared. The present survey involved 116 support teachers, but without specialization, in schools of any orders and degrees in the Abruzzo Region. The aim was to indi-cate, through the testimony of teachers, how schools and teachers themselves have 'reacted' to the pandemic emergency in terms of management organization, inclusive teaching planning, teachers training. We also try to identify what skills in distance learning, these latter possessed. We wanted to solicit a systematic reflection on the DaD design aimed at students with BES, at promoting inclusive processes in the direction of certain accessibility to distance or blended teaching, and incoming training, aimed at support teachers that allows them to optimize learning processes in an online environment. This contaminates the 'computer' dimension of teaching with the cooperative pedagogical one.La pandemia COVID-19 ha avuto un forte impatto sull'istruzione, in tutti i gradi scolastici, e sull’università, in modo diretto e indiretto. Gli studenti, le istituzioni, gli insegnanti e le famiglie hanno dovuto rispondere, inaspettatamente, al passaggio dalla didattica in presenza all'insegnamento in remoto (Didattica Digitale a Distanza, DaD e Didattica Digitale Integrata, DiD) con la necessità di creare degli ambienti d’apprendimento alla cui progettazione, in termini di accessibilità, i docenti non sempre erano preparati. La presente indagine ha coinvolto 116 docenti in servizio sul sostegno, ma senza specializzazione, nelle scuole di ogni ordine e grado, della Regione Abruzzo. Il fine è stato quello di indicare, attraverso la testimonianza dei docenti, come le scuole e i docenti stessi hanno ‘reagito’ all’emergenza pandemica in termini di organizzazione gestionale, di progettazione didattica inclusiva, di formazione dei docenti in servizio. Si è cercato anche di individuare quali competenze questi ultimi possedessero nella didattica a distanza. Si è voluta sollecitare una riflessione sistematica sulla progettazione DaD rivolta agli studenti con BES, finalizzata alla promozione di processi inclusivi nella direzione di un’accessibilità certa ad una didattica a distanza o blended, sulla necessità di una formazione in servizio e in ingresso, rivolta ai docenti di sostegno che consenta loro di ottimizzare i processi di apprendimento in ambiente on line. Ciò contaminando la dimensione ‘informatica’ della didattica con quella pedagogico cooperativa

    Lo screening dei prerequisiti dell’apprendimento e il loro potenziamento. Un’indagine nella scuola dell’infanzia nell’ottica della didattica inclusiva

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    At pre – school level, screening of the prerequisites for learning, reading, writing and computing,as well as their strengthening is an instruments for primary and secondary prevention for literacyproblems. The aim of this work is verifying the outcomes arising from didactic reinforcement, followingto a screening action focused on prevention and pre – schooling. Case studies as realized– a class composed of 12 children, 3 of which with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND),attending the last year of a kindergarten in L’Aquila – points out the positive results deriving fromeducational enhancement, in terms of effective learning. IPDA ‘Early detection process of learningdisease’ is the Questionnaire utilized for screening and retesting (Terreni, Tretti, Corcella, Tressoldi,2011)

    “Il lato oscuro della valutazione”: La percezione della valutazione e dell’assessment in un contesto universitario

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    The aim of this contribution is to focus on the reasons for the rejection of evaluation practices in the field of higher education and to understand how this refusal is connected to the “mechanism of unveiling of the educational system” that the evaluation implements. It attempts to provide an interpretative framework regarding the perception of students (but also university professors) of evaluation practices adopted in the university context, proposing to give an explanation that, although provisional, can contribute to the understanding of the refusal that usually accompanies the evaluation, which becomes not only the spy of a malaise but also that of a malfunctioning of teaching.This perception is an intervening factor, often neglected, but important if we want to fully understand the “how, when and why” the learning and the meaning of teaching are realized,and if we want to reveal the reasoning behind the educational action system with which it is possible to clarify the logics that guide the management of the interventions by the teachers.L’obiettivo di questo contributo è quello di mettere a fuoco le ragioni legate al rifiuto delle pratiche valutative nel campo dell’istruzione superiore e di capire come tale rifiuto sia connesso al “meccanismo di svelamento del sistema didattico” che la valutazione mette in atto.Esso tenta di fornire un quadro interpretativo riguardante la percezione degli studenti (ma anche dei docenti universitari) delle pratiche di valutazione adottate in contesto universitario,proponendosi di dare una spiegazione che, seppur provvisoria, possa offrire un contributo alla comprensione del rifiuto che generalmente accompagna la valutazione, il quale diventa non solo la spia di un malessere ma anche quella di un cattivo funzionamento dell’insegnamento. Tale percezione è un fattore interveniente, spesso trascurato, ma importante se si vuolecomprendere appieno “il come, il quando e il perché” si realizzi l’apprendimento e il senso dell’insegnamento, nonché se si desideri svelare ragionamenti che stanno alla base del sistema d’azione didattico con i quali è possibile chiarire le logiche che guidano la gestione degli interventi da parte dei docenti

    Sessualità e disabilità. Una esperienza di formazione-ricerca intorno alla figura e alla funzione dell’Assistente sessuale

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    In this paper the authors – on the basis of a series of reflections concerning the theme of the sexuality-disability union – problematize some important issues that have to do with the role of thebody, desire and pleasure in today’s society, dominated by the neoliberal system. They focus attentionon the controversial (or perhaps little discussed in Italy) figure of the Sexual Assistant forpeople with different impairment. Starting from some suggestions deriving also from cinema andliterature, they also present the results of a training-research experience developed in the field ofPedagogy and Special Education at the Roma Tre University, which involved 200 students of theDegree Course in Sciences of Primary Education

    Disabilità e sessualità. La voce degli insegnanti sull’assistenza sessuale

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    In the present work the authors analyze and discuss the results of a survey aimed at detectingthe perceptions and opinions of a group of 231 teachers, regarding the theme of the union ofsexuality-disability and the introduction of the figure of the Sexual Assistant. The authors makea comparison (which does not want to have the character of an experimental statistical comparisonin the strict sense) between the issues that emerged and the results of a previous trainingresearchexperience. This latter involved a group of 200 students of the course of PrimaryEducation Sciences at “Roma Tre University”. The comparison highlights interesting aspects (suchas, for example, the right of everyone to have a sexual life, the support that the Sexual Assistantcould provide to families and the school itself or the still strong presence of prejudices andmedicalizing practices) around a theme (that of the sexuality of people with disabilities) whichstill must be problematized in the research of educational sciences. In this sense, the authors(convinced that the issue, even in its periphery, burst into the mainstream flow of socialdiscourses and requires listening, questioning and requesting answers) say they want to furtherexpand their investigation by involving people with disabilities, their families and other referencefigures (educators and social workers)

    Education 4.0 in higher education and computer science: A systematic review

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    Education 4.0 is a recently introduced concept focused on innovation, novelty, use of technology and connections with employment and industry. In particular, in engineering disciplines like computer science (CS) it is essential that educators keep up to date with industry developments. Indeed, how CS educators effectively design and implement innovative teaching and learning deserves more systematic attention. This study aims to catalogue and synthesise learning design approaches to teaching and learning within CS: (1) Which innovative pedagogic approaches are used in teaching of CS? (2) Which approaches align with Education 4.0? (3) What skills and competences do educators require to align CS teaching with Education 4.0? Our systematic literature review (SLR) included CS papers published between 2016 and 2020. Two hundred and thirty one studies were identified of which 66 were included in the final phase, which were coded by a multidisciplinary team. The findings indicated that many CS educators included Education 4.0 learning design elements. We found a clear distinctive three cluster solution: (1) EDU4 light, (2) project based/hands on learning and (3) full EDU4 (refer to Reference [7] conceptualisation, while Education 4.0 refers to our own definition [Reference 71]. These findings suggest three broad flavours when designing innovative CS practices, which might help educators align their practice

    The polymorphism L412F in TLR3 inhibits autophagy and is a marker of severe COVID-19 in males

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    The polymorphism L412F in TLR3 has been associated with several infectious diseases. However, the mechanism underlying this association is still unexplored. Here, we show that the L412F polymorphism in TLR3 is a marker of severity in COVID-19. This association increases in the sub-cohort of males. Impaired macroautophagy/autophagy and reduced TNF/TNFα production was demonstrated in HEK293 cells transfected with TLR3L412F-encoding plasmid and stimulated with specific agonist poly(I:C). A statistically significant reduced survival at 28 days was shown in L412F COVID-19 patients treated with the autophagy-inhibitor hydroxychloroquine (p = 0.038). An increased frequency of autoimmune disorders such as co-morbidity was found in L412F COVID-19 males with specific class II HLA haplotypes prone to autoantigen presentation. Our analyses indicate that L412F polymorphism makes males at risk of severe COVID-19 and provides a rationale for reinterpreting clinical trials considering autophagy pathways.publishedVersio