616 research outputs found
Relationship Between the Reaction Time and EEG Parameters During Judgments on the Correspondence of Delayed or Simultaneously Presented Images of Two Models
This study examined how judging whether the poses of two figures are the same in tasks
with delayed and simultaneous image presentation affects the participants’ reaction times and
electroencephalograms (EEGs). Eighteen university students performed a delayed task, in
which an image of a doll was first presented for 3 sec followed by a second image of the doll,
and a simultaneous task, in which images of two dolls were presented on the left and right
sides of the monitor at the same time. The dolls were shown from the front and rear angles.
The participants were instructed to judge whether the images were the same as accurately and
quickly as possible, and the reaction times were recorded. EEG signals were recorded from
Fp1, Fp2, F3, F4, C3, C4, P3, and P4. The reaction times in the delayed task were found to be
shorter those in the simultaneous task, and that these times for the 0° condition were shorter
than for the 180° condition. The amplitudes of EEG responses at Fp1 and Fp2 were larger
than those at other electrodes, and that responses in the right hemisphere during the 180°
condition and the delayed task within the α1 frequency band were smaller than the responses
at other electrodes. These results indicate that cerebral activity in the frontal region of the
right hemisphere is associated with the judgment of correspondence or non-correspondence
in spatial compatibility tasks.Ми досліджували, яким чином вирішення питання про
ідентичність/неідентичність поз тест-фігур, зображення
яких представлялись одночасно або з часовою затримкою,
впливає на латентний період реакції тестованого суб’єкта
та параметри ЕЕГ. 18 студентам університету пропонували «затримане» тест-завдання, в якому тест-об’єкт (зображення антропоморфної фігури, ляльки) пред’являвся на 3 с,
після чого із затримкою пред’являлося друге зображення,
або «одночасне» завдання, в якому два зображення ляльок
пред’являлись одночасно на двох половинах екрану монітора. Тест-зображення ляльок показувалося спереду або ззаду (кути 0 або 180 град). Тестованим пропонувалося максимально точно та швидко вирішити, чи ідентичні дані
зображення; при цьому вимірювали час реакції. Сигнали
ЕЕГ відводили від локусів Fp1, Fp2, F3, F4, C3, C4, P3 та
P4. Виявилося, що час реакції при реалізації «затриманого» завдання був коротшим, ніж такий для «одночасного»
завдання, і що цей показник для умови 0 град був меншим,
ніж відповідне значення для умови 180 град. Амплітуди ЕЕГ
у відведеннях Fp1 і Fp2 були вищими, ніж такі в інших відведеннях. ЕЕГ-відповіді в альфа1-субдіапазоні в правій півкулі в «затриманому» тесті для умови 180 град були меншими, ніж аналогічні відповіді в інших відведеннях. Подібні
результати вказують на те, що активність у фронтальній
зоні правої півкулі асоційована з прийняттям рішення щодо
відповідності або невідповідності зображень у завданнях,
пов’язаних із встановленням просторового збігу
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Attitudes toward depression among Japanese non-psychiatric medical doctors: A cross-sectional study
Background: Under-recognition of depression is common in many countries. Education of medical staff, focusing on their attitudes towards depression, may be necessary to change their behavior and enhance recognition of depression. Several studies have previously reported on attitudes toward depression among general physicians. However, little is known about attitudes of non-psychiatric doctors in Japan. In the present study, we surveyed nonpsychiatric doctors’ attitude toward depression.
Methods: The inclusion criteria of participants in the present study were as follows: 1) Japanese non-psychiatric doctors and 2) attendees in educational opportunities regarding depression care. We conveniently approached two populations: 1) a workshop to depression care for non-psychiatric doctors and 2) a general physician-psychiatrist (GP)network group. We contacted 367 subjects. Attitudes toward depression were measured using the Depression Attitude Questionnaire (DAQ), a 20-item self-report questionnaire developed for general physicians. We report scores of each DAQ item and factors derived from exploratory factor analysis.
Results: We received responses from 230 subjects, and we used DAQ data from 187 non-psychiatric doctors who met the inclusion criteria. All non-psychiatric doctors (n = 187) disagreed with "I feel comfortable in dealing with depressed patients' needs," while 60 % (n = 112) agreed with "Working with depressed patients is heavy going." Factor analysis indicated these items comprised a factor termed "Depression should be treated by psychiatrists" - to which 54 % of doctors (n = 101) agreed. Meanwhile, 67 % of doctors (n = 126) thought that nurses could be useful in depressed patient support. The three factors derived from the Japanese DAQ differed from models previously derived from British GP samples. The attitude of Japanese non-psychiatric doctors concerning whether depression should be treated by psychiatrists was markedly different to that of British GPs.
Conclusions: Japanese non-psychiatric doctors believe that depression care is beyond the scope of their duties. It is suggested that educational programs or guidelines for depression care developed in other countries such as the UK are not directly adaptable for Japanese non-psychiatric doctors. Developing a focused educational program that motivates non-psychiatric doctors to play a role in depression care is necessary to enhance recognition and treatment of depression in Japan
Hepatoid carcinoma colliding with a liposarcoma of the left colon serosa presenting as an abdominal mass
BACKGROUND: Hepatoid adenocarcinoma (HAC) is a peculiar type of extrahepatic adenocarcinoma generally characterized by adenocarcinomatous and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)-like foci. Stomach is the most frequent site where hepatoid adenocarcinoma occurs, although it has been described in many other organs. On the other side, liposarcoma is a rare, malignant tumor that develops from fat cells. CASE PRESENTATION: We describe here a case of hepatoid carcinoma in collision with a liposarcoma of the left colon serosa in a 71-year-old man. It presented as an abdominal mass involving several organs, falsely mimicking metastatic colonic adenocarcinoma. Recognition of this entity was evident on microscopic evaluation following surgery. The patient had an objective response following liposomal antracycline chemotherapy, with a 3-year overall survival. CONCLUSION: To our knowledge, this is the first case of a hepatoid tumor colliding with a liposarcoma of the left colon serosa reported to date
Clinicopathologic characteristics and treatment outcomes of hepatoid adenocarcinoma of the stomach, a rare but unique subtype of gastric cancer
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Gastric hepatoid adenocarcinoma (HAC) is a special type of gastric cancer that morphologically mimics hepatocellular carcinoma. In this study, we performed an evaluation of clinicopathologic characteristics, treatment outcome, and prognosis in patients with gastric HAC.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We consecutively enrolled patients with pathologically proven gastric HAC at Seoul National University Hospital between January 1996 and December 2008 and conducted a retrospective review. Among 15,253 patients with gastric cancer, 26 patients (0.17%) were diagnosed as gastric HAC.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Among 26 patients, 22 were male and the median age was 63. Stage at diagnosis was stage IB in 3 patients, stage II in 6 patients, stage III in 7 patients, and stage IV in 10 patients. Eight patients out of 18 patients with stage IB, II, III, and IV relapsed after curative surgery. Relapse-free survival for these patients was 16.67 months. The most common metastatic site was intraabdominal lymph nodes (n = 9), followed by the liver (n = 8). Thirteen patients received palliative chemotherapy. The most commonly used regimen was a combination of fluoropyrimidine and platinum. Partial response was observed in one patient and stable disease in 5 patients. Median overall survival and progression free survival of these patients were 8.03 (95% CI: 6.59-9.47) and 3.47 months (95% CI: 0.65-6.29), respectively.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Gastric HAC is a very rare but unique type of stomach cancer. Early detection of this type of cancer is of critical importance to patient prognosis. Additional studies to reveal the biology of this tumor are warranted.</p
The Administration of Xultophy for Diabetic Patients on Hemodialysis
Background: Recent diabetic treatments include Insulin Degludec/ liraglutide (IDeg/Lira, Xultophy) in clinical practice. Authors have continued clinical research concerning diabetes, chronic renal failure, dialysis, and others.
Subjects and Methods: Ten patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) undergoing hemodialysis were investigated. They showed that ages 74.5 ± 5.9 years, M/F=6/4, BMI 21.1± 3.8kg/m2, hemodialysis duration 8.1 ± 5.7 years. At the beginning, fundamental data were Cre 8.2 ± 1.9 mg/dL, HbA1c 6.5 ± 0.8%. Xultophy was started on 5-12 doses and continued for 6 months with the same or 1-4 increased doses for better glycemic variability.
Results: Out of 10 subjects, the changes in HbA1c showed a decrease in 7, stable in 2, and an increase in 1. HbA1c value was 6.2 ± 0.8% in average at 6 months. There were no remarkable adverse effects by Xultophy for 6 months.
Discussion and Conclusion: Xultophy was started at 5-12 doses, which were remarkably lower doses than usual doses with satisfactory efficacy. One of the reasons may be from the characteristic of the patients, who were diabetic with undergoing hemodialysis. Another factor is possibly from liraglutide, which has hepatic clearance with potential vascular protective effects. These results are expected to become reference data for future research
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