195 research outputs found

    Magnetic Field-Induced Superconductor-Insulator-Metal Transition in an Organic Conductor: An Infrared Magneto-Optical Imaging Spectroscopy

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    The magnetic field-induced superconductor-insulator-metal transition (SIMT) in partially deuterated κ\kappa-(BEDT-TTF)2_2Cu[N(CN)2_2]Br, which is just on the Mott boundary, has been observed using the infrared magneto-optical imaging spectroscopy. The infrared reflectivity image on the sample surface revealed that the metallic (or superconducting) and insulating phases coexist and they have different magnetic field dependences. One of the magnetic field dependence is SIMT that appeared on part of the sample surface. The SIMT was concluded to originate from the balance of the inhomogenity in the sample itself and the disorder of the ethylene end groups resulting from fast cooling.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    International Conditions for Domestic Peace

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    領域主権国家間の合意に基づいて組織的暴力を抑制する枠組みに対して,冷戦の終結は何をもたらしだのだろうか.言い換えれば,境界の内側における国家による暴力の独占(の相互承認)と境界を越える暴力の抑制に特色づけられる分権的領域秩序は,冷戦の終結によってなぜ揺らいだのか.そして,どうすればその安定を維持できるだろうか.本稿の主たる目的は,冷戦対立の終結に伴う社会主義連邦の解体や,冷戦戦略としての対途上国援助政策の変更が,境界の内側におけるローカルな勢力分布に生み出した変化に着目しつつ,ゲーム理論を用いて,二勢力間の政治的な対立が武力紛争(内戦)へとエスカレートする論理を明らかにすることにある.特に,多数派による「要求の自制」のコミットメントを少数派が信頼できないために,少数派が「弱者の予防戦争」に訴える誘因を持つことに焦点をあてる.多数派による要求の自制のコミットメントに信頼性を与えるには,要求の増大を相殺するような政治的メカニズムが必要である.ここでは,国内における拒否権の制度化,そしてそれを機能的に代替する国際社会による「条件つき介入」がどのような紛争抑制効果を持つのかを分析する.What was the impact of the end of the Cold War on the international order in which territorial sovereign states had managed to mitigate organized violence among them ? In particular, why did the end of the Cold War undermine the decentralized territorial order, characterized by its twin principles : the monopoly of the legitimate use of force by the state within its border and its restraint across the border? And what efforts, domestic or international, could maintain its stability ? The game theoretical models of this article aim at clarifying the political logic in which the minority group chooses a preventive civil war when the majority cannot credibly commit itself not to increase its demand on it in the future

    Naïve rat umbilical cord matrix stem cells significantly attenuate mammary tumor growth through modulation of endogenous immune responses

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    Background: Un-engineered human and rat umbilical cord matrix stem cells (rUCMSC) attenuate growth of several types of tumors in mice and rats. However, the mechanism by which UCMSC attenuate tumor growth has not been studied rigorously. Methods- The possible mechanisms of tumor growth attenuation by rUCMSC were studied using orthotopic Mat B III rat mammary tumor grafts in female F344 rats. Tumor-infiltrating leukocytes were identified and quantified by immunohistochemical image analysis. Potential cytokines involved in lymphocyte infiltration in the tumors were determined by microarray and Western blot analysis. The Boyden chamber migration assay was performed for the functional analysis of identified cytokines. Results: rUCMSC markedly attenuated the tumor growth; this attenuation was accompanied by considerable lymphocyte infiltration. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that the majority of infiltrating lymphocytes in the rUCMSC-treated tumors were CD3+ T cells. In addition, treatment with rUCMSC significantly increased infiltration of CD 8+ and CD4+ T cells and NK cells throughout tumor tissue. CD68+ monocytes/macrophages and FoxP3+ regulatory T cells were scarcely observed, only in the tumors of the PBS control group. Microarray analysis of rUCMSC identified that monocyte chemotactic protein (MCP)-1 is involved in rUCMSCinduced lymphocyte infiltration in the tumor tissues. Discussion: These results suggest that naïve rUCMSC attenuated mammary tumor growth at least in part by enhancing host anti-tumor immune responses. Thus, naïve UCMSC can be used as powerful therapeutic cells for breast cancer treatment, and MCP-1 may be a key molecule to enhance the effect of UCMSC at the tumor site

    Intervention with a humanoid robot avatar for individuals with social anxiety disorders comorbid with autism spectrum disorders

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    For some individuals with social anxiety disorders (SAD) comorbid with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), it is difficult to speak in front of others. Herein, we report the case of a patient with SAD comorbid with ASD who could not speak in front of others until she used a humanoid robot as her avatar. During the intervention, her personality changed from shy to outgoing, which is explained by the Proteus effect. These case findings suggest that interventions with a robot avatar might improve the motivation for individuals with SAD comorbid with ASD who cannot speak in front of others to communicate