3,291 research outputs found

    The initial value problem for linearized gravitational perturbations of the Schwarzschild naked singularity

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    The coupled equations for the scalar modes of the linearized Einstein equations around Schwarzschild's spacetime were reduced by Zerilli to a 1+1 wave equation with a potential VV, on a field Ψz\Psi_z. For smooth metric perturbations Ψz\Psi_z is singular at rs=−6M/(ℓ−1)(ℓ+2)r_s=-6M/(\ell-1)(\ell+2), ℓ\ell the mode harmonic number, and VV has a second order pole at rsr_s. This is irrelevant to the black hole exterior stability problem, where r>2M>0r>2M>0, and rs<0r_s <0, but it introduces a non trivial problem in the naked singular case where M0M0, and the singularity appears in the relevant range of rr. We solve this problem by developing a new approach to the evolution of the even mode, based on a {\em new gauge invariant function}, Ψ^\hat \Psi -related to Ψz\Psi_z by an intertwiner operator- that is a regular function of the metric perturbation {\em for any value of MM}. This allows to address the issue of evolution of gravitational perturbations in this non globally hyperbolic background, and to complete the proof of the linear instability of the Schwarzschild naked singularity, by showing that a previously found unstable mode is excitable by generic initial data. This is further illustrated by numerically solving the linearized equations for suitably chosen initial data.Comment: typos corrected, references adde

    Naked Singularity and Thunderbolt

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    We consider quantum theoretical effects of the sudden change of the boundary conditions which mimics the occurrence of naked singularities. For a simple demonstration, we study a massless scalar field in (1+1)(1 + 1)-dimensional Minkowski spacetime with finite spatial interval. We calculate the vacuum expectation value of the energy-momentum tensor and explicitly show that singular wave or {\em thunderbolt} appears along the Cauchy horizon. The thunderbolt possibly destroys the Cauchy horizon if its backreaction on the geometry is taken into account, leading to quantum restoration of the global hyperbolicity. The result of the present work may also apply to the situation that a closed string freely oscillating is traveling to a brane and changes itself to an open string pinned-down by the ends satisfying the Dirichlet boundary conditions on the brane.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, references added, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Dynamics in Stationary, Non-Globally Hyperbolic Spacetimes

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    Classically, the dynamics in a non-globally hyperbolic spacetime is ill posed. Previously, a prescription was given for defining dynamics in static spacetimes in terms of a second order operator acting on a Hilbert space defined on static slices. The present work extends this result by giving a similar prescription for defining dynamics in stationary spacetimes obeying certain mild assumptions. The prescription is defined in terms of a first order operator acting on a different Hilbert space from the one used in the static prescription. It preserves the important properties of the earlier one: the formal solution agrees with the Cauchy evolution within the domain of dependence, and smooth data of compact support always give rise to smooth solutions. In the static case, the first order formalism agrees with second order formalism (using specifically the Friedrichs extension). Applications to field quantization are also discussed.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figure, AMSLaTeX; v2: expanded discussion of field quantization, new Proposition 3.1, revised Theorem 4.2, corrected typos, and updated reference

    Black-Hole Bombs and Photon-Mass Bounds

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    Generic extensions of the standard model predict the existence of ultralight bosonic degrees of freedom. Several ongoing experiments are aimed at detecting these particles or constraining their mass range. Here we show that massive vector fields around rotating black holes can give rise to a strong superradiant instability which extracts angular momentum from the hole. The observation of supermassive spinning black holes imposes limits on this mechanism. We show that current supermassive black hole spin estimates provide the tightest upper limits on the mass of the photon (mv<4x10^{-20} eV according to our most conservative estimate), and that spin measurements for the largest known supermassive black holes could further lower this bound to mv<10^{-22} eV. Our analysis relies on a novel framework to study perturbations of rotating Kerr black holes in the slow-rotation regime, that we developed up to second order in rotation, and that can be extended to other spacetime metrics and other theories.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures. References added. Matches published versio

    Phase transitions and iron-ordered moment form factor in LaFeAsO

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    Elastic neutron scattering studies of an optimized LaFeAsO single crystal reveal that upon cooling, an onset of the tetragonal (T)-to-orthorhombic (O) structural transition occurs at TS≈156T_\texttt{S} \approx 156 K, and it exhibits a sharp transition at TP≈148T_\texttt{P} \approx 148 K. We argue that in the temperature range TST_\texttt{S} to TPT_\texttt{P}, T and O structures may dynamically coexist possibly due to nematic spin correlations recently proposed for the iron pnictides, and we attribute TPT_\texttt{P} to the formation of long-range O domains from the finite local precursors. The antiferromagnetic structure emerges at TN≈140T_\texttt{N} \approx 140 K, with the iron moment direction along the O \emph{a} axis. We extract the iron magnetic form factor and use the tabulated ⟨j0⟩\langle j_0\rangle of Fe, Fe2+^{2+} and Fe3+^{3+} to obtain a magnetic moment size of ∼\sim0.8 μB\mu_\texttt{B} at 9.5 K.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, 3 table

    D-branes in the WZW model

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    It is stated in the literature that D-branes in the WZW-model associated with the gluing condition J = - \bar{J} along the boundary correspond to branes filling out the whole group volume. We show instead that the end-points of open strings are rather bound to stay on `integer' conjugacy classes. In the case of SU(2) level k WZW model we obtain k-1 two dimensional Euclidean D-branes and two D particles sitting at the points e and -e.Comment: 2 pages, LaTe

    Spacetime Fermions in Light-cone Gauge Superstring Field Theory and Dimensional Regularization

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    We consider the dimensional regularization of the light-cone gauge type II superstring field theories in the NSR formalism. In the previous work, we have calculated the tree-level amplitudes with external lines in the (NS,NS) sector using the regularization and shown that the desired results are obtained without introducing contact term interactions. In this work, we study the tree-level amplitudes with external lines in the Ramond sector. In order to deal with them, we propose a worldsheet theory to be used instead of that for the naive dimensional regularization. With the worldsheet theory, we regularize and define the tree-level amplitudes by analytic continuation. We show that the results coincide with those of the first quantized formulation.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figures; v2: more details of our manipulations in subsection 3.2 added, figures and references added; v3: clarifications adde

    Two-dimensional cellular automaton model of traffic flow with open boundaries

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    A two-dimensional cellular automaton model of traffic flow with open boundaries are investigated by computer simulations. The outflow of cars from the system and the average velocity are investigated. The time sequences of the outflow and average velocity have flicker noises in a jamming phase. The low density behavior are discussed with simple jam-free approximation.Comment: 14 pages, Phys. Rev. E in press, PostScript figures available at ftp://hirose.ai.is.saga-u.ac.jp/pub/documents/papers/1996/2DTR/ OpenBoundaries/Figs.tar.g

    Causality violation and singularities

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    We show that singularities necessarily occur when a boundary of causality violating set exists in a space-time under the physically suitable assumptions except the global causality condition in the Hawking-Penrose singularity theorems. Instead of the global causality condition, we impose some restrictions on the causality violating sets to show the occurrence of singularities.Comment: 11 pages, latex, 2 eps figure

    String Theoretical Interpretation for Finite N Yang-Mills Theory in Two-Dimensions

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    We discuss the equivalence between a string theory and the two-dimensional Yang-Mills theory with SU(N) gauge group for finite N. We find a sector which can be interpreted as a sum of covering maps from closed string world-sheets to the target space, whose covering number is less than N. This gives an asymptotic expansion of 1/N whose large N limit becomes the chiral sector defined by D.Gross and W.Taylor. We also discuss that the residual part of the partition function provides the non-perturbative corrections to the perturbative expansion.Comment: 15 pages, no figures, LaTeX2e, typos corrected, final version to appear in Modern Physics Letters
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