33 research outputs found

    Efisiensi Kerja Pulp Preparation pada Sample House PT. Vale Indonesia Tbk. Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan

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    Efisiensi Kerjamerupakan perbandingan antara waktu kerja efektif yang digunakan untuk berproduksi dengan waktu tertentu, dimanasemakin banyak waktu yang efektif digunakan oleh alat untuk beroperasi maka semakin besar produksi yang dapat dicapai. Tujuandari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui produksi dan efisiensi kerja pulp preparation pada sample house. Metode yang digunakan yaitu pengamatan secara langsung di lapangan, dan adapun data-data yang di butuhkan yaitu data cycle time pulp preparation, data produksi pulp preparation dan dokumentasi-dokumentasi gambar kegiatan. Hasil perhitungan di peroleh data cycle time boyd crusher (1) 6 menit 4 detik, boyd crusher (2) 6 menit 3 detik, boyd crusher(3) 6 menit 4 detik, CRM (3) 6 menit 1 detik, CRM (5) 6 menit 1 detik, CRM (6) 6 menit 10 detik, cycle time pulp preparation 6 menit 4 detik, waktu delay 1 menit 5 detik, hasil produksi dari pengamatan yaitu 259 dalam satu shift , produksi pulp preparation selama 15 minggu 232 sampel.Dari hasilpengolahan data maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa produksi pulp preparation yaitu sebesar 259 sampel dalam 1 shift dan efisiensi kerjanya yaitu sebesar 85%

    Pengaruh Motivasi Terhadap Kinerja Tim Tindak Lanjut Pada Inspektorat Kabupaten Mamuju Utara

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    The aim of this study; (1) to determine the effect of physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, esteem needs and self-actualization needs simultaneously (synchronously) on the performance of the follow-up team in North Mamuju District Inspectorate; (2) to determine the effect a partial physiological needs (people) on team performance follow-up; (3) the effect of the partial safety needs (people) on team performance follow-up; (4) the effect of the partial social needs (people) on team performance follow-up; (5) the effect of the partial award needs (people) on team performance follow-up; (6) the effect of partially self-actualization needs (people) to follow up the performance of the team. This type of research is quantitative descriptive and verification approach. This study population Inspectorate Team Follow-up on the North Mamuju regency with the number 40 with census sampling techniques so that the entire population sampled. Data collection techniques including observation, questionnaires, and documentation, while the technique of data analysis using multiple linear regression. The results showed; (1) physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, esteem needs and self-actualization needs simultaneously (in unison) affect the team's performance follow-up to the Inspectorate of North Mamuju regency, with the effect of 80.2% and the degree of relationship very strong; (2) the physiological needs partial (individual) effect on the performance of the team follow-up; (3) safety needs partial (individual) effect on the performance of the team follow-up; (4) social needs partial (individual) effect on the performance of the team follow Further; (5) the need for a partial award (people) affect the team's performance follow-up; and (6) self-actualization needs partially (individual) effect on the performance of the team follow-up

    Design of Lampung Bay Waterfront Using Poetic Architecture Approach

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    Lampung Bay is one of the precious natural elements in Bandar Lampung. The character, the wealth of seafood, and the beauty of the landscape are a good potency that can be synergies to the city life. Preservation and beauty of Lampung Bay may improve the environmental quality of the city so that the need to maintain its existence becomes very urgent.Unfortunately the existence of Lampung Bay has not been appreciated as a valuable natural asset. It conditions is neglected and overflowing trash. The perception that the water area as a“behind" area or effluent areais prevail so it needs deliberate action to change this perception by doing a waterfront oriented design in Lampung Bay.Waterfront oriented design in Lampung Bay also requires an appropriate approach in order to create sustainability to preserve the nature. Poetic Architectureis selected as the most appropriate approach because it can cause a sense of love to the nature by displaying the grandeur of the nature through architecture and activities that can grant appreciation to the nature.

    Unveiling a new taxonomy in education field

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    Taxonomy is a set of hierarchical models that is applied to classify educational learning goals or objectives into a certain level of complexity. Many models have been developed and implemented to suit the educational settings of schools or educational institutions around the world. Realising the importance of educational taxonomy, the purpose of this paper is to explore the function and role of the taxonomy framework used in education, especially through the lens of Bloom, Anderson and SOLO’s (Structure of the Observed Learning Outcome) framework. In addition, this concept paper also aims to formulate a more holistic alternative taxonomy based on the concept of Syed Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas. Research on Bloom, Anderson and SOLO’s taxonomies is not intended to deny the role and contribution of existing taxonomies, but to provide an alternative and space in creating a balanced system of cognitive classification of students through teaching and learning as well as in the evaluation system

    Praktik Earnings Management Perusahaan Publik Indonesia

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    The study investigates the practice of earnings management in Indonesian non-financial public companies and the different degree of each industry. It also investigates the impact of earnings management on value relevance of accounting information. Earnings management measures developed in the literatures were adopted to measure the practice in each industries and to examine the relationship between these measures and their impact on the value relevance of accounting information. Descriptive analysis, correlation and regression were applied to data collected from twelve non-financial industries listed in Bursa Efek Indonesia, from year 1999 to 2004. Results show that in general Indonesian non-financial public companies practiced earnings management, of which the real estate and property, agriculture and mining industries are practicing in the highest degree. It was also found that there is no relationship between the earnings management practice and value relevance of accounting information

    Perancangan Fasilitas Publik di Wana Wisata Kawah Putih Menggunakan Teori POETIC ARCHITECTURE di Bentang Alam

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    Arsitektur merupakan salah satu bentuk interpretasi manusia terhadap keindahan alam. Interpretasi yang menyatakan bahwa manusia adalah pembentuk lingkungan binaan dan bagian dari alam itu sendiri, sehingga mewujudkan interpretasi tersebut ke dalam arsitektur merupakan suatu kebutuhan. Salah satu cara untuk menginterpretasi alam ke dalam wujud arsitektur, adalah dengan berpuisi. Arsitek "membaca" unsur-unsur alam layaknya puisi karena keindahannya. Interpretasi alam dengan cara berpuisi ini, terkandung dalam teori Poetic Architecture yang ditulis oleh Antonie C. Antoniades.Wana Wisata Kawah Putih merupakan salah satu area wisata yang terletak di Kabupaten Bandung, Jawa Barat. Area wisata ini merupakan suatu kesatuan unsur alam yang berpuisi dengan keindahannya. Area wisata ini juga dikenal dengan nilai mitologis dan historis yang turut memperkuat karakternya. Sayangnya nilai-nilai puitis dari keindahan alam tersebut belum diapresiasi dengan baik melalui desain Fasilitas publik yang tersedia, oleh karena itu dibutuhkan suatu perancangan Fasilitas publik yang lebih menggali potensi dan menyampaikan nilai-nilai puitis alam tersebut. Dalam perancangan ini, Fasilitas publik diwujudkan melalui respon terhadap nilai puitis alam yang dibagi ke dalam tiga spot perancangan yaitu, area pengenalan dengan transisi lahan datar ke curam (spot 1), area hutan dan tebing (spot 2) dan area kawah (spot 3)

    Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Persepsi Profesi Akuntan Terhadap Praktek Earnings Management

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    This study examines the ethics of earnings management practice ofaccount- ing practioners, faculty, and students in Indonesia. Possible detenninants of the ethics, the personal moral philosophies (i.e. idealism and relativism), and the perceived role of ethics and social responsibility were empirically tested. Data for the study were collected from Trisakti university\u27s students, faculty of universities in Jakarta, and auditors of accounting fi4ms in Jakarta. A multiple regression analysis was used to test the hypotheses. The findings indicate a positive relationship between idealism and social responsibility focus on long-term gains, and the ethical perception of earnings management

    Persepsi Mahasiswa, Dosen Dan Praktisi Akuntan Indonesia Terhadap Earnings Management

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    Perception of accounting professions towards earning management, which is the practice of changing the amount of reported earnings was used as indicator of morality of accounting practitioners, faculty and students. This study examines the ethical acceptability of earnings management and reveals how the attitudes of the three groups differ and what variables are associated with these differences. Results indicate there are differences among the groups with students were the most lenient group and the practitioners the harshest group in judging the earnings management practice. Based on the analysis, changes in accounting education curriculum and ethics awareness programs in business for faculties were suggested

    Kajian Penempatan Furniture dan Pemakaian Warna Kamar Hotel (Studi Kasus: Hotel Sheraton & Hotel Horison di Bandarlampung)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penempatan furniture dan pemakaian warna pada hotel Sheraton dan hotel Horison di Bandar Lampung. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada kamar hotel yang terdapat di Hotel Sheraton dan hotel Horison Bandar Lampung. Tujuan penelitian pada penelitian ini ialah untuk untuk mengetahui penempatan furniture pada kamar hotel Sheraton dan Horison terhadap sirkulasi berdasarkan standar dan Untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemakaian warna terhadap suasana kamar. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan teknik analisis dan observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penempatan ruang tidur kamar Hotel Sheraton dan Hotel Horison mempunyai bentuk penataan furniture yang berorientasi pada standar Kenyamanan gerak, sirkulasi terhadap aktivitas pergerakan manusia dan standar penempatan furniture. Pemakaian warna pada ruang tidur hotel Sheraton dan Horison menggunakan warna-warna natural. Ekspresi ruang – ruang tidur yang ada memiliki kesamaan dalam memunculkan kesan ruang tidur yang memakai kesan hangat, nyaman, dan luas. Untuk penelitian selanjutnya diharapkan dapat menganalisis penempatan furniture dan pemakaian warna tidak hanya pada kamar tidur hotel, supaya penempatan furniture dan pemakaian warna dapat diaplikasikan dengan baik pada setiap bangunan