518 research outputs found

    Dynamic Factor Demand Models, Productivity Measurement, and Rates of Return: Theory and an Empirical Application to the U.S. Bell System

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    Prucha and Nadiri (1982,1986,1988) introduced a methodology to estimate systems of dynamic factor demand that allows for considerable flexibility in both the choice of the functional form of the technology and the expectation formation process. This paper applies this methodology to estimate the production structure, and the demand for labor, materials, capital and R&D by the U.S. Bell System. The paper provides estimates for short-, intermediate- and long-run price and output elasticities of the inputs, as well as estimates on the rate of return on capital and R&D. The paper also discusses the issue of the measurement of technical change if the firm is in temporary rather than long-run equilibrium and the technology is not assumed to be linear homogeneous The paper provides estimates for input and output based technical change as well as for returns to scale. Furthermore, the paper gives a decomposition of the traditional measure of total factor productivity growth.

    Comparison and Analysis of Productivity Growth and R&D Investment in theElectrical Machinery Industries of the United States and Japan

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    This paper presents a comparative analysis of productivity growth in the U.S. and Japanese electrical machinery industries in the postwar period. This industry has experienced rapid growth in output and productivity and high rates of capital formation in both countries. A substantial amount of R&D resources of the total manufacturing sectors in both countries is concentrated In the electrical machinery industry. Also, this industry has an active export orientation in both countries. The analysis of the paper is based on dynamic factor demand models describing the production structure and the behavior of factor inputs as well as the determinants of productivity growth in the U.S. and Japanese electrical machinery industry. The analysis shows that the production structure of the industry in both countries is characterized by increasing returns to scale; the factors of production do respond to changes in factor prices; and the existence of a pattern of substitution and complementarity among the inputs. The main sources of productivity growth are: growth in materials; technical change; and capital accumulation. R&D expenditures have also contributed significantly to growth of labor and productivity while the most important source of total factor productivity in this industry for both countries has been the scale effect followed by changes in technical progress.

    Sinema Religi Dalam Pusaran Industri Media

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    Normatively, media functions as a means of conveying information, education, andentertainment as well as controlling and relating the society. On the basis of its function,media has a chance to build a direct communication with the society so that it has a strategicposition that may give benefits not only to the social aspect, but also to economic and politicalaspects.One way to develop communication with the public is through soap opera program.This TV program is chosen since it can highly attract public interest. In the point of view ofmedia industry, public or audience are considered as customers who have to be served by theproducer. The more the customers are satisfied, the more the producer gets benefit. One themeof soap operas that can highly attract public interest is religion-related theme.It reflects the normative society understanding of religion. As a result, the religiousmessage contained in the soap operas is very formal. Moreover, since it can highly attractpublic attention, it can be utilized by media industry to get as much profit as they can and itdoes not function to give education and wholesome entertainment

    R&D, Production Structure, and Productivity Growth in the U.S., Japaneseand German Manufacturing Sectors

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    The paper analyzes the production structure and the demand for inputs in three major industrialized countries, the U.S., Japan and Germany. A dynamic factor demand model with two variable inputs (labor and energy)and two quasi-fixed inputs (capital and R&D) is derived directly from an intertemporal cost-minimization problem formulated in discrete time. Adjustment costs are explicitly specified. The model is estimated for the manufacturing sector of the three countries using annual data from 1965 to 1977. Particular attention is given to the role of R&D. For all countries the rate of return on R&D is found to be higher than that on capital. Their respective magnitudes are similar across countries.We find considerable differences in factor demand schedules; we also find that for all countries the speed of adjustment for capital is higher than that of R&D. Adjustment costs are of importance in the demand equations for capital and R&D, but play a minor role in the decomposition of total factor productivity growth.

    Pengaruh Job Stress And Career Development terhadap Turnover Intention Karyawan pada Perusahaan PT. BNI (Persero) TBK (Divisi Teknologi)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh job stress dan career development terhadap turnover intention karyawan pada Perusahaan PT. BNI (Persero) Tbk (Divisi teknologi). penelitian ini menggunakkan data primer yang berasal dari 60 responden yang merupakan karyawan pada jajaran first line management dan middle management di kelompok IT architect and governance divisi teknologi PT BNI. Job stress adalah sebuah respon karyawan terhadap lingkungan pekerjaannya yang dirasakan dapat menekan fisik dan emosional karyawan, pengembangan karir adalah sebuah USAha jangka panjang dimana Perusahaan membantu karyawan untuk memanfaatkan secara penuh potensial mereka, dan turnover intention yaitu mengacu hasil evaluasi individu mengenai kelanjutan hubungannya dengan organisasi dan belum ditunjukkan secara pasti untuk meninggalkan organisasi. Data dikumpulkan melalui penyebaran kuesioner dengan menggunakan teknik sensus yaitu jumlah populasi sama dengan jumlah responden. Hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan analisis regresi linear berganda dan koefisien determinasi menunjukkan bahwa variabel job stress dan career development memiliki hubungan positif dan pengaruh terhadap variabel turnover intention. Berdasarkan T test menyebutkan secara parsial atau individual job stress (X1) memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap turnover intention (Y), sedangkan uji T test pada variabel career development (X2) menyebutkan bahwa secara parsial atau individual tidak memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap turnover intention (Y). F test menyebutkan bahwa secara simultan atau bersama-sama variabel job stress (X1) dan variabel career development (X2) memiliki pengaruh yang siginifikan terhadap variabel turnover intention (Y). Penelitian ini diharapkan Perusahaan dapat memperhatikan faktor-faktor yang dapat menyebabkan job stress dan memperhatikan dampak pengembangan karir yang berguna untuk mengurangi turnover intention karyawan, serta bagi penelitian selanjutnya adalah agar peneliti memperhatikan faktor internal dan eksternal lainnya serta jenis Perusahaan yang dapat mendorong terjadinya turnover intention karyawan

    Impact of water quality attributes and comparative study of icthyofaunal diversity of Asan lake and River Asan

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    The present study reported a total of 28 taxa with six families from Asan lake whereas only 18 taxa were reported from river Asan in Doon valley. The families identified were Cyprinidae, Chandadae, Belonidae, Cobitididae, Mastacembellidae, and Sisoridae. The impact of water quality parameters was quite evident on the fish diversity and density of Asan Lake and River Asan. Correlation between hydrological attributes showed good relationship in Asan lake and these parameters were found to be the most important variables in shaping fish assemblage.However, in River Asan the effect of physico-chemical factors were significant on fish diversity. The study showed that Asan lake supported considerable diversity of the fishes and is important for conservation. Its fish fauna is threatened being either vulnerable or endangered. The low fish diversity in river Asan indicated the disturbed habitat and ecological conditions of the river and the data generated from it would be useful for conservation planning and management and also for future assessment of this river

    The legacy of Verena Holmes: inspiring next generation of engineers

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    Verena Holmes was born in 1889 in Ashford, Kent, Verena became a pioneer for women in the industry as arguably the first female in the UK to have a full-time career as a professional mechanical, design and biomedical engineer. Verena was an advocate for widening participation in engineering and dedicated to the development of female engineers, she represented a breakthrough for equal rights in the early 20th century. As a creative and talented mechanical engineer, inventor and entrepreneur with own engineering business in Gillingham, Kent. In 1932, Verena Holmes filed a patent for poppet valve for fluid pressured systems, and in 2021 has provided the inspiration to students to conceive, design, implement and operate their own poppet valve. The poppet valve challenging first year biomedical, mechanical and product design engineering students to consider engineering materials, engineering manufacturing, standard components, fixes and fittings, and tolerances considerations into their poppet valve. This paper will provide qualitative analysis of the level of practical engineering learning, and the depth of student learning. Also, the quantitative analysis of the students’ evaluation of the learning opportunity to inspire, develop and stimulate them to be the next generation of engineers


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    Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk menentukan struktur sel epidermis dan stomata pada beberapa tumbuhan anggota Suku Euphorbiaceae yang merupakan anggota marga Codiaeum, Euphorbia dan Jatropha. Metode deskriptif komparatif digunakan untuk menggambarkan struktur sel epidemis dan stomata daun puring, pakis giwang dan jarak pagar berdasarkan pengamatan irisan memanjang sel-sel epidermis pada permukaan bawah daun dengan menggunakan mikroskop. Penilitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif komperatif , yaitu menggambarkan,menginterpretasi dan membandingkan srtuktur sel epidermis dan stomata daun tumbuhan suku euphorbiaceae khususnya tumbuhan puring, pakis giwang dan jarak paga
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