4 research outputs found

    Caracterización de la señalización inside-out implicada en la regulación de la adhesión de Linfocitos T dependiente de la integrina VLA-4

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, Departamento de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular I, leída el 4-04-2016Sección Deptal. de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular (Biológicas)Fac. de Ciencias BiológicasTRUEunpu

    ICAP-1 loss impairs CD8+ thymocyte development and leads to reduced marginal zone B cells in mice

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    ICAP-1 regulates β1-integrin activation and cell adhesion. Here, we used ICAP-1-null mice to study ICAP-1 potential involvement during immune cell development and function. Integrin α4β1-dependent adhesion was comparable between ICAP-1-null and control thymocytes, but lack of ICAP-1 caused a defective single-positive (SP) CD8+ cell generation, thus, unveiling an ICAP-1 involvement in SP thymocyte development. ICAP-1 bears a nuclear localization signal and we found it displayed a strong nuclear distribution in thymocytes. Interestingly, there was a direct correlation between the lack of ICAP-1 and reduced levels in SP CD8+ thymocytes of Runx3, a transcription factor required for CD8+ thymocyte generation. In the spleen, ICAP-1 was found evenly distributed between cytoplasm and nuclear fractions, and ICAP-1–/– spleen T and B cells displayed upregulation of α4β1-mediated adhesion, indicating that ICAP-1 negatively controls their attachment. Furthermore, CD3+- and CD19+-selected spleen cells from ICAP-1-null mice showed reduced proliferation in response to T- and B-cell stimuli, respectively. Finally, loss of ICAP-1 caused a remarkable decrease in marginal zone B- cell frequencies and a moderate increase in follicular B cells. Together, these data unravel an ICAP-1 involvement in the generation of SP CD8+ thymocytes and in the control of marginal zone B-cell numbers

    Positive and negative regulation by SLP-76/ADAP and Pyk2 of chemokine-stimulated T-lymphocyte adhesion mediated by integrin α4β1

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    Stimulation by chemokines of integrin α4β1-dependent T-lymphocyte adhesion is a crucial step for lymphocyte trafficking. The adaptor Vav1 is required for chemokine-activated T-cell adhesion mediated by α4β1. Conceivably, proteins associating with Vav1 could potentially modulate this adhesion. Correlating with activation by the chemokine CXCL12 of T-lymphocyte attachment to α4β1 ligands, a transient stimulation in the association of Vav1 with SLP-76, Pyk2, and ADAP was observed. Using T-cells depleted for SLP-76, ADAP, or Pyk2, or expressing Pyk2 kinase-inactive forms, we show that SLP-76 and ADAP stimulate chemokine-activated, α4β1-mediated adhesion, whereas Pyk2 opposes T-cell attachment. While CXCL12-promoted generation of high-affinity α4β1 is independent of SLP-76, ADAP, and Pyk2, the strength of α4β1-VCAM-1 interaction and cell spreading on VCAM-1 are targets of regulation by these three proteins. GTPase assays, expression of activated or dominant-negative Rac1, or combined ADAP and Pyk2 silencing indicated that Rac1 activation by CXCL12 is a common mediator response in SLP-76-, ADAP-, and Pyk2-regulated cell adhesion involving α4β1. Our data strongly suggest that chemokine-stimulated associations between Vav1, SLP-76, and ADAP facilitate Rac1 activation and α4β1-mediated adhesion, whereas Pyk2 opposes this adhesion by limiting Rac1 activation.This work was supported by grants SAF2011-24022 from Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, RD12/0036/0061, and S2010/BMD-2314 from Comunidad de Madrid to J.T.Peer Reviewe