21 research outputs found

    Leisure repertoire among persons with a spinal cord injury: Interests, performance, and well-being

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    Objective: To explore and describe the leisure repertoire of persons with traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI) and how the repertoire is related to interest, performance, and well-being. Design: Cross-sectional study. Setting: A total of 97 persons with traumatic SCI were recruited from the non-profit national organization, RG Active Rehabilitation in Sweden. Outcome measure: Data were collected through a two-part postal survey. The first comprised of questions investigating socio-demographic variables and injury characteristics; the second part included an interest checklist with 20 areas of leisure activities. Results: The participants were mostly interested in, performed, and experienced well-being from social and culture activities and TV/DVD/movies. The areas of leisure activities in which they had most likely experienced changes after the SCI were outdoor activities, exercise, and gardening. Sex, age, and to some extent, time since injury were related to interest, performance, well-being, and changed performance. Conclusions: The results provided an explanation and limited description of a changed leisure repertoire among persons after a traumatic SCI. The study showed that sex, age, and time since injury were more closely related to the choice of leisure activities to include in the leisure repertoire than the level of injury. This knowledge can be of importance when professionals in the field of rehabilitation are planning and implementing interventions concerning leisure activities for persons with SCI

    Anskaffning av tjÀnstehundar inom polisen

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    Detta fördjupningsarbete handlar om anskaffning av tjÀnstehundar till polisen och de aktuella problem som finns att hitta bra och lÀmpliga valpar. Fördjupningsarbetet beskriver de olika krav som stÀlls pÄ hundarna, hur de lÀmplighetstestas och vad de bör ha för egenskaper för att vara lÀmpliga. Arbetet handlar Àven om fodervÀrdar och hur viktigt det Àr att fÄ tag pÄ bra fodervÀrdar till de blivande polishundarna. Att det inte finns nÄgon statistik över kassering av hundar Àr ett stort problem och nÄgot som Àr under bearbetning

    Restaurering av övergödda havsvikar i VÀsterhavets vattendistrikt - redovisning av regeringsuppdrag

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    I regeringsuppdragen har vi arbetat med tre skalindelningar av havet (Fig. 1); 1) HavsomrĂ„den dvs. Kattegat och Skagerrak, som Ă€r den största skalan. 2) Kustvattenförekomst, dvs. de efter morfologin indelade havsomrĂ„dena lĂ€ngst kusten. Dessa Ă€r 109 stycken (2008) och Ă€r av olika karaktĂ€r. 3) Delar av kustvattenförekomst, dvs. vikar och innestĂ€ngda delar av kustvattenförekomster. För uppdraget ”Övergödda havsvikar” har betoningen legat pĂ„ de tvĂ„ sistnĂ€mnda skalorna.Regionala inventeringsrapporter import frĂ„n MDP 2015-05</p

    9 factors enabling local blue growth in developing countries : Policy brief based on four background studies

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    Este resumo de polĂ­ticas agrega resultados de quatro estudos de base explorando as condiçÔes para tirar comunidades costeiras da pobreza. Este resumo alista nove principais fatores institucionais e de infraestrutura que promovem o crescimento azul local a partir do uso de recursos marinhos em paĂ­ses em desenvolvimento. Este resumo de polĂ­ticas Ă© resultado do SwAM Ocean, o programa internacional de cooperação para desenvolvimento operado pela AgĂȘncia Sueca para o GestĂŁo Marinha e da Água

    9 facteurs permettant la croissance bleue locale dans les pays en dĂ©veloppement : Document d’orientation basĂ© sur quatre Ă©tudes de rĂ©fĂ©rence

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    Le prĂ©sent document d’orientation rĂ©sume les rĂ©sultats de quatre Ă©tudes de rĂ©fĂ©rence explorant les conditions permettant de sortir les communautĂ©s cĂŽtiĂšres de la pauvretĂ© Le document Ă©numĂšre neuf facteurs institutionnels et infra-structurels clĂ©s qui favorisent la croissance bleue locale Ă  partir de l’utilisation des ressources marines dans les pays en dĂ©veloppement. Le prĂ©sent document d’orientation est le rĂ©sultat de SwAM Ocean, le programme de coopĂ©ration au dĂ©veloppement international gĂ©rĂ© par l’Office suĂ©dois de gestion des ressources marines et aquatiques

    9 Factors enabling local blue growth in developing countries : Policy brief based on four background studies

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    This policy brief presents nine key institutional and infrastructure factors that promotelocal blue growth from the use of marine resources in developing countries. The policy brief is provided by the Swedish Agency of Marine and Water Management,and is based on four background studies, all addressing the same question: What is needed for marine resources to actually generate local blue growth. Here, local blue growth refers to economic revenue and wellbeing in the local community from the sustainable use of ocean resources, such as fisheries, aquaculture, or tourism

    9 factores posibilitando el crecimiento azul a nivel local en los paĂ­ses en desarrollo : Informe de orientaciĂłn polĂ­tica basado en cuatro estudios

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    This policy brief presents nine key institutional and infrastructure factors that promotelocal blue growth from the use of marine resources in developing countries. The policy brief is provided by the Swedish Agency of Marine and Water Management,and is based on four background studies, all addressing the same question: What is needed for marine resources to actually generate local blue growth. Here, local blue growth refers to economic revenue and wellbeing in the local community from the sustainable use of ocean resources, such as fisheries, aquaculture, or tourism.Denna rapport presenterar nio viktiga institutionella och infrastrukturella faktorer som frĂ€mjar lokal blĂ„ tillvĂ€xt frĂ„n anvĂ€ndningen av marina resurser i utvecklingslĂ€nder. Rapporten tillhandahĂ„lls av Havs- och vattenmyndigheten,och bygger pĂ„ fyra bakgrundsstudier som alla tar upp samma frĂ„ga: Vad behövs för att marina resurser faktiskt ska generera lokal blĂ„ tillvĂ€xt. HĂ€r avser lokal blĂ„ tillvĂ€xt ekonomiska intĂ€kter och vĂ€lmĂ„ende i lokalsamhĂ€lletfrĂ„n hĂ„llbar anvĂ€ndning av havets resurser, sĂ„som fiske, vattenbruk eller turism.Rapporten finns Ă€ven översatt till flera andra sprĂ„k med titlarna:9 facteurs permettant la croissance bleue locale dans les pays en dĂ©veloppement: Document d’orientation basĂ© sur quatre Ă©tudes de rĂ©fĂ©rence (franska)9 fatores que permitem o crescimento azul local em paĂ­ses em desenvolvimento: Resumo de polĂ­ticas baseado em quatro estudos de base (portugisiska)Mambo 9 yanayowezesha ukuaji wa bluu kwa wenyeji katika nchi zinazoendelea (kiswahili)9 Factors enabling local blue growth in developing countries: Policy brief based on four background studies (engelska)</p