10 research outputs found

    Sámi biebmu Västerbottena biebmoealáhusvuogádagas 2020-2030 Saami food in foodstuff strategy of Västerbotten 2020-2030

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    Denna uppsats undersöker i vilken omfattning processen och resultatet av framtagandet av Västerbottens livsmedelsstrategi 2020-2030 inkluderat samiska aktörer och intressen. Analysen är baserad på strategidokumentet och ett antal semistrukturerade intervjuer med nyckelaktörer. Slutsatsen är att samiska aktörer har haft bristfälliga förutsättningar att influera strategin, och att den därför inte rättvist representerar samiska intressen.Dát čálus dutká man olu Västerbottena biebmoealáhusvuogát 2020-2030 váldá mielde sámi oasseváldiid ja beroštumiid válbmedettiin ja bohtosiin. Dárkkisteami vuođđu lea vuogádatáššebábur ja dan mađe olu vissis čuoldinvugiin válljejuvvon jearahallamat váldooasseváldiiguin. Loahppaboađus lea ahte sámi oasseváldiin eai lean doarvái olu návccat váikkuhit vuogádaga, ja danin dát iige njuolga váldde vuhtii sámiid beroštumiid.This paper examines the process and product of the development of Västerbotten regional strategy for foodstuffs 2020-2030, and to what extent Saami actors and interests have been included. The analysis is based on the strategic document and a number of semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders. The conclusion is that Saami actors have had insufficient preconditions to influence, generating an unjust representation of Saami interests

    Learning the kernel for rare variant genetic association test

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    Introduction: Compared to Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) for common variants, single-marker association analysis for rare variants is underpowered. Set-based association analyses for rare variants are powerful tools that capture some of the missing heritability in trait association studies.Methods: We extend the convex-optimized SKAT (cSKAT) test set procedure which learns from data the optimal convex combination of kernels, to the full Generalised Linear Model (GLM) setting with arbitrary non-genetic covariates. We call this extended cSKAT (ecSKAT) and show that the resulting optimization problem is a quadratic programming problem that can be solved with no additional cost compared to cSKAT.Results: We show that a modified objective is related to an upper bound for the p-value through a decreasing exponential term in the objective function, indicating that optimizing this objective function is a principled way of learning the combination of kernels. We evaluate the performance of the proposed method on continuous and binary traits using simulation studies and illustrate its application using UK Biobank Whole Exome Sequencing data on hand grip strength and systemic lupus erythematosus rare variant association analysis.Discussion: Our proposed ecSKAT method enables correcting for important confounders in association studies such as age, sex or population structure for both quantitative and binary traits. Simulation studies showed that ecSKAT can recover sensible weights and achieve higher power across different sample sizes and misspecification settings. Compared to the burden test and SKAT method, ecSKAT gives a lower p-value for the genes tested in both quantitative and binary traits in the UKBiobank cohort

    Urfolksperspektiv på livsmedelsstrategin

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    Trots internationella och nationella förpliktelser att ge urfolk och samer förutsättningar att utöva sin traditionella försörjning, misslyckas staten med att leva upp till dessa. Livsmedelsstrategier från Sveriges nordligaste regioner – där samiska näringsidkare gör sina största bidrag till ekonomin – brister i hur de inkluderar ett samiskt perspektiv på livsmedelsproduktion. Strategierna nämner rennäringen och dess ekonomiska betydelse, men lyfter inte dess strukturella problem. Strategierna diskuterar inte heller andra samiska näringar (fiske, jakt, matförädling) eller statens skyldigheter mot dessa. I arbetet mot ekologiskt, socialt och ekonomiskt hållbara livsmedelssystem finns det möjligheter med att inkludera ett urfolksperspektiv som förbises

    Dying at home. A palliative care register based study.

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    Bakgrund: En allt äldre befolkning leder till ökade behov av palliativ vård och är därmed en viktig folkhälsofråga. Att dö i det egna hemmet är ovanligt i Sverige. Internationella studier visar på att de flesta vill dö i det egna hemmet men att detta sällan infrias samt att önskan om dödsplats ofta är okänd. Syfte: För att kunna förbättra och skapa en jämlik palliativ vård krävs kunskap om hur denna vård ser ut idag. Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva vilka som dör i det egna hemmet i Västra Götalandsregionen och vad som kännetecknar vården under den sista veckan i deras liv med fokus på symtom och delaktighet. Metod: Detta är en registerbaserad studie där retrospektivt insamlad data presenterats med deskriptiv statistisk analys. Data har insamlats från Svenska palliativregistret för år 2014. Variabler har delats upp i kategorierna demografi, delaktighet och symtom. Resultat: Medelåldern var 78 år. En klar majoritet hade cancer som grundtillstånd och det var något fler män än kvinnor. En klar majoritet hade basal hemsjukvård jämfört med avancerad hemsjukvård. Smärta var det vanligaste symtomet och även det symtom som lindrades helt i högst utsträckning. Nästan alla hade uttryckt att de ville dö i det egna hemmet. Ca 2/3 av både patienter och närstående fick brytpunkssamtal. Ca 90% av patienterna bibehöll uttrycksförmågan tills dagar innan dödsfallet. Få hade dropp eller sond sista levnadsdygnet. Slutsats: Resultatet visar på att den palliativa vården inte är jämlik när det gäller vilka som dör i det egna hemmet. Cancer och bibehållen kognitiv förmåga är viktiga faktorer som ökade sannolikheten att dö i det egna hemmet. Abstract Background: All around the world the populations are ageing. With an ageing population comes a growing demand for palliative care and thus it becomes a public health issue. To die in one’s own home is rare in Sweden. International studies show that a majority of all people want to die in their own homes. However this is a wish that seldom is met and in many cases the prefered place of death is unknown. Objective: The first step in order to be able to improve and create equal palliative care is to have knowledges about the current situation. The aim of this study is to describe the ones who die in their own homes in the region of Västra Götaland and to describe what characterizes the care they are given during the last week of their lives concerning symptoms and participation. Methods: This is a register based study with collected retrospective data from the Swedish Palliative Register from the year 2014. The data is analysed descriptively with variabels concerning demography, participation and symptoms. Findings: The average age was 78 years. A clear majority had cancer as a diagnosis. The study population consisted of a few more men than women. Most of them had regular home care as compared to specialized home care. Pain was the most frequent symptom and the symptom that was most frequently fully relieved. Almost all of the participants had declared a wish to die in their own home. Two thirds of both the patients and their closest relatives had a breaking point dialogue about the transition into palliative care. Almost 90 % of the patients retained their ability to participate in their own care until the last days. Only a few had a probe or IV fluids during their last 24 hours. Conclusion: The findings show that the palliative care is not equal concerning who die in their own home. Cancer and intact cognitive ability seem to be important factors determining who is able to die at home

    Group Meritocratic Fairness in Linear Contextual Bandits

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    We study the linear contextual bandit problem where an agent has to select one candidate from a pool and each candidate belongs to a sensitive group. In this setting, candidates' rewards may not be directly comparable between groups, for example when the agent is an employer hiring candidates from different ethnic groups and some groups have a lower reward due to discriminatory bias and/or social injustice. We propose a notion of fairness that states that the agent's policy is fair when it selects a candidate with highest relative rank, which measures how good the reward is when compared to candidates from the same group. This is a very strong notion of fairness, since the relative rank is not directly observed by the agent and depends on the underlying reward model and on the distribution of rewards. Thus we study the problem of learning a policy which approximates a fair policy under the condition that the contexts are independent between groups and the distribution of rewards of each group is absolutely continuous. In particular, we design a greedy policy which at each round constructs a ridge regression estimator from the observed context-reward pairs, and then computes an estimate of the relative rank of each candidate using the empirical cumulative distribution function. We prove that the greedy policy achieves, after TT rounds, up to log factors and with high probability, a fair pseudo-regret of order dT\sqrt{dT}, where dd is the dimension of the context vectors. The policy also satisfies demographic parity at each round when averaged over all possible information available before the selection. We finally show with a proof of concept simulation that our policy achieves sub-linear fair pseudo-regret also in practice.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figure

    JuliaGaussianProcesses/KernelFunctions.jl: v0.10.58

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    <h2>KernelFunctions v0.10.58</h2> <p><a href="https://github.com/JuliaGaussianProcesses/KernelFunctions.jl/compare/v0.10.57...v0.10.58">Diff since v0.10.57</a></p> <p><strong>Merged pull requests:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Fix Matern AD failures (#528) (@simsurace)</li> <li>Stop using deprecated signatures from Distances.jl (#529) (@simsurace)</li> </ul&gt


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    Beyond ethical imperatives in South African anthropology: morally repugnant and unlikeable subjects

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