206 research outputs found

    The Stochastic SIR Household Epidemics With TI ≡ 4:1 and TI Having GAMMA(a, b) Infectious Period Distribution

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    Model estimates, their functions are in no doubt affected by wrong choice of the infectious period distribution, TI when the actual one is unknown. This is a misspecification problem which is often accompanied with biased and imprecise estimates. This work does not com- pletely examined this problem but explored the choice of constant infectious period, TI ≡ 4.1 and TI distributed as Γ(2, 2.05) for the household epidemic and then examined their effects on the behaviours of the model functions and quality of its maximum likelihood estimates in order to see if there are considerable disparities in the maximum likelihood estimates and behaviours of the functions giving these scenarios and whether constant infectious period is a reasonable assumption for the stochastic SIR household epidemic. &nbsp

    Effect of Mother Tongue on Performance in Concept Erosion among Primary School Students in Faskari Educational Zone, Katsina-State

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    This study x-rays the effect of Mother tongue on performance in concept erosion among primary school students in Faskari Educational Zone, Katsina-State. The study adopted quasi experimental research design (pre-test, treatment, post-test). The population of the study consists of all primary five students in Faskari local government education authority. Intact classes in two primary schools were randomly selected as samples. The objective of the study aimed to examine the mean performance score of students exposed to concept erosion using Mother tongue medium of instruction and those taught using English languages in Faskari Educational Zone, Katsina state. The research question and hypothesis are in line with the objective of the study. Mother Tongue Performance Test (MTPT) containing thirty multiple choice items was used as the research instrument. The instrument yielded a reliability coefficient of 0.83. Mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research question while, t-test was used in testing the hypothesis. The finding of the study revealed that, students taught concept erosion using Mother tongue medium of instruction performed academically better than those taught using English language. Based on the finding, the study recommended that, Mother tongue should be made the language of instruction at the primary school level and eventually at all levels of education in Katsina state


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan peningkatan yang signifikan pada keterampilan menulis teks eksposisi siswa kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol setelah diberi perlakuan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kuasi eksperimen. Desain penelitian yang digunakan berbentuk nonequivalent control group design, melibatkan dua kelompok; kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol. Sampel dalam penelitian ini yaitu siswa kelas lima di salah satu sekolah dasar negeri yang terdapat di kota Bandung. Jumlah sampel yaitu sebanyak 46 siswa, terbagi dalam 23 siswa kelas eksperimen dan 23 siswa kelas kontrol. Penelitian dilakukan selama 32 hari, sejak 2 april hingga 4 mei 2019. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan peningkatan yang signifikan pada keterampilan menulis teks eksposisi siswa kelas eksperimen yang diberi model project citizen berbantuan jurnal dialog dengan kelas kontrol yang diberi model pembelajaran terlangsung. Model project citizen berbantuan jurnal dialog dapat dijadikan salah satu modus untuk mengembangkan keterampilan menulis siswa sekolah dasar

    Effect of Science-Technology-Society Approach on Creativity in Environmental Conservation Concept among Secondary School Biology Students in Zaria, Kaduna State

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    Creativity in STEM Education is now widely recognized as an essential 21st century skill, which can be fostered through innovative pedagogy. This study therefore examines the effect of Science-Technology-Society (STS) Approach on creativity in Environmental Conservation Concept among secondary school biology students in Zaria, Kaduna State. The design is quasi-experimental, specifically the non-equivalent pretest, posttest, control group design. A sample of 105 SS2 students from two schools was used for the study. Schools were purposively sampled from 28 public Schools in Zaria Education Zone. Students’ Creativity Assessment Test (SCAT) was adapted and used for data collection. Three null hypotheses were formulated to guide the study and were tested using ANCOVA at P < 0.05 level of significance. Results obtained revealed that students exposed to STS Instructional Approach, exhibited significantly higher level of creativity than those taught concept environmental conservation using Lecture Method. There is no significant difference in the creativity level of male and female students in the experimental group. Gender and treatment were found not to have any significant interaction effects on students’ level of creativity. On the basis of these findings, the study advocated for the teaching of Biology for creativity through innovative strategies like STS Approach

    Correlations Between Stress, Coping Strategies and Academic Performance of Undergraduate Students of Federal University Birnin-Kebbi, Kebbi State, Nigeria

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    The paper investigated the relationships among stress, coping strategies and academic performance of undergraduate students of Federal University Birnin-kebbi, Kebbi State. A correlational type of survey design was used for the study. Three faculties were randomly selected from the university. A Random sampling technique was used in selecting 337 students, both male and female for the study. The two research instruments were adopted from Okorie (2016): The Students Stress Questionnaire (SSQ) and Students Coping Strategy Questionnaire (SCSQ), Students Academic Performance Scores (SAPS) was constructed by the researchers. All the questionnaires have 25 items, each scored on a four-point Likert Scale ranging from (Strongly Agreed, Agreed, Disagreed, and Strongly Disagreed). Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (r) was used to test hypothesis 1, and hypothesis 2 was analyzed using the t-test analysis. The finding of the study revealed that negative relationship exists between stress and academic performance of students with (r= -0.850, p=0.000) and significant difference existed between male and female students in their coping strategies with (t=0.5823, p=0.000). It is therefore concluded that stress constitute serious problems that distract the students from maximum academic output and effective social life. It was recommended among others that university environment should be made conducive by improving on hostel accommodation, conducive classrooms for lectures and amenities such as light and water

    Biomass Yield and Nutritive Quality of \u3cem\u3ePanicum maximum\u3c/em\u3e in the Natural Pastures during the Dry Season in Abeokuta, Nigeria

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    Panicum maximum Jacq. is among the prominent grass species in the grazing lands of the South-western part of Nigeria. An understanding of cutting management to find out the best agronomic practices that will improve the yield and nutritive value of these grass species, especially in the dry season formed the focus of this research work. The objective of the research is therefore to evaluate the effects of cutting height and interval on the dry matter yield (DMY), digestibility and chemical composition of P. maximum in the natural pasture during the dry season

    Urbanization and climate change: the role of road transport in carbon dioxide emission in Kano Metropolis, Nigeria

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    No AbstractKeywords: CO2 abatement, automobile density, climate change, global warming, greenhouse gase

    Impact of Competition on the Financial Performance of Listed Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria

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    The impact of bank competition on bank performance remains a widely debated issue. At present, scholars investigate either the competition-stability or the competition-fragility relationships. The traditional competition-fragility view equates bank competition with instability as competition reduces market power and profit margins which in turn encourages bank managers to take higher risks. In contrast, the competition-stability view stipulates that competition leads to lower loan interest rates and consequently lower moral hazard and adverse selection problems and less risky loan portfolios. This study examines both paradigms using panel data from deposit money banks in Nigeria over a period of ten years (2005-2014). Results show that the overall relationship between competition and financial performance of banks is negative. The study, therefore, concludes that competition has a negative effect on the financial performance of banks in Nigeria. The study suggests that regulators should promote healthy competition among deposit money banks so as to reduce the negative effect of competition on bank financial performance. Managers should take measures to enhance profit margin by reducing expenses. Current efforts of the government in terms of improved power generation may help to cut cost of power borne by the banks. Managers should also ensure healthy loan portfolio by ensuring that only customers with high credit scores get loans. Keywords: Bank, competition, financial performance, loan, market share, Nigeria, profit margin, risk.

    Investigating the mineral composition of proceessed cheese, soy and nunu milks consumed in Abuja and Keffi metropolises of Nigeria

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    Milk and its products are needed for proper body building. Processed cheese, nunu and soy milk consumed within Abuja and Keffi metropolises were analyzed for their mineral contents. X1, Y1, Z1 represents soy milk, nunu and cheese from Abuja metropolis while X2, Y2, Z2 represents sample from Keffi metropolis respectively. Calcium (265.53±0.25 mg/mL), iron (1.19±0.92 mg/mL), potassium (162.77±0.02 mg/mL) were found to be higher in cheese milk (Z1) from Abuja than that (225.82±0.13 mg/mL, 1.05±0.60mg/mL and 130.41±0.04 mg/mL) found in Keffi (Z2) examined respectively, though the amount of sodium present (151.0±0.08 mg/mL) in cheese (Z2) from Keffi is slightly higher than that (150.08±0.01 mg/mL) from Abuja (Z1). Also, Soya milk from Abuja (X1) had highest amount of zinc (0.76±0.00 mg/mL) while that of Keffi (X2) was 0.65±0.3 mg/mL, for magnesium and copper, higher values 18.40±010 mg/mL and 0.25±0.02 mg/mL were recorded for soy milk (X2) from Keffi while soy milk from Abuja (X1) had 17.97±0.20 mg/mL and 0.16±0.01 mg/mL respectively. Chromium was dictated in both cheese samples but not dictated in soya and nunu milks from both metropolises. It is seen from the investigation that cheese had more minerals followed by soya milk. Nunu milk sample had the least quantity of minerals; also all the samples analyzed have minerals present in them. Therefore, they are needed for the proper functioning of the body system Keywords: Analysis, Concentration, Milk, Mineral, Metropolis, Flame Atomic Absorption Spectroscop
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