1,130 research outputs found

    Kondo effect in the presence of spin-orbit coupling

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    We study the T=0 Kondo physics of a spin-1/2 impurity in a non-centrosymmetric metal with spin-orbit interaction. Within a simple variational approach we compute ground state properties of the system for an {\it arbitrary} form of spin-orbit coupling consistent with the crystal symmetry. This coupling produces an unscreened impurity magnetic moment and can lead to a significant change of the Kondo energy. We discuss implications of this finding both for dilute impurities and for heavy-fermion materials without inversion symmetry.Comment: TeXLive (Unix), revtex4-1, 5 page

    Quantum group covariant noncommutative geometry

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    The algebraic formulation of the quantum group covariant noncommutative geometry in the framework of the RR-matrix approach to the theory of quantum groups is given. We consider structure groups taking values in the quantum groups and introduce the notion of the noncommutative connections and curvatures transformed as comodules under the "local" coaction of the structure group which is exterior extension of GLq(N)GL_{q}(N). These noncommutative connections and curvatures generate GLq(N) GL_{q}(N)-covariant quantum algebras. For such algebras we find combinations of the generators which are invariants under the coaction of the "local" quantum group and one can formally consider these invariants as the noncommutative images of the Lagrangians for the topological Chern-Simons models, non-abelian gauge theories and the Einstein gravity. We present also an explicit realization of such covariant quantum algebras via the investigation of the coset construction GLq(N+1)/(GLq(N)GL(1))GL_{q}(N+1)/(GL_{q}(N)\otimes GL(1)).Comment: 21 pages, improved versio

    Heavy antiferromagnetic phases in kondo lattices

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    We propose a microscopic physical mechanism that stabilizes the coexistence of the Kondo effect and antiferromagnetism in heavy-fermion systems. We consider a two-dimensional quantum Kondo-Heisenberg lattice model and show that long-range electron hopping leads to a robust antiferromagnetic Kondo state. By using a modified slave-boson mean-field approach we analyze the stability of the heavy antiferromagnetic phase across a range of parameters, and discuss transitions between different phases. Our results may be used to guide future experiments on heavy fermion compounds. © 2013 American Physical Society

    Generalized Density Matrix Revisited: Microscopic Approach to Collective Dynamics in Soft Spherical Nuclei

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    The generalized density matrix (GDM) method is used to calculate microscopically the parameters of the collective Hamiltonian. Higher order anharmonicities are obtained consistently with the lowest order results, the mean field [Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (HFB) equation] and the harmonic potential [quasiparticle random phase approximation (QRPA)]. The method is applied to soft spherical nuclei, where the anharmonicities are essential for restoring the stability of the system, as the harmonic potential becomes small or negative. The approach is tested in three models of increasing complexity: the Lipkin model, model with factorizable forces, and the quadrupole plus pairing model.Comment: submitted to Physical Review C on 08 May, 201

    On quantum matrix algebras satisfying the Cayley-Hamilton-Newton identities

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    The Cayley-Hamilton-Newton identities which generalize both the characteristic identity and the Newton relations have been recently obtained for the algebras of the RTT-type. We extend this result to a wider class of algebras M(R,F) defined by a pair of compatible solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation. This class includes the RTT-algebras as well as the Reflection equation algebras

    Spectral extension of the quantum group cotangent bundle

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    The structure of a cotangent bundle is investigated for quantum linear groups GLq(n) and SLq(n). Using a q-version of the Cayley-Hamilton theorem we construct an extension of the algebra of differential operators on SLq(n) (otherwise called the Heisenberg double) by spectral values of the matrix of right invariant vector fields. We consider two applications for the spectral extension. First, we describe the extended Heisenberg double in terms of a new set of generators -- the Weyl partners of the spectral variables. Calculating defining relations in terms of these generators allows us to derive SLq(n) type dynamical R-matrices in a surprisingly simple way. Second, we calculate an evolution operator for the model of q-deformed isotropic top introduced by A.Alekseev and L.Faddeev. The evolution operator is not uniquely defined and we present two possible expressions for it. The first one is a Riemann theta function in the spectral variables. The second one is an almost free motion evolution operator in terms of logarithms of the spectral variables. Relation between the two operators is given by a modular functional equation for Riemann theta function.Comment: 38 pages, no figure

    Orbital order and Hund\u27s rule frustration in Kondo lattices

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    We analyze a microscopic origin of the Kondo effect-assisted orbital order in heavy-fermion materials. By studying the periodic two-orbital Anderson model with two local electrons, we show that frustration of Hund\u27s rule coupling due to the Kondo effect leads to an incommensurate spiral orbital and magnetic order, which exists only inside the Kondo screened (heavy-electron) phase. This spiral state can be observed in neutron and resonant x-ray scattering measurements in U- and Pr-based heavy-fermion compounds, and realized in cold atomic gases, e.g., fermionic Yb173. © 2013 American Physical Society