62 research outputs found

    The cell biology of quiescent yeast – a diversity of individual scenarios

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    International audienceMost cells, from unicellular to complex organisms, spend part of their life in quiescence, a temporary non-proliferating state. Although central for a variety of essential processes including tissue homeostasis, development and aging, quiescence is poorly understood. In fact, quiescence encompasses various cellular situations depending on the cell type and the environmental niche. Quiescent cell properties also evolve with time, adding another layer of complexity. Studying quiescence is, above all, limited by the fact that a quiescent cell can be recognized as such only after having proved that it is capable of re-proliferating. Recent cellular biology studies in yeast have reported the relocalization of hundreds of proteins and the reorganization of several cellular machineries upon proliferation cessation. These works have revealed that quiescent cells can display various properties, shedding light on a plethora of individual behaviors. The deciphering of the molecular mechanisms beyond these reorganizations, together with the understanding of their cellular functions, have begun to provide insights into the physiology of quiescent cells. In this Review, we discuss recent findings and emerging concepts in Saccharomyces cerevisiae quiescent cell biology

    Proliferation/Quiescence: When to start? Where to stop? What to stock?

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    The cell cycle is a tightly controlled series of events that ultimately lead to cell division. The literature deciphering the molecular processes involved in regulating the consecutive cell cycle steps is colossal. By contrast, much less is known about non-dividing cellular states, even if they concern the vast majority of cells, from prokaryotes to multi-cellular organisms. Indeed, cells decide to enter the division cycle only if conditions are favourable. Otherwise they may enter quiescence, a reversible non-dividing cellular state. Recent studies in yeast have shed new light on the transition between proliferation and quiescence, re-questioning the notion of cell cycle commitment. They also indicate a predominant role for cellular metabolic status as a major regulator of quiescence establishment and exit. Additionally, a growing body of evidence indicates that environmental conditions, and notably the availability of various nutrients, by impinging on specific metabolic routes, directly regulate specific cellular re-organization that occurs upon proliferation/quiescence transitions

    Proliferation/quiescence: the controversial "aller-retour"

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    The vast majority of cells, from prokaryotes up to vertebrate organisms, spend most of their time in quiescence, a state defined as a temporary and reversible absence of proliferation. Establishing the quiescent state while maintaining the capacity to re-enter the proliferation cycle are critical for cell survival and must be tightly orchestrated to avoid pathological proliferation. Hence, studying the biology of quiescent cells is an exciting research field. Taking advantage of technical progress in genomic, transcriptomic and metabolomic, the nature of transitions between proliferation and quiescence have been recently re-visited in budding yeast. Together with new findings in cell biology, these studies resuscitate an old demon in the field: the controversial existence of a "quiescence program"

    Guanylic nucleotide starvation affects Saccharomyces cerevisiae mother-daughter separation and may be a signal for entry into quiescence

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    BACKGROUND: Guanylic nucleotides are both macromolecules constituents and crucial regulators for a variety of cellular processes. Therefore, their intracellular concentration must be strictly controlled. Consistently both yeast and mammalian cells tightly correlate the transcription of genes encoding enzymes critical for guanylic nucleotides biosynthesis with the proliferation state of the cell population. RESULTS: To gain insight into the molecular relationships connecting intracellular guanylic nucleotide levels and cellular proliferation, we have studied the consequences of guanylic nucleotide limitation on Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell cycle progression. We first utilized mycophenolic acid, an immunosuppressive drug that specifically inhibits inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase, the enzyme catalyzing the first committed step in de novo GMP biosynthesis. To approach this system physiologically, we next developed yeast mutants for which the intracellular guanylic nucleotide pools can be modulated through changes of growth conditions. In both the pharmacological and genetic approaches, we found that guanylic nucleotide limitation generated a mother-daughter separation defect, characterized by cells with two unseparated daughters. We then showed that this separation defect resulted from cell wall perturbations but not from impaired cytokinesis. Importantly, cells with similar separation defects were found in a wild type untreated yeast population entering quiescence upon nutrient limitation. CONCLUSION: Our results demonstrate that guanylic nucleotide limitation slows budding yeast cell cycle progression, with a severe pause in telophase. At the cellular level, guanylic nucleotide limitation causes the emergence of cells with two unseparated daughters. By fluorescence and electron microscopy, we demonstrate that this phenotype arises from defects in cell wall partition between mother and daughter cells. Because cells with two unseparated daughters are also observed in a wild type population entering quiescence, our results reinforce the hypothesis that guanylic nucleotide intracellular pools contribute to a signal regulating both cell proliferation and entry into quiescence

    Reversible cytoplasmic localization of the proteasome in quiescent yeast cells

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    The 26S proteasome is responsible for the controlled proteolysis of a vast number of proteins, including crucial cell cycle regulators. Accordingly, in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, 26S proteasome function is mandatory for cell cycle progression. In budding yeast, the 26S proteasome is assembled in the nucleus, where it is localized throughout the cell cycle. We report that upon cell entry into quiescence, proteasome subunits massively relocalize from the nucleus into motile cytoplasmic structures. We further demonstrate that these structures are proteasome cytoplasmic reservoirs that are rapidly mobilized upon exit from quiescence. Therefore, we have named these previously unknown structures proteasome storage granules (PSGs). Finally, we observe conserved formation and mobilization of these PSGs in the evolutionary distant yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. This conservation implies a broad significance for these proteasome reserves

    Mitochondria reorganization upon proliferation arrest predicts individual yeast cell fate

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    International audienceMost cells spend the majority of their life in a non-proliferating state. When proliferation cessation is irreversible, cells are senescent. By contrast, if the arrest is only temporary, cells are defined as quiescent. These cellular states are hardly distinguishable without triggering proliferation resumption, hampering thus the study of quiescent cells properties. Here we show that quiescent and senescent yeast cells are recognizable based on their mitochondrial network morphology. Indeed, while quiescent yeast cells display numerous small vesicular mitochondria, senescent cells exhibit few globular mitochondria. This allowed us to reconsider at the individual-cell level, properties previously attributed to quiescent cells using population-based approaches. We demonstrate that cell's propensity to enter quiescence is not influenced by replicative age, volume or density. Overall, our findings reveal that quiescent cells are not all identical but that their ability to survive is significantly improved when they exhibit the specific reorganization of several cellular machineries

    Quiescent Saccharomyces cerevisiae forms telomere hyperclusters at the nuclear membrane vicinity through a multifaceted mechanism involving Esc1, the Sir complex, and chromatin condensation

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    Like other eukaryotes, Saccharomyces cerevisiae spatially organizes its chromosomes within the nucleus. In G(1) phase, the yeast’s 32 telomeres are clustered into 6–10 foci that dynamically interact with the nuclear membrane. Here we show that, when cells leave the division cycle and enter quiescence, telomeres gather into two to three hyperclusters at the nuclear membrane vicinity. This localization depends on Esc1 but not on the Ku proteins. Telomere hypercluster formation requires the Sir complex but is independent of the nuclear microtubule bundle that specifically assembles in quiescent cells. Importantly, mutants deleted for the linker histone H1 Hho1 or defective in condensin activity or affected for histone H4 Lys-16 deacetylation are impaired, at least in part, for telomere hypercluster formation in quiescence, suggesting that this process involves chromosome condensation. Finally, we establish that telomere hypercluster formation is not necessary for quiescence establishment, maintenance, and exit, raising the question of the physiological raison d’ĂȘtre of this nuclear reorganization

    Polarized Growth in the Absence of F-Actin in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Exiting Quiescence

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    Polarity establishment and maintenance are crucial for morphogenesis and development. In budding yeast, these two intricate processes involve the superposition of regulatory loops between polarity landmarks, RHO GTPases, actin-mediated vesicles transport and endocytosis. Deciphering the chronology and the significance of each molecular step of polarized growth is therefore very challenging.We have taken advantage of the fact that yeast quiescent cells display actin bodies, a non polarized actin structure, to evaluate the role of F-actin in bud emergence. Here we show that upon exit from quiescence, actin cables are not required for the first steps of polarized growth. We further show that polarized growth can occur in the absence of actin patch-mediated endocytosis. We finally establish, using latrunculin-A, that the first steps of polarized growth do not require any F-actin containing structures. Yet, these structures are required for the formation of a bona fide daughter cell and cell cycle completion. We propose that upon exit from quiescence in the absence of F-actin, secretory vesicles randomly reach the plasma membrane but preferentially dock and fuse where polarity cues are localized, this being sufficient to trigger polarized growth

    RelatĂłrio de estĂĄgio em farmĂĄcia comunitĂĄria

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    RelatĂłrio de estĂĄgio realizado no Ăąmbito do Mestrado Integrado em CiĂȘncias FarmacĂȘuticas, apresentado Ă  Faculdade de FarmĂĄcia da Universidade de Coimbr
