15 research outputs found


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    Background: An original case of incomplete (and reasonably fatal) human trepanation is described in this short paper. The diagnosis was made on the cremated remains of a young adult individual who died in Rome, Italy during the 2nd century AD. Clinical Presentation: The trepanation was incomplete, as death occurred quickly due to vascular lesions, according to the anatomic analysis of the bone piece. Comparable trepanation from Roman times are described and related to this case. Conclusion: Even if archaeological, this case highlights the possibility of such a diagnosis on post-fire fragmented bones. Very suggestive lesions of section are of great interest for the history of such a practice during classical Antiquity. Lastly, from a medical and forensic point of view, such a diagnosis may be of interest during any identification process and research for a cause of death during anthropological analyses.Uvod: Ovaj kratki rad opisuje izvorni slučaj nedovršene, fatalne trepanacije. Dijagnoza trepanacije postavljena je temeljem pregleda kremiranih ostataka mlade odrasle osobe umrle u II. stoljeću u Rimu. Klinička slika: Anatomskom analizom kostiju utvrđena je nedovršena trepanacija, vjerojatno zbog smrti koja je nastupila netom nakon početka zahvata kao posljedica oštećenja krvožilja. Uz to, prikazani nalaz uspoređuje se sa sličnim slučajevima trepanacije iz rimskog razdoblja. Zaključak: Iako temeljen na arheološkim ostacima, ovaj slučaj ističe mogućnost dijagnosticiranja trepanacije iz kremiranih i fragmetniranih koštanih ostataka. Sugestivna oštećenja utvrđena na koštanom materijalu od značajnog su interesa za povijest trepanacije u klasičnoj antici. Također, ovakav slučaj može biti od interesa medicinskoj struci tijekom identifikacijskih procesa i antropološkog utvrđivanja uzroka smrti iz koštanih ulomaka

    A glimpse into the early origins of medieval anatomy through the oldest conserved human dissection (Western Europe, 13<sup>th</sup> c. A.D.)

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    INTRODUCTION: Medieval autopsy practice is very poorly known in Western Europe, due to a lack of both descriptive medico-surgical texts and conserved dissected human remains. This period is currently considered the dark ages according to a common belief of systematic opposition of Christian religious authorities to the opening of human cadavers. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The identification in a private collection of an autopsied human individual dated from the 13(th) century A.D. is an opportunity for better knowledge of such practice in this chrono-cultural context, i.e. the early origins of occidental dissections. A complete forensic anthropological procedure was carried out, completed by radiological and elemental analyses. RESULTS: The complete procedure of this body opening and internal organs exploration is explained, and compared with historical data about forensic and anatomical autopsies from this period. During the analysis, a red substance filling all arterial cavities, made of mercury sulfide (cinnabar) mixed with vegetal oil (oleic and palmitic acids) was identified; it was presumably used to highlight vascularization by coloring in red such vessels, and help in the preservation of the body. CONCLUSIONS: Of particular interest for the description of early medical and anatomical knowledge, this “human preparation” is the oldest known yet, and is particularly important for the fields of history of medicine, surgery and anatomical practice

    Forensic description of impalement and associated torture lesions by Napoleon troops (Egypt, 1800)

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    International audienceImpalement bone traumas are very rarely described in the medical literature. We here present the first case of such a diagnosis carried out on a skeleton. The patient is Soleyman el-Halaby, executed in June 1800, who was the 24-year-old murderer of the Napoleonic general Kléber. The skeleton is now held in the National Museum of Natural History (Paris). This report describes the traumatic lesions diagnosed after a careful forensic anthropological examination. Such a case is important from a medical point of view, whether the origin of the pelvic or abdominal impalement is accidental or criminal. Forensic examination of skeletons conserved in anthropological collections may help reconstruct the modalities of death, and give data for an eventual repatriation process to the original community

    Radiographic analysis of three royal effigies of Abomey (Benin)

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    International audienceThree magical effigies (bocio) dedicated to kings of the ancient kingdom of Danhomey (Abomey) were examined on radiography: their internal constitution and the details of their consecration are thus better known. The results are presented here, as well as the associated anthropological and historical analyses

    Henri IV of France’s larynx 3D reconstitution

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    International audienceObjectives: King Henri IV of France (reign from 1589 to 1610) was one of the most important kings of France. Embalmed and buried in Saint-Denis, his remains were beheaded in 1793. His head (including his larynx) survived in successive private collections until its definitive identification in 2010. The purpose of the study was to provide a morphologic study of the larynx with a 3D reconstitution. Methods: A flexible endoscopy was performed via the mouth and via the trachea. Measures of the larynx (vocal folds lengths, thickness, width, larynx height) were collected from the CT-scan by a panel of experts blind each other. The segmentation of the laryngeal anatomical components (vocal folds, cartilages) was performed using 3DSlicer®. Mesh smoothing and 3D reconstitution were performed using Fusion 360®. Reconstitution was discussed between the experts. Decision was made by consensus after discussion. Results: Cricoid, thyroid, arytenoid cartilages, vocal folds and hyoid bone were identified and a computed 3D reconstitution of the larynx was made. The laryngeal 3D model appeared morphologically similar to a living subject. Measures were similar but smaller than those of a modern subject. Conclusions: The 3D reconstitution of the larynx of Henri IV of France was conducted from the CT-scan of his mummified head. This work constitutes a first valuable morphologic analysis of a larynx from an embalmed individual. This anatomical work is the first step towards the reconstruction of the voice of this historical character, which we hope to concretize with computer modeling tools in a second step. Level of evidence: V based on experiential and non-research evidence

    The embalming of John of Lancaster, first Duke of Bedford (1435 AD): A forensic

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    International audienceDuring the Middle Ages and Renaissance, embalming the cadaver of the elite was common practice, being a highly technical treatment mixing vegetal and mineral substances. To assess the exact kind of embalming reserved for the dead body (with the practical necessities of desiccation and good odour), we performed a full biomedical analysis of the mummified remains of John Plantagenet of Lancaster, first Duke of Bedford, regent of France for his nephew, the English King Henri VI (died 1435 AD). Here, we show, among other aspects, that the body was embalmed using substances whose origins were in apothecary and botany: mercury, myrtle, mint, frankincense, lime and, possibly, cinnamon and copper

    The brain of René Descartes (1650): A neuro-anatomical analysis

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    International audienceThe skull of René Descartes is held in the National Museum of Natural History since the 19th c. Up to date, only anthropological examinations were carried out, focusing on the cranial capacity and phrenological interpretation of the skull morphology. Using CT-scan based 3D technology, a reconstruction of the endocast was performed, allowing for its first complete description and inter-disciplinary analysis: assessment of metrical and non-metrical features, retrospective diagnosis of anatomical anomalies, and confrontation with neuro-psychological abilities of this well-identified individual