115 research outputs found

    Les fausses croyances et les pertes perçues comme étant presque gagnantes à la loterie vidéo

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    Deux articles examinent les perceptions erronées des joueurs d'appareils de loterie vidéo (ALV), dont les pertes qui sont perçues comme étant presque gagnantes (PPPG). Pour la premiÚre étude, 105 joueurs d'AVL furent questionnés sur leurs conceptions erronées et les PPPG. Contrairement aux hypothÚses, les joueurs fréquents ne discernent pas davantage les PPPG que les joueurs occasionnels et ils front pas un plus grand nombre de perceptions erronées. Des analyses a posteriori révélÚrent des différences significatives entre les joueurs pathologiques et non pathologiques sur ces variables. C'est donc la présence ou l'absence de pathologie qui font ici la différence plutÎt que la fréquence de jeu. La deuxiÚme étude examina en laboratoire l'influence des PPPG sur le choix d'un ALV. Dans un design intra-sujet, 28 joueurs pathologiques ont joué sur 2 AVL, un ayant des PPPG et l'autre non. Les résultats démontrent comme prévu qu'une majorité de joueurs choisissent de continuer à jouer sur l'appareil ayant les PPPG. Cependant, cette préférence ne se traduit pas par une somme d'argent mise plus élevée sur cet appareil. Ces résultats sont discutés à l'aide de la psychologie cognitive du jeu

    Immigration and Food Insecurity: The Canadian Experience—A Literature Review

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    Canada is a popular destination for immigrants and integration of newcomers is an important strategy for its demographic growth and economic development. Food insecurity disproportionately affects newcomers in Canada; unfortunately, they occupy the lower end of the socio‐economic spectrum and thus adding to the burden of socio‐cultural challenges they are already facing. The high level of food insecurity contributes to poor diet quality and the rise in overweight and other chronic health conditions and therefore to the loss of healthy immigrant status. Indeed, statistical evidence, mainly of the overall Canadian population, demonstrates that individuals living in food‐insecure households have higher rates of self‐reported poor health and chronic health conditions. Therefore, understanding and properly addressing the factors associated with food insecurity among Canadian immigrants is crucial for an adequate integration of immigrants. This chapter suggests that an adequate and appropriate understanding of food security for Canadian immigrant populations requires consideration of a cultural perspective in addition to the traditional individual, household and community levels and the development of measurement tools to capture this cultural dimension. It is proposed the concept of cultural food insecurity encompasses the four usual dimensions (availability, accessibility, utilization, and stability) and a newly proposed fifth cultural dimension. Future research should aim at validating the relevance of this cultural perspective as a fifth pillar for food security and developing measurement tools to assess it

    La mobilisation politique non ethnique chez les jeunes en Bosnie-Herzégovine : clivages et rÎle des partis politiques

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    Dix-sept ans aprĂšs la fin de la guerre de Bosnie-HerzĂ©govine, la population continue d'appuyer massivement les partis politiques nationalistes traditionnels, malgrĂ© la stagnation politique et Ă©conomique dont elle est la principale victime et un taux Ă©levĂ© d'insatisfaction. Les jeunes sont les plus touchĂ©s par la situation Ă©conomique; ils sont aussi les plus cyniques et participent trĂšs faiblement aux processus politiques. Le petit parti Nasa Stranka, fondĂ© en 2008, tente de mobiliser la population sur d'autres bases que l'ethnicitĂ©, et s'adresse principalement aux jeunes et aux citoyens qui ne votent pas. Ses rĂ©sultats Ă©lectoraux sont toutefois assez faibles. L'objectif de cette recherche est d'explorer les perceptions des jeunes Bosniens sur les clivages autres qu'ethniques qui structurent la sociĂ©tĂ©, et des reprĂ©sentants de partis politiques sur les stratĂ©gies permettant de mobiliser sur d'autres bases que l'ethnicitĂ©. Nous adoptons une approche thĂ©orique portant sur la compĂ©tition politique et les clivages, axĂ©e sur la complĂ©mentaritĂ© de la structure et de l'agence. Nous nous intĂ©resserons particuliĂšrement Ă  la prĂ©sence possible d'ancrages de clivages fondĂ©s sur des valeurs postmatĂ©rialistes. Nous posons les deux hypothĂšses suivantes : (a) il existe chez les jeunes Bosniens d'autres ancrages de clivages que les divisions ethniques, fondĂ©s par exemple sur des valeurs, et (b) des partis politiques non ethniques dĂ©ploient des stratĂ©gies pour les mobiliser malgrĂ© les structures politiques et sociales existantes. Nous testons ces hypothĂšses Ă  l'aide de donnĂ©es colligĂ©es dans le cadre d'une vingtaine d'entretiens semi-dirigĂ©s effectuĂ©s en Bosnie-HerzĂ©govine en mai et juin 2012 auprĂšs de jeunes Bosniens et de reprĂ©sentants de petits partis politiques non ethniques. Nous constatons chez les jeunes rencontrĂ©s un certain rejet de l'identitĂ© ethnique. En dĂ©pit d'un intĂ©rĂȘt limitĂ© pour la participation politique, nous identifions Ă©galement de potentiels ancrages de clivages ou d'identifications alternatives fondĂ©s sur des valeurs postmatĂ©rialistes, et en particulier le droit Ă  la diversitĂ© sexuelle et la protection de l'environnement. Le parti politique Nasa Stranka tente de mobiliser ces valeurs postmatĂ©rialistes, entre autres, en misant sur son programme non ethnique et social-libĂ©ral qu'il prĂ©sente comme Ă©tant unique sur la scĂšne bosnienne, en privilĂ©giant les mĂ©dias sociaux et le travail de terrain et en se dissociant complĂštement de la politique bosnienne traditionnelle. Ces rĂ©sultats offrent un soutien partiel Ă  nos hypothĂšses. L'agence de Nasa Stranka, et donc son succĂšs aux urnes, sont limitĂ©s en raison de la force des structures politiques, de la persistance des clivages ethniques, de la mĂ©fiance profonde de la population Ă  l'endroit de la politique et des paradoxes inhĂ©rents Ă  ses positions et Ă  ses stratĂ©gies.\ud ______________________________________________________________________________ \ud MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Bosnie-HerzĂ©govine, jeunes, participation politique, structure, agence, clivages, partis politique

    Les parcours d'insertion professionnelle des femmes immigrantes qualifiées à Québec : leurs perceptions de leur réalité : étude exploratoire et descriptive

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    Une grande part des diplÎmés étrangers qui désirent intégrer le marché du travail québécois poursuivent un processus d'insertion professionnelle sinueux et parviennent difficilement à se requalifier au sein de leur profession d'origine aprÚs la migration. Plusieurs connaissent une déqualification professionnelle à long terme, et certains semblent désavantagés par des difficultés particuliÚres, notamment les femmes. Cette étude qualitative, réalisée par le biais d'entrevues auprÚs de douze femmes immigrantes qualifiées à Québec, leur donne la parole pour qu'elles rendent compte de leurs regards sur leurs parcours d'insertion professionnelle. Les femmes ont une perception généralement positive de leur propre expérience d'insertion. Leurs attentes et leurs ambitions prémigratoires ont certes été déçues, mais ce n'est pas de façon négative qu'elles disent avoir réorganisé leurs parcours, malgré le déclassement et la déqualification. AprÚs la migration, une majorité de ces femmes ne se perçoivent pas axées sur la carriÚre, mais engagées avec détermination dans un processus de reconstruction identitaire. Les moyens et les stratégies d'insertion et de requalification qu'elles utilisent leur permettent d'atteindre leurs nouveaux objectifs professionnels. Il est possible d'affirmer que ce serait les études au Québec et les stages en milieu de travail qui leur permettraient d'accéder à la requalification. Les femmes ont fait part de forts degrés d'acceptation, de resilience et de satisfaction qui illustrent leur capacité de reconstruire leur vie professionnelle malgré les barriÚres qui se posent pour leur insertion professionnelle. La présence, en elles, de ressources intérieures proactives et la présence, autour d'elles, d'une famille, font partie des éléments qui leur permettent de retirer une satisfaction de leur situation, malgré tout

    Mid-morning Break and Poster Sessions: Survey of Internet user’s intentions about gambling on a legal online site

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    While many governments are considering the option of legalizing online gambling, mental health professionals and public health advocates worry that it will increase the number of problem gamblers. Results of the survey show that 3% of the sample, composed of 1009 Internet users, intended to gamble real money on the new online legal site, 6% would gamble without money, and 5% would visit the new site without gambling. Nearly 45% of those who intended to visit the legal gambling site were Internet non-gamblers in the last year. Half of online gamblers intended to gamble on the new legal site. Also, 5% of the non-gamblers intended to visit the legal site. Further, the survey revealed that 22% of the sample were in agreement with the decision to legalize online gambling in the province while 60% were against it

    Cognitive Restructuring for the Treatment of Gambling Related Thoughts: a Systematic Review

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    Cognitive restructuring is the best practice for treating gambling related thoughts, but some therapists do not apply this technique due to a lack of training regarding its application. The increase of skill game players (e.g., poker) entering treatment adds a challenge for therapists because these gamblers present with different thoughts than those of other gamblers usually encountered in treatment (e.g., EGM). This systematic review aims to describe how cognitive restructuring is carried out with gamblers, particularly skill game players, based on the evidence available in empirical studies that include cognitive interventions for gambling. Of the 2607 studies collected, 41 were retained. Results highlighted exposure as the most frequently used technique to facilitate identification of gambling related thoughts (imaginal = 19.5%; in vivo = 12.2% of studies). More than half of the studies (63.4%) clearly reported therapeutic techniques aimed at correcting gamblers’ thoughts, of which 30.8% involved visual support to challenge the thoughts (e.g. node link mapping, ABC log, cue-cards). Of the 41 retained studies, 46.3% included skill game players in their sample. However, 94.7% of these studies did not mention if cognitive restructuring had been adapted for these players. It was also observed that several terms referring to gamblers’ thoughts were used interchangeably (e.g. erroneous, dysfunctional, irrational or inadequate thoughts), although these terms could each refer to specific content. Clinical implications of the results are discussed with regards to the needs of therapists, but also in relation to editing constraints of scientific journals that may limit detailed description of cognitive restructuring procedures

    Narcissism, Sensation Seeking, Depression, Anxiety, and Cognitive Distortions: Comparative Analysis Between Poker and Video Lottery Terminal Players

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    According to the psycho-structural interaction model, the interaction between structural characteristics of a gambling game and player’s characteristics could foster the development of gambling problems. Those interactions may vary according to the types of game played. This study aims to compare poker and video lottery terminals players (VLTs) on six psychological characteristics (narcissism, sensation seeking, depression, anxiety, cognitive distortions and problem gambling severity) and to examine cognitive distortions as a mediator between personality/mood disturbance and problem gambling severity. The sample consisted of 191 poker players and 81 VLT players. Standard assessments were completed online and by phone within a cross-sectional design. As compared to the VLT group, the poker group mean scores were higher on narcissism and sensation seeking but lower on depression. Multi-group measurement invariance analysis show non-invariance between poker and VLT players. Mediation analysis revealed an indirect effect of narcissism on problem gambling severity for both groups. Narcissism effect on problem gambling severity scores was mediated by cognitive distortions. However, for VLT players only, cognitive distortions positively mediated the effect of depression scores on problem gambling severity. Findings illustrate the differences between groups and show the importance of considering players’ characteristics according to their preferred type of game. This study supports the development of explanatory theories of gambling behavior that take into account specific gambling contexts. The implications for clinical management are discussed

    Self-help Treatment for At-risk and Pathological Gamblers: Results From an Efficacy Study

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    Available evidence suggests that self-help treatments may reduce problem gambling severity and gambling behaviour. However, decrease of gambling among control groups and rare assessment of key variables associated with improvement across studies leave the benefits of self-help treatments for problem gambling unclear. The current study assesses the efficacy of a self-help treatment program including three motivational telephone interviews spread over an 11-week period and a cognitive-behavioral self-help workbook. At-risk and pathological gamblers were randomly assigned to the treatment group (n = 31) or the waiting list (n = 31). Relative to the waiting list, the treatment group presented a significant reduction in the number of DSM-5 pathological gambling criteria met, gambling habits (frequency, money and time spent gambling, and gambling consequences at 11 weeks. Perceived self-efficacy and life satisfaction also significantly improved after 11 weeks for the treatment group, whereas no significant changes were observed for the waiting list group. All significant changes reported for the treatment group were maintained throughout 15 and 35-week follow-ups. Results support the efficacy of the self-help program to reduce problem gambling severity, gambling behaviour and to improve overall functioning of gamblers over short and medium term. Findings from this study lend support to the growing body of evidence on the appropriateness of self-help treatments for problem gamblers and help clarify inconsistencies found in the literature. The low dropout rate is discussed with respect to the advantages of the self-help format and clinical and methodological implications of the results are put forth

    Glycated hemoglobin measurements at three, 12 and 24 months postpartum after gestational diabetes

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    Purpose: To determine the associations between glycated hemoglobin (A1C) values at three, 12 and 24 months postpartum taken during the Families Defeating Diabetes trial. Methods: The Families Defeating Diabetes trial was a randomized 12 month lifestyle intervention delivered in the first year postpartum. Women were reviewed at three, 6 12 and 24 months for body habitus, diet and lifestyle choices. Glycated hemoglobin levels were measured at three, 12 and 24 months. Results: There were 170 randomization participants: 89 interventional (INT); and 81 control (CON). Of these 170 participants, 50 INT and 47 CON completed 12-month follow-up and 26 INT and 24 CON completed 24-month follow-up. Study outcomes did not differ between the cohorts. Combined intraclass correlation coefficients for reliability of repeated results showed substantial reliability: 0.74 (95% CI 0.63, 0.83) between three and 12 month A1C; and 0.72 (95% CI 0.51, 0.85) for three and 24 month A1C. Pearson correlations for three month vs 12 month A1C were r=0.745 (p\u3c0.001) and three month vs 24 month A1C were r=0.718 (p=0.001) Conclusions: The A1C values at three, 12 and 24 months after gestational diabetes mellitus showed substantial reliability by intraclass correlation coefficients analysis as well as significant Pearson correlations. These findings add perspective to timing and use of A1C to document postpartum glucose tolerance for women with recent gestational diabetes mellitus. These findings suggest a role for postpartum A1C testing; however, a longitudinal comparison with OGTT results is required to confirm clinical validity
