6 research outputs found

    Analyse des sagittalen lumbosakralen Alignments nach Korrekturspondylodese isthmischer Spondylolisthesen

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    (A) Representative TEM images of c-kit+ cells used for initiating co-cultures after immunomagnetic bead selection. (B) TEM images of 4- and 14-day cultured c-kit+ cells on 500-μm β-TCP scaffolds, 500-μm β-TCP/collagen I/III scaffolds, and 500-μm β-TCP/Matrigel® scaffolds. Collagen I/III gels and Matrigel® alone are shown as controls. C-kit+ progenitor cell morphology (of freshly isolated cells) consisting of visible scattered chromatin, prominent nucleoli, and approximated cell diameter of 8–10 μm is shown as reference

    Additional file 3: Figure S2. of An engineered multicomponent bone marrow niche for the recapitulation of hematopoiesis at ectopic transplantation sites

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    (A) Monitorization of the CD34+CD38− primitive phenotype in human-derived CD34+ progenitors co-cultured with hMSCs for 5 and 12 days in the different β-TCP/matrix hybrids. On the left data presented is a mean ± SD of three independent experiments; on the right, dot plots of one representative experiment are shown. (B) Representative SEM images CD34+ HSPCs co-cultured for 12 days in 800-μm β-TCP scaffolds in the presence of hMSC-containing collagen I/III matrix. CD34+ HSPCs (red arrows) are seen in close contact to hMSCs (white arrows) within the scaffold macropores. β-TCP scaffolds (asterisks) were reinforced with collagen I/III (green arrows)

    Additional file 7: Figure S6. of An engineered multicomponent bone marrow niche for the recapitulation of hematopoiesis at ectopic transplantation sites

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    Representative SEM images of collagen I/III gels pre-seeded with mBMSCs and later seeded with c-kit+-isolated cells. Co-cultures observed were maintained for 4 days (vi) and 14 days (i, iv, v). SEM in cryogenic mode (ii) and dry mode (iii) shows the typically high microporosity rate of collagen I/III

    Additional file 2: Figure S1. of An engineered multicomponent bone marrow niche for the recapitulation of hematopoiesis at ectopic transplantation sites

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    Representative SEM images of 500- or 800-μm β-TCP scaffolds pre-seeded with hMSCs maintained in culture for 3 weeks with or without addition of collagen I/III. Collagen I/III embedded with hMSCs cultured under standard conditions were undifferentiated controls. Collagen I/III gels with embedded hMSCs cultured under osteogenic differentiation conditions were osteogenic controls (xii)

    Additional file 4: Figure S3. of An engineered multicomponent bone marrow niche for the recapitulation of hematopoiesis at ectopic transplantation sites

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    Dot plot representations of the putative LSK (lin−Sca1+c-kit+) population in starting cultures and 4-, 7-, and 14-day cultures of c-kit+-isolated cells in co-culture with mBMSCs on 500- and 800-μm β-TCP scaffolds with or without collagen I/III gels or Matrigel®. Flow cytometry data shown is of one representative experiment