973 research outputs found

    O treino de competências para a vida com jovens atletas do género masculino e a prevenção de comportamentos de risco

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    O presente trabalho pretende avaliar um projeto de intervenção com jovens na prevenção do VIH. Foram definidos os seguintes objetivos: avaliar se os conhecimentos dos participantes sobre o VIH aumentaram entre o antes e depois da intervenção e verificar se a intervenção modificou as atitudes em relação às pessoas infetadas. Participaram neste estudo 416 sujeitos do género masculino, todos praticantes de modalidades desportivas (futebol, andebol, basquetebol, pólo-aquático e rugby) do Alentejo (Beja, Évora e Redondo), com idades entre os 10 e os 21 anos. O instrumento utilizado foi um questionário relativo a conhecimentos e atitudes sobre o VIH. Os resultados evidenciaram a importância da intervenção realizada com os participantes, nomeadamente o aumento de conhecimentos sobre o VIH e as mudanças nas atitudes dos jovens relativas às pessoas infetadas, que se tornaram mais favoráveis; The life skill´s practice for masculine young athletes and the risk behavior prevention Abstract: This paper aims to evaluate the project of intervention with adolescents preventing HIV, the goals are to evaluate if the knowledge of the participants about HIV increases from before and after the intervention, and to analyze if the programme change the attitude related to the infected people. Participants of the studied were 416 adolescents of masculine gender, all practice sports, (soccer, handball, basketball, water-polo and rugby), from Alentejo (Beja, Évora and Redondo), with age ranged from 10 to 21 years. The instrument that was used is an Inventory of knowledge and attitude of HIV. The results suggest the importance of the intervention with the participants, findings reveal that the knowledge about HIV increase, and there were some changes of the adolescent’s attitudes for the infected people, for a more favourable way

    m@c 1/2: uma experiência de formação contínua em Matemática

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    No âmbito de uma investigação circunscrita ao Programa de Formação Contínua em Matemática com professores dos 1º e 2º CEB da Universidade de Aveiro - m@c1/2 - importa perceber o seu enquadramento nos seus diferentes níveis de desenvolvimento, desde a sua génese e fundamentos, às finalidades e princípios orientadores, lógica organizativa e consequente impacto. Procurar-se-á substantivar aspetos inovadores e momentos que lhe deram um cunho peculiar e únicos na história da formação contínua de professores em Portugal, reclamando, assim, a importância de tal programa. Optou-se por um estudo qualitativo centrado no caso m@c1/2, recorrendo a uma análise documental, de cariz transversal, de uma ampla gama de diplomas legais e documentos oficiais, não publicados, estudos tornados públicos e portfólios dos formandos bem como a inquéritos por questionário. Dessa análise, conclui-se que o PFCM promoveu uma nova consciência sobre a necessidade de um conhecimento de matemática, didático e curricular sólido que se reflita em aprendizagens matemáticas significantes junto dos alunos. O aspeto estruturante mais enfatizado relacionou-se com a reflexão sobre a ação.In an extent investigation circumscribed to the Math In-service Teacher Training (1st and 2nd grade) in the University of Aveiro – m@c1/2 – we intend to understand its framework in different levels of development, its origin and grounds, goals and main guidelines, organizational logic and its impact. We have searched for innovations in several aspects and moments that gave a peculiar and unique mark in the history of in-service teacher training in Portugal, claiming, this way, the importance of such programme. We developed a qualitative study which focuses on the case m@c1/2, involving a documental analyse, from non-published legal certificates and official documents, public studies and student’s portfolios and inquiries by questionnaire. From data analysis, it has been concluded that the PFCM has promoted a new conscience about the need of a mathematical, methodological and curricular knowledge which reflect a significant learning. The most important aspect has been related with the reflexion about the action.Como parte de una investigación limitada a la del Programa de Educación Continua en Matemáticas con profesores de primero y segundo ciclo, de la Universidad de Aveiro - m@C1/2 – importa entender su entorno en sus diferentes niveles de desarrollo, desde sus orígenes y fundamentos a los objetivos y principios que orientan la lógica organizativa y los efectos consiguientes. Se intentará sustanciar los aspectos innovadores y momentos que le dieron una huella peculiar y única en la historia de la formación del profesorado en Portugal, demandando, por lo tanto, la importância de dicho programa. Hemos optado por un estudio cualitativo centrado en el caso m@c1/2, utilizando un análisis documental, de forma transversal, una amplia gama de documentos legales y oficiales, no publicados, estudios públicos y portfolios de los alumnos, y bien encuestas por cuestionario. A partir de este análisis, llegamos a la conclusión de que el PFCM promovió una nueva conciencia de la necesidad de un conocimiento de las matemáticas, la enseñanza y sólido plan de estudios, que se refleja en aprendizajes significativas de las matemáticas entre los estudiantes. El aspecto estructural que ha tenido más énfasis se relaciona con la reflexión sobre la acción

    Brand identity planning model of Hotel Miramonti

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    The present project's purpose is to create a branding strategy for Hotel Miramonti, for it to transmit a clear, coherent, and cohesive identity. The branding strategy proposition process starts by analyzing the internal and external factors within the context of the hotel (competitors, consumers, getting the director’s perspective and comparing it to the staff’s perspective to understand what can be actually feasible to do); then proposing a strategy. The project proposal addresses the steps suggested by David Aaker: the three perspectives of the hotel, the identity structure, the value proposition, and the brand position. The expected result of implementing this strategy’s proposal should be providing the hotel with a clear brand positioning, thus giving the hotel the right tools to have consistent communication (internally and externally) and, consequently, generating a clear and cohesive image, allowing the development of a brand-customer relationship

    Do MHC Class I negative tumour cells display the cancer stem cell property of chemoresistance? Unravelling a potential surface marker on colorectal cancer stem cells

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    Tese de mestrado, Ciências Biofarmacêuticas, 2021, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Farmácia.O cancro colorectal (CCR) é o segundo cancro mais mortífero em ambos os géneros, mundialmente, e o terceiro mais diagnosticado em homens e o segundo em mulheres. O CCR apresenta grande heterogeneidade em termos morfológicos, fenotípicos e funcionais, devido a um elevado número de alterações genéticas. É de conhecimento geral que o cancro é composto por uma mistura de células com capacidades autorregenerativas (células estaminais cancerígenas, CECs) e outras células com capacidades proliferativas, evidenciando um ciclo celular limitado (células não-regenerativas). As CECs consistem numa população de células cancerígenas no interior de tumores, apresentando várias características como autorregeneração e geração de células diferenciadas, contribuindo para a heterogeneidade tumoral. Adicionalmente, estas células são capazes de iniciar o crescimento tumoral, sendo responsáveis pela tumorigénese, além de exibirem mecanismos de resistência, cujos lhes conferem vantagem em termos de sobrevivência contra várias terapias, como a quimioterapia e a radioterapia, causando recaídas após tratamento. Tem sido, também, descrito que as CECs são capazes de formar tumores na presença de um sistema imunitário funcional, devido aos mecanismos de edição do sistema imune, como por exemplo, a baixa regulação da apresentação de antigénios, (através do Complexo Principal de Histocompatibilidade de classe I – MHC-I) de modo a evitar a sua deteção por parte das células imunitárias. Com isto em consideração, é sugerido que a população de células sem MHC-I na sua superfície esteja enriquecida com CECs, as quais desenvolvem propriedades de quimioresistência contra terapias convencionais para o CCR, durante numerosas alterações genéticas e epigenéticas. Desta forma, utilizando como modelo o CCR, este projeto propõe-se a 1) realizar uma vasta caracterização da população de células cancerígenas negativas para o MHC-I, correlacionando com os atuais biomarcadores de CECs (CD44, Lgr5, EpCAM e o CD133); 2) testar a resposta de tratamento das células cancerígenas negativas para o MHC-I contra agentes quimioterapêuticos usados no CCR, tentando compreender se esta população exibe a propriedade de quimioresistência das CECs. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que as células sem MHC-I na superfície não apresentam, homogeneamente, elevada expressão dos marcadores de CECs (CD44, Lgr5, EpCAM e CD133). Além disso, nos ensaios de quimiosensibilidade in vitro, não há consistência nos resultados relativos à população que será mais quimioresistente. Com isto, o MHC-I parece ser um biomarcador que sofre regulação mediante condições externas, numa tentativa de as células malignas adquirirem resistência ao longo de uma evolução tumoral, de modo a sobreviverem contra a ambientes adversos. Desta forma, a célula estaminal cancerígena talvez seja um estado transiente de uma célula cancerígena que sobreviveu a condições desfavoráveis.Colorectal Cancer (CRC) is the second leading cause of death in both genders, worldwide, and the third most diagnosed cancer in males and the second in females. CRC presents high heterogeneity in morphology, phenotype, and functions due to an elevated number of genetic alterations. It is well known that cancer is comprised by a mixture of cells, some with the ability of self-renewal (cancer stem cells, CSCs) and proliferative cells with limited life cycle (non-self-renewing cells). CSCs are a subpopulation of cancer cells within tumours, presenting several characteristics like self-renewal and generation of differentiated cells, contributing to tumour heterogeneity. Additionally, they are capable to initiate tumour growth, being responsible for tumorigenesis, as well as to exhibit mechanisms of resistance, which confer them survival advantage, against various therapies, such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy, causing relapse after treatment. It has been also reported that CSCs are also capable of forming tumours in the presence of a functional immune system, due to their immunoediting mechanisms, like downregulation of antigen presentation (through Major Histocompatibility Complex class I - MHC-I) to avoid detection by immune cells. With this in mind, it is suggested that HLA class I negative tumour cells are enriched with cancer stem cells, which develop chemoresistance properties to conventional therapies during several genetic and epigenetic alterations. Therefore, in this project, using CRC as a model, we aim to 1) perform a wide characterization of HLA-I negative tumour cells correlating with the current CSC biomarkers (CD44, Lgr5, EpCAM and CD133); 2) test treatment response of HLA-I negative tumour cells to chemotherapeutic agents used for CRC, trying to understand if this population displays the CSC property of chemoresistance. The obtained results demonstrated that MHC-I negative cells do not homogeneously display high expression of CSCs markers (CD44, CD133, EpCAM, and Lgr5). Additionally, in the in vitro chemosensitivity experiments, there were no consistent results on which is the most resistant population. Thus, MHC-I seems to be a biomarker that undergoes regulation as a response to different external conditions, in an attempt of malignant cells to acquire resistance over tumour evolution to survive against adverse environments. Thus, the cancer stem cell may be a transient status of a specific cancer cell, which survives against adverse conditions.Com o patrocínio de Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown - Molecular and Experimental Pathology La

    Morphological and physiological changes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by oxidative stress from hyperbaric air

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    Increase in air or oxygen pressure in microbial cell cultures can cause oxidative stress and consequently affect cell physiology and morphology. The behaviour of Saccharomyces cerevisiae grown under hyperbaric atmospheres of air and pure oxygen was studied. A limit of 1.0 MPa for the air pressure increase (i.e. 0.21 MPa of oxygen partial pressure) in a fed-batch culture of S. cerevisiae was established. Values of 1.5 MPa air pressure and 0.32 MPa pure oxygen pressure strongly inhibited the metabolic activity and the viability of the cells. Also, morphological changes were observed, especially cell-size distribution and the genealogical age profile. Pressure caused cell compression and an increase in number of aged cells. These effects were attributed to oxygen toxicity since similar results were obtained using air or oxygen, if oxygen partial pressure was equal to or higher than 0.32 MPa. The activity of the antioxidant enzymes, catalase and superoxide dismutase (SOD) (cytosolic and mitochondrial isoformes) indicated that the enzymes have different roles in oxidative stress cell protection, depending on other factors that affect the cell physiological state

    Physiological behaviour of saccharomyces cerevisiae under increased air and oxygen pressures

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    Saccharomyces cerevisiae, in a pressure batch reactor, coped with higher air (1.2–3 bar) pressures better than with pure oxygen pressures (1.2–3 bar) for an equivalent dissolved oxygen concentration. However, pure oxygen pressure enhanced ethanol production. Both pressures did not influence the type of metabolism followed by the organism which was always oxidoreductive. Growth was inhibited with the increase of air and pure oxygen pressure and almost completely inhibited with 8 bar of pure oxygen. Above 3 bar activities of mitochondrial superoxide dismutase and glutathione reductase increased with air pressure, but cytosolic superoxide dismutase and catalase increased activity only in pure oxygen pressure

    Oxidative stress response of Kluyveromyces marxianus to hydrogen peroxide, paraquat and pressure

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    The aim of this work was to study the oxidative stress response of Kluyveromyces marxianus to hydrogen peroxide (50 mM), paraquat (1 mM), an increase in air pressure (120 kPa, 600 kPa) and pure oxygen pressure (120–600 kPa) in a pressurized bioreactor. The effect of these oxidants on metabolism and on the induction of antioxidant enzymes was investigated. The exposure for 1 h of K. marxianus at exponential growth phase with either H2O2 or paraquat, under air pressure of 120 kPa or 600 kPa, induced an increase in both superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione reductase (GR) content. SOD induction by the chemical oxidants was independent of the air pressure values used. A 2-fold increase in SOD activity was observed after 1 h of exposure to H2O2 and a 3-fold increase was obtained by the presence of paraquat, with both air pressures studied. In contrast, GR activity was raised 1.7-fold by the exposure to both chemicals with 120 kPa, but a 2.4-fold GR induction was obtained with 600 kPa. As opposed to Saccharomyces cerevisiae, catalase was not induced and was even lower than the normal basal levels. This antioxidant enzyme seemed to be inhibited under increasing oxygen partial pressure. The cells showed a significant increase in SOD and GR activity levels, 4.7-fold and 4.4-fold, when exposed for 24 h to 120 kPa pure oxygen pressure. This behaviour was even more patent with 400 kPa. However, whenever cells were previously exposed to low air pressures, low enzymatic activity levels were measured after subsequent exposure to pure oxygen pressure.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) – PRAXIS XXI/BD/11498/97

    Effects of hyperbaric air on the Saccharomyces cerevisae morphology and viability

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    Fed-batch cultivation of Saccharomyces cerevisae is the dominating technique in high cell density cultures of processes such as the production of Baker's yeast [l] and recombinant proteins [2]. Due to the high oxygen demand of these cultures, the oxygen supply to the culture is an important and difficult task. The use of hyperbaric air, e.g., air at increased pressure, for oxygen mass transfer improvement has been proved to be applicable to several microbial strains [3,4]. In this study, the effects of hyperbaric air up to 1.5 MPa on the viability and morphology of S. cerevisiae cells grown in fed-batch cultures were investigated. Fed-batch experiments were performed in a stainless steel stirred tank reactor. Exponential feeding at dilution rates up to 0.1 h-1 was used, in order to ensure full respiratory metabolism. The ethanol production due to oxygen _limitation at atmospheric pressure was reduced by the bioreactor pressurization up to 1.0 MPa. No differences on the fraction of viable cells, size of the cells and genealogical age were observed in this range of total pressure. Moreover, best results were obtained for experiments where pressure was increased gradually throughout time. This observation indicates the existence of an adaptation period of the cells to hyperbaric conditions. However, a strong inhibition of cell activity was observed for the operation at 1.5 MPa total air pressure. This effect was due to the increase on the oxygen partial pressure because similar cell behaviour was found using pure oxygen at the same partial pressure (0.32 MPa). Oxygen toxicity resulted in a drastic decrease of cell viability, inhibition of ATP synthesis and morphologic changes, mainly, cell size decrease

    Study of oxygen effects on Thermus sp. RQ-1

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