13,112 research outputs found

    Economic Mobility: Is the American Dream Alive and Well?

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    Draws on research analysis to outline what economic mobility is, why it matters in today's economy, and why it is important for policy makers to focus on mobility as part of the ongoing national economic debate


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    Response to changes in factors influencing consumption of catfish and competing commodities differ between national, South Atlantic, and Southwest Central markets. A modified state adjustment model for catfish, beef, chicken, and other fish explicitly included age distribution, residence, occupation, education, and race/ethnic variables associated with habit formation. Nationally, per capita expenditures on catfish respond to present and past relative prices, and catfish, chicken, and other fish, but not beef, consumption demonstrates significant habit formation. South Atlantic and Southwest Central habits for catfish consumption persist, and, as the population ages, chicken and fish consumption increase.Demand and Price Analysis,

    Altering an extended phenotype reduces intraspecific male aggression and can maintain diversity in cichlid fish

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    Reduced male aggression towards different phenotypes generating negative frequency-dependent intrasexual selection has been suggested as a mechanism to facilitate the invasion and maintenance of novel phenotypes in a population. To date, the best empirical evidence for the phenomenon has been provided by laboratory studies on cichlid fish with different colour polymorphisms. Here we experimentally tested the hypothesis in a natural population of Lake Malawi cichlid fish, in which males build sand-castles (bowers) to attract females during seasonal leks. We predicted that if bower shape plays an important role in male aggressive interactions, aggression among conspecific males should decrease when their bower shape is altered. Accordingly, we allocated randomly chosen bowers in a Nyassachromis cf. microcephalus lek into three treatments: control, manipulated to a different shape, and simulated manipulation. We then measured male behaviours and bower shape before and after these treatments. We found that once bower shape was altered, males were involved in significantly fewer aggressive interactions with conspecific males than before manipulation. Mating success was not affected. Our results support the idea that an extended phenotype, such as bower shape, can be important in maintaining polymorphic populations. Specifically, reduced male conspecific aggression towards males with different extended phenotypes (here, bower shapes) may cause negative frequency-dependent selection, allowing the invasion and establishment of a new phenotype (bower builder). This could help our understanding of mechanisms of diversification within populations, and in particular, the overall diversification of bower shapes within Lake Malawi cichlids

    A second-order PHD filter with mean and variance in target number

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    The Probability Hypothesis Density (PHD) and Cardinalized PHD (CPHD) filters are popular solutions to the multi-target tracking problem due to their low complexity and ability to estimate the number and states of targets in cluttered environments. The PHD filter propagates the first-order moment (i.e. mean) of the number of targets while the CPHD propagates the cardinality distribution in the number of targets, albeit for a greater computational cost. Introducing the Panjer point process, this paper proposes a second-order PHD filter, propagating the second-order moment (i.e. variance) of the number of targets alongside its mean. The resulting algorithm is more versatile in the modelling choices than the PHD filter, and its computational cost is significantly lower compared to the CPHD filter. The paper compares the three filters in statistical simulations which demonstrate that the proposed filter reacts more quickly to changes in the number of targets, i.e., target births and target deaths, than the CPHD filter. In addition, a new statistic for multi-object filters is introduced in order to study the correlation between the estimated number of targets in different regions of the state space, and propose a quantitative analysis of the spooky effect for the three filters

    Adaptive Controller Placement for Wireless Sensor-Actuator Networks with Erasure Channels

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    Wireless sensor-actuator networks offer flexibility for control design. One novel element which may arise in networks with multiple nodes is that the role of some nodes does not need to be fixed. In particular, there is no need to pre-allocate which nodes assume controller functions and which ones merely relay data. We present a flexible architecture for networked control using multiple nodes connected in series over analog erasure channels without acknowledgments. The control architecture proposed adapts to changes in network conditions, by allowing the role played by individual nodes to depend upon transmission outcomes. We adopt stochastic models for transmission outcomes and characterize the distribution of controller location and the covariance of system states. Simulation results illustrate that the proposed architecture has the potential to give better performance than limiting control calculations to be carried out at a fixed node.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, to be published in Automatic

    Tackling Rapid Radiations With Targeted Sequencing

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    In phylogenetic studies across angiosperms, at various taxonomic levels, polytomies have persisted despite efforts to resolve them by increasing sampling of taxa and loci. The large amount of genomic data now available and statistical tools to analyze them provide unprecedented power for phylogenetic inference. Targeted sequencing has emerged as a strong tool for estimating species trees in the face of rapid radiations, lineage sorting, and introgression. Evolutionary relationships in Cyperaceae have been studied mostly using Sanger sequencing until recently. Despite ample taxon sampling, relationships in many genera remain poorly understood, hampered by diversification rates that outpace mutation rates in the loci used. The C4 Cyperus clade of the genus Cyperus has been particularly difficult to resolve. Previous studies based on a limited set of markers resolved relationships among Cyperus species using the C3 photosynthetic pathway, but not among C4 Cyperus clade taxa. We test the ability of two targeted sequencing kits to resolve relationships in the C4 Cyperus clade, the universal Angiosperms-353 kit and a Cyperaceae-specific kit. Sequences of the targeted loci were recovered from data generated with both kits and used to investigate overlap in data between kits and relative efficiency of the general and custom approaches. The power to resolve shallow-level relationships was tested using a summary species tree method and a concatenated maximum likelihood approach. High resolution and support are obtained using both approaches, but high levels of missing data disproportionately impact the latter. Targeted sequencing provides new insights into the evolution of morphology in the C4 Cyperus clade, demonstrating for example that the former segregate genus Alinula is polyphyletic despite its seeming morphological integrity. An unexpected result is that the Cyperus margaritaceus-Cyperus niveus complex comprises a clade separate from and sister to the core C4 Cyperus clade. Our results demonstrate that data generated with a family-specific kit do not necessarily have more power than those obtained with a universal kit, but that data generated with different targeted sequencing kits can often be merged for downstream analyses. Moreover, our study contributes to the growing consensus that targeted sequencing data are a powerful tool in resolving rapid radiationsEspaña Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (project CGL2016- 77401-P

    Pax1 and Pax9 activate Bapx1 to induce chondrogenic differentiation in the sclerotome.

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    We have previously shown that the paired-box transcription factors Pax1 and Pax9 synergistically act in the proper formation of the vertebral column. Nevertheless, downstream events of the Pax1/Pax9 action and their target genes remain to be elucidated. We show, by analyzing Pax1;Pax9 double mutant mice, that expression of Bapx1 in the sclerotome requires the presence of Pax1 and Pax9, in a gene dose-dependent manner. By using a retroviral system to overexpress Pax1 in chick presomitic mesoderm explants, we show that Pax1 can substitute for Shh in inducing Bapx1 expression and in initiating chondrogenic differentiation. Furthermore, we demonstrate that Pax1 and Pax9 can transactivate regulatory sequences in the Bapx1 promoter and that they physically interact with the Bapx1 promoter region. These results strongly suggest that Bapx1 is a direct target of Pax1 and Pax9. Together, we conclude that Pax1 and Pax9 are required and sufficient for the chondrogenic differentiation of sclerotomal cells

    Social Interactions and Fertility in Developing Countries

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    There is strong evidence that, in addition to individual and household characteristics, social interactions are important in determining fertility rates. Social interactions can lead to a multiplier effect where an individual’s ideas, and fertility choice, can affect the fertility decisions of others. We merge all available Demographic and Health Surveys to investigate the factors that influence both individual and average group fertility. We find that in the early phase of the fertility transition the impact of a woman’s education and experience of child death on her group’s average fertility are more than three times as large as their direct effect on her own fertility decision.demography, growth, age structure, population, economy.

    Aproximaciones conceptuales para el estudio de riesgos en la región andina

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    fenómenos hidrometeorológicos y geológicos, que al impactar sobre población vulnerable puede generar desastres con efectos de intensidad y temporalidad variable. A pesar del creciente interés en controlar estos efectos mediante la implementación de cada vez más complejas estrategias de manejo o gestión de riesgo, esta tarea aún resulta esquiva y, por el contrario, la situación parece agravarse frente a los efectos del cambio climático. Este contexto invita a una reflexión sobre la conceptualización del riesgo con miras a abrir vías de análisis que sean pertinentes para su estudio en la región andina. El documento tiene como objetivo, entonces, hacer un balance de los aportes desde las ciencias sociales y enfoques interdisciplinarios. De esta manera, hace síntesis de las principales propuestas y debates en torno al concepto riesgo: el riesgo como construcción sociocultural, la agencia y materialidad del riesgo, el riesgo en los sistemas socio ecológicos y la ecología política del riesgo; y ofrece una aproximación conceptual planteando una ruta de acercamiento basada en el estudio de las institucionalidades en vínculo con las estrategias de manejo del riesgo por desastres

    Entanglement invariant for the double Jaynes-Cummings model

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    We study entanglement dynamics between four qubits interacting through two isolated Jaynes-Cummings hamiltonians, via the entanglement measure based on the wedge product. We compare the results with similar results obtained using bipartite concurrence resulting in what is referred to as "entanglement sudden death". We find a natural entanglement invariant under evolution demonstrating that entanglement sudden death is caused by ignoring (tracing over) some of the system's degrees of freedom that become entangled through the interaction.Comment: Sec. V has largely been rewritten. An error pertaining to the entanglement invariant has been corrected and a correct invariant valid for a much larger set of states have been found, Eq. (25