620 research outputs found

    Astrophysical Insights into Radial Velocity Jitter from an Analysis of 600 Planet-search Stars

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    Radial velocity (RV) detection of planets is hampered by astrophysical processes on the surfaces of stars that induce a stochastic signal, or "jitter," which can drown out or even mimic planetary signals. Here, we empirically and carefully measure the RV jitter of more than 600 stars from the California Planet Search sample on a star by star basis. As part of this process, we explore the activity–RV correlation of stellar cycles and include appendices listing every ostensibly companion-induced signal we removed and every activity cycle we noted. We then use precise stellar properties from Brewer et al. to separate the sample into bins of stellar mass and examine trends with activity and with evolutionary state. We find that RV jitter tracks stellar evolution and that in general, stars evolve through different stages of RV jitter: the jitter in younger stars is driven by magnetic activity, while the jitter in older stars is convectively driven and dominated by granulation and oscillations. We identify the "jitter minimum"—where activity-driven and convectively driven jitter have similar amplitudes—for stars between 0.7 and 1.7 M⊙ and find that more-massive stars reach this jitter minimum later in their lifetime, in the subgiant or even giant phases. Finally, we comment on how these results can inform future RV efforts, from prioritization of follow-up targets from transit surveys like TESS to target selection of future RV surveys

    Airspace Technology Demonstration 3 (ATD-3): Dynamic Routes for Arrivals in Weather (DRAW) Technology Transfer Document Summary Version 2.0

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    Airspace Technology Demonstration 3 (ATD-3) is part of NASAs Airspace Operations and Safety Program (AOSP) specifically, its Airspace Technology Demonstrations (ATD) Project. ATD-3 is a multi-year research and development effort which proposes to develop and demonstrate automation technologies and operating concepts that enable air navigation service providers and airspace users to continuously assess weather, winds, traffic, and other information to identify, evaluate, and implement workable opportunities for flight plan route corrections that can result in significant flight time and fuel savings in en route airspace. In order to ensure that the products of this tech-transfer are relevant and useful, NASA has created strong partnerships with the FAA and key industry stakeholders. This summary document and accompanying technology artifacts satisfy the third Research Transition Product (RTP) defined in the Applied Traffic Flow Management (ATFM) Research Transition Team (RTT) Plan, which is Dynamic Routes for Arrivals in Weather (DRAW). This technology transfer consists of artifacts for DRAW Arrival Metering (AM) Operations delivered in June 2018, DRAW AM updates, and DRAW Extended Metering (XM) Operations. Blue highlighting indicates the new or modified deliverables. Some of the artifacts in this technology transfer have distribution restrictions that need to be followed. Distribution information is noted in each section. DRAW is a trajectory-based system that combines the legacy Dynamic Weather Routes (DWR) weather avoidance technology with an arrival-specific rerouting algorithm and arrival scheduler to improve traffic flows on weather-impacted arrival routes into major airports. First, DRAW identifies flights that could be rerouted to more efficient Standard Terminal Arrival Routes (STARs) that may have previously been impacted by weather. Second, when weather is impacting the arrival routing, DRAW proposes simple arrival route corrections that enable aircraft to stay on their flight plan while avoiding weather. The DRAW system proposes reroutes early enough to allow Time Based Flow Management (TBFM) to make the necessary schedule adjustments. As a result, metering operations can be sustained longer and more consistently in the presence of weather because the arrival schedule accounts for the dynamic routing intent of arrival flights to deviate around weather. The first DRAW tech transfer in June 2018 focused on arrival metering operations with the DRAW algorithm implemented in the NASA Center TRACON Automation System (CTAS) automation software. This tech transfer delivery includes updates for DRAW implemented in FAAs TBFM 4.7 automation software and preliminary research into DRAW for XM operations

    Radial velocities from the N2K Project: 6 new cold gas giant planets orbiting HD 55696, HD 98736, HD 148164, HD 203473, and HD 211810

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    The N2K planet search program was designed to exploit the planet-metallicity correlation by searching for gas giant planets orbiting metal-rich stars. Here, we present the radial velocity measurements for 378 N2K target stars that were observed with the HIRES spectrograph at Keck Observatory between 2004 and 2017. With this data set, we announce the discovery of six new gas giant exoplanets: a double-planet system orbiting HD 148164 (MsiniM \sin i of 1.23 and 5.16 MJUP_{\rm JUP}) and single planet detections around HD 55696 (MsiniM \sin i = 3.87 MJUP_{\rm JUP}), HD 98736 (MsiniM \sin i = 2.33 MJUP_{\rm JUP}), HD 203473 (MsiniM \sin i = 7.8 MJUP_{\rm JUP}), and HD 211810 (MsiniM \sin i = 0.67 MJUP_{\rm JUP}). These gas giant companions have orbital semi-major axes between 1.0 and 6.2 AU and eccentricities ranging from 0.13 to 0.71. We also report evidence for three gravitationally bound companions with MsiniM \sin i between 20 to 30 MJUP_{\rm JUP}, placing them in the mass range of brown dwarfs, around HD 148284, HD 214823, and HD 217850, and four low mass stellar companions orbiting HD 3404, HD 24505, HD 98630, and HD 103459. In addition, we present updated orbital parameters for 42 previously announced planets. We also report a nondetection of the putative companion HD 73256 b. Finally, we highlight the most promising candidates for direct imaging and astrometric detection, and find that many hot Jupiters from our sample could be detectable by state-of-the-art telescopes such as Gaia.Comment: Accepted by the Astronomical Journal. 75 pages, 49 figure

    Empirical Limits on Radial Velocity Planet Detection for Young Stars

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    We report initial results from our long term search using precision radial velocities for planetary-mass companions located within a few AU of stars younger than the Sun. Based on a sample of >150 stars, we define a floor in the radial velocity scatter, sigma_RV, as a function of the chromospheric activity level R'_{HK}. This lower bound to the jitter, which increases with increasing stellar activity, sets the minimum planet mass that could be detected. Adopting a median activity-age relationship reveals the astrophysical limits to planet masses discernable via radial velocity monitoring, as a function of stellar age. Considering solar-mass primaries having the mean jitter-activity level, when they are younger than 100 / 300 / 1000 Myr, the stochastic jitter component in radial velocity measurements restricts detectable companion masses to > 0.3 / 0.2 / 0.1 M_Jupiter. These numbers require a large number -- several tens -- of radial velocity observations taken over a time frame longer than the orbital period. Lower companion mass limits can be achieved for stars with less than the mean jitter and/or with an increased number of observations.Comment: 5 pages, to appear the 18th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun proceedings edited by G. van Belle & H. Harri

    HD 4915: A Maunder Minimum Candidate

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    We study the magnetic activity cycle of HD 4915 using the \ion{Ca}{2} H \& K emission line strengths measured by Keck I/HIRES spectrograph. The star has been observed as a part of California Planet Search Program from 2006 to present. We note decreasing amplitude in the magnetic activity cycle, a pattern suggesting the star's entry into a Magnetic Grand Minimum (MGM) state, reminiscent of the Sun's Maunder and Dalton Minima. We recommend further monitoring of the star to confirm the grand minimum nature of the dynamo, which would provide insight into the state of the Sun's chromosphere and the global magnetic field during its grand minima. We also recommend continued observations of H \& K emission lines, and ground or space based photometric observations to estimate the sunspot coverage.Comment: To be submitted to AAS Journals; comments welcom

    Some Bright Stars with Smooth Continua for Calibrating the Response of High Resolution Spectrographs

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    When characterizing a high resolution echelle spectrograph, for instance for precise Doppler work, it is useful to observe featureless sources such as quartz lamps or hot stars to determine the response of the instrument. Such sources provide a way to determine the blaze function of the orders, pixel-to-pixel variations in the detector, fringing in the system, and other important characteristics. In practice, however, many B or early A stars do not provide a smooth continuum, whether because they are not rotating rapidly enough or for some other reason. In fact, we have found that published rotational velocities and temperatures are not a specific and sensitive guide to whether a star's continuum will be smooth. A useful resource for observers, therefore, is a list of "good" hot stars: bright, blue stars known empirically to have no lines or other spectral features beyond the Balmer series with minima below 95% of the continuum. We have compiled a list of such stars visible from Northern Hemisphere telescopes. This list includes all stars listed in the Yale Bright Star Catalog (Hoffleit & Jaschek 1991) as being single with V 175 km/s, and declination > -30, and many other hot stars that we have found useful for calibration purposes. The list here of "bad" stars may also be of interest in studies of hot, slowly rotating stars

    Occurrence and core-envelope structure of 1--4x Earth-size planets around Sun-like stars

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    Small planets, 1-4x the size of Earth, are extremely common around Sun-like stars, and surprisingly so, as they are missing in our solar system. Recent detections have yielded enough information about this class of exoplanets to begin characterizing their occurrence rates, orbits, masses, densities, and internal structures. The Kepler mission finds the smallest planets to be most common, as 26% of Sun-like stars have small, 1-2 R_e planets with orbital periods under 100 days, and 11% have 1-2 R_e planets that receive 1-4x the incident stellar flux that warms our Earth. These Earth-size planets are sprinkled uniformly with orbital distance (logarithmically) out to 0.4 AU, and probably beyond. Mass measurements for 33 transiting planets of 1-4 R_e show that the smallest of them, R < 1.5 R_e, have the density expected for rocky planets. Their densities increase with increasing radius, likely caused by gravitational compression. Including solar system planets yields a relation: rho = 2.32 + 3.19 R/R_e [g/cc]. Larger planets, in the radius range 1.5-4.0 R_e, have densities that decline with increasing radius, revealing increasing amounts of low-density material in an envelope surrounding a rocky core, befitting the appellation "mini-Neptunes." Planets of ~1.5 R_e have the highest densities, averaging near 10 g/cc. The gas giant planets occur preferentially around stars that are rich in heavy elements, while rocky planets occur around stars having a range of heavy element abundances. One explanation is that the fast formation of rocky cores in protoplanetary disks enriched in heavy elements permits the gravitational accumulation of gas before it vanishes, forming giant planets. But models of the formation of 1-4 R_e planets remain uncertain. Defining habitable zones remains difficult, without benefit of either detections of life elsewhere or an understanding of life's biochemical origins.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication Proc. Natl. Acad. Sc

    Detection of Stars Within ~0.8 in of Kepler Objects of Interest

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    We present an algorithm to search for the faint spectrum of a second star mixed with the spectrum of a brighter star in high resolution spectra. We model optical stellar spectra as the sum of two input spectra drawn from a vast library of stars throughout the H-R diagram. From typical spectra having a resolution of R = 60,000, we are able to detect companions as faint as 1% relative to the primary star in approximately the V and R bandpasses of photometry. We are also able to find evidence for triple and quadruple systems, given that any additional companions are sufficiently bright. The precise threshold percentage depends on the signal-to-noise of the spectrum and the properties of the two stars. For cases of non-detection, we place a limit on the brightness of any potential companions. This algorithm is useful for detecting faint orbiting companions and background stars that are angularly close to a foreground target star. The size of the entrance slit to the spectrometer, 0.87 × 3 arcsec (typically), sets the angular domain within which the second star can be detected. We analyzed Keck-HIRES spectra of 1160 California Kepler Survey objects of interest (KOI) searching for the secondary spectra, with the two goals of alerting the community to two possible host stars of the transiting planet and to dilution of the light curve. We report 63 California KOI showing spectroscopic evidence of a secondary star

    K2-231 b: A sub-Neptune exoplanet transiting a solar twin in Ruprecht 147

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    We identify a sub-Neptune exoplanet (Rp=2.5±0.2R_p = 2.5 \pm 0.2 R_\oplus) transiting a solar twin in the Ruprecht 147 star cluster (3 Gyr, 300 pc, [Fe/H] = +0.1 dex). The ~81 day light curve for EPIC 219800881 (V = 12.71) from K2 Campaign 7 shows six transits with a period of 13.84 days, a depth of ~0.06%, and a duration of ~4 hours. Based on our analysis of high-resolution MIKE spectra, broadband optical and NIR photometry, the cluster parallax and interstellar reddening, and isochrone models from PARSEC, Dartmouth, and MIST, we estimate the following properties for the host star: M=1.01±0.03M_\star = 1.01 \pm 0.03 M_\odot, R=0.95±0.03R_\star= 0.95 \pm 0.03 R_\odot, and Teff=5695±50T_{\rm eff} = 5695 \pm 50 K. This star appears to be single, based on our modeling of the photometry, the low radial velocity variability measured over nearly ten years, and Keck/NIRC2 adaptive optics imaging and aperture-masking interferometry. Applying a probabilistic mass-radius relation, we estimate that the mass of this planet is Mp=7+53M_p = 7 +5 -3 M_\oplus, which would cause a RV semi-amplitude of K=2±1K = 2 \pm 1 m s1^{-1} that may be measurable with existing precise RV facilities. After statistically validating this planet with BLENDER, we now designate it K2-231 b, making it the second sub-stellar object to be discovered in Ruprecht 147 and the first planet; it joins the small but growing ranks of 23 other planets found in open clusters.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figures, light curve included as separate fil

    Newly-Discovered Planets Orbiting HD~5319, HD~11506, HD~75784 and HD~10442 from the N2K Consortium

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    Initially designed to discover short-period planets, the N2K campaign has since evolved to discover new worlds at large separations from their host stars. Detecting such worlds will help determine the giant planet occurrence at semi-major axes beyond the ice line, where gas giants are thought to mostly form. Here we report four newly-discovered gas giant planets (with minimum masses ranging from 0.4 to 2.1 MJup) orbiting stars monitored as part of the N2K program. Two of these planets orbit stars already known to host planets: HD 5319 and HD 11506. The remaining discoveries reside in previously-unknown planetary systems: HD 10442 and HD 75784. The refined orbital period of the inner planet orbiting HD 5319 is 641 days. The newly-discovered outer planet orbits in 886 days. The large masses combined with the proximity to a 4:3 mean motion resonance make this system a challenge to explain with current formation and migration theories. HD 11506 has one confirmed planet, and here we confirm a second. The outer planet has an orbital period of 1627.5 days, and the newly-discovered inner planet orbits in 223.6 days. A planet has also been discovered orbiting HD 75784 with an orbital period of 341.7 days. There is evidence for a longer period signal; however, several more years of observations are needed to put tight constraints on the Keplerian parameters for the outer planet. Lastly, an additional planet has been detected orbiting HD 10442 with a period of 1043 days.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap