4,971 research outputs found

    Hybrid Atom--Photon Quantum Gate in a Superconducting Microwave Resonator

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    We propose a novel hybrid quantum gate between an atom and a microwave photon in a superconducting coplanar waveguide cavity by exploiting the strong resonant microwave coupling between adjacent Rydberg states. Using experimentally achievable parameters gate fidelities >0.99> 0.99 are possible on sub-μ\mus timescales for waveguide temperatures below 40 mK. This provides a mechanism for generating entanglement between two disparate quantum systems and represents an important step in the creation of a hybrid quantum interface applicable for both quantum simulation and quantum information processing.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Case Notes

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    Qualitative Criterion for Interception in a Pursuit/Evasion Game

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    A qualitative account is given of a differential pursuit/evasion game. A criterion for the existence of an intercept solution is obtained using future cones that contain all attainable trajectories of target or interceptor originating from an initial position. A sufficient and necessary conditon that an opportunity to intercept always exist is that, after some initial time, the future cone of the target be contained within the future cone of the interceptor. The sufficient condition may be regarded as a kind of Nash equillibrium.Comment: 8 pages; revsions and corrigend

    Estimation of the geophysical properties of the ocean surface using aircraft microwave measurements

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    An improved model of the effects of sea state on microwave signature has been developed which incorporates the different effects of whitecaps and streaks to define the response of microwave channels to wind speed. This model has been demonstrated to agree with recent measurements. An approximation model has also been incorporated to describe the effects of precipitation on microwave radiation through a computationally rapid routine. The use of these models and a new technique to allow the selection of the most climatologically appropriate D-matrix is demonstrated in the inversion of data collected over the bering Sea. Surface wind speed agrees very well with observations while good results are obtained for integrated water vapor, and liquid water

    Patterns of gene expression in schistosomes: localization by whole mount in situ hybridization

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    rom the identification of genes to the characterization of their functions and interactions. Developmental biologists have long used whole mount in situ hybridization (WISH) to determine gene expression patterns, as a vital tool for formulating and testing hypotheses about function. This paper describes the application of WISH to the study of gene expression in larval and adult schistosomes. Fixed worms were permeablized by proteinase K treatment for hybridization with digoxygenin-labelled RNA probes, with binding being detected by alkaline phosphatase-coupled anti-digoxygenin antibodies, and BM Purple substrate. Discrete staining patterns for the transcripts of the molecules Sm29, cathepsin L, antigen 10.3 and chorion were observed in the tegument cell bodies, gut epithelium, oesophageal gland and vitelline lobules, respectively, of adult worms. Transcripts of the molecules SGTP4, GP18-22 and cathepsin L were localized to tegument cell bodies and embryonic gut, respectively, of lung schistosomula. We also showed that Fast Red TR fluorescent substrate can refine the pattern of localization permitting use of confocal microscopy. We believe that method of WISH will find broad application, in synergy with other emerging post-genomic techniques, such as RNA interference, to studies focused at increasing our molecular understanding of schistosomes

    Optimized Coplanar Waveguide Resonators for a Superconductor-Atom Interface

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    We describe the design and characterization of superconducting coplanar waveguide cavities tailored to facilitate strong coupling between superconducting quantum circuits and single trapped Rydberg atoms. For initial superconductor-atom experiments at 4.2 K, we show that resonator quality factors above 10410^4 can be readily achieved. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the incorporation of thick-film copper electrodes at a voltage antinode of the resonator provides a route to enhance the zero-point electric fields of the resonator in a trapping region that is 40 μ\mum above the chip surface, thereby minimizing chip heating from scattered trap light. The combination of high resonator quality factor and strong electric dipole coupling between the resonator and the atom should make it possible to achieve the strong coupling limit of cavity quantum electrodynamics with this system.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Antiferromagnetic Domain Wall Engineering in Chromium Films

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    We have engineered an antiferromagnetic domain wall by utilizing a magnetic frustration effect of a thin iron cap layer deposited on a chromium film. Through lithography and wet etching we selectively remove areas of the Fe cap layer to form a patterned ferromagnetic mask over the Cr film. Removing the Fe locally removes magnetic frustration in user-defined regions of the Cr film. We present x-ray microdiffraction microscopy results confirming the formation of a 90{\deg} spin-density wave propagation domain wall in Cr. This domain wall nucleates at the boundary defined by our Fe mask.Comment: submitted to AP

    Discrete complex analysis on planar quad-graphs

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    We develop a linear theory of discrete complex analysis on general quad-graphs, continuing and extending previous work of Duffin, Mercat, Kenyon, Chelkak and Smirnov on discrete complex analysis on rhombic quad-graphs. Our approach based on the medial graph yields more instructive proofs of discrete analogs of several classical theorems and even new results. We provide discrete counterparts of fundamental concepts in complex analysis such as holomorphic functions, derivatives, the Laplacian, and exterior calculus. Also, we discuss discrete versions of important basic theorems such as Green's identities and Cauchy's integral formulae. For the first time, we discretize Green's first identity and Cauchy's integral formula for the derivative of a holomorphic function. In this paper, we focus on planar quad-graphs, but we would like to mention that many notions and theorems can be adapted to discrete Riemann surfaces in a straightforward way. In the case of planar parallelogram-graphs with bounded interior angles and bounded ratio of side lengths, we construct a discrete Green's function and discrete Cauchy's kernels with asymptotics comparable to the smooth case. Further restricting to the integer lattice of a two-dimensional skew coordinate system yields appropriate discrete Cauchy's integral formulae for higher order derivatives.Comment: 49 pages, 8 figure