197 research outputs found

    The level of job satisfaction among administration officers in Public University / Nurul Asyikin Mohd Isa

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    Project paper titled “The level of Job Satisfaction among administration officer in public university” is conducted as partial requirement to fulfil the requirement as needed by the faculty of Business Management, MARA University of Technology (UiTM). According to Spector (1997), job satisfaction is defined as the “extent to which a person likes (satisfaction) or dislikes (dissatisfaction) his / her job”. The primary objective of this study is to identify the level of job satisfaction among administration officer in public university. Then this study also to study on the relationship between Salary Satisfaction, My Supervisor, My Peers, Promotion Opportunities, and Work Itself and Job Satisfaction among administration officer in public university. The sample group (N=50) consist to administration officer in public university. Results indicate that employees in public university are at high level of job satisfaction

    Antibacterial activity of five selected fruit’s peels in Kuala Pilah / Nik Nurul Aini Che Isa

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    A research was carried out on five selected fruit’s peels namely watermelon (Citrullus lanatus), honey dew (Cucumis melo l.), dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus), papaya (Carica papaya) and banana (Musa acuminata) that were obtained from agro market Kuala Pilah, Negeri Sembilan by determining the antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli and Salmonella species. Three methods were used in order to analyse the antibacterial activity from these plants extract which were disc diffusion, minimum inhibition concentration (MIC) and time kill study. Based on disc diffusion results, the highest and smallest inhibition zone recorded were 16±0.10 mm and 6±0.00 mm respectively. Two fruit’s peels extract for each bacteria that obtained the highest inhibition zone were chosen in order to proceed with MIC which were papaya and watermelon extracts for the test against Escherichia coli while papaya and banana extracts for the test against Salmonella. For MIC, the least concentration of extract that showed less turbidity was at 25 mg/mL of papaya extract against Salmonella. As for time kill study, the papaya extract actively killed the bacteria at 8 hours. The results obtained provide the evidence that the five selected fruit’s peels especially papaya can be exploited more on its antibacterial potential as a source of antibacterial drug to be used in medicinal field in future


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    Kerajinan manik-manik menjadi salah satu produk unggulan dari Kecamatan Sipirok Kabupaten Tapanuli Selatan. Pemasaran pada produk kerajinan manik-manik masih disekitar Kecamatan Sipirok saja dengan sistem pemasaran yang masih sederhana dan tradisional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategi pemasaran produk kerajinan manik-manik di Kelurahan Sipirok Godang Kecamatan Sipirok Kabupaten Tapanuli Selatan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif, subyek dari penelitian ini ialah bagian pembuatan dan pemasaran produk kerajinan manik-manik dengan pengambilan sampel sumber data dilakukan secara snowboal dan purposive. Teknik pengumpulan data diperoleh dari hasil observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi dan studi kepustakaan. Teknik analisis data nya meliputi reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi pemasaran pada produk kerajinan manik-manik dapat ditempuh dengan analisis matriks SWOT yang terdiri dari strategi S-O yaitu meningkatkan permintaan pasar, meningkatkan inovasi dan kreatifitas produk, menyesuaikan harga dengan produk yang diproduksi, meningkatkan kualitas produk dan membuat promosi yang menarik. Strategi W-O yaitu menambah jaringan pemasaran, mengoptimalkan bagian pemasaran, mencari bahan pengganti dan mengadakan pelatihan. Strategi S-T yaitu terus melakukan inovasi dan meningkatkan kualitas produk, memperluas jaringan pemasaran, promosi dengan memanfaatkan internet. Strategi W-T yaitu cepat dan tanggap apabila terjadi kendala, terus meningkatkan hubungan internal dan eksternal usaha produk kerajinan manik-manik agar mengungguli persaingan dengan produk sejenis. &nbsp

    Pengaruh Kualitas Produk, Harga, dan Promosi Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Produk Wardah di Kecamatan Purwodadi Grobogan

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    The purpose of this research is to: 1) Know the effect of product quality, price, service and promotion to consumer decision in buying Sari Roti product. 2) Knowing the quality of products, prices, services and promotions, which variables have a dominant influence on consumer decisions in buying Sari Roti products, as well as things that are considered important for consumers in these factors. The population in this study is all consumers Wardah in District Purwodadi who ever decided to buy Wardah. The sample used in this study amounted to 100 respondents with purposive sampling technique and quisioner decision to consumer wardah. The results of the initial analysis conducted indicate that the indicator used is valid to measure the variables that exist. The results of the next analysis found that of the four variables used in this study, promotion became the most dominant variable in influencing purchasing decisions with regression coefficient of 0.397 followed by product quality variables with regression coefficient of 0.318 and promotion variable with regression coefficient of 0.260. The result of analysis also shows that the three variables used in this research can explain 51,3% of variation of purchasing decision, while the remaining 48,7% is explained by other factors not used in this research. Keywords: Product Quality, Price, Promotion, Purchase Decisio

    Pengaruh Pembiayaan Musyarakah, Murabahah, Qardh dan Risiko Kredit terhadap Profitabilitas Bank Umum Syariah Periode 2016-2020

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    Banks have a very important role in Indonesia's economic growth. In carrying out business activities, many people use banking as a financial institution. The level of profitability of Islamic banks in generating a profit will be a very important indicator to assess the ability of Islamic banks from the use of assets. This study aims to determine the effect of musyarakah, murabahah, qardh and credit risk financing on the profitability of Islamic commercial banks. The method of collecting in this research is quantitative data. The data used in this study is secondary data using the annual financial report data of Islamic commercial banks from 2016-2020. The sample used is 9 Islamic commercial banks. This study took a sample using purposive sampling method, which is a sampling technique based on certain criteria. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis using the SPSS 24 program. The results show that the musyarakah financing and credit risk variables affect the profitability (ROA) of Islamic commercial banks. While the murabahah financing and qardh financing variables have no effect on the profitability (ROA) of Islamic commercial banks

    The Proximate and Ultimate Composition of Pulverised Coconut Shell

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    Biomass is gaining traction as a renewable energy source as they play a major role in global green transition. Authors believe that coconut shell has a huge potential comparable to wood and sawdust in burning appliances. However, the use of coconut shell in combustion industry still limited and unconventional due to limited of studied and uncommonly practiced. Hence, the analysis of coconut shell on its properties is a must as well as to highlight the good side of coconut shell as a fuel. The coconut shell residues were collected, dried, purified,  crushed and grinded to obtain in pulverised form. Then, the sample of pulverised coconut shell was undergo the proximate and ultimate analysis based on standard needs (ASTM E871, E872 and D1102). The results obtained were compared to other types of fuel. From the comparison findings, coconut shell has a huge potential to be utilize as fuel due to its low moisture content, low ash content, higher heating value and has sustainably sourced in Malaysia.

    Tahap kesedaran keperluan pemilikan pelan perlindungan Takaful berbanding insurans konvensional : kajian terhadap pelajar semester 5, Akademi Pengajian Islam Kontemporari, UiTM Kampus Puncak Alam / Nurul Atikah Mohamad Isa

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    Kajian berkaitan tahap kesedaran terhadap keperluan memiliki perlindungan takaful berbanding insurans konvensional di kalangan pelajar semester 5 ACIS (Akademi Pengajian Islam Kontemporari) UiTM Kampus Puncak Alam. Kajian ini tertumpu hanya kepada pelajar semester 5 dan skop kajian dapat dibahagikan kepada dua kelompok responden iaitu program Muamalat dan program Pengurusan Halal. Keseluruhan pelajar yang berkaitan adalah seramai 80 orang (populasi). Kaedah yang digunakan adalah berbentuk kuantitatif melalui edaran kajian soal selidik dalam kalangan pelajar semester 5. Keputusan yang diperolehi mendapati pelajar semester 5 bagi kedua-dua program mempunyai tahap kesedaran yang tinggi terhadap objektif kajian yang dijalankan akan tetapi terdapat perbezaan kefahaman bagi kedua-dua program tersebut berkaitan dengan kajian yang telah dijalankan. Kesimpulannya, masih perlu banyak usaha yang diperlukan agar kefahaman dan pengetahuan terhadap takaful dan insurans konvensional lebih jelas terutama kepada masyarakat seluruhnya

    Emerging Trends in Sustainable Entrepreneurial Behavior: Bibliometric Data Insights

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    The present study explores the current trends in sustainable entrepreneurial behavior to contribute fundamental knowledge for future academic research in the dynamic field of sustainable entrepreneurship. This study employs a bibliometric analysis using the Scopus database to identify significant changes and emerging topics in academic discourse about the selected keywords. By employing a systematic approach, one can attain a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter and establish a solid foundation for subsequent research. The analysis comprises a total of 666 articles obtained from Scopus. This study utilizes methodological tools like Microsoft Excel, Harzing’s Publish or Perish program, and VOS viewer. These tools were used to quantify and evaluate citation frequencies. This method enables the assessment of the academic output and influence exerted by document type, evolution of published studies, subject area, and prominent keywords. Nevertheless, there are several constraints associated with this study, including the omission of articles published after 2022 and a specific emphasis on English-language publications from 1991 to 2022. Notwithstanding these limitations, there has been a substantial and continuous academic emphasis on the study of sustainable entrepreneurial behavior. Future research should investigate sustainable behavior within the context of social entrepreneurship. The government and policymakers have the ability to significantly contribute to the creation of an ecosystem that promotes sustainable entrepreneurship and sustainable development

    Growth Of Alxga1-Xn Thin Films On Silicon Using Sol-Gel Spin Coating Technique

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    Group-III nitrides such as aluminum nitride (AlN) and aluminum gallium nitride (AlGaN) have potential applications for ultraviolet light emitting devices and high power devices. Nowadays, sophisticated and expensive growth techniques are used to synthesize these thin films. Thus, an alternative method known as sol-gel spin coating method which is relatively cheap and simple as well as less explored was used to grow AlN and AlGaN thin films. In this work, the growth and characterization of AlN thin films on silicon (Si) substrate by sol-gel spin coating method under various nitridation parameters such as nitridation temperatures, nitridation durations, and ammonia (NH3) gas flow rates were investigated. For different nitridation temperatures, it was found that the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of AlN(002) diffraction peak of X-ray diffraction (XRD) and the E2(high) peak of Raman decreased, as the nitridation temperature increases from 1100 to 1150°C, which indicates the improvement of AlN crystal quality. The FWHM of both XRD and Raman increases when the nitridation temperature increased to 1200°C. This implied the degradation of AlN crystal. Moreover, the field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) image of sample nitridated at 1150°C showed a smooth and uniform surface with slightly bigger and densely packed grains as compared with that nitridated at 1100°C. As for nitridation durations, XRD showed the improvement of crystalline quality of AlN with increasing nitridation duration from 45 to 60 min

    Batuan Metasedimen Impak Meteorit Di Bukit Bunuh, Lembah Lenggong, Perak : Ciri Klasifikasi Dan Sumbangannya Kepada Teknologi Paleolitik

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    Kajian geologi dan arkeologi ini memfokuskan kepada batuan metasedimen impak yang terdapat di tapak impak meteorit Bukit Bunuh, Lembah Lenggong, Perak. Tujuannya adalah untuk membina klasifikasi, menentukan asalan, mengenal pasti bukti impak dan sekaligus menyenaraikan ciri-cirinya sebagai bahan asas. Ciri fizikal dan geokimia metasedimen impak ditentukan menerusi analisis stereomikroskop, petrografi, XRF, XRD, SEM, EDX dan INAA. Hasil analisis terhadap 52 sampel metasedimen di Bukit Bunuh telah memperkukuhkan lagi bukti bahawa metasedimen ini telah terimpak dan boleh diklasifikasikan kepada metasedimen kekuarzitan, metasedimen kerijangan, metasedimen keflinan dan metasedimen keargilitan menerusi ciri fizikalnya