18 research outputs found

    The effect of increased general education in vocational schools

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    Formation of Communicative Competence of Foreign Students in Post-Industrial Society: Electronic Tutoring and Mentoring

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    The theme of the article highlights the main aspects regarding the impact of the development trends in post-industrial society on the formation of communicative competencies. The aim of the article is to reveal the essence of electronic tutoring and mentoring as one of the important factors in the formation of communicative skills of foreign students. The article identifies the features of the organization of tutoring and mentoring using innovative technologies, the achievements of the information and post-industrial society. Theoretical bases for defining the concept of communicative competence, post-industrial society, electronic tutoring, and mentoring are substantiated. The urgency of the problem lies in the presentation of new psychological and pedagogical approaches, it also lies in the formation of competence in a post-industrial society such as the use of electronic learning tools to increase efficiency, the use of information and communication technologies to develop the competence of students and teachers, and organization of learning based on organizational approach.Methods of analysis and synthesis, research method, and method of content analysis were used to determine the peculiarities of the formation of communicative competence in foreign students in the conditions of electronic tutoring and mentoring. In the course of the study, it was proved that the implementation of theoretically sound conditions of electronic tutoring and mentoring will contribute to the formation of communicative competence among foreign students.</p

    The effect of increased general education in vocational schools: Evidence from a Hungarian vocational school reform

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    This paper aims at the evaluation of the reform of vocational education introduced in 1998 in Hungary. The reform extended the duration of education by one year, and increased teaching time spent on non-vocational subjects. The reform affected two of the three tracks in upper-secondary education in Hungary, vocational secondary school and vocational school. We estimate the effect of the reform on educational attainment, employment and wages in a comparative interrupted time series (CITS) framework, using the academic track and secondary school drop-outs as control groups. The results suggest that the reform has had heterogeneous effects. First, we detect no effect for the vocational secondary track, while the reform has improved labour market outcomes of vocational school students. Second, in the vocational school group the reform has increased men's wages, while not affected their employment. For women we found a positive employment effect, while wages have increased only for the younger cohorts

    Are good researchers also good teachers?: The relationship between research quality and teaching quality

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    We investigate the relationship between research quality and teaching quality, by comparing students that follow the same course, taught by different teachers. We use publication records of teachers as a measure for research quality. Teaching quality is measured by both student evaluations of the teachers and by final student grades. We find that being taught by teachers with high quality publications leads to higher grades only for master students. This is not fully reflected in the student evaluations of teachers. Master students do not give higher scores to teachers with high quality of publications, bachelor students give lower scores

    Professional care delivery or traditional birth attendants? The impact of the type of care utilized by mothers on under-five mortality of their children

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    Abstract Background Because of the high under-five mortality rate, the government in Zambia has adopted the World Health Organization (WHO) policy on child delivery which insists on professional maternal care. However, there are scholars who criticize this policy by arguing that although built on good intentions, the policy to ban traditional birth attendants (TBAs) is out of touch with local reality in Zambia. There is lack of evidence to legitimize either of the two positions, nor how the outcome differs between women with HIV and those without HIV. Thus, the aim of this paper is to investigate the effect of using professional maternal care or TBA care by mothers (during antenatal, delivery, and postnatal) on under-five mortality of their children. We also compare these outcomes between HIV-positive and HIV-negative women. Methods By relying on data from the 2013–2014 Zambia Demographic Health Survey (ZDHS), we carried out propensity score matching (PSM) to investigate the effect of utilization of professional care or TBA during antenatal, childbirth, and postnatal on under-five mortality. This method allows us to estimate the average treatment effect on the treated (ATT). Results Our results show that the use of professional care as opposed to TBAs in all three stages of maternal care increases the probability of children surviving beyond 5 years old. Specifically for women with HIV, professional care usage during antenatal, at birth, and during postnatal periods increases probability of survival by 0.07 percentage points (p.p), 0.71 p.p, and 0.87 p.p respectively. Similarly, for HIV-negative women, professional care usage during antenatal, at birth, and during postnatal periods increases probability of survival by 0.71 p.p, 0.52 p.p, and 0.37 p.p respectively. However, although there is a positive impact when mothers choose professional care over TBAs, the differences at all three points of maternal care are small. Conclusion Given our findings, showing small differences in under-five child’s mortality between utilizers of professional care and utilizers of TBAs, it may be questioned whether the government’s intention of completely excluding TBAs (who despite being outlawed are still being used) without replacement by good quality professional care is the right decision

    What drives the relationship between early criminal involvement and school dropout?

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    We examine the relationship between early criminal involvement and school dropout, and analyze which factors underlie this relationship, making use of administrative data from the Netherlands. We start by determining the unconditional correlation between early criminal involvement and school dropout, using a basic ordinary least squares model. As this association is likely to be driven by different factors, we proceed by including an extensive set of observable family and individual characteristics into the estimation model. We further proceed to models that account for the influence of unobservable heterogeneity by estimating school, class, sibling and twin fixed effects. Criminal involvement is associated with an 11 percentage point higher probability of school dropout. The magnitude of this relationship decreases gradually when we account for larger shares of observed and unobserved heterogeneity. The coefficient in the same-gender twin fixed effects model indicates a 3 percentage point higher probability of school dropout, which is statistically significant at a 10 % level. We also find that the association between criminal involvement and school dropout is stronger if juveniles are involved in severe criminal activities. We conclude that the observable and unobservable factors for which we account explain around 73 % of the unconditional correlation between criminal involvement and school dropout. The remaining variation likely reflects individual-specific characteristics that are different between same-gender twins. A true treatment effect, if existing, is likely to be relatively small. At the same time, serious criminal behavior appears to causally affect school dropout

    Symbols of Ornithological Names in Poetry of Sergiy Zhadan

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    Статтю присвячено вивченню символічної семантики орнітонімів у поетичному мовленні Сергія Жадана. Розглянуто потрактування поняття «символ» у різних галузях науки, визначено його характерні ознаки: філософська смислова наповненість; тяжіння до певного узагальнення, до загальної ідеї; динамічність, рухомість; багатозначність; етнокультурна та контекстуальна зумовленість, зображально-виражальна здатність. У поетичному тексті образ-символ, крім основних значень, успадкованих, генетичних і витворених у просторі національної культури, набуває нових, індивідуально-авторських, які мають вищий ступінь експресивності порівняно з символами, вжитими у традиційному значенні. Поставлено за мету проаналізувати стильові та функціональні особливості символів орнітологічних назв у поетичних текстах Сергія Жадана. Встановлено, що у поезії Сергія Жадана найпоширенішим є слово-символ «птах». Використовуючи традиційну значеннєву основу символу, митець слова надає йому індивідуальноавторського змістового наповнення, суттєво розширює та збагачує значеннєве поле вживаного образу-символу. Виявлено, що птахи для Сергія Жадана – це символ життя, єдності двох світів, символ людської душі, яка спокійно відлітає в інший вимір. У багатьох культурах птах – це символ волі, безтурботності, безмежного щастя. В аналізованих поетичних текстах слово-символ «птах» часто містить негативну семантику, символізуючи горе, біду, важке становище людини. Встановлено, що образи птахів у поетичних текстах Сергія Жадана часто конкретизовані, названі за видовою належністю: соловей, шпак, голуби, ластівка, півень, чайки, гуси, дрозд, ворона. Аналіз народнопоетичних образів-символів птахів дозволив виокремити індивідуально-авторську символічну семантику орнітонімів. Образи-символи Сергія Жадана містять численні позитивні (соловей – ніжність, мелодійність; ластівка – взаємодопомога, підтримка, посланець Бога; дикі гуси – згуртованість, стійкість, нескореність) і негативні (чайка – прокламації з сумнівними ілюзіями щастя; шпаки – сварливі родичі) символічні значення.The article is devoted to the study of symbolic semantics of ornithonyms in poetic speech of Serhiy Zhadan. The interpretation of ‘symbol’ concept in different branches of science is considered, its characteristic features – philosophical semantic content; attraction to a certain generalization, to a general idea; dynamism, mobility; polysemy; ethnocultural and contextual conditionality, pictorial and expressive ability are determined. In poetic text, the imagesymbol, in addition to the basic meanings – inherited, genetic, and created in the space of national culture, acquires new – individual-authorial, having a higher degree of expressiveness compared to the symbols used in traditional sense. The aim is to analyze the stylistic and functional features of the symbols of ornithological names in poetic texts of Sergei Zhadan. It is established that in the poetry of Sergei Zhadan the most common symbol-word is the ‘bird’. Using the traditional semantic basis of the symbol, the artist of the word gives it an individual-authorial content, significantly expands and enriches the semantic field of used image-symbol. It was found that birds for Serhiy Zhadan are a symbol of life, unity of two worlds, and the symbol of human soul, which calmly flies away to another world. In many cultures, the bird is a symbol of freedom, serenity, and boundless happiness. In analyzed poetic texts, the word-symbol ‘bird’ often contains negative semantics, symbolizing grief, misery, the plight of man. It is established that the images of birds in poetic texts of Serhiy Zhadan are often concretized, named by species: nightingale, starling, pigeons, swallow, rooster, seagulls, geese, blackbirds, crows. The analysis of folk poetic imagessymbols of birds allowed to single out the individual-author’s symbolic semantics of ornithonyms. Serhiy Zhadan’s symbolic images contain numerous positive (nightingale – tenderness, melody; swallow – mutual aid, support, messenger of God; wild geese – cohesion, resilience, insubordination) and negative (seagull – proclamations with dubious illusions of happiness; starlings – quarrelsome relatives) symbolic values

    The externalities of crime: The effect of criminal involvement of parents on the educational attainment of their children

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    The empirical literature on education and crime suggests that both criminal behavior and educational attainment are transferred from parents to children. However, the impact of criminal behavior of parents on educational outcomes of children is generally ignored, even though the entailed social costs may be substantial. This study examines the effect of parents' criminal involvement on the educational attainment of their children. To identify this effect, we combine a multinomial logit model with a Mahalanobis matching approach. The findings suggest that having criminally involved parents (1) increases the probability of finishing primary education as the highest education level attained (7-9 percentage points), and (2) decreases the probability of attaining higher education (2-6 percentage points). These results are robust to various specifications and are unlikely to be fully driven by differences in unobservables

    Obsolete Vocabulary in Poetic Texts by Sergiy Zhadan: Functional-Semantic Aspect

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    Стаття присвячена функціонально-семантичному аспекту застарілої лексики, що широко вживається в поетичних текстах Сергія Жадана. Розкрито традиційний підхід до класифікації застарілої лексики, серед якої виділяють архаїзми й історизми. Розглянуто групи архаїзмів – лексичні, лексико-словотвірні, лексико-фонетичні, морфологічні, лексико-семантичні. Зауважено, що історизми на відміну від архаїзмів не мають у сучасній українській мові синонімічних відповідників. Вони виконують власне номінативну функцію в історичних текстах, відтворюючи факти, події, явища минулих епох. З’ясовано, що Сергій Жадан широко послуговується застарілими словами, які органічно вводить у художню тканину поетичного твору. У поетичних текстах митця (джерельною базою дослідження послужили збірки поезій «Тамплієри», «Антена», «Список кораблів») серед застарілої лексики виявлено лексичні архаїзми, лексико-фонетичні й лексико-словотвірні. Виділено такі семантичні групи архаїзмів: назви частин тіла; назви хвороб; назви осіб за професією, родом занять тощо; назви військових речей, амуніцій, понять тощо; назви родинних стосунків; назви чисел. У поетичних текстах Сергія Жадана архаїзми надають мові урочистого звучання, виражають авторське ставлення до зображуваного, передають його почуття, переживання, підсилюють емоційність віршованого твору. Історизми в поетичних текстах митця кількісно переважають над архаїзмами. У його творчому доробку виявлено такі семантичні групи історизмів: географічні назви; слова, що характеризують соціальний стан, місце людини в суспільстві; назви колишніх професій, роду занять; назви зниклих народів; назви історичних епох; назви предметів побуту, жіночих прикрас тощо; назви будівель, їх частин; назви різноманітних наукових учень, течій, напрямів тощо. Детальний аналіз поетичної мови Сергія Жадана дав змогу виділити основні функції, що виконують застарілі слова у віршових текстах: реалістичне зображення подій певної історичної епохи; підсилення урочистості, пафосу зображуваного; створення сильного перцептивного ефекту; увиразнення авторської думки тощо.The article is devoted to the functional-semantic aspect of obsolete vocabulary, which is widely used in poetic texts of Serhiy Zhadan. The traditional approach to the classification of obsolete vocabulary is revealed, among which archaisms and historicisms are distinguished. Groups of archaisms – lexical, lexical-word-forming, lexical-phonetic, morphological, lexical-semantic are considered. It is noted that historicisms, in contrast to archaisms, have no synonymous equivalents in modern Ukrainian language. They perform proper nominative function in historical texts, reproducing facts, events and phenomena of past epochs. It was found that Serhiy Zhadan introduced outdated words, which he has organically inserted into the artistic fabric of poetic works. In poetic texts of the artist (the collections of poems “Templars”, “Antenna”, “List of ships” were taken as the source base of the study) among obsolete vocabulary lexical archaisms, lexical-phonetic and lexical-word-forming were found. The following semantic groups of archaisms: names of body parts; names of diseases; names of individuals by profession, occupation, etc.; names of military items, ammunition, concepts, etc.; names of family relations; names of numbers are distinguished. In Serhiy Zhadan’s poetic texts archaisms give the language a solemn sound, express the author’s attitude to the depicted, convey his feelings and enhance the emotionality of poetic works. Historicisms in poetic texts of the artist outnumber archaisms. The following semantic groups of historicisms are revealed in his creative works: geographical names; words that characterize the social status, place of an individual in society; names of former professions, occupations; names of extinct nations; names of historical epochs; names of household items, women’s jewelry, etc.; names of buildings or their parts; names of various scientific studies, directions, etc. A detailed analysis of Serhiy Zhadan’s poetic language made it possible to identify the main functions performed by obsolete words in poetic texts: realistic depiction of the events of certain historical epoch; strengthening of solemnity, pathos of the depicted; creation of strong perceptual effect; expression of author’s opinion, etc