403 research outputs found

    An investigation of the factor structure of the 16PF, Version 5: A confirmatory factor and invariance analysis.

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    In order to examine its higher-order factor structure, we applied confirmatory factor and invariance analysis to item level data from the US standardization sample of the 16PF5, divided into a calibration sample (N = 5,130) and a validation sample (N = 5,131). Using standard assessments of model fit, all primary factors displayed good to excellent model fit, thus suggesting the scales to be broadly unidimensional. Results indicated a drop in model fit in both the structural and configurally invariant second order models, suggesting some level of misspecification in the global scales of Extraversion, Anxiety, Tough-Mindedness, Independence, and Self-Control. However, the degree of misspecification was slight. Overall, the analyses generally supported the proposed structure of the 16PF5. </jats:p

    Matching couples with Scarf’s algorithm

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    Scarf's algorithm [20] provides fractional core elements for NTU-games. Bir�o and Fleiner [3] showed that Scarf's algorithm can be extended for capacitated NTU-games. In this setting agents can be involved in more than one coalition at a time, cooperations may be performed with di�erent intensities up to some limits, and the contribution of the agents can also di�er in a coalition. The fractional stable solutions for the above model, produced by the extended Scarf algorithm, are called stable allocations. In this paper we apply this solution concept for the Hospitals / Residents problem with Couples (HRC). This is one of the most important general stable matching problems due to its relevant applications, also well-known to be NP-hard. We show that if a stable allocation yielded by the Scarf algorithm turns out to be integral then it provides a stable matching for an instance of HRC, so this method can be used as a heuristic. In an experimental study, we compare this method with other heuristics constructed for HRC that are applied in practice in the American and Scottish resident allocation programs, respectively. Our main �nding is that the Scarf algorithm outperforms all the other known heuristics when the proportion of couples is high

    Toward an index of adaptive personality regulation.

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    The idea that matching personality expression with situational demands is adaptive is implicit in many accounts of personality. Numerous constructs and measures have been posited to address this or similar phenomena. Few have proven adequate. In response, we proposed and tested a novel measurement approach (the APR index) assessing real-time behavior to rate participants’ success in matching personality expression with situational demands, which we denote adaptive personality regulation. An experimental study (N = 88) and an observational study of comedians (N = 203) provided tests of whether the APR index constituted a useful metric of adaptive personality regulation. In both studies, the APR index showed robust psychometric properties; was statistically unique from mean-level personality, self-monitoring, and the general factor of personality expression; and provided incremental concurrent prediction of task/job performance. The results suggest that the APR index provides a useful metric for studying the phenomenon of successfully matching personality expression to situational demands.</p

    The Distance Between Mars and Venus: Measuring Global Sex Differences in Personality

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    BACKGROUND: Sex differences in personality are believed to be comparatively small. However, research in this area has suffered from significant methodological limitations. We advance a set of guidelines for overcoming those limitations: (a) measure personality with a higher resolution than that afforded by the Big Five; (b) estimate sex differences on latent factors; and (c) assess global sex differences with multivariate effect sizes. We then apply these guidelines to a large, representative adult sample, and obtain what is presently the best estimate of global sex differences in personality. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Personality measures were obtained from a large US sample (N = 10,261) with the 16PF Questionnaire. Multigroup latent variable modeling was used to estimate sex differences on individual personality dimensions, which were then aggregated to yield a multivariate effect size (Mahalanobis D). We found a global effect size D = 2.71, corresponding to an overlap of only 10% between the male and female distributions. Even excluding the factor showing the largest univariate ES, the global effect size was D = 1.71 (24% overlap). These are extremely large differences by psychological standards. SIGNIFICANCE: The idea that there are only minor differences between the personality profiles of males and females should be rejected as based on inadequate methodology

    Towards a taxonomy of personality facets

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    We describe three studies that together provide a first approximation to a comprehensive taxonomy of unique personality facets. In Study 1, we semantically sorted, removed synonyms, and factor analysed 1772 personality items taken from seven major omnibus personality inventories and four narrow inventories. Study 1 identified 61 base facets. In Study 2, we conducted a systematic review of the literature to identify facets missing from the 61 base facets. We identified 16 novel facets. We then created standardised, open access items for the 77 facets. In Study 3, we administered the items to a novel sample ( N = 1096) and assessed the psychometric properties of the facets. The ultimate result was 70 personality facet scales that are open access, psychometrically robust, unidimensional, and discriminant. We call this inventory the Facet-level Multidimensional Assessment of Personality or Facet MAP, version 1. The Facet MAP contains scales equivalent to almost all scales present in major personality inventories, and in most cases, many more as well. As the Facet MAP develops, we hope it will eventually provide a comprehensive taxonomy of personality facets, which will prove useful in reducing construct proliferation and facilitating numerous avenues of important personality research. The Facet MAP items and user manual can be found at: facetmap.org

    ‘How does your health system work?’: a workshop at the WONCA Europe Conference 2012….

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    Last week around 2000 general practitioners (GPs) met in Vienna to discuss the theme of The Art and Science of General Practice at the annual WONCA Europe Conference (4-7 July). Yet one of the most conversation-starting topics on the agenda could be argued was neither directly art, nor purely clinical science. Over 200 GPs from around the world participated in a workshop on health systems financing, and were intrigued to learn more about the methods used to collect, pool and spend funds in health systems. The audience ranged from medical students to senior members of the profession, and highlighted broad differences in the levels of understanding of how health systems function. Some questioned why it was the first time in their careers that they had been given the opportunity to get an overview of the theory behind the core principles of health systems financing


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    Representa un análisis de artículos de carácter científico relacionados con la medición de niveles de satisfacción de los usuarios que hanhecho uso de servicios de salud en hospitales, y cómo estos han sido evaluados. Objetivo. Revisión de información de carácter secundario,con la finalidad de formar un constructo y modelo de medición para identificar la brecha existente entre el servicio deseado y el servicioentregado a los usuarios. Método. Revisión documental de fuente secundaria de estudios que han sido realizados en contextos de hospitales que operan en España, Portugal, Colombia y con mayor énfasis en el Perú; en los que resaltan mediciones realizadas en Lima y en zonas del quintil 1, dada la heterogeneidad de los aspectos culturales, sociales y económicos de los usuarios de un hospital. Se ha puestoénfasis en estudios que evaluaron diferentes unidades prestadoras de servicios de salud UPSS, que operan en los hospitales, llámeseconsulta externa, hospitalización, laboratorio y otras; Resultados. Para la evaluación de calidad de servicios hospitalarios se viene utilizandodistintos modelos SERVQUAL y SERPERF, metodología de mínimos cuadrados parciales (PLS). SERVQHOS en Europa y en el Perú introdujo lametodología SERVQUAL, control de calidad, bajo las dimensiones de fiabilidad, capacidad de respuesta, seguridad, empatía y tangibilidaddel servicio. Conclusiones. Basados en el tratamiento diferenciado que debe tener cada una de ellas, sostenemos la justificación de plantearmediciones personalizadas y no estandarizadas a la hora de medir los niveles de satisfacción de los usuarios, y que estas son de carácterdinámico para identificar la demanda real de los usuarios, reconociendo que ello reflejará la importancia de ejercer empatía y espacios decocreación como estrategia de marketing de los servicios

    Aplicación web de control de servicios tecnológicos para System Service S.R.LTA.

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    El presente estudio se realizó en atención a la problemática que se presentó en la empresa en el rublo de comercialización de equipos de cómputo y mantenimiento preventivo y correctivo. Para tal fin se propuso desarrollar una aplicación que controle los servicios informáticos que brinda la empresa System Service S.R. LTDA en la ciudad de Chimbote. En lo investigativo, el estudio está dentro de una investigación aplicada. Así mismo, en cuanto al alcance de la investigación corresponde al descriptivo. El diseño es no experimental de corte transversal, dado que la recolección de la información se realizó en un solo momento. En lo referente a la aplicación informática, necesaria para el desarrollo se tomó la metodología RUP. En lo referente a la elaboración, se utilizó la codificación PHP, CSS, JavaScript, html y el gestor de base de datos MySQL. Como resultado de la elaboración de la aplicación informática, con el sistema se contra los servicios informáticos que presta la empresa, específicamente en la venta de equipos de cómputo y mantenimiento preventivo y correctivo, mejor servicio al cliente, seguimiento en línea del pedido de servicio.Tesi
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