138 research outputs found

    Penerapan Model Almuqassah Sebagai Model Alternatif Kartu Kredit Syariah Di Indonesia

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    This study aims to find out whether the Islamic credit cards is shariah compliant, and to find out what  if al-muqassah is applied in Indonesia as an alternative model of Islamic credit cards. This study uses qualitative research methods with descriptive analysis. The object of research in this study is the Islamic credit cards model that already exists in Indonesia and the  al-muqassah model. The sample in this study uses purposive sampling, namely officials from the Islamic credit card division at BNI Syariah Jakarta and DSN MUI Officials. Data Obtained from this study through interviews with relevant institutions and documentation. The results obtained from the study indicate that based on that the current Islamic Credit cards products are shariah compliant. Where the benefits provided by Islamic credit cards are in line with shariah objectives, namely maqasid dharuriyyah and maqasid hajjiyyah. However, based on the issue of shariah in the application of existing Islamic credit cards, development is still needed to improve the quality of products, especially from shariah aspects. As for the application of the al–muqassah model in Indonesia, it is very possible as long as it is supported by all parties.&nbsp

    Produksi Antosianin Tersalut Maltodekstrin Dari Kelopak Bunga Rosella (Hibiscus Sabdariffa, L.) Dan Aplikasinya Dalam Pengolahan Pangan Fungsional

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    Production of anthocyanin maltodextrin coating from roselle\u27s petals (Hibiscus Sabdariffa,L.) and application in processing functional food has been investigated. The objective\u27s of research were : (1) To find out extract ratio of roselle\u27s petals to maltodextrin which is produce anthocyanin maltodekstrin coating which has a high degree of purity and stability. (2) To find out the concentration of anthocyanin maltodextrin coaty in seaweed syrup which was produced syrup with organoleptic properties. Design of this research used one factor complete random design and group random design one factor complete random design to applied in handling influence of anthocyanin dark extract ratio of roselle\u27s petals to maltodextrin (v/b) (1:1; 2:1; 3:1; 4:1; and 5:1) and group random design applied in organoleptic test of functional seaweed syrup which added by various concentration of coated anthocyanin maltodextrin about (g/100 mL) (0.125; 0.25; 0.375; 0.5 and 0.625) anthocyanin and tested by 30 untrained panelist. Total analysis of coated anthocyanin maltodextrin conducted every 1 week for 8 weeks starting at week 0 using spektrofotometer UV-VIS method at 535 nm wavelength. The result of the influence of coated anthocyanin maltodextrin ratio showed anthocyanin number (highest), degree of purity (highest), and the smallest decrease in retention during storage was ratio 5:1 (v/b), then with this ratio 5:1 conducted prediction of shelf life or expiration period using kinetics reaction model, so that expiration period of coated anthocyanin maltodextrin is 28 weeks. For the best organoleptik quality of functional seaweed syrup consistently is application of coated anthocyanin maltodekstrin with anthocyanin concentration is 0,625 g/100 mL

    Penerapan Sistem Merit ASN untuk Mewujudkan Good Governance Pada Kabupaten Pasaman Barat

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui informasi tentang penerapan sistem merit ASN untuk mewujudkan good governance pada kabupaten Pasaman Barat. Penelitian dilakukan pada pemerintahan yang sudah mengarah pada penerapan sistem merit, peneliti memilih di kabupaten Pasaman Barat.Jenis penelitian ini yaitu penelitian deskriptif yang disebut analisis deskriptif yang menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif.Metode analisis keabsahan data dengan menggunakan teknik triangulasi yaitu triangulasi sumber dan triangulasi teknik. Hasil analisis data penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) penerapan sistem merit ASN pada kabupaten Pasaman Barat belum dilaksanakan dengan maksimal, 2) belum terwujud good governance pada pemerintahan kabupaten Pasaman Barat karena sistem merit ASN belum dilaksanakan dengan maksimal dan pemerintahan Pasaman Barat belum memenuhi prinsip good governance, 3) faktor penghambat dalam penerapan sistem merit ASN untuk mewujudkan good governance pada kabupaten Pasaman Barat adalah intervensi politik dan Covid-19, 4) faktor pendukung dalam penerapan sistem merit ASN untuk mewujudkan good governance pada kabupaten Pasaman Barat adalah komitmen pimpinan, ASN yang memenuhi kualitas dan Tambahan Penghasilan Pegawai, 5) solusi agar penerapan sistem merit ASN untuk mewujudkan good governance pada kabupaten Pasaman Barat dilaksanakan dengan maksimal yaitu ASN tidak terpengaruh oleh intervensi politik, pemimpin yang komitmen dalam menerapkan sistem merit ASN, dan memperbaiki kualitas sumber daya manusia aparatur

    Economic Development and Environmental Degradation in Indonesia: Panel Data Analysis

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    This study analyzed the relationship of economic development, population density, and the number of vehicles on environmental degradation from 31 provinces in Indonesia for the period 2011-2019. Panel data analysis, which is widely used to examine issues that could not be studied in either cross-section or time-series alone, is used herein. The empirical results support the hypothesis on the direction of causality from those three factors of environmental damage in the country. The results concluded that economic development, population density, and the number of vehicles impacted on environmental degradation in Indonesia. The smallest cross-section random effect indicates the lowest environmental quality when all factors are fixed. The empirical findings provide important policy implications for Indonesia and it will direct its economic development model towards a green economic one. On the other hand, the growth of the population should be equalized with growth in human development. The distribution of population should be equalized among provinces by opening a new economic cluster to supply new work-fields. In addition, it should be for the country to create a more-educated population in order to protect environmental quality. Despite the unstoppable growth of vehicles, the government should implement the development of eco-friendly combustion technology besides reducing fuel consumption. Moreover, the road-making by plastic-based material can be considered to prevent land damage from plastic waste and might also recycle plastics which has caused pollution in Indonesia


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    Aluminum and steel are used to be a construction for a building outdoor panel. Aluminum and steel are connected by bolt and nut. An atmosphere due to a corrosion of the aluminum. The corrosion possibly to cause the hole diameter of bolt and nut to become larger. Thus the bolt and nut can not enough strong to hold the panel. The panel may collapse. The aim of the research is first to answer a question where does the corrosion starts. The second is to know the effect of ratio surface area of steel with aluminum on the corrosion rate of aluminum. The research is started to cut a steel and aluminum flat into variation surface areas. Next, the steel and aluminum are bolted as samples for corrosion test. The samples are divided into two groups. The group A was immersed in NaCl (10%) and the groups B was immersed in HCl 10%. The corrosion rate is calculated with loss weight method. The conclusions are as follow. The corrosion does not start from the bolt hole but from the edge of aluminum. Increasing the ratio of surface area (steel/aluminum) increases the corrosion rate of aluminum


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    Aluminum and steel are used to be a construction for a building outdoor panel. Aluminum and steel are connected by bolt and nut. An atmosphere due to a corrosion of the aluminum. The corrosion possibly to cause the hole diameter of bolt and nut to become larger. Thus the bolt and nut can not enough strong to hold the panel. The panel may collapse. The aim of the research is first to answer a question where does the corrosion starts. The second is to know the effect of ratio surface area of steel with aluminum on the corrosion rate of aluminum. The research is started to cut a steel and aluminum flat into variation surface areas. Next, the steel and aluminum are bolted as samples for corrosion test. The samples are divided into two groups. The group A was immersed in NaCl (10%) and the groups B was immersed in HCl 10%. The corrosion rate is calculated with loss weight method. The conclusions are as follow. The corrosion does not start from the bolt hole but from the edge of aluminum. Increasing the ratio of surface area (steel/aluminum) increases the corrosion rate of aluminum

    The Effect of Sanitation on Stunting Prevalence in Indonesia

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    Preparing children from birth can boost productivity and competitiveness later in their lives. However, the occurrence of malnutrition and stunting during childhood period will reduce their productivity and increases the risk of non-communicable diseases later in their lives. This study examines the effect of sanitation, drinking water sources, and drinking water treatment on stunting in Indonesian children (0-59 months). This study analyses cross- sectional data from the 2014 Indonesia Family Life Survey (IFLS) 5 with 3,834 children living with their biological mothers. The Logistic Regression to estimate the coefficients is applied here. The results show that the variables of sanitation, drinking water sources, and drinking water treatment before consuming affected stunting. Children who consume tap water are less likely to be stunted (OR=0.81, 95% CI 0.66-0.99). Birth weight, economic conditions, and mother’s level of education also affect risk of stunting. Hence, to overcome the risk of stunting, the government have to accelerate the supply of basic sanitation, to protect the good quality of drinking water sources, and to promote the awareness of boiling water before consumption


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    Abstrak: Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Menggunakan Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Untuk Pemilihan Karyawan Terbaik Pada Toko Sepatu Saman Shoes. Penilaian kinerja karyawan, menjadi hal yang penting untuk mendukung kelancaran usaha. Pemilihan karyawan terbaik, akan menambah motivasi kinerja karyawan. Penelitian ini mengambil studi kasus pada Toko Sepatu Saman Shoes memakai metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), dimana sebelumnya proses evaluasi pemilihan karyawan terbaik belum pernah dilakukan. Beberapa permasalahan yang ditemui adalah tidak adanya proses penilaian kinerja karyawan, belum ada metode pemilihan yang tepat, dan belum tersedia Sistem Pendukung Keputusan (SPK) yang dapat mempermudah dalam menilai pemilihan karyawan terbaik. Sehingga dibutuhkan suatu aplikasi SPK untuk penilaian pemilihan karyawan terbaik tersebut. Metode yang dapat digunakan yaitu metode AHP, Metode AHP menghasilkan prioritas alternatif dan bobot  kriteria  dalam menentukan karyawan terbaik secara objektif berdasarkan kriteria yang diberikan pemilik toko sebagai pengambil keputusan yang akan memberikan reward bonus bagi karyawan terbaik, tujuan nya adalah untuk memotivasi karyawan dalam meningkatkan kinerjanya. Dalam penelitian ini, digunakan metode AHP untuk membuat aplikasi SPK berbasis web, dalam memberikan penilaian yang lebih objektif setiap bulannya, dan  membuat beberapa laporan yang menyampaikan isu yang efektif, seperti laporan peringkat, dan laporan penilaian kinerja karyawan sesuai kriteria tersebut. Kata kunci: Sistem Pendukung Keputusan; Analytical Hierarchy Process Abstract: Decision Support System Using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Method for Selection of the Best Employees at Shoe Store Saman Shoes. Employee performance appraisal is important to support the smooth running of the business. Selection of the best employees, will increase employee performance motivation. This study took a case study at the Saman Shoes Shoe Store using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method, where previously the evaluation process for selecting the best employees had never been done. Some of the problems encountered were the absence of an employee performance appraisal process, no proper selection method, and no Decision Support System (DSS) that could facilitate the selection of the best employees. So we need a DSS application to assess the selection of the best employees. The method that can be used is the AHP method, the AHP method produces alternative priorities and criteria weights in determining the best employees objectively based on the criteria given by the shop owner as a decision maker who will provide bonus rewards for the best employees, the goal is to motivate employees to improve their performance. In this study, the AHP method is used to create a web-based DSS application, to provide a more objective assessment every month, and to make several reports that convey effective issues, such as rating reports, and employee performance appraisal reports according to these criteria. Keyword: Decision Support System; Analytical Hierarchy Proces

    Analisis Minat Menabung pada Bank Syariah di Kalangan Siswa SMA di Kota Medan (Studi Kasus: Siswa Madrasah Aliyah Negeri)

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    This study aims to determine Madrasah Aliyah Negeri students in Medan interest of saving Islamic bank in Medan. This research is descriptive quantitative research using primary data. The variables used in this research consisted of a bank's reputation, confidence, and location as the independent variable and the interest of saving the student as the dependent variable. Sampling technique is done by simple random sampling using 100 students of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri in Medan as a sample. The Methods of data collection use a self administrated survey, by giving questionnaires. The method used in this research is the descriptive analysis. Based on the results of analysis, it was found that Madrasah Aliyah Negeri students' interest in saving in Islamic banks in Medan is still low. Based on the data obtained it is known that bank reputation variables, beliefs, and location affect student interest in the Madrasah Aliyah Negeri decided to save the Islamic bank in Medan. The main obstacle that affects Madrasah Aliyah Negeri students' interest to save their money in Islamic banks is the location away from home
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