100 research outputs found

    Increasing Flexibility of FPGA-based CNN Accelerators with Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration

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    Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) are widely used for image classification and have achieved significantly accurate performance in the last decade. However, they require computationally intensive operations for embedded applications. In recent years, FPGA-based CNN accelerators have been proposed to improve energy efficiency and throughput. While dynamic partial reconfiguration (DPR) is increasingly used in CNN accelerators, the performance of dynamically reconfigurable accelerators is usually lower than the performance of pure static FPGA designs. This work presents a dynamically reconfigurable CNN accelerator architecture that does not sacrifice throughput performance or classification accuracy. The proposed accelerator is composed of reconfigurable macroblocks and dynamically utilizes the device resources according to model parameters. Moreover, we devise a novel approach, to the best of our knowledge, to hide the computations of the pooling layers inside the convolutional layers, thereby further improving throughput. Using the proposed architecture and DPR, different CNN architectures can be realized on the same FPGA with optimized throughput and accuracy. The proposed architecture is evaluated by implementing two different LeNet CNN models trained by different datasets and classifying different classes. Experimental results show that the implemented design achieves higher throughput than current LeNet FPGA accelerators

    Görsel peyzaj kalitesi yönünden cadde ağaçlandirmasinda farkli bitkisel tasarim kompozisyonlarının değerlendirilmesi

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    Street greening in urban settings fails due to several extreme conditions or inappropriate plant species and compositions. In recent years, urban transformations have been carried out in Erzurum, one of the most important cities of the Eastern Anatolia Region of Turkey. Seventeen different planting design compositions produced by digital simulation for the Cumhuriyet Street, the most important street and trade center of the city, were evaluated using visual landscape quality method. The Design Scenarios was sorted by a questioners which was held by 150 participants for sorting color size and form and the results were evaluated in the SPSS statistic software. The most preferred plant designs for the street had spherical form, pink color, slight texture and 1.5-2 meters tall. In addition, the proportion of closure in the plant designs produced in our study was computed and it was compared with the results of the analysis. The results are important in putting the outcomes into practice regarding the participation of public in the reformation of urban living areas.Kentlerde cadde ağaçlandırmaları; uygunsuz bitki türleri kullanımları ve ekstrem koşullardan dolayı çoğu zaman başarısız olur. Türkiye’nin Doğu Anadolu Bölgesi’nin önemli kentlerinden olan Erzurum kenti son yıllarda kentsel dönüşüm süreci içerisine girmiştir. Şehir merkezinde önemli bir odak noktası olan Cumhuriyet Caddesi üzerinde simulasyon tekniği kullanılarak ana aksda 17 farklı bitkisel tasarım çalışması yapılmıştır. Bitkilerle form, ölçü, doku ve renk özelliklerine göre farklı kompozisyonlar oluşturularak alanı kullanan 150 kişi ile birebir anket çalışması yapılmıştır. Anketlerin değerlendirilmesinde SPSS istatistik yazılımı kullanılarak varyans analizi yapılmıştır. Sonuçta en çok yuvarlak/küresel formlu, 1,5-2m uzunluğunda, pembe renkli, hafif tekstürlü ağaçların oluşturduğu bitki kompozisyonu tercih edilmiştir. Buna ilaveten bitkilerin kapalılık oranları hesaplanarak çıkan analiz sonuçları ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Sonuçlar kentsel alan yenileme çalışmalarında halkın katılımının sağlanması açısından önemlidir

    Is Gambusia holbrooki Known as an Invasive Fish Species in Küçük Menderes River Basin Lakes (Turkey)?

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the level of awareness of the species Gambusia holbrookiGirard, 1859, in the Küçük Menderes River Basin lakes, a species which is considered to be a threat, particularlytothepersistenceofendemicspecies.Interviewsregardingthespeciesinthebasinwere conducted with a total of 104 people between 2016 and 2017. Data were collected from fish-ermen (n=52) and local people (n=52) who had an association with the Belevi, Barutçu, Gebekirse, Kocagöz and Kazan lakes in the Selçuk district, and the method used was that of face-to-face ques-tionnaires.Thequestionnaireincludedquestionsabouttherecognitionofthespeciesandtheharmthatthisspeciesmightcause.Furthermore,somedemographiccharacteristics(e.g.age,marital status and education level) of participants were included in the present study

    A dynamic reconfigurable architecture for hybrid spiking and convolutional FPGA-based neural network designs

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    This work presents a dynamically reconfigurable architecture for Neural Network (NN) accelerators implemented in Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) that can be applied in a variety of application scenarios. Although the concept of Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration (DPR) is increasingly used in NN accelerators, the throughput is usually lower than pure static designs. This work presents a dynamically reconfigurable energy-efficient accelerator architecture that does not sacrifice throughput performance. The proposed accelerator comprises reconfigurable processing engines and dynamically utilizes the device resources according to model parameters. Using the proposed architecture with DPR, different NN types and architectures can be realized on the same FPGA. Moreover, the proposed architecture maximizes throughput performance with design optimizations while considering the available resources on the hardware platform. We evaluate our design with different NN architectures for two different tasks. The first task is the image classification of two distinct datasets, and this requires switching between Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architectures having different layer structures. The second task requires switching between NN architectures, namely a CNN architecture with high accuracy and throughput and a hybrid architecture that combines convolutional layers and an optimized Spiking Neural Network (SNN) architecture. We demonstrate throughput results from quickly reprogramming only a tiny part of the FPGA hardware using DPR. Experimental results show that the implemented designs achieve a 7× faster frame rate than current FPGA accelerators while being extremely flexible and using comparable resources

    Hematological Manifestations in Brucellosis Cases in Turkey

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    The hematological findings of 233 patients with brucellosis are presented and the possible pathologies discussed. Anemia was present in 128 patients (55%), leukopenia in 49 (21%) and thrombocytopenia in 59 (26%). Bone marrow aspirates of 18 patients (8%) with pancytopenia were examined. The bone marrow was hypercellular in 15 and normocellular in 3 patients. Granulomatous lesions were detected in 12 cases (67%), and slight to moderate cytophagocytosis of erythrocytes, granulocytes and platelets existed in all patients. Blood cell counts reverted to normal within 2-3 weeks of initiating chemotherapy with recovery from the disease.</p

    BolT: Fused Window Transformers for fMRI Time Series Analysis

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    Deep-learning models have enabled performance leaps in analysis of high-dimensional functional MRI (fMRI) data. Yet, many previous methods are suboptimally sensitive for contextual representations across diverse time scales. Here, we present BolT, a blood-oxygen-level-dependent transformer model, for analyzing multi-variate fMRI time series. BolT leverages a cascade of transformer encoders equipped with a novel fused window attention mechanism. Encoding is performed on temporally-overlapped windows within the time series to capture local representations. To integrate information temporally, cross-window attention is computed between base tokens in each window and fringe tokens from neighboring windows. To gradually transition from local to global representations, the extent of window overlap and thereby number of fringe tokens are progressively increased across the cascade. Finally, a novel cross-window regularization is employed to align high-level classification features across the time series. Comprehensive experiments on large-scale public datasets demonstrate the superior performance of BolT against state-of-the-art methods. Furthermore, explanatory analyses to identify landmark time points and regions that contribute most significantly to model decisions corroborate prominent neuroscientific findings in the literature

    Is mean platelet volume associated with the angiographic severity of coronary artery disease?

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    Background: Platelet activation and aggregation play key roles both in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and in the developmentof acute thrombotic events. Platelet volume is a marker of platelet activation and function, and is measured usingmean platelet volume (MPV).Aim: To determine the relationship between MPV and angiographic Gensini and SYNTAX scores, which give informationabout the severity and complexity of coronary artery disease (CAD).Methods: This study included 435 consecutive patients undergoing elective coronary angiography. The complete blood countand biochemical examination of blood were obtained after 12 h of fasting. The independent association between MPV andthe severity of CAD was statistically evaluated using PASW Statistics 18 for Windows.Results: Mean age of the study population was 58.4 ± 9.3 years, of whom 196 were female (45.1%) and 239 male (54.9%).Of the patients, 63.2% had CAD, 31.7% had diabetes mellitus, 61.8% had hypertension, 56.6% had hyperlipidaemia, and38.6% were smokers. Mean Gensini score was 20.7 ± 31.1. According to Gensini scores, 160 of the patients (36.8%) hadnormal coronary arteries (Gensini score: 0), 134 of the patients (30.8%) had minimal CAD (Gensini score: 1–19), and 141 ofthem (32.4%) had severe CAD (Gensini score ? 20). Mean MPV values were 8.4 ± 1.0 fL in the group that had no CAD,8.7 ± 1.0 fL in the group with minimal CAD, and 9.3 ± 1.5 fL in the group with severe CAD. According to Spearman correlationanalysis, the positive relationship found between MPV and Gensini score was statistically significant (p < 0.001,r = 0.290). Likewise, SYNTAX score was also associated with MPV (p < 0.001, r = 0.504).Conclusions: We determined a positive correlation between MPV and Gensini and SYNTAX scores. Therefore, this simplehaematology test can be used in determining cardiovascular disease burden besides other risk factors during routine clinicalpractice. For further information about this topic, large-scale studies are needed

    Thickening of the epicardial adipose tissue can be alleviated by thyroid hormone replacement therapy in patients with subclinical hypothyroidism

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    Background: Subclinical hypothyroidism (SCH) is a common disorder which has adverse cardiovascular effects. Epicardial adipose tissue (EAT), a novel marker of cardiovascular risk, is increased in SCH. Aim: We aimed to investigate whether L-thyroxine treatment can reverse the thickening of EAT in SCH. Methods: Forty-four patients with SCH and 42 euthyroid control subjects were included. EAT thickness was measured using transthoracic echocardiography at baseline and after restoration of the euthyroid status with 3 months of L-thyroxine treatment. Results: At baseline, mean EAT thickness was significantly greater in the SCH group when compared to the control group (6.3 ± 1.7 mm vs. 4.1 ± 0.9 mm, respectively, p < 0.001). There was a significant positive correlation between baseline serum thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) level and EAT thickness in the SCH group. There was a significant reduction in mean EAT thickness in response to L-thyroxine treatment (6.3 ± 1.7 mm vs. 5.1 ± 1.4 mm, p < 0.001). The decrease in EAT thickness after L-thyroxine treatment when compared to baseline (DEAT) significantly correlated to the difference in TSH levels before and after treatment (DTSH; r = 0.323; p = 0.032). Conclusions: Epicardial adipose tissue thickness is increased in patients with SCH. This thickening was alleviated with restoration of the euthyroid status with L-thyroxine treatment in our study population of predominantly male, relatively old subjects with greater baseline EAT thickness

    Cutaneous manifestations of anthrax in Eastern Anatolia: a review of 39 cases.

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    Anthrax is essentially a disease of grazing herbivorous animals. The most common form of the disease is cutaneous anthrax, which accounts for 95% of all cases. We report here 39 cutaneous anthrax cases in humans that were seen in Eastern Anatolia over a six-year period. The clinical presentation was malignant edema in 16 of the cases (41%) and malignant pustule in 23 (59%). A secondary bacterial infection was present in 13 patients (33.3%) in the vicinity of the lesions. The agent was observed using Gram-stained smears in 25 patients (64%), and Bacillus anthracis was isolated from 15 patients (38.5%). All of the patients were treated with penicillin G or penicillin procaine, except one patient who had a penicillin allergy. One patient with cervical edema (2.5%) died as a result of laryngeal edema and sepsis syndrome. In conclusion, we found that the appearance of the skin lesion of cutaneous anthrax may vary, and this fact, combined with the rarity of this disease, which contributes to a general lack of experience among medical personnel, may make diagnosis difficult in nonagricultural settings</p

    Temperature and pH-dependent behaviors of mAb drugs: A case study for trastuzumab

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    The distortions in the high-order structure of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) under different environmental conditions acutely affect mAb stability, resulting in altered safety, efficacy, and shelf-life profiles. The overall stability of mAbs depends on many factors, and it requires complementary techniques for an in-depth analysis. The stability of mAbs can be characterized by differential centrifugal sedimentation (DCS), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), differential scanning fluorimetry (DSF), and size exclusion chromatography (SEC) techniques. In this report, temperature-ramped dynamic light scattering (DLS), and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy were employed as complementary tools to show how temperature and pH affect the aggregation of a model mAb, trastuzumab, in solution. The results showed that the aggregation onset temperature of trastuzumab defined by DLS was 75 degrees C, which decreases the amount of beta-sheets and causes a slight increase in helix structures. Moreover, the melting temperature of trastuzumab was determined to be between 80-83 degrees C by temperature-ramped CD spectrophotometry, which is in line with the Tm of trastuzumab's Fab region tested with DSC. Thus, unfolding and aggregation of trastuzumab start simultaneously at 75 degrees C, and unfolding triggers the aggregation. The temperature-ramped CD and DLS methods are robust tools to determine the thermal behavior of biosimilars in various solution conditions. Their complementary usage provides solid scientific background for regulatory applications and a better understanding of mAb instability and its relationship with structural changes