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    ABSTRAKBanyak tanaman yang dilaporkan memiliki kandungan senyawabahan aktif antioksidan dan antibakteri. Salah satu tanaman Indonesia yangmemiliki aktivitas ini adalah gambir (Uncaria gambir). Pada penelitian ini,ekstrak etanol daun gambir diubah menjadi derivat metilnya untukmembuatnya lebih larut dalam lemak dan diamati pengaruh derivatisasitersebut terhadap aktivitas antioksidan di laboratorium kimia organik danpengujian aktivitas antibakteri di laboratorium mikrobiologi UniversitasPadjadjaran. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di laboratorium Kimia OrganikJurusan Kimia dan laboratorium Mikrobiologi Jurusan Biologi UniversitasPadjadjaran dari bulan Desember 2004 - Juli 2005. Ekstrak gambirdimetilasi  menggunakan  dimetil  sulfat  (DMS)  dan  dimurnikanmenggunakan kromatografi kolom dengan pelarut bergradien (kloroform :metanol = 99:1 ; 98:2 ; 95:5 ; 80:20 ; 70:30; dan 50:50 v/v) dan kemudianmenggunakan kloroform : metanol = 99 : 1 v/v. Aktivitas antioksidanmenunjukkan penurunan yang tampak dari peningkatan, yaitu : IC 50  13,41ppm untuk ekstrak etanol menjadi 121,81 ppm untuk hasil metilasi.Aktivitas antibakteri juga menunjukkan penurunan setelah dimetilasikarena adanya penurunan diameter hambat pertumbuhan bakteri. Duaisolat (isolat 1 dan 2) yang diperoleh dari hasil pemurnian dikarakterisasimenggunakan spektrofotometer UV-Visible dan FT-IR. Hasil yangdiperoleh mengindikasikan adanya senyawa fenolik yang ditunjukkan olehregang –OH pada 3445 dan 3448 cm -1 dan regang CH aromatik pada 3010dan 3030 cm -1 . Isolat 1 memiliki aktivitas antioksidan dan antibakteri yanglebih tinggi dibandingkan isolat 2.Kata kunci : Uncaria gambir, derivat metil, antibakteri dan aktivitasantioksidanABSTRACTThe antioxidant and antibacterial activities of ethanolextract of gambir leaves (Uncaria gambir)There are many plants in Indonesia reported to contain antioxidantand antibacterial substances. One of them having these activities is gambir(Uncaria gambir). In this research, ethanol extract of gambir leaves waschanged into its methyl derivate in order to make it more soluble in fats.The effect of the derivatization on antioxidant activity was observed atorganic chemistry laboratory and antibacterial activity was observed atmicrobiology laboratory of the Padjadjaran University. This research wascarried out in December 2004 to July 2005. Gambir extract wasmethylized using dimethylsulphate (DMS) and then purified usingcoloumn chromatography with gradient solvents (chloroform : methanol =99:1; 98:2; 50:50; 80:20; 70:30; and 50:50 v/v), and then with chloroform :methanol = 99:1 v/v. The antioxidant activity showed a decrease indicatedby an increase of IC 50 from 13.41 ppm for ethanolic extract to become121.81 ppm for the methylated compounds. The antibacterial activity alsoshowed a decrease after methylization due to the decrease of inhibitiondiameter of bacteria growth. Two isolates (isolate 1 and 2) obtained fromthe  purification  steps  were  characterized  using  UV-Visiblespectrophotometer and FT-IR. The results indicated the existence ofphenolic compunds showed by -OH stretching in 3,445 and 3,448 cm -1 ;and CH aromatic stretching in 3,010 and 3,030 cm -1 . Isolate 1 was higherin antioxidant and antibacterial activities than isolate 2.Key words : Uncaria gambir, methyl derivative, antibacterial, antioxidantactivitie


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    Oil palm fronds and leaves are wastes of oil palm plantations which are abundantly available in Indonesia and contain polyphenolic compounds which have high economic potential and health value. However, the potential for polyphenols from oil palm leaf extract (OPLE), which has antioxidant activity, has not been utilized optimally until now. In this research, an antioxidant food supplement from OPLE which is rich in polyphenolic compounds was developed. OPLE was prepared using ethanol as a solvent and concentrated by vacuum evaporation, then separated by liquid-liquid column chromatography and identified by LC-MS. The total phenolic yield of the ethanol extract of palm leaves contained was higher phenolic content than the hexane extract, while the phenolic content and antioxidant content of the oldest leaf were higher than the 17th leaf. Separation of the active antioxidant ingredients was carried out by liquid-liquid column chromatography with chloroform eluent: methanol = 4: 1 v/v which is expected to separate the active compounds. The content of flavonoids contained in this fraction is 6-Methoxy-2-[2-(3'-methoxyphenyl) ethyl] chromone. Biotransformation using tannase enzyme produced the increase of flavonoid content and antioxidant of oil palm extracts.  Keywords : antioxidant, biotransformation, immunomodulator, OPLE, supplemen


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    Separation of Amino acid from Liquid waste of Oil palm Factory with Ion Exchange Chromatography Research on Separation of Amino Acid Liquid Waste mills with Ion Exchange Chromatography was carried out from October to November 2015. The results of  hydrolysis of 6 N HCl results showed  that the highest absorbance reading was obtained at a concentration of eluent of 0,2 and 0,6 M NaCl, while the results of the protease enzyme hydrolysis the highest absorbance reading at NaCl eluent 0,2 and 1 M. There was no significant difference in the results of separation by ion exchange chromatography, showed that the concentration of NaCl eluent is not very influential, so for subsequent analysis used only one concentration of the eluent. Results of linear regression obtained was equal to 0,9946, these results indicate that the series standard amino acid lysine has a value that is linear as it approaches 1. The amino acid levels obtained on the sample results LCPKS hydrolysis with 6 N HCl which was about 0 to 8.82 ppm and samples of the protease enzyme hydrolysis of about 0 to 4.31 ppm. Amino acid levels obtained were still far from the expected.Keywords: Amino Acid, Oil Palm, Liquid Waste, Ion Exchange Chromatography ABSTRAKPenelitian mengenai Pemisahan Asam Amino dari Limbah Cair Pabrik Kelapa Sawit dengan Kromatografi Penukar Ion telah dilaksanakan dari bulan Oktober sampai November 2015. Hasil hidrolisis HCl 6 N menunjukkan bahwa pembacaan absorbansi tertinggi diperoleh pada konsentrasi eluen NaCl 0,2 dan 0,6 M, sedangkan hasil hidrolisis enzim protease pembacaan absorbansi tertinggi pada eluen NaCl 0,2 dan 1 M. Tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan pada hasil pemisahan dengan kromatografi penukar ion ini, menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi eluen NaCl tidak terlalu berpengaruh, sehingga untuk analisis selanjutnya digunakan hanya satu konsentrasi eluen. Hasil regresi linear yang diperoleh yaitu sebesar 0,9946, hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa deret standar asam amino lisin mempunyai nilai yang linear karena mendekati 1. Kadar asam amino yang diperoleh pada sampel hasil hidrolisis LCPKS dengan HCl 6N yaitu sekitar 0 – 8,82 ppm dan sampel hasil hidrolisis enzim protease sekitar 0 – 4,31 ppm. Kadar asam amino yang diperoleh masih jauh dari yang diharapkan.Kata Kunci: Asam Amino, Minyak Kelapa Sawit, Limbah Cair, Kromatografi Penukar Io

    Validasi Marker Infeksi Dini Ganoderma pada Kelapa Sawit di Tiga Lokasi Endemik Ganoderma

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    A serious disease that affects the viability of the oil palm industry is basal stem rot, which is caused by Ganoderma. The current level of disease can be viewed as unmanageable, given that the palms were growing in an unfavorable or unsuitable climate. Today, there are numerous approaches to diagnose diseases early, and one of them using molecular methods. Seven genes for early infection markers were effectively generated by a reference's transcriptome study, including LEUCO, ETHYLENE, CHALCONE, ANTHOCYANIDIN, ETHYLENE, MANNOSE, and SENESCENCE. The purpose of this study is to validate and confirm the presence of Ganoderma infections in three endemic oil palm field in Indonesia i.e. Cisalak Baru, Rejosari, and Bekri plantation. This study conducted real time qPCR of RNA from oil palm roots with four different severities of infection. Manual processing of RNA isolation and cDNA synthesis were carried out, to provide quantification expression level. In addition, gene ontology (GO) analysis was also performed in order to explain the roles of each gene tested. The results revealed that CHALCONE is the only marker that consistently elucidate the Ganoderma's early infection appear in three locations. The drawbacks of the analysis results are tightly correlating to the age of oil palm as well as endemic location. GO results declare that seven genes function related to the response of infection. This work was successful in confirming early infection in three places, elucidating the variables influencing the efficacy and sensitivity of molecular detection, and revealing the function and importance of particular genes for detection.Penyakit yang memengaruhi kelangsungan hidup industri kelapa sawit adalah busuk pangkal batang yang disebabkan oleh Ganoderma. Tingkat serangan Ganoderma saat ini tidak dapat dikendalikan, disebabkan oleh iklim yang tidak menentu bagi kelapa sawit. Saat ini, terdapat banyak pendekatan untuk mendiagnosis Ganoderma secara dini, salah satunya menggunakan metode molekuler. Tujuh gen marka infeksi dini pada kelapa sawit dihasilkan dari kajian transkriptomik sebagai referensi, yakni LEUCO, ETHYLENE, CHALCONE, ANTHOCYANIDIN, ETHYLENE, MANNOSE, dan SENESCENCE. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah memvalidasi dan mengkonfirmasi keberadaan infeksi Ganoderma di tiga lahan endemik kelapa sawit di Indonesia yaitu perkebunan Cisalak Baru, Rejosari, dan Bekri. RT-qPCR dilakukan dari RNA akar kelapa sawit dengan empat tingkat keparahan infeksi yang berbeda. Isolasi RNA dilakukan manual dan dilakukan sintesis cDNA, untuk menganalisis dan mengkuantifikasi tingkat penyandian gen. Selain itu, analisis ontologi gen (GO) juga dilakukan untuk menjelaskan peran masing-masing gen yang diuji. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa CHALCONE adalah satu-satunya marka awal infeksi Ganoderma yang secara konsisten muncul di tiga lokasi. Perbedaan dari hasil analisis tiap kebun sangat erat kaitannya dengan umur kelapa sawit, tingkat keparahan infeksi, serta lokasi endemik. Hasil GO menyatakan bahwa peranan tujuh gen tersebut terkait dengan response infeksi. Studi ini berhasil mengkonfirmasi infeksi awal pada tiga kebun, menjelaskan variabel yang memengaruhi efikasi dan sensitifitas deteksi molekuler, dan menjelaskan fungsi dan pentingnya gen tertentu sebagai marka