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    The purpose of this paper is to examine challenges facing bibliographic classification at both the practical and theoretical levels. At the practical level, libraries are increasingly dispensing with classifying books. At the theoretical level, many researchers, managers, and users believe that the activity of “classification” is not worth the effort, as search engines can be improved without the heavy cost of providing metadata

    Penggunaan Media, Bahan Stek, Dan Zat Pengatur Tumbuh Terhadap Keberhasilan Stek Masoyi (Cryptocarya Massoy (Oken) Kosterm)

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    Masoyi (Cryptocarya massoy) merupakan salah satu jenis tanaman penghasil hasil hutan bukan kayu (HHBK) endemik Papua bernilai ekonomi tinggi. Upaya pengembangan tanaman masoyi saat ini terkendala oleh sulitnya memenuhi kebutuhan bibit dalam jumlah banyak dan berkualitas. Untuk itu, perbanyakan secara vegetatif menjadi salah satu solusi permasalahan pemenuhan bibit. Penelitian bertujuan mendapatkan media tanam, bahan stek, dan dosis zat pengatur tumbuh NAA yang tepat untuk perbanyakan masoyi dengan cara stek. Penelitian menggunakan bibit berumur 1 tahun dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap Faktorial. Faktor pertama adalah media tanam stek (tanah+pasir (2:1, v/v), serbuk sabut kelapa+ sekam (2:1, v/v), dan media pasir). Faktor kedua adalah bahan stek (bagian pucuk atas dan bagian pucuk bawah). Faktor ketiga adalah konsentrasi zat pengatur tumbuh (0 ppm, NAA 500 ppm, dan NAA 1.000 ppm). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persen berakar dipengaruhi oleh faktor tunggal media tanam, bagian stek dan zat pengatur tumbuh NAA. Panjang akar dipengaruhi oleh faktor tunggal media tanam dan interaksi antara media dengan bagian stek. Jumlah daun dipengaruhi faktor media tanam, sedangkan jumlah akar tidak dipengaruhi masing-masing faktor tunggal dan interaksinya. Faktor media merupakan faktor penentu keberhasilan stek masoyi. Dengan demikian, kombinasi media tanah+pasir (2:1, v/v) dengan bagian pucuk atas merupakan perlakuan yang direkomendasikan untuk stek masoyi, dan kombinasi perlakuan tersebut tidak dipengaruhi oleh zat pengatur tumbuh NAA

    Pengaruh Kompetensi Guru Pembimbing, Iklim Organisasi, dan Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah terhadap Kinerja Guru Pembimbing pada SMA Se-Kota Cimahi

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    Tutor is one important element in sustainability education. Teacher mentors participate in the formation of the personality of students. In this case foster students to be more optimal. In providing guidance and counseling services to students, teachers, counselors do not work alone but in coordination with the various parties that exist in the environment, whether it is internal, namely the teachers and principals, but also with external parties, such as parents, school committees, community, as well as other experts. A guidance counselor who has competence in the field of course will implement guidance and counseling services in accordance with the guidelines for the implementation of guidance and counseling, supported by other elements in the learning process. If all such cooperation to work effectively, the performance of a tutor in conducting guidance and konselingpun will run effectively. Above phenomena researchers wanted to uncover the influence of teacher competence, organizational climate, and school leadership on the performance of a tutor at SMA derby Cimahi. This study uses a quantitative approach and descriptive correlational method. The conclusion that the competence of counselors at high schools in the town of Cimahi is in either category. Organizational climate at high schools in the town of Cimahi is in either category. Leadership principals in high schools in the city are in the category of good Cimahi. And performance in high school guidance counselor State Cimahi also the very good category. In addition there is the influence of the supervising teacher competence, oorganisasi climate, and school leadership on the performance of a tutor at 68.1%.From the research results can be recommended for schools to be able to maintain and improve the competence of a tutor can be improved further, more conducive organizational climate and school leadership are more effective. Where schools have always provided an opportunity and provide encouragement and facilitate the tutor to develop the potential of both the education and training. Keywords: competence counselor; organizational climate; school leadership; performance of a tuto

    Hubungan Praktik Pemberian Makan Dengan Kejadian Berat Badan Kurang Pada Anak Usia 6-24 Bulan Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Sidoarjo

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    There are many problems arise related to feeding practices and breastfeeding pattern among children aged 6-24 months which is not suitable with the recommendation, such as not exclusively breastfeeding until infant aged 6 months, prelactal food, introduction of soft food, semi solid or solid foods for children whose age appropriate feeding, and food diversity. This study aims to analyze the association between feeding practices and underweight of children under two. This study was an observational analytic study with cross-sectional design. Using structured questionaire, interview was conducted to 51 mothers or caregivers who have children aged 6-24 months old and was selected by simple random sampling technique in Bluru Kidul and Magersari, Sidoarjo. Underweight was obtained from anthropometry data. Weight was measured by using baby scale and digital scale. Result of this research showed that there was no significant association between underweight of children under two with predominant breastfeeding, food diversity, and meal frequency as well as 6 months exclusive beastfeeding and duration of breastfeeding (p>0,05). This study concludes that there is no association between breastfeeding patterns and feeding practices with underweight of children aged 6-24 months. It is necessary to conduct further research on finding association between feeding practices and underweight of children aged 6-24 months by standardized anthropometric measuring tools to confirm results of this study in the same location

    Penerapan Pembelajaran Kooperatif dengan Pendekatan Struktural Think Pair Share untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Mahasiswa

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat apakah strategi Think Pair Share dapat meningkatkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematika mahasiswa pada mata kuliah Aljabar Linear Dasar. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada mahasiswa semester VF Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika UIN Sulthan Syarif Kasim Riau. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Action Research. Pengambilan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan dokumentasi, observasi dan tes. Penelitian ini terdiri dari dua siklus yang terdiri dari kegiatan perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengamatan dan refleksi. Pada siklus I, keberhasilan dalam proses pembelajaran sudah tercapai yang terangkum dalam lembar pengamatan aktivitas dosen dan mahasiswa namun pada keberhasilan kemampuan pemecahan masalah mahasiswa belum tercapai. Pada siklus I, hanya 62% mahasiswa yang tuntas sedangkan pada siklus II 81% mahasiswa tuntas dalam kemampuan pemecahan masalah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran kooperatif dengan pendekatan struktural Think Pair Share dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar mahasiswa pada kemampuan pemecahan masala

    Attachment Pada Ibu Dan Adversity Intelligence Pada Remaja

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara attachment pada ibu dengan adversity intelligence. Adversity intelligence merupakan kemampuan individu dalam mengamati kesulitan dan mengolah kesulitan tersebut dengan kecerdasan yang dimiliki sehingga menjadi sebuah tantangan untuk menyelesaikannya. Attachment merupakan suatu hubungan kasih sayang yang kuat yang mengikat individu dalam hubungan yang intim. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 106 siswa SMA Negeri 9 Semarang. Diambil dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan dua buah skala psikologi, yaitu Skala Adversity Intelligence yang terdiri dari 31 aitem (α = 0,913), dan Skala Attachment pada Ibu yang terdiri dari 32 aitem (α = 0,919). Hasil pengolahan data menggunakan teknik analisis regresi sederhana menunjukkan nilai koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,457 dengan p = 0,00 (p < 0,05), hal ini berarti terdapat hubungan positif antara attachment pada ibu dengan adversity intelligence pada remaja. Variabel attachment pada ibu memberikan sumbangan efektif terhadap adversity intelligence pada remaja sebesar 20,9 %

    Pengaruh Suhu dan Waktu Ekstraksi terhadap Kafein dalam Kopi

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    This study was conducted to determine the effect of temperature and time on the acquisition of caffeine content in coffee by UV-Vis Spectrophotometry method. The study was conducted in the AKAFARMA Laboratory of YHB Banda Aceh and the Chemical Laboratory of FMIPA Unsyiah. The sample in this study is Arabica coffee powder produced by Solong Ulee Kareng which was intentionally taken. The results showed that based on temperature, the lowest caffeine content was found at 50 °C immersion temperature, which was 0.0275 mg/g and the highest level was at 100 °C soaking temperature, which was 0.181 mg/g. Whereas, based on the time when the highest caffeine content is found at 1 hour immersion at 50 °C was about 0.0675 mg/g, at 1 hour immersion at 70 °C was about 0.0862 mg/g, and at 1 hour immersion at 100 °C was about 0.181 mg/g. The temperature and extraction time have influenced on caffeine levels in Arabica coffee. The longer the time and the higher the extraction temperature, the more extracted caffeine could be found

    On an Average Goldbach Representation Formula of Fujii

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    Fujii obtained a formula for the average number of Goldbach representations with lower order terms expressed as a sum over the zeros of the Riemann zeta-function and a smaller error term. This assumed the Riemann Hypothesis. We obtain an unconditional version of this result, and obtain applications conditional on various conjectures on zeros of the Riemann zeta-function.Comment: 17 page