184 research outputs found

    Household income as a determinant of child labor and school enrollment in Brazil: Evidence from a social security reform

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    This paper studies the effects of household income on labor participation and school enrollment of children aged 10 to 14 in Brazil using a social security reform as a source of exogenous variation in household income. We find that increased benefits are associated with increases in school enrollment for girls, as well as a smaller reduction in their labor participation, but find no effects for boys. We also uncover evidence that the gender of the benefit receiver matters for girls’ labor variables: only benefits received by females reduce girls’ work.social security reform, child labor, family, school enrollment, old-age benefits, Brazil

    Immigration and the origins of regional inequality: Government-sponsored European migration to Southern Brazil before World War I

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    This paper studies the long-term consequences of the government-sponsored programs of European immigration to Southern Brazil before the Great War. We find that the municipalities closer to the original sites of nineteenth century government sponsored settlements (colônias) have higher per capita income, less poverty and dependence on Bolsa Família cash transfers, better health and education outcomes; and for the areas close to German colonies, also less inequality of income and educational outcomes than otherwise. Since that is a reduced form relationship, we then attempt to identify the relative importance of more egalitarian landholdings and higher initial human capital in determining those outcomes. Our findings are suggestive that more egalitarian land distribution played a more important role than higher initial human capital in achieving the good outcomes associated with closeness to a colônia.Brazil; Migration; Rio Grande do Sul; German migration; Italian migration; New World; Land distribution; Human capital; Economic history of Latin America

    28 Months Later: How Inflation Targeters Outperformed Their Peers in the Great Recession

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    Twenty-eight months after the onset of the global financial crisis of August 2008, the evidence on post-crisis GDP growth emerging from a sample of 51 advanced and emerging countries is flattering for inflation targeting countries relative to their peers. The positive effect of IT is not explained away by plausible pre-crisis determinants of post-crisis performance, such as growth in private credit, ratios of short-term debt to GDP, reserves to short-term debt and reserves to GDP, capital account restrictions, total capital inflows, trade openness, current account balance and exchange rate flexibility, or post-crisis drivers such as the growth performance of trading partners and changes in terms of trade. We find that inflation targeting countries lowered nominal and real interest rates more sharply than other countries; were less likely to face deflation scares; and had sharp real depreciations without a relative deterioration in their risk assessment by markets. While the task of establishing causal relationships from cross-sectional macroeconomics series is daunting, our reading of this evidence is consistent with the resilience of IT countries being related to their ability to loosen their monetary policy when most needed, thereby avoiding deflation scares and the zero lower bound on interest rates.Inflation targeting; economic crisis; monetary policy; Great Recession


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    Neste estudo foram analisados os comportamentos dos preços, rentabilidade do produtor e nível de concentração na suinocultura entre os anos de 1997 a 2007. Para tanto foram coletados dados de preços pagos ao produtor de suínos nos estados do Paraná e São Paulo e dos preços no atacado (meia carcaça) e varejo (carnes, presunto, salsicha, lingüiça e mortadela) no mercado de São Paulo e foram efetuados os testes de co-integração. Adicionalmente foi efetuada revisão na literatura sobre a rentabilidade da suinocultura e grau de concentração dos mercados. O resultado obtido nos permite concluir que o setor de suinos já se encontra suficientemente concentrado para poder exercer poder de mercado frente aos produtores. De fato, ainda que a rentabilidade da atividade possa ser explicada por fatores que afetam a oferta e a demanda, o mercado do produtor não se mostrou integrado ao mercado do varejo. A integração de preços ocorreu somente entre os preços ao produtor no Paraná e o preço pago ao produtor em São Paulo e do preço pago pela meia carcaça no atacado também no estado de São Paulo.suinocultura, co-integração, rentabilidade, poder de mercado, Farm Management,

    Efecto de cuatro modelos de secuenciaciones de cargas en las capacidades de fuerza, velocidad, potencia muscular y en el grado de la transferencia sobre la velocidad

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    Programa de Doctorado en Alto Rendimiento DeportivoEste estudio tuvo como objetivo comparar los efectos de cuatromodelos de entrenamiento de fuerza con secuenciaciones distintas de cargas y ejercicios en las capacidades de fuerza, velocidad, potencia muscular y en el grado de transferencia sobre la velocidad. Setenta y ocho sujetos, militares, miembros de la Brigada de Operaciones Especiales del Ejército Brasileño y moderadamente entrenados en fuerza fueron seleccionados para participar de la investigación. Los sujetos fueron divididos en cinco grupos: ejercicios sucesivos en bloques de 3 semanas (ESB3S: n = 16; edad = 20,11 ± 0,7 años; talla = 172± 4,5 cm; masa corporal = 63,1 ± 3,6 kg); ejercicios de máxima potencia en bloques de 3 semanas (EMPB3S: n = 16; edad = 20,45 ± 0,64 años; talla = 173 ± 4,8 cm;masa corporal = 67,1 ± 9,8 kg); ejercicios simultáneos (Esi: n = 16; edad = 20,27 ± 0,75 años; talla = 171 ± 6,8 cm; masa corporal = 64 ± 8,8 kg); ejercicios sucesivos semanales (ESS: n = 16; edad = 20,36 ± 0,64 años; talla = 171 ± 5 cm; masa corporal = 66,1 ± 8 kg); y grupo control (GC: n = 14; edad = 20,18 ± 0,72 años; talla = 174 ± 6 cm; masa corporal = 66,7 ± 9,8 kg). Con excepción del GC, todos los sujetos realizaron a lo largo de 9 semanas los ejercicios de sentadilla, salto con carga y salto con contramovimiento. Los grupos ESB3S y EMPB3S ejecutaron en las 3 primeras semanas solamente el ejercicio de la sentadilla, seguido respectivamente por entrenamientos de salto con carga (semanas 1-6) y salto con contramovimiento (semanas 7-9). El grupo Esi utilizó el modelo complejo de entrenamiento, ejecutando secuencialmente en todas las sesiones los 3 ejercicios de entrenamiento (sentadilla, salto con carga y salto con contramovimiento). El grupo ESS trabajó alternando semanalmente el tipo de ejercicio realizado semanas 1,4 y 7 sentadilla; semanas 2, 5 y 8 salto con carga; semanas 3, 6 y 9 salto con contramovimiento). Aunque el grupo EMPB3S entrenó utilizando solamente las cargas capaces de producir la máxima potencia media propulsiva, al final del período experimental de 9 semanas, tras 27 sesiones de entrenamiento, todos los grupos entrenaron con el mismo volumen absoluto y la misma intensidad media de cargas. Como conclusión general, la síntesis de nuestro estudio indica que en sujetos moderadamente entrenados en fuerza, los 4 modelos diferentes de secuenciación de los ejercicios utilizados por nosotros (ESBS, ESB3S, Esi y ESS) produjeron resultados semejantes en las capacidades de fuerza, potencia y velocidad. Para estos sujetos, es probable que la carga a la cual se entrena tiene más influencia en las adaptaciones generadas por el entrenamiento de fuerza que los modelos de secuenciación utilizados a lo largo de las 9 semanas de entrenamiento.Universidad Pablo de Olavide. Departamento de Deporte e Informátic


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    Este artigo se dispõe a apresentar a Psicologia Histórico-cultural de Vigotsky, seus conceitos principais e sua importância na escola e na ação do professor. Defende a Psicologia de Vigotsky como instrumento teórico e metodológico imprescindível no processo de compreensão do desenvolvimento humano numa perspectiva histórico-social e afirma sua importância na revisão crítica da escola e do papel do professor no processo de desenvolvimento e humanização dos educandos, sobretudo na educação infantil. Visa ainda, contribuir para a superação de visões imediatistas e abstratas, presentes no cotidiano da escola

    28 Months Later: How Inflation Targeters Outperformed Their Peers in the Great Recession

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    Twenty-eight months after the onset of the global financial crisis of August 2008, the evidence on post-crisis GDP growth emerging from a sample of 51 advanced and emerging countries is flattering for inflation targeting countries relative to their peers. The positive effect of IT is not explained away by plausible pre-crisis determinants of post-crisis performance, such as growth in private credit, ratios of short-term debt to GDP, reserves to short-term debt and reserves to GDP, capital account restrictions, total capital inflows, trade openness, current account balance and exchange rate flexibility, or post-crisis drivers such as the growth performance of trading partners and changes in terms of trade. We find that inflation targeting countries lowered nominal and real interest rates more sharply than other countries; were less likely to face deflation scares; and had sharp real depreciations without a relative deterioration in their risk assessment by markets. While the task of establishing causal relationships from cross-sectional macroeconomics series is daunting, our reading of this evidence is consistent with the resilience of IT countries being related to their ability to loosen their monetary policy when most needed, thereby avoiding deflation scares and the zero lower bound on interest rates

    Inflation Targeting and the Crisis: An Empirical Assessment

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    This paper appraises how countries with inflation targeting fared during the current crisis, with the goal of establishing the stylized facts that will guide and motivate future research. We find that relative to other countries, IT countries lowered nominal policy rates by more and this loosening translated into an even larger differential in real interest rates; were less likely to face deflation scares; and saw sharp real depreciations not associated with a greater perception of risk by markets. We also find some weak evidence that IT countries did better on unemployment rates and advanced IT countries have had relatively stronger industrial production performance. Finally, we find that advanced IT countries had higher GDP growth rates than their non-IT peers, but no such difference for emerging countries or the full sample

    28 Months Later: How Inflation Targeters Outperformed Their Peers in the Great Recession

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    Twenty-eight months after the onset of the global financial crisis of August 2008, the evidence on post-crisis GDP growth emerging from a sample of 51 advanced and emerging countries is flattering for inflation targeting countries relative to their peers. The positive effect of IT is not explained away by plausible pre-crisis determinants of post-crisis performance, such as growth in private credit, ratios of short-term debt to GDP, reserves to short-term debt and reserves to GDP, capital account restrictions, total capital inflows, trade openness, current account balance and exchange rate flexibility, or post-crisis drivers such as the growth performance of trading partners and changes in terms of trade. We find that inflation targeting countries lowered nominal and real interest rates more sharply than other countries; were less likely to face deflation scares; and had sharp real depreciations without a relative deterioration in their risk assessment by markets. While the task of establishing causal relationships from cross-sectional macroeconomics series is daunting, our reading of this evidence is consistent with the resilience of IT countries being related to their ability to loosen their monetary policy when most needed, thereby avoiding deflation scares and the zero lower bound on interest rates

    Household income as a determinant of child labor and school enrollment in Brazil: Evidence from a social security reform

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    This paper studies the effects of household income on labor participation and school enrollment of children aged 10 to 14 in Brazil using a social security reform as a source of exogenous variation in household income. We find that increased benefits are associated with increases in school enrollment for girls, as well as a smaller reduction in their labor participation, but find no effects for boys. We also uncover evidence that the gender of the benefit receiver matters for girls’ labor variables: only benefits received by females reduce girls’ work