8 research outputs found

    Investigating volatile compounds in the Bacteroides secretome

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    Microorganisms and their hosts communicate with each other by secreting numerous components. This cross-kingdom cell-to-cell signaling involves proteins and small molecules, such as metabolites. These compounds can be secreted across the membrane via numerous transporters and may also be packaged in outer membrane vesicles (OMVs). Among the secreted components, volatile compounds (VOCs) are of particular interest, including butyrate and propionate, which have proven effects on intestinal, immune, and stem cells. Besides short fatty acids, other groups of volatile compounds can be either freely secreted or contained in OMVs. As vesicles might extend their activity far beyond the gastrointestinal tract, study of their cargo, including VOCs, is even more pertinent. This paper is devoted to the VOCs secretome of the Bacteroides genus. Although these bacteria are highly presented in the intestinal microbiota and are known to influence human physiology, their volatile secretome has been studied relatively poorly. The 16 most well-represented Bacteroides species were cultivated; their OMVs were isolated and characterized by NTA and TEM to determine particle morphology and their concentration. In order to analyze the VOCs secretome, we propose a headspace extraction with GC–MS analysis as a new tool for sample preparation and analysis of volatile compounds in culture media and isolated bacterial OMVs. A wide range of released VOCs, both previously characterized and newly described, have been revealed in media after cultivation. We identified more than 60 components of the volatile metabolome in bacterial media, including fatty acids, amino acids, and phenol derivatives, aldehydes and other components. We found active butyrate and indol producers among the analyzed Bacteroides species. For a number of Bacteroides species, OMVs have been isolated and characterized here for the first time as well as volatile compounds analysis in OMVs. We observed a completely different distribution of VOC in vesicles compared to the bacterial media for all analyzed Bacteroides species, including almost complete absence of fatty acids in vesicles. This article provides a comprehensive analysis of the VOCs secreted by Bacteroides species and explores new perspectives in the study of bacterial secretomes in relation the intercellular communication

    Magnetic Properties of Novel Layered Disulfides CuCr0.99Ln0.01S2 (Ln = La…Lu)

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    The comprehensive study of the lanthanide-doped solid solutions CuCr0.99Ln0.01S2 (Ln = La…Lu) magnetic properties was carried out using static magnetochemistry and differential scanning calorimetry techniques. It was shown that magnetic properties of CuCr0.99Ln0.01S2 are significantly affected by the magnetic properties of the lanthanide ion. The magnetic susceptibility and the effective magnetic moment were found to deviate from the Curie-Weiss law in the temperature 90 K below and 50 K above the order-disorder transition at 695 K. The observed behavior of the temperature dependence of the effective magnetic moment in the order-disorder transition temperature region was described as a result of copper atoms redistribution over different types of the crystallographic sites

    Effect of the Order-Disorder Transition on the Electronic Structure and Physical Properties of Layered CuCrS2

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    The work reports a comprehensive study of the Seebeck coefficient, electrical resistivity and heat capacity of CuCrS2 in a wide temperature range of 100–740 K. It was shown that the value of the Seebeck coefficient is significantly affected by the sample treatment procedure. The order-to-disorder (ODT) phase transition was found to cause a metal-insulator transition (MIT). It was established that the ODT diminishes the Seebeck coefficient at high temperatures (T > 700 K). The DFT calculations of the CuCrS2 electronic structure showed that the localization of copper atoms in octahedral sites makes the band gap vanish due to the MIT. The decrease of CuCrS2 electrical resistivity in the ODT temperature region corresponds to the MIT

    Charge Distribution in Layered Lanthanide-Doped CuCr<sub>0.99</sub>Ln<sub>0.01</sub>S<sub>2</sub> (Ln = Pr–Tb) Thermoelectric Materials

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    The charge distribution study of metal atoms in CuCr0.99Ln0.01S2 (Ln = Pr–Tb) solid solutions was carried out using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The analysis of the binding energy of S2p, Cu2p, Cr2p, Ln3d and Ln4d levels allows one to determine the oxidation state of atoms. Copper atoms were found to be monovalent. Chromium and lanthanide atoms were found to be in the trivalent state. Sulfur atoms were found to be in the divalent state. Cationic substitution was found to occur via an isovalent mechanism of Cr3+ to Ln3+. The obtained results were used for the interpretation of the Seebeck coefficient increase for CuCr0.99Ln0.01S2 solid solutions in contrast to the initial CuCrS2 matrix. The largest Seebeck coefficient values of 142 and 148 µV/K were observed at 500 K for CuCr0.99Sm0.01S2 and CuCr0.99Pr0.01S2, respectively. The obtained values are 1.4 times greater in comparison with those for the initial matrix (105 µV/K)

    In Vivo Evaluation of PCL Vascular Grafts Implanted in Rat Abdominal Aorta

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    Electrospun tissue-engineered grafts made of biodegradable materials have become a perspective search field in terms of vascular replacement, and more research is required to describe their in vivo transformation. This study aimed to give a detailed observation of hemodynamic and structural properties of electrospun, monolayered poly-&epsilon;-caprolactone (PCL) grafts in an in vivo experiment using a rat aorta replacement model at 10, 30, 60 and 90 implantation days. It was shown using ultrasound diagnostic and X-ray tomography that PCL grafts maintain patency throughout the entire follow-up period, without stenosis or thrombosis. Vascular compliance, assessed by the resistance index (RI), remains at the stable level from the 10th to the 90th day. A histological study using hematoxylin-eosin (H&amp;E), von Kossa and Russell&ndash;Movat pentachrome staining demonstrated the dynamics of tissue response to the implant. By the 10th day, an endothelial monolayer was forming on the graft luminal surface, followed by the gradual growth and compaction of the neointima up to the 90th day. The intense inflammatory cellular reaction observed on the 10th day in the thickness of the scaffold was changed by the fibroblast and myofibroblast penetration by the 30th day. The cellularity maximum was reached on the 60th day, but by the 90th day the cellularity significantly (p = 0.02) decreased. From the 60th day, in some samples, the calcium phosphate depositions were revealed at the scaffold-neointima interface. Scanning electron microscopy showed that the scaffolds retained their fibrillar structure up to the 90th day. Thus, we have shown that the advantages of PCL scaffolds are excellent endothelialization and good surgical outcome. The disadvantages include their slow biodegradation, ineffective cellularization, and risks for mineralization and intimal hyperplasia

    Limitations of Tamoxifen Application for In Vivo Genome Editing Using Cre/ERT2 System

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    Inducible Cre-dependent systems are frequently used to produce both conditional knockouts and transgenic mice with regulated expression of the gene of interest. Induction can be achieved by doxycycline-dependent transcription of the wild type gene or OH-tamoxifen-dependent nuclear translocation of the chimeric Cre/ERT2 protein. However, both of these activation strategies have some limitations. We analyzed the efficiency of knockout in different tissues and found out that it correlates with the concentration of the hydroxytamoxifen and endoxifen&mdash;the active metabolites of tamoxifen&mdash;measured by LC-MS in these tissues. We also describe two cases of Cdk8floxed/floxed/Rosa-Cre-ERT2 mice tamoxifen-induced knockout limitations. In the first case, the standard scheme of tamoxifen administration does not lead to complete knockout formation in the brain or in the uterus. Tamoxifen metabolite measurements in multiple tissues were performed and it has been shown that low recombinase activity in the brain is due to the low levels of tamoxifen active metabolites. Increase of tamoxifen dosage (1.5 fold) and duration of activation (from 5 to 7 days) allowed us to significantly improve the knockout rate in the brain, but not in the uterus. In the second case, knockout induction during embryonic development was impossible due to the negative effect of tamoxifen on gestation. Although DNA editing in the embryos was achieved in some cases, the treatment led to different complications of the pregnancy in wild-type female mice. We propose to use doxycycline-induced Cre systems in such models