76 research outputs found

    Fluidity Onset in Graphene

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    Viscous electron fluids have emerged recently as a new paradigm of strongly-correlated electron transport in solids. Here we report on a direct observation of the transition to this long-sought-for state of matter in a high-mobility electron system in graphene. Unexpectedly, the electron flow is found to be interaction-dominated but non-hydrodynamic (quasiballistic) in a wide temperature range, showing signatures of viscous flows only at relatively high temperatures. The transition between the two regimes is characterized by a sharp maximum of negative resistance, probed in proximity to the current injector. The resistance decreases as the system goes deeper into the hydrodynamic regime. In a perfect darkness-before-daybreak manner, the interaction-dominated negative response is strongest at the transition to the quasiballistic regime. Our work provides the first demonstration of how the viscous fluid behavior emerges in an interacting electron system.Comment: 8pgs, 4fg

    Superconductivity in potassium-doped metallic polymorphs of MoS2

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    Superconducting layered transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) stand out among other superconductors due to the tunable nature of the superconducting transition, coexistence with other collective electronic excitations (charge density waves) and strong intrinsic spin-orbit coupling. Molybdenum disulphide (MoS2) is the most studied representative of this family of materials, especially since the recent demonstration of the possibility to tune its critical temperature, Tc, by electric-field doping. However, just one of its polymorphs, band-insulator 2H-MoS2, has so far been explored for its potential to host superconductivity. We have investigated the possibility to induce superconductivity in metallic polytypes, 1T- and 1T'-MoS2, by potassium (K) intercalation. We demonstrate that at doping levels significantly higher than that required to induce superconductivity in 2H-MoS2, both 1T and 1T' phases become superconducting, with Tc = 2.8 and 4.6K, respectively. Unusually, K intercalation in this case is responsible both for the structural and superconducting phase transitions. By adding new members to the family of superconducting TMDs our findings open the way to further manipulate and enhance the electronic properties of these technologically important materials.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures plus 7 supplementary figures in Nano Letters, November 27, 201

    Non-invasive transmission electron microscopy of vacancy defects in graphene produced by ion irradiation

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    Irradiation with high-energy ions has been widely suggested as a tool to engineer properties of graphene. Experiments show that it indeed has a strong effect on its transport, magnetic and mechanical characteristics. However, to use ion irradiation as an engineering tool requires understanding of the type and detailed characteristics of the produced defects which is still lacking, as the use of high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) - the only technique allowing direct imaging of atomic-scale defects - often modifies or even creates defects during imaging, thus making it impossible to determine the intrinsic atomic structure. Here we show that encapsulating the studied graphene sample between two other (protective) graphene sheets allows non-invasive HRTEM imaging and reliable identification of atomic-scale defects. Using this simple technique, we demonstrate that proton irradiation of graphene produces reconstructed monovacancies, which explains the profound effect that such defects have on magnetic and transport properties. This finding resolves the existing uncertainty with regard to the effect of ion irradiation on the electronic structure of graphene.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures and Supplementary Information (4 supplementary figures

    Magnetoresistance in Co-hBN-NiFe tunnel junctions enhanced by resonant tunneling through single defects in ultrathin hBN barriers

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    Hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) is a prototypical high-quality two-dimensional insulator and an ideal material to study tunneling phenomena, as it can be easily integrated in vertical van der Waals devices. For spintronic devices, its potential has been demonstrated both for efficient spin injection in lateral spin valves and as a barrier in magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs). Here we reveal the effect of point defects inevitably present in mechanically exfoliated hBN on the tunnel magnetoresistance of Co-hBN-NiFe MTJs. We observe a clear enhancement of both the conductance and magnetoresistance of the junction at well-defined bias voltages, indicating resonant tunneling through magnetic (spin-polarized) defect states. The spin polarization of the defect states is attributed to exchange coupling of a paramagnetic impurity in the few-atomic-layer thick hBN to the ferromagnetic electrodes. This is confirmed by excellent agreement with theoretical modelling. Our findings should be taken into account in analyzing tunneling processes in hBN-based magnetic devices. More generally, our study shows the potential of using atomically thin hBN barriers with defects to engineer the magnetoresistance of MTJs and to achieve spin filtering, opening the door towards exploiting the spin degree of freedom in current studies of point defects as quantum emitters

    Unusual suppression of the superconducting energy gap and critical temperature in atomically thin NbSe2

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    It is well known that superconductivity in thin films is generally suppressed with decreasing thickness. This suppression is normally governed by either disorder-induced localization of Cooper pairs, weakening of Coulomb screening, or generation and unbinding of vortex-antivortex pairs as described by the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) theory. Defying general expectations, few-layer NbSe2 - an archetypal example of ultrathin superconductors - has been found to remain superconducting down to monolayer thickness. Here we report measurements of both the superconducting energy gap and critical temperature in high-quality monocrystals of few-layer NbSe2, using planar-junction tunneling spectroscopy and lateral transport. We observe a fully developed gap that rapidly reduces for devices with the number of layers N < 5, as does their ctitical temperature. We show that the observed reduction cannot be explained by disorder, and the BKT mechanism is also excluded by measuring its transition temperature that for all N remains very close to Tc. We attribute the observed behavior to changes in the electronic band structure predicted for mono- and bi- layer NbSe2 combined with inevitable suppression of the Cooper pair density at the superconductor-vacuum interface. Our experimental results for N > 2 are in good agreement with the dependences of the gap and Tc expected in the latter case while the effect of band-structure reconstruction is evidenced by a stronger suppression of the gap and the disappearance of its anisotropy for N = 2. The spatial scale involved in the surface suppression of the density of states is only a few angstroms but cannot be ignored for atomically thin superconductors.Comment: 21 pages, including supporting informatio

    Thermopower in hBN/graphene/hBN superlattices

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    Thermoelectric effects are highly sensitive to the asymmetry in the density of states around the Fermi energy and can be exploited as probes of the electronic structure. We experimentally study thermopower in high-quality monolayer graphene, within heterostructures consisting of complete hBN encapsulation and 1D edge contacts, where the graphene and hBN lattices are aligned. When graphene is aligned to one of the hBN layers, we demonstrate the presence of additional sign reversals in the thermopower as a function of carrier density, directly evidencing the presence of the moir\'e superlattice. We show that the temperature dependence of the thermopower enables the assessment of the role of built-in strain variation and van Hove singularities and hints at the presence of Umklapp electron-electron scattering processes. As the thermopower peaks around the neutrality point, this allows to probe the energy spectrum degeneracy. Further, when graphene is double-aligned with the top and bottom hBN crystals, the thermopower exhibits features evidencing multiple cloned Dirac points caused by the differential super-moir\'e lattice. For both cases we evaluate how well the thermopower agrees with Mott's equation. Finally, we show the same superlattice device can exhibit a temperature-driven thermopower reversal from positive to negative and vice versa, by controlling the carrier density. The study of thermopower provides an alternative approach to study the electronic structure of 2D superlattices, whilst offering opportunities to engineer the thermoelectric response on these heterostructures.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Magnetization Signature of Topological Surface States in a Non-Symmorphic Superconductor

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    Superconductors with nontrivial band structure topology represent a class of materials with unconventional and potentially useful properties. Recent years have seen much success in creating artificial hybrid structures exhibiting the main characteristics of 2D topological superconductors. Yet, bulk materials known to combine inherent superconductivity with nontrivial topology remain scarce, largely because distinguishing their central characteristic—the topological surface states—has proved challenging due to a dominant contribution from the superconducting bulk. In this work, a highly anomalous behavior of surface superconductivity in topologically nontrivial 3D superconductor In2Bi, where the surface states result from its nontrivial band structure, itself a consequence of the non-symmorphic crystal symmetry and strong spin–orbit coupling, is reported. In contrast to smoothly decreasing diamagnetic susceptibility above the bulk critical field, Hc2, as seen in conventional superconductors, a near-perfect, Meissner-like screening of low-frequency magnetic fields well above Hc2 is observed. The enhanced diamagnetism disappears at a new phase transition close to the critical field of surface superconductivity, Hc3. Using theoretical modeling, the anomalous screening is shown to be consistent with modification of surface superconductivity by the topological surface states. The possibility of detecting signatures of the surface states using macroscopic magnetization provides a new tool for the discovery and identification of topological superconductor

    Magnetization Signature of Topological Surface States in a Non-Symmorphic Superconductor

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    Superconductors with nontrivial band structure topology represent a class of materials with unconventional and potentially useful properties. Recent years have seen much success in creating artificial hybrid structures exhibiting the main characteristics of 2D topological superconductors. Yet, bulk materials known to combine inherent superconductivity with nontrivial topology remain scarce, largely because distinguishing their central characteristic—the topological surface states—has proved challenging due to a dominant contribution from the superconducting bulk. In this work, a highly anomalous behavior of surface superconductivity in topologically nontrivial 3D superconductor In2Bi, where the surface states result from its nontrivial band structure, itself a consequence of the non-symmorphic crystal symmetry and strong spin–orbit coupling, is reported. In contrast to smoothly decreasing diamagnetic susceptibility above the bulk critical field, Hc2, as seen in conventional superconductors, a near-perfect, Meissner-like screening of low-frequency magnetic fields well above Hc2 is observed. The enhanced diamagnetism disappears at a new phase transition close to the critical field of surface superconductivity, Hc3. Using theoretical modeling, the anomalous screening is shown to be consistent with modification of surface superconductivity by the topological surface states. The possibility of detecting signatures of the surface states using macroscopic magnetization provides a new tool for the discovery and identification of topological superconductor
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