22 research outputs found


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    Спираючись на книгу Саймона Хеффера «Strictly English» (2010) та виявлені в ній неправильності і спотворення слів у сучасних британських ЗМІ, зроблено спробу розмежувати нормовану, або королівську, англійську мову і мову вищих класів і аристократії. Характер свідчить про погіршення якості викладання англійської мови та літератури в університетах Великобританії. Дає про себе знати також відсутність тієї класичної освіти, яка базується на вивченні іноземних мов і запам’ятовуванні значень іншомовних слів, освоєнні складних граматичних конструкцій і категорії модальності в рідній мові. Мові вищих класів чітко протиставляється мова ЗМІ і за способом комунікації, які в першому випадку визначаються як прямі і однозначні, а в другому – як непрямі і алегоричні. Створений і культивований англійською аристократією код спілкування, побудований на тих категоріях слів, які породжують двозначність у висловленні і незмінне питання: «А що малося на увазі?». Це усі ті категорії слів і засоби мовного вираження, які в журналістиці отримали назви «вбивць»сенсу і настійно не рекомендуються для використання в ЗМІ. До них належать іноземні слова, які значно ускладнюють розуміння тексту, абстрактні іменники, які служать для створення дистанції і нещирості у спілкуванні, евфемізми, використання іменників і дієслів у метафоричних значеннях, так як вони швидко застарівають, і інші засоби непрямого способу спілкування. Зроблено висновок про те, що, незважаючи на сувору заборону на використання основних елементів аристократичного коду спілкування в ЗМІ, журналісти тільки виграли б, якби знали іноземні мови і соціальні конотації слів, позначені як U – non-U у книзі «Noblesse Oblige» Алана Росса, Івліна Во і Ненсі Мітфорд. Книга Хеффера допомагає, з одного боку, чітко розмежу- вати нормовану англійську мову і мову ЗМІ, з іншого боку, підкреслити значимість і життєздатність мови вищих класів Великобританії, для яких гра словами і значеннями, імплікації і підтексти – це завжди прояв своєї індивідуальності, почуття гумору і високого інтелекту, що підкреслюють їх соціальну винятковість.All inaccuracies and distortions of the language use in modern British media, revealed by Simon Heffer in his book «Strictly English»,made an attempt to draw a distinct demarcation line between King’s English, the English of the press, on the one hand, and the English of the upper classes of Great Britain, on the other. The errors in the press, such as confusion of words similar in a sound form or spelling, the use of foreign words in the wrong meanings, distortions of names, etc. testify to the deterioration of education at some universities of Great Britain. They also point to the lack of a classical education based on the study of foreign languages, Greek and Latin, in the first place, which facilitates learning foreign words and mastering complicated grammar structures and subtleties of modality in the English language. The language of the press is clearly opposed to the language of the upper classes by methods of communication. If the former is characterized by direct and straightforward ways of communication, the latter manifests indirect and hidden ways of interaction. Cultivated by the upper classes and the aristocracy, this code is based on the categories of words which originate ambiguity in speech or texts and raise the eternal question «What is meant by this or that?». In journalism these categories of words are labeled as «killers» of meaning. They include foreign words which considerably obscure understanding, abstract nouns that serve to create distance and insincerity in communication, adjectives which very often veil the real state of things, serve as a means of linguistic manipulation, especially when used to describe emotions, opinions and feelings. Here, also, belong euphemism and metaphorical meanings of nouns and verbs. The author concludes that, despite stringent prohibition for journalists to use these categories of words in the media, journalists and professional writers would only benefit if they were aware of them as well as of social connotations of words marked as U – non-U words in the book «Noblesse Oblige» by Alan Ross, Evelyn Waugh and Nancy Mitford. Heffer’s book allows to clearly see the demarcation line between the English of the media and the English of the upper classes of Great Britain based on play upon words and various implications to express individuality and sense of humour, intellect and social exclusiveness.Опираясь на книгу Саймона Хеффера «Strictly English» (2010) и выявленные в ней неправильности и искажения слов в современных британских СМИ, сделана попытка провести разграничение между нормированным, или королевским, английским языком и языком высших классов и аристократии. Характер свидетельствует об ухудшении качества преподавания английского языка и литературы в университетах Великобритании. Даёт о себе знать также отсутствие того классического образования, которое базируется на изучении иностранных языков и запоминании значений иностранных слов, освоении сложных грамматических конструкций и категории модальности в родном языке. Языку высших классов чётко противопоставляется язык СМИ и по способам коммуникации, которые в первом случае определяются как прямые и однозначные, а во втором – как непрямые и иносказательные. Созданный и культивируемый английской аристократией код общения построен на тех категориях слов, которые порождают двусмысленность в высказывании и неизменный вопрос: «А что имелось в виду?». Это всё те категории слов и средства языкового выражения, которые в журналистике получили названия «убийц» смысла и настоятельно не рекомендуются для использования в СМИ. К ним относятся иностранные слова, значительно затрудняющие понимание текста, абстрактные существительные, которые служат для создания дистанции и неискренности в общении, эвфемизмы, использование существительных и глаголов в метафорических значениях, так как они быстро устаревают, и другие средства непрямого способа общения. Сделан вывод о том, что, несмотря на строгий запрет на использование основных элементов аристократического кода общения в СМИ, журналисты только выиграли бы, если бы знали иностранные языки и социальные коннотации слов, обозначенные как U – non-U в книге «Noblesse Oblige» Алана Росса, Ивлина Во и Нэнси Митфорд. Книга Хеффера помогает, с одной стороны, чётко разграничить нормированный английский язык и язык СМИ, с другой стороны, подчеркнуть значимость и жизнеспособность языка высших классов Великобритании, для которых игра словами и значениями, импликации и подтексты – это всегда проявление своей индивидуальности, чувства юмора и высокого интеллекта, подчеркивающих их социальную исключительность

    The effect of preventive vaccination on chickenpox incidence in Russia

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    Introduction. The significance of the chickenpox (CP) problem for public health and economy of Russia necessitated inclusion of CP vaccination in the regional immunization programs of some regions of the Russian Federation and in the vaccination schedule as an epidemic-response measure. The purpose of the study was to assess the effectiveness of CP vaccination to provide the rationale for recommendations on expansion of the national preventive vaccination schedule. Materials and methods. The vaccination effectiveness was assessed by comparison of the vaccination rates and CP incidence rates in 20062021 with the reference to the data collected from forms No. 2 and No. 5 of the National Statistical Monitoring in Russia and in its regions. Results and discussion. Before 2019, in some regions of Russia, CP vaccination of children within regional immunization programs and vaccination of risk groups within the vaccination schedule following the epidemic-response measures had hardly any effect on the epidemiological situation. The remote-work and stay-at-home policies during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 resulted in a decrease in the incidence and an increased number of individuals who did not have immunity against Varicella zoster, thus subsequently leading to the increased CP incidence in the country. However, the Central, Volga, and Siberian Federal Districts were able to avoid an increase in the CP incidence due to the significantly increased vaccination coverage among children in 20202021. At the same time, in most of the regions, less than 2% of children aged 16 years were vaccinated annually. The insufficient CP vaccination coverage in the regions having extensive experience of planned immunization of children led to the shift of the incidence towards older age groups and increased risk of development of congenital infection. Conclusion. To increase the effectiveness of CP preventive vaccination, it is recommended that the national vaccination schedule should include two-dose vaccination with the coverage of at least 90% of one-year-old children, while continuing immunization of older age individuals from the groups that are at risk of infection


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    Studying the genetic diversity of the varicella-zoster virus in selected regions of the Russian Federation using high-throughput sequencing

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    Introduction. Varicella-zoster virus (VZV), the causative agent of the disease of the same name and herpes zoster, is phylogenetically divided into 8 clades, the distribution of which is characterized by geographic reference to certain regions of the world. For most countries, VZV clades circulating in their territories have been identified, however, such information is almost unavailable for Russia. The purpose of the study is to develop an effective method for VZV typing using high-throughput sequencing technologies to identify the prevalence of various VZV clades in Moscow, Moscow Region, and Stavropol Territory. Materials and methods. To genotype VZV, it is enough to refer to 7 nucleotide positions. Their unique combinations can be used to assign the virus to one of the clades. Short sections of nucleotide sequences of open reading frames were obtained using a developed set of primers. Results. A VZV genotyping technique has been developed and optimized. Using this technique, primary data on the distribution of VZV clades in the studied regions have been obtained. Thus, it has been established that in Moscow and a number of other regions, the 1st, 3rd, and 5th clades of VZV are predominantly distributed. Conclusion. The developed technique, including a primer panel and a genotyping algorithm, allows VZV typing in a short time while reducing specimen preparation costs and simultaneously increasing the number of specimens in one sequencing cycle. The results obtained using this assay allow us to assume that in Moscow, Moscow Region, Stavropol Territory, VZV, clades 1, 3, and 5 are the most represented ones. To confirm this hypothesis, it is necessary to include a larger number of clinical specimens in subsequent studies, including from other regions of the country

    Results of screening for antibodies to varicella-zoster virus in healthcare workers of a multidisciplinary hospital in Moscow

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    Introduction. Given the unfavorable epidemic situation with chickenpox and shingles in Russia, there is a high risk of virus introduction and spread in healthcare settings, including among medical staff who are not immune to varicella zoster virus (VZV). The objective of this study is to assess the immunity of employees of a multidisciplinary hospital in Moscow to VZV. Materials and methods. A selective screening study was carried out. Venous blood serum samples were taken from 1546 hospital employees as material for detection of IgG antibodies to VZV antigens using a commercial solid-phase enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) test system "Vecto VZV-IgG". All employees were questioned to obtain information about their infectious and vaccine history in relation to VZV. Results and discussion. Screening for antibodies to VZV in the hospital workers revealed that 6.3% of those workers are not immune to VZV. The proportion of seronegative individuals was the highest (12.6 ± 2.4%) in the age group of 29 years and younger. VZV seronegative healthcare workers were found in various departments, but the presence of non-immune individuals among the staff of the obstetrics and gynecology departments (6.5%) is of epidemiologic concern. The results of the survey showed that documented data on infection and vaccination history cannot be used to assess the protection of healthcare workers against VZV infection. Conclusion. The results of serologic screening for antibodies to VZV made it possible to identify a significant number of susceptible employees of the multidisciplinary hospital. In order to prevent the formation of multiple epidemic foci of varicella in medical organizations, it is advisable to include anti-VZV testing of medical staff in the state prevention programs with subsequent vaccination of non-immune individuals

    Разработка алгоритмов и программного обеспечения систем управления движением роботизированного почвообрабатывающего агрегата

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    Abstract. Automation of agricultural machinery is aimed at solving specific practical tasks: control and maintenance of the technological process quality, increasing labor productivity as well as crop yields. The method of "precision farming" is economically expedient, since it is a direct saving of technological material, as well as it helps reducing the negative impact on the environment and farm produce. (Research purpose) The research purpose is to review and analyze the main aspects required to develop the algorithms and software for motion control systems for a robotic tillage unit. (Materials and methods) To implement process control, it is necessary to control the direction of travel along a specified path, change the speed of movement depending on the engine load, switching the transmission gears. Physical-and-mechanical characteristics of the unit are rather heterogeneous and depend on weather conditions. Therefore, the algorithm for controlling the power of the robotic mobile unit must take into account, as much as possible, variations in the external effects of drawbar properties and the motion resistance, as a random factor. (Results and discussion) The authors have developed an imitation model representing the movement of a robotic unit. For the simulation, use has been made of a cyclic trajectory of the unit movement, consisting of two types of sections: the rectilinear ones reflecting the soil tillage pattern, and the turn areas where the unit makes a turn along a curvilinear trajectory around a certain center. (Conclusions) The implementation of robotic technologies in agricultural production result in increased technical, technological, production and economic indicators of agricultural units in field work, increased labor productivity, reduced time required for fieldworks, more rational use of bioenergy resources, increased yields of agricultural crops and reduced environmental impacts.Реферат. Автоматизация сельскохозяйственной техники призвана решать конкретные практические задачи: контроль и поддержание качества выполнения технологического процесса, повышение производительности труда, увеличение урожайности сельскохозяйственных культур. Метод «точного земледелия» экономически целесообразен, так как способствует экономии технологического материала, снижению отрицательного воздействия на окружающую среду и производимую продукцию. (Цель исследования) Рассмотреть и проанализировать основные аспекты, необходимые при разработке алгоритмов и программного обеспечения систем управления движением роботизированного агрегата для пахотных работ. (Материалы и методы) Управление технологическим процессом включает руководство движением по заданной траектории, возможность изменения скорости движения в зависимости от загрузки двигателя, переключая передачу в трансмиссии. Физико-механические свойства агрегата существенно отличаются неоднородностью и зависят от погодных условий; алгоритм управления роботизированным мобильным агрегатом должен в максимальной степени учитывать вариации внешних воздействий сцепных свойств и сопротивлений движению в статусе случайных величин. (Результаты и обсуждение) Разработали имитационную модель, представляющую движение роботизированного агрегата. Выбрали цикличную траекторию перемещения агрегата, состоящую из двух видов участков: прямолинейных, на которых происходит обработка почвы, и участков разворота, где агрегат совершает разворот по криволинейной траектории вокруг некоторого центра. (Выводы) Внедрение роботизированных технологий в земледелие повышает технические, технологические, производственно-экономические показатели сельскохозяйственных агрегатов при проведении полевых работ, увеличивает производительность труда, сокращает сроки проведения работ, способствует рациональному использованию биоэнергетических ресурсов, повышает урожайность и снижает экологическую нагрузку на окружающую среду

    Characterizing the relationship between Sortase A-dependent substrates and the consequences of Srta deletion in Enterococcus faecalis

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    Enterococcus faecalis is a gastrointestinal commensal bacterium that has emerged as an important opportunistic pathogen that is a serious public health threat due to its prevalent antibiotic resistance. A variety of virulence factors contributes to the pathogenesis of Enterococci, including Sortase A (SrtA) and several SrtA substrates including endocarditis and biofilm associated pili (Ebp), adhesin of collagen from Enterococci (Ace), and aggregation substance (AS). Understanding the expression relationship between SrtA and its substrates, as well as the expression relationship and any cross-regulation between SrtA substrates, is crucial to effectively target bacterial adhesion for the reduction of virulence in the future. In this thesis, we showed that SrtA substrate expression does not depend on the presence of SrtA, and that Ebp accumulate in the plasma membrane in ∆srtA resulting in increased piliation. We showed that DnaK is important for Ebp biogenesis and that dnaK transcription is higher in ∆srtA, suggesting that DnaK may have a role in processing additional SrtA substrates. We explored the possibility that accumulation of unprocessed substrates in ∆srtA would result in increased vesiculation, which is associated with membrane stress in other organisms, but instead detected a similar number of membrane vesicles (MV) between WT and ∆srtA. However, as a result of increased membrane-associated Ebp, MV from ∆srtA were enriched in Ebp. Analysis of MV protein composition and high-resolution imaging of MV led us to hypothesize several mechanisms for MV formation via explosive cell lysis, through cell-wall modifying enzymes or from microdomains. Lastly, we addressed the expression relationships between Ebp, AS, and Ace. When Ebp and AS are expressed on the same cells, Ebp prevent AS-mediated clumping and decreases the frequency of horizontal gene transfer between AS-expressing cells. We also observed temperature-dependent differential expression of Ebp and Ace, suggesting that the two adhesins might be inversely regulated by environmental cues. Taken together these findings enhance our understanding of SrtA, Ebp, and cell-envelope biogenesis in E. faecalis, and provide new insight into the expression relationship between multiple enterococcal adhesins.​Doctor of Philosophy (SBS

    Synthesis and characterisation of novel organic semiconductors

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    This thesis was previously held under moratorium from 13th July 2011 until 13th July 2013.Organic semiconductors (OSCs) attract considerable attention from blue-chip companies and research communities as potential substitutes of inorganic counterparts in electronic devices. Thiophenes are one of the most extensively studied and highly topical classes of electron-rich OSCs. Linked compounds are known for their photoluminescent and conducting properties. On the other hand, fused thiophenes (FTs), both as small molecules and conducting polymers containing these blocks, demonstrate a different approach to broaden and improve the properties of this family of materials. FTs are highly ordered structures, with good potential for high charge-mobilities. Simultaneously, they are more environmentally resistant than many other OSCs, due to their wider HOMO-LUMO gaps. The review regarding these interesting materials and recent literature examples are presented in Chapter 1. During the course of my PhD research work several novel diindenodithioenothiophene (DITT) based molecular and polymeric materials were prepared and investigated. The parent compound (77), obtained through a multistep synthesis, comprises a central dithienothiophene-core and symmetrically attached indene-moieties at both sides. It was found to be sparingly soluble and in order to enable further synthetic manipulations was successfully derivatised with solubilising groups (78). Further oxidation of the thienyl sulfur to the corresponding sulfone afforded a highly photoluminescent compound (79). These three materials were characterised in terms of their chemical structure and properties. The findings are discussed in Chapter 2 along with the results of the performance of an OFET device, which was fabricated with 77 as the active semiconductor. Further work with the DITT-based materials involved polymerisations of 78 and 79 via a Yamamoto protocol and also copolymerisations of 78 with the fluorene and paraphenylene derivatives achieved through Suzuki polycondensations. The details of the synthetic procedures are described in Chapter 3. Chapter 4 presents the results of the property investigations of the synthesised polymers.Organic semiconductors (OSCs) attract considerable attention from blue-chip companies and research communities as potential substitutes of inorganic counterparts in electronic devices. Thiophenes are one of the most extensively studied and highly topical classes of electron-rich OSCs. Linked compounds are known for their photoluminescent and conducting properties. On the other hand, fused thiophenes (FTs), both as small molecules and conducting polymers containing these blocks, demonstrate a different approach to broaden and improve the properties of this family of materials. FTs are highly ordered structures, with good potential for high charge-mobilities. Simultaneously, they are more environmentally resistant than many other OSCs, due to their wider HOMO-LUMO gaps. The review regarding these interesting materials and recent literature examples are presented in Chapter 1. During the course of my PhD research work several novel diindenodithioenothiophene (DITT) based molecular and polymeric materials were prepared and investigated. The parent compound (77), obtained through a multistep synthesis, comprises a central dithienothiophene-core and symmetrically attached indene-moieties at both sides. It was found to be sparingly soluble and in order to enable further synthetic manipulations was successfully derivatised with solubilising groups (78). Further oxidation of the thienyl sulfur to the corresponding sulfone afforded a highly photoluminescent compound (79). These three materials were characterised in terms of their chemical structure and properties. The findings are discussed in Chapter 2 along with the results of the performance of an OFET device, which was fabricated with 77 as the active semiconductor. Further work with the DITT-based materials involved polymerisations of 78 and 79 via a Yamamoto protocol and also copolymerisations of 78 with the fluorene and paraphenylene derivatives achieved through Suzuki polycondensations. The details of the synthetic procedures are described in Chapter 3. Chapter 4 presents the results of the property investigations of the synthesised polymers

    Planktonic interference and biofilm alliance between aggregation substance and endocarditis- and biofilm-associated pili in Enterococcus faecalis

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    Like many bacteria, Enterococcus faecalis encodes a number of adhesins involved in colonization or infection of different niches. Two well-studied E. faecalis adhesins, aggregation substance (AS) and endocarditis- and biofilm-associated pili (Ebp), both contribute to biofilm formation on abiotic surfaces and in endocarditis, suggesting that they may be expressed at the same time. Because different regulatory pathways have been reported for AS and Ebp, here, we examined if they are coexpressed on the same cells and what is the functional impact of coexpression on individual cells and within a population. We found that while Ebp are only expressed on a subset of cells, when Ebp and AS are expressed on the same cells, pili interfere with AS-mediated clumping and impede AS-mediated conjugative plasmid transfer during planktonic growth. However, when the population density increases, horizontal gene transfer rates normalize and are no longer affected by pilus expression. Instead, at higher cell densities during biofilm formation, Ebp and AS differentially contribute to biofilm development and structure, synergizing to promote maximal biofilm formation.NRF (Natl Research Foundation, S’pore)MOE (Min. of Education, S’pore)Published versio

    Multiplex CRISPRi System Enables the Study of Stage-Specific Biofilm Genetic Requirements in Enterococcus faecalis

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    © 2020 Afonina et al. Enterococcus faecalis is an opportunistic pathogen, which can cause multidrug-resistant life-threatening infections. Gaining a complete understanding of enterococcal pathogenesis is a crucial step in identifying a strategy to effectively treat enterococcal infections. However, bacterial pathogenesis is a complex process often involving a combination of genes and multilevel regulation. Compared to established knockout methodologies, CRISPR interference (CRISPRi) approaches enable the rapid and efficient silencing of genes to interrogate gene products and pathways involved in pathogenesis. As opposed to traditional gene inactivation ap-proaches, CRISPRi can also be quickly repurposed for multiplexing or used to study essential genes. Here, we have developed a novel dual-vector nisin-inducible CRISPRi system in E. faecalis that can efficiently silence via both nontemplate and template strand targeting. Since the nisin-controlled gene expression system is functional in various Gram-positive bacteria, the developed CRISPRi tool can be extended to other genera. This system can be applied to study essential genes, genes involved in anti-microbial resistance, and genes involved in biofilm formation and persistence. The system is robust and can be scaled up for high-throughput screens or combinatorial targeting. This tool substantially enhances our ability to study enterococcal biology and pathogenesis, host-bacterium interactions, and interspecies communication. IMPORTANCE Enterococcus faecalis causes multidrug-resistant life-threatening infections and is often coisolated with other pathogenic bacteria from polymicrobial biofilm-associated infections. Genetic tools to dissect complex interactions in mixed microbial communities are largely limited to transposon mutagenesis and traditional time-and labor-intensive allelic-exchange methods. Built upon streptococcal dCas9, we developed an easily modifiable, inducible CRISPRi system for E. faecalis that can efficiently silence single and multiple genes. This system can silence genes involved in biofilm formation and antibiotic resistance and can be used to interrogate gene essentiality. Uniquely, this tool is optimized to study genes important for biofilm ini-tiation, maturation, and maintenance and can be used to perturb preformed bio-films. This system will be valuable to rapidly and efficiently investigate a wide range of aspects of complex enterococcal biology