74 research outputs found


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    The research in question investigates the technologies of initiating independent activity within the framework of distance learning and their psychological aspects. The authors’ classification of educational technologies of initiating students into independent cognitive activity is presented. Such technologies utilize various psychological mechanisms of exciting students’ cognitive interest, intensifying cognitive processes, developing independent activity skills, and, as a result, increase motivation for independent activity and learning on the whole. These include such types of technologies as developmental technologies, interactive technologies, technologies of information transfer, technologies of meaning-making initiation. The research of the attitude of distance learning educators to independent activity of students and the content of the academic courses were done at Moodle-based education programs. The findings show the differences in retention rate among distance learning educators whose competence in terms of initiating students into independent (self-guided) activity varies. It’s emphasized that interactive lectures, videoconferences, audio-visual aids, interactive seminars, glossaries, interactive tests are considered the most efficient technologies in initiating students into independent (self-guided) activity. The obtained results have made it possible to stress the developmental effect of distance learning technologies and the technologies of initiating students into independent (self-guided) activity in various psychic spheres of students: cognitive, individual, emotional. We mention the changes in motivational sphere of students and their meaning-making activity. In the course of correct development of distance learning we notice the development of voluntary and nonvoluntary cognitive activity. A student starts actively participating in educational process, he becomes the creator of his own world. &nbsp

    Informational Behavior in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Psychological Predictors

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    The core problem of the COVID-19 pandemic for psychologists is to find out how people cope with the stress of isolation and the threat of fatal disease. The scale of the pandemical impact on the psychological well-being of an individual has still no knowledge and psychological predictors which the impact depends on need to be identified. This paper presents an empirical study of informational behavior and its psychological predictors in the pandemic. The research was held online in April-May 2020. The total amount of 165 participants, aged from 18 to 66. The subjects were chosen from a randomly selected sample. The participants were asked to estimate their informational consumption in pandemic. Tolerance to ambiguity, hardiness and anxiety was studied in groups distinguished according to changes in informational consumption. The findings of this study indicate a significant correlation between informational behavior and psychological characteristics related to coping with stress. Besides the analysis proved a negative correlation between reactive and personal anxiety and tolerance to ambiguity, hardiness and its components. We have confirmed that increased informational comsumption can be considered as a coping strategy for overcoming the pandemic social isolation among respondents with low hardiness and tolerance to ambiguity. Stable and decreased informational consumption indicates that respondents with high hardiness and tolerance to ambiguity and low state and trait anxiety don’t need to consume information for coping with difficulties of pandemic self-isolation. Future work will concentrate on expanding the list of psychological predictors of informational behavior and studying the features of their interaction in different situations

    Psychological characteristics of the value orientation system of armenians in title ethnos and russian diaspora

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    The article substantiates the importance and relevance of studies on ethnic identity and value orientations, since they predetermine the assimilation of the spiritual culture of society, the formation of value orientations significantly contributes to the development of the individual. For that goal, a study was conducted with 160 bachelor and master students (ethnic Armenians and Russians living in Russia and Armenia) with a use of Twenty Statements Test and Schwartz’s Value Survey. The results of the study allowed us to describe common characteristics of the value-semantic aspect of the ethnic identity in Armenian and Russian title ethnos and diaspora. Thus, we aimed to describe of the process of identifying and assigning the values in Armenians as a dual process: the acceptance of values, the norms of the group with which a person is identified; the comparison of himself and his group with others, which has a positive impact on the cohesion of his group


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    This study looks into psychotechnics used in education and contributing to initiating logic among students, their personal growth and characterizes psychological features of “sense-deducting”. Here you will find a review of the sense-making techniques considering as one of the categories of psychotechnics. The described techniques are based on the human psychology, they improve the quality of instruction, create a favorable and unique system of values, take into account the individual characteristics of all types of education, and influence the sense-making process development among children. Sense-making techniques are stated in the author’s classification and extended by practical methods. The study of psychological features of influence of sense-making techniques on the personality of a student lets us see new patterns in personal, subjective and “meta-subjective” results of acquiring of the school program via transformation and development of value/logic consciousness of a child. The work emphasizes that the use of sense-making techniques is effective in the educational and after-school activities of the educational organization. The achieved results make it possible to understand, to substantiate the naturalness and relevance of the sense-technical approach according to personal and academic indicators of students. In the process of competent and correct use of the semantic techniques, we see the possibility of conveying the best, productive and quality pedagogical experience, as well as the perspective of innovative developments in the psychological and pedagogical sciences. For children and adolescents, information, thanks to sense-techniques, starts to be personal in nature, knowledge is objectified, learning activity becomes an individual need

    Modeling of value-based and meaningful choice situation for trainees in digital pedagogy

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    This paragraph is devoted to the peculiarities of creating value-based and meaningful choice situations for students in the conditions of digital pedagogy. As part of the study, a didactic model was developed in the pedagogical process, aimed at increasing the motivation of students by creating situations of sense choice using information and communication technologies (ICT). The proposed model of value-based and meaningful choice situations for students includes: purpose, principles, content, technologies, methods and teaching techniques. These components in the complex regulate emotional and sensitive as well as motivational and value-based manifestations of students in situations of choice. The diverse content is integrated into students’ personal sense, and technologies and methods directly “incorporate” the student’s sense development process

    Inclusion of pedagogical universities in international subject rankings: Problems and prospects

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    The present study actualizes the problem of internationalization of Russian pedagogical education, the solution to which will ensure the “recognition of universities” in the global education market and the entry of Russian and Chinese universities into the international educational market. We associate the solution to this problem with the digitalization of education, the internationalization of the national system of higher education, organization of worldclass research, participation in projects, programs and international professional associations. The study used the method of analysis of open sources of data, a survey of experts (working at the Higher School of Economics (HSE), Kazan Federal University (KFU)) and the method of semi-structured interviews. The empirical basis of the study was the analysis of data from the international rankings Quacquarelli Symonds World University Rankings (QS), Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), Times Higher Education World University Rankings (THE) (including the subject ranking “Education”) and the Moscow International Ranking “Three University Missions” (MosIUR). In the experimental activities, the results of the monitoring study of the participation of Russian universities in MosIUR that have the required validity and are an adequate tool for scientific assessment of changes were used. The study identified and confirmed that international rankings use different source bases for similar indicators. In the TNE ranking, the assessment of the citation of scientific works is carried out according to the international scientometric database Web of Science, while the QS ranking uses the citation index of scientific publications of teachers from the scientometric database Scopus. A monitoring study of the effectiveness of the participation of Russian universities in the MosIUR ranking for 2018–2020 shows the high activity of universities. The analysis of strategies and programs for the development of pedagogical universities included in the MosIUR ranking showed the orientation of universities to solve intra-sectoral problems and consider regional specifics. It has been established that, for pedagogical universities, it is becoming significant to reorient from institutional rankings to subject and branch ones, which measure the international reputation of an educational institution in a particular subject branch. The results of a monitoring study in 2017–2021 showed a low probability of achieving indicators of international rankings ARWU, THE, QS (including the subject ranking “Education”) for Russian pedagogical universities. The most promising for pedagogical universities may be the Moscow International Ranking “Three University Missions”, as well as the use of the experience of leading research universities of the TOP 5–100 project, which occupy high ranks in international rankings – HSE (QS subject ranking “Education”) and KFU (THE, subject ranking “Education”)

    Features meaningfulness of life among students with different attitudes to the time perspective as a component of sustainable social development

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    The article is aimed at analyzing the features of life style and meaningfulness of life among students depending on different attitudes to time. The analysis of modern studies of time perspective as a category of psychology is presented; the main components of meaning-life orientations, locus-control of the Ego are described. The object of the study was university students from 18 to 21 years old in the number of 294 people. The following methods were used: F. Zimbardo's time perspective questionnaire; D.A. Leontiev's "Life Orientations" test; Kellerman-Plutchik Lifestyle Index questionnaire, Mann-Whitney U statistical criterion; Spearman rank correlation. It is proved that depending on the respondents' attitude to the time perspective, both the level of meaningfulness of life and the strategy of behavior in stressful situations change. It is concluded that respondents with a focus on the future have a greater meaningfulness of life, they also are more tend to setting life goals. Moreover, the leading types of life styles statistically differ, depending on the the responders’ attitude to time

    Meaning-Building Strategies: Transition From Duality to Trialectics

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    Introduction. The authors suggest that instead of bipolar semantic scales of personal traits the focus of research on meaning-building should be shifted towards a trialectical framework of meaning-building strategies. This approach provides a multi-factor diagnosis of the value-meaning sphere of personality for better modeling of human behavior in various interaction situations. Theoretical Basis. According to Leontiev’s three-level internal integral model of personality, there are certain mutual correspondences between personal meanings and personal traits that manifest themselves in various interactions. In considering corporality, sensuality, mentality, causality, and paradoxicality as the areas for individuals’ collaboration and development, meanings appear to be causal polymodal images of actions and relations. Results and Discussion. Meaning-building strategy determines the orientation and content of the generated image-meaning. A trialectical framework for the consideration of the meaning system may help to provide more adequate modeling tools of possible strategies, which correspond to basic personal traits. The authors suggest an original approach which is based on the corresponding triad, namely hypoadaptave, hyperadaptive, and preadaptive meaning-building strategies. Thus, it is possible to establish correlations among these meaning-building strategies as poles of the multifaceted development of personality. Certain mutual correspondences between the value-meaning sphere and personal traits, which manifest themselves in various interaction situations, can help determine these correlations. The approach proposed by the authors is instrumental in revealing a personal profile as a multifactor model of possible states of the value-meaning sphere of the experiencing subject. In terms of behavior modeling, the revealed personal profile may not only determine the orientation of meaning regulation but also disclose the qualitative content of the genesis of personal meanings and demonstrates an actual strategy of building meanings as polymodal causal images of relations and actions

    Polar Meaning-Building Strategies: Acmeological Characteristics

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    Background. Personality is not simply an end product, but rather, it is a process. Terefore, empirical work on personal meaning-building should examine the genesis of meaning and provide a content-based description of personality in terms of personality traits. Such a description suggests a systemic view of personality, where the meaning-based approach is supplemented with the defnition of personality traits. Te value and meaning potential of personality encompasses three dimensions: worldview, behavior, and cognition. Objective. Te aim of this study is to identify the properties of personality, refecting the features of polar strategies of meaning formation in acmeological terms by age, gender, and professional characteristics. Design. Te present study considers the infuence of various acmeological factors on meaning-building and concentrates on its two polar strategies: adaptive and developing strategies. We developed nine bipolar scales of personal traits with sublevels by applying the semantic diferential technique. In total, there were 145 participants in the study. Participants were grouped according to three criteria: age, gender, and profession. Results. Te obtained indices of meaning-building strategies did not coincide in all the diferentiated groups, which clearly speaks in favor of acmeological dynamics of the respondents’ personal profles. We stratifed the sample according to the mean score of the basic marker of “life meaningfulness,” which enabled us to establish diferences in characteristics of actual polar strategies of meaning-building. Te respondents who did not fall into either of the two groups are “between the poles.” Tey ofen have an underdeveloped meaning-building strategy as a result of poorly formed ways of organization and actualization of personal meanings or the presence of a transitional form of situational conceptual initiations. Conclusion. Te personal profles that were identifed represent multifactor models of the personal value and meaning dimensions, which can predict actual meaning-building strategies using semantic diferential scales and indicators (“life meaningfulness” from the Purpose-in-Life test) and help researchers to reduce the number of techniques employed in their studies

    Особенности агрессивного поведения школьников разной этнической принадлежности в условиях постконфликтного региона

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    The article presents a theoretical study of ethnic characteristics of the creation of psychological safety of the educational environment in a post-conflict region. The authors (a) examined the effects of two military campaigns that led to the destruction of the education system of the Chechen Republic, and (b) considered the results of the restoration, revival and development of the system of modern education in the post-conflict region. The rehabilitation of the infrastructure of educational establishments and creation ofconditions for available and accessible education has the original significance in this region. Bilingualism which leads to a language barrier and impedes a complex support of the educational process at all levels of education is also a challenge. The very bilingualism enables schoolchildren to develop at a cognitive level, but in this case theRussian language is the only language of the educational process. Training programs and methodical literature are presented in Russian (except two subjects – the Chechen language and Chechen literature), while the children of the postwar period speak Russianat a low level. In this situation, it is important to organize the full acquisition of both languages (Chechen and Russian) to overcome language barriers in communicative interaction of the educational process. Besides, aggressive behavior in schoolchildren,which has an impact on the level of their individual development, is the main problem. All these difficulties led to the reduction of the level of safety in the educational system of the Chechen Republic. Besides, the authors find it necessary to increase the professional level of the pedagogical society taking into account ethnic features, requirements of state standards and the consequences of crisis and emergency situations. On the basis of the studied material the authors suggest priority parameters of the educational system which can be used to increase the level of psychological safety in the educational environment.В статье представлено научно-теоретическое изучение этнических особенностей создания психологической безопасности образовательной среды в условиях постконфликтного региона. Рассматриваются последствия двух военных кампаний, приведшие к разрушению системы образования Чеченской Республики, а также показатели восстановления, возрождения и развития в целом системы современного образования в постконфликтном регионе. В данном регионе первоначальную значимость имели восстановление инфраструктуры объектов образования и создание условий для обеспечения общедоступного и бесплатного образования. Также сложным моментом представляется двуязычие, приводящее к языковому барьеру, препятствующему полноценному обеспечению образовательного процесса на всех уровнях образования. Само двуязычие дает возможность обучающимся развиваться на когнитивном уровне, но в данном случае образовательный процесс возможно построить только на русском языке, т. к. учебные программы, методическая литература разработаны только на нем (кроме двух предметов – чеченского языка и чеченской литературы), а дети послевоенного периода, из-за высокого оттока русскоязычного населения, на низком уровне владеют русским языком. В данной ситуации важно организовать полноценное освоение двух языков (чеченского и русского) для снятия языковых препятствий в условиях коммуникативного взаимодействия во время образовательного процесса. Помимо этого основным проблемным моментом является проявление агрессивного поведения у школьников, которое отражается на личностном уровне развития школьников. Все эти сложности привели к снижению уровня безопасности в образовательной системе Чеченской Республики. Кроме этого имеется потребность в повышении профессионального уровня педагогического общества в рамках учета этнических особенностей, требований федеральных государственных стандартов и последствий кризисных и чрезвычайных ситуаций. На основании изученного материала предлагаются приоритетные параметры образовательной системы, которые могут быть использованы для повышения уровня психологической безопасности в образовательной среде