672 research outputs found

    Evaluating the efficiency of the research sector in Russian regions: a dynamic data envelopment analysis

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    The nonparametric method of dynamic data envelopment analysis (DDEA) has become increasingly popular for conducting comparative efficiency evaluations. In recent years, dynamic data envelopment analysis (DDEA), a variant of this method, has gained significant attention. This article applies dynamic analysis to evaluate the efficiency of the research sector in Russian regions. Traditional input variables such as the number of research staff and R&D expenditure are considered, while publication and patent metrics serve as output indicators. The analysis covers a substantial time period, spanning from 2009 to 2020. Notably, the proposed evaluation method incorporates publication quality measures as a carry-over variable, in addition to accumulated R&D expenditure. The study employs dynamic data envelopment analysis to compare the obtained results with previous evaluations of the research and technology sector in Russian regions. The findings demonstrate that the proposed method serves as a valuable ranking technique, enhancing existing evaluations of regions' research and technology potential in terms of efficiency. The article concludes by discussing the prospects and limitations of the method in evaluating and forecasting research and technology profiles of regions

    Konevets Island (Leningrad Region, Russia) – a historical refuge of lichen diversity in Lake Ladoga

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    We present an updated checklist for Konevets Island (Leningrad Region, Russia). The revealed lichen biota comprises 435 species, including 378 lichens, 46 lichenicolous fungi and 11 non-lichenized saprobic fungi, of which 31 species (27 lichens and 4 lichenicolous fungi) are known only from collections made by Veli Räsänen (1917, 1938). Acremonium hypholomatis is reported for the first time for Russia; Caloplaca soralifera, Trapelia corticola, and Muellerella lichenicola for Northwestern European Russia; and Bacidia vermifera, Lecanora mughicola, Micarea contexta, Pyrenochaeta xanthoriae, Rhizocarpon disporum, Stigmidium squamariae and Xylographa difformis for Leningrad Region. From lichenological point of view, the most valuable habitats of Konevets Island are old-growth spruce forests. The studied lichen biota is rich and diverse and exceptionally well-preserved in comparison to the mainland part of Karelian Isthmus. It definitely deserves protection

    The Use of Social Networks to Train the Intercultural Dimension of Foreign Languages at Higher Educational Institutions

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    The paper aims to identify how social networks contribute to training the intercultural dimension of foreign languages at higher educational institutions. We attempted to answer the questions of what effect the use of social networks has on foreign language training, fostering intercultural and occupational skills, and how both students and teachers perceive the intervention. To achieve research goals, we used quantitative tools, such as (1) checklists, (2) assessment records on English for Specific Purposes, (3) the cultural intelligence scale, (4) the multidimensional emotional empathy scale, and (5) the questionnaire for reflective thinking. Qualitative data were drawn from the observations and interviews. The research findings confirmed that the use of social networks provided students with a true-to-life (authentic) environment and context to gain cultural experience and train a foreign language. This strategy boosts English for Specific Purposes learning and teaching experiences using a distance-learning component. A longitudinal research design enhances transformations in students in terms of emotional empathy and reflective thinking

    Problems and prospects of human capital development in modern Russia

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    Purpose: In the context of dynamically changing modern labor market there is a need to develop a model of congruence and correlation of the process of building professional competencies provided by educational standards. Design/Methodology/Approach: The study was performed using monographic, abstract logical, sociological and statistical methods. However, this approach does not imply the formation of supra-professional competencies, which generally predetermine the success of professional tasks performed by a specialist. Findings: The article discusses the role of human capital as a fundamental factor affecting the increase in the competitiveness of production. Practical implications: The study focusses on the most demanded competencies for the development of digital society. The authors have grouped countries by level of human capital use. Originality/Value: At present, the appropriate parameters for measuring professional and general cultural competencies have been adopted as a system for assessing the quality of education in general and the quality of specialist training.peer-reviewe

    The integration of financial and economic disciplines in the educational process of vocational education

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    The article deals with the integration of interdisciplinary issues of financial and economic disciplines in the educational process of Vocational Education. The basic contradictions that can be solved by an integrative structure are distinguished. The ways of the further integration within the educational process on the example of Nizhny Novgorod Automotive College are stated.peer-reviewe

    Pharmacological correction of intrarenal hemodynamic disorders in acute kidney injury (part 2)

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    Evaluate the possibilities of individual pharmacological correction and intensive care of patients with acute kidney injury of different origin. A prospective nonrandomized study. Inclusion criteria: patients with prerenal, renal and subrenal AKI module in stage of oligoanuria and restoration of diuresis. Exclusion criteria: AKI in patients after cardiosurgery and operations on large vessels. Individual pharmacological and non-pharmacological correction (renoprotection) was performed in 250 ICU patients with prerenal (130), renal (81) and subrenal (39) AK

    The lichens of Pukhtolova Gora (St. Petersburg, Russia)

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    The lichen diversity of the proposed protected area Pukhtolova Gora counts 252 species, including 232 lichenized, 12 lichenicolous, and 8 non-lichenized saprobic fungi. Micarea laeta, M. pusilla, and Pyrenidium actinellum s. lat. are new to North-Western European Russia; Parmelia serrana, Rhizocarpon cinereovirens, and Stereocaulon taeniarum are new to St. Petersburg. Altogether 13 species recorded in the study area are red-listed in St. Petersburg, with two of them known only from historical collections. Pukhtolova Gora is an area with a high conservation value; the lichen biota of this area is one of the richest within the city limits due to the well-preserved forest habitats

    New records of lichens and allied fungi from the Leningrad Region, Russia. XI

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    Twelve lichen species and two lichenicolous fungi, of them seven that belong to Micarea prasina group, are reported for the first time for St. Petersburg or the whole Leningrad Region. The lichenicolous fungus Intralichen baccisporus is new to Russia, and the lichen Micarea nowakii – for European Russia. A comparative table of characteristics for seven species of Micarea prasina group is presented

    Trace Element Patterns in Shells of Mussels (Bivalvia) Allow to Distinguish between Fresh- and Brackish-Water Coastal Environments of the Subarctic and Boreal Zone

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    The accumulation of trace metals in the shells of bivalves allows quantitative assessments of environmental pollution and helps to reconstruct paleo aquatic environments. However, the understanding on how marine and freshwater mollusks control the level of trace elements in their shells remains very limited. Here, we compared the trace element composition of marine and freshwater bivalves from boreal and subarctic habitats, using examples of widely distributed species of marine (Mytilus edulis, M. trossulus) and freshwater (Anodonta anatina, Unio sp., Beringiana beringiana) mussels. Sizable differences in several trace element concentrations were detected between different species, depending on their environmental niches. A multiparametric statistical treatment of the shell’s elemental composition allowed to distinguish the impact of external factors (water and sediment chemical composition) from active metabolic (biological) control. In particular, the obtained results demonstrated that Ba:Ca and Pb:Ca ratios in mussels’ shells are closely related to the primary productivity of aquatic ecosystems. The Mn:Ca ratio allowed to constrain the environmental conditions of mussels’ species depending on the trophic state of inhabited waterbody. Overall, the marine mussels exhibited stronger biological control of trace element accumulation, whereas trace element pattern in shells of freshwater mussels was chiefly controlled by environmental factors. The obtained results might help to use the trace element composition of bivalves in distinguishing marine and freshwater habitats of mollusks in paleo environments