68 research outputs found

    Persistent Courage of the Local Women Resistance Toward Undemocratic Policies

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    This paper focuses on studying local women groups' resistance movement toward the policies regarding a permit for mining activities in their villages. Although locals have vehemently opposed this business, the official licenses to continue the activities are remain being issued by state authority and supported by the local government. This could be seen as a red flag from the policy that has been abandoned by local communities' interests. For the past decade, then being involved in social movements against undemocratic policies has sign significantly creased. There is no benefit for them from these policies, and local women also could see that their interests and knowledge have been ignored. The method used in this study is feminist ethnography, focusing on two villages as a location of mining activities. The first is Penago Baru in Seluma, Bengkulu, which has been exploited for their iron sand, then Praikaroku Jangga in Central Sumba, East Nusa Tenggara, as the location for gold mining. The study uses field-talks, in-depth interviews, live-in, thematic group discussions, and field-notes. The participants lived in a social movement or acted as indigenous leaders, NGO activists, and demics. The study shows the distinctive character of these local women communities, in which they tend to have a subaltern identity. As a subaltern community, they have never been considered to exist, as their interests are not included in the policy agenda-setting. Their resistance is actually a reflection of the state's ignorance of the locals' rights. The study also notes that local women communities in both locations are actually reliable agents of local environment knowledge, with their intimate experiences with surrounding nature. Their courage to resist these policies is more of an effort to protect the natural resources and the people, as well as the ecosystem

    Piil Pesenggiri: Modal Budaya dan Strategi Identitas Ulun Lampung

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    Etnifikasi atau proses peminggiran penduduk lokal sebagai akibat migrasi di Lampung menyebabkan ulun Lampung menjadi minoritas di tengah-tengah heterogenitas budaya pendatang. Dalam menghadapi marjinalisasi ini, mereka membangkitkan tradisi (invensi tradisi) dalam rangka memperkuat kesadaran kolektif melalui pemaknaan piil pesenggiri (harga diri) yang direproduksi dan diartikulasikan sebagai representasi identitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan menjelaskan pemaknaan piil pesenggiri sebagai kedayatahanan identitas ulun Lampung yang mereposisi identitasnya, terkait dengan bagaimana piil pesenggiri diolah sebagai modal budaya dan strategi budaya di dunia sosial mereka. Sebagai penelitian kualitatif, data diperoleh melalui wawancara mendalam dengan sejumlah informan untuk mendapatkan gambaran lengkap tentang piil pesenggiri berdasarkan pengalaman dalam dunia sosial yang dijalaninya. Temuan penelitian ini, bahwa rekonstruksi identitas ulun Lampung tidak terlepas dari perkembangan dinamika politik dan budaya dalam ruang dan waktu. Produksi dan reproduksi piil pesenggiri sebagai invensi tradisi, yang diolah menjadi modal budaya dan strategi identitas merupakan resistensi terhadap pendatang sebagai reteritorialisasi dan identifikasi diri. Mengubah stigma negatif piil pesenggiri yang selama ini dijadikan "perisai budaya" dalam berbagai tindakannya adalah konstruksi ulun Lampung dengan citra baru melalui pendidikan, simbol budaya maupun jalur politik, merupakan proses untuk diakui identitasnya dalam struktur sosial. Reproduksi piil pesenggiri menunjukkan piil sebagai identitas bukan produk yang statis tetapi kontekstual dan tidak dapat dipisahkan dari habitus ulun Lampung.Keywords: piil pesenggiri, invented tradition, reproduction, identity, strateg


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    The competence of elementary school teachers in the preparation of AKM-based character development indicators needs to be a concern. Most of the teachers at SDN Sumur Welut III Surabaya, the teachers do not have experience in compiling AKM-based character development indicators. The purpose of this community service is to improve the competence of elementary school teachers in compiling AKM-based character development indicators. The intended target is the teacher of SDN Sumur Welut III Surabaya. This activity is carried out in the form of training and workshops, starting with material presentations, discussions, and workshops with the assistance of lecturers and assisted by students during group work. The results of the activity show that: (1) there is an increase in the understanding and skills of teachers in preparing AKM-based character development indicators; (2) The response of this training participant showed a positive response.Kompetensi guru sekolah dasar dalam penyusunan indikator pengembangan karakter berbasis AKM perlu menjadi perhatian. Sebagian besar guru SDN Sumur Welut III Surabaya, para guru belum mempunyai pengalaman dalam menyusun indikator pengembangan karakter berbasis AKM. Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kompetensi guru sekolah dasar dalam menyusun indikator pengembangan karakter berbasis AKM. Sasaran yang dituju adalah guru SDN Sumur Welut III Surabaya. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan dalam bentuk pelatihan dan workshop dengan diawali pemaparan materi, diskusi, dan workshop dengan pendampingan dosen dan dibantu mahasiswa saat kerja kelompok. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa: (1) terdapat peningkatan pemahaman dan keterampilan guru dalam menyusun indikator pengembangan karakter berbasis AKM; (2) Respon peserta pelatihan ini menunjukkan respon yang positi

    Angka Kematian Dan Faktor Risiko Stroke Sebagai Penyebab Dasar Kematian Di Kabupaten Padang Pariaman Provinsi Sumatera Barat

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    Mortality data are one of important indicators for the publich health The aim of this study is to know about the death rate, characteristics and risk factors of stroke as underlying cause of death in Padang Pariaman district. The mortality data in 2010 was analyzed using SPSS 16. The results showed that the entire death data was amount of 2642 and crude death rate was 6.71. Proportion of stroke in the district was 19.3% and stroke mortality rate was 1.29 per 1000 population in the year 2010, The risk factors of stroke as underlying cause of death after adjusted with education, employment and place of death were age and gender. The age of 40 – 64 years had the risk with OR of 6.45 (95% CI 2.77 – 14.28, p < 0.0001) and age of > 65 years had the risk of 10.29 (95% CI 4.47 – 23.69, p < 0.0001) compared to 20 – 39 year old. Women had greater risk than that of men with OR of 1.43 (95% CI 1.16 – 1.76, p < 0.001). The mortality rate of stroke as an underlying cause of death is high, so it is necessary to prevent the disease by appropriate intervention program

    Bunga Rampai Opini Guru Besar Antikorupsi: Memperkuat & Mempertahankan KPK

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    Rencana Parlemen untuk melakukan Revisi terhadap Undang-Undang Nomor 30 Tahun 2002 tentang Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (Revisi UU KPK) yang dinilai melemahkan KPK akhirnya tertunda pada akhir Februari 2016 lalu. Penundaan ini setidaknya merupakan respon dari Presiden dan DPR RI terhadap banyaknya penolakan atas rencana Revisi UU KPK. Salah satu kelompok yang menolak Revisi UU KPK adalah para Guru Besar dari Perguruan Tinggi di seluruh Indonesia yang tergabung dalam Forum Guru Besar Tolak Revisi UU KPK

    Kisah Perjalanan Panjang Konvensi Wanita Di Indonesia

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    xxxii. 344 hal.; 21 cm

    Pluralisme Hukum Watris dan keadilan perempuan

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    xxviii.; 366 hal.; bibl.; ind.; 19 c

    Editorial Foreword IJSLS Volume 3 Number 1

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    Menumbuhkan Budaya Hukum Baru Anti Kekerasan terhadap Perempuan

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    In this article, the author addresses the problem of violence towards women, with a focus on the violence in ethnic conflict and armed conflict. She takes the view that any legal system should be seen as having three components, i.e., legal substance, legal structure and legal culture, and that none of these components protect women from acts of violence. Citing articles from the criminal code, the authors show how the laws cannot protect women who are victims of violence and how some articles of the code in fact perpetuate injustice toward women. Following this, she shows how law enforcement officers who constitute the legal structure lack any gender awareness in their handling of cases. Finally, the attitudes and beliefs toward the law is the legal culture encourages the view that women are the property of men, especially in times of armed conflict.&nbsp
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