25 research outputs found

    Faktor-Faktor Risiko yang Berhubungan dengan Kejadian Taeniasis dan Sistiserkosis di Papua Barat

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    Taeniasis and cysticercosis are zoonotic diseases pigs and still become a health problem in West Papua. In 2003-2004, the prevalence of taeniasis was 4.1% and cysticercosis 2.3%. The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence and determinants of transmission of the disease. A cross-sectional design was carried out in March-December 2016, with 1,489 of respondents. Data was collected  through fingertip blood collection and interviews for determinant factors of taeniasis transmission and cysticercosis. Examination of blood samples was carried out using magnetic microparticle immunoassay. The results of the study on taeniasis proportion were 3.0% (n=1.489) and taeniasis determinant factors were education [RR=1.3; CI 95% (0.695-2.418); p=0.047], hand washing habits before eating [RR=12.3; CI 95% (5.857-25.853); p=0.0001], habit of washing hands after defecate (p=0.0001), consuming vegetables (p=0.0001), vegetables being washed in the river [RR=0.3; CI 95% (0.153-0.674); p=0.002] and consumption of roast meat [RR=0.3; CI 95% (0.166-0.570); p=0.0001]. The proportion of cysticercosis is 3.2% (n=1,489). and cysticercosis determinant factors are education [RR=0.3; CI 95% (0.162-0.819); p=0.011], hand washing habits before eating [RR=2.4; CI 95% (1.344-4.351); p=0.002], the habit of washing hands after defecate [RR=3.2; 95% CI (1.787-5.809); p=0.0001], nail hygiene [RR=2.8 CI 95% (1.415-5.546); p=0.002], consumption of vegetables [RR=0.3; CI 95% (0.179-0.577); p=0,0001], vegetables are washed in the river [RR=0.4; CI 95% (0.222-0.837); p=0.012]. Determinant factors of Taeniasis and cysticercosis were education level, hand washing, nail hygiene, consumption of vegetables, washing vegetables in the river and consumption of roasted meat. It is crucial to provide education to community about clean,healthy behavior, and consumption of cooked meat

    Pengaruh Curing dan Coating pada Mutu Ubi Jalar Cilembu Selama Masa Penyimpanan

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    ABSTRAK: Ubi jalar cilembu merupakan ubi jalar varietas unggul yang banyak diminati dan diekspor, namun dibutuhkan proses panjang serta waktu yang lama dalam proses ekspor. Misalnya diperlukan waktu 12-13 hari untuk ekspor ke Singapura dengan moda transportasi laut. Sehingga diperlukan penanganan pascapanen yang tepat utuk menjaga mutu ubi selama proses ekspor. Oleh karena itu, tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui kondisi lingkungan curing dan konsentrasi emulsi coating lilin lebah terbaik untuk menjaga mutu ubi jalar cilembu selama masa penyimpanan. Penelitian ini dilakukan selama 7 hari untuk perlakuan curing dan coating. Curing dilakukan pada 3 kondisi lingkungan yang berbeda, yaitu suhu 30 oC dengan RH 90%, suhu 23 oC dengan RH 50%, dan suhu ruang. Sedangkan coating dilakukan dengan cara mencelupkannya pada 3 konsentrasi emulsi lilin lebah yang berbeda, yaitu konsentrasi 12%, konsentrasi 8%, dan konsentrasi 3%, lalu disimpan pada suhu ruang selama 7 hari. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa kondisi curing dan emulsi coating lilin lebah terbaik dalam menekan kerusakan fisik >25% dan pertunasan ubi cilembu selama penyimpanan yaitu pada suhu 30 oC dengan RH 90% dan coating lilin lebah 8%.Kata kunci: curing, coating, mutu, penyimpanan, ubi jalar cilembuABSTRACT: Sweet potato cultivar (cv.) Cilembu is the the superior quality of sweet potato, which is high demand and exported, but it takes a long process and long time for export. For example need 12-13 days for export to Singapore using sea transportation. So, proper postharvest handling is needed to maintain the quality of sweet potato during the export process. Therefore, the purpose of this study is determining the best condition of curing and the best concentration of beeswax emulsion for sweet potato cv. Cilembu during storage period. This research was conducted for seven days. Curing was carried out in three different environmental conditions, they were temperature and RH, respectively, i.e.  30 oC, RH 90%; 23 oC, RH 50%; and room temperature. The coating were carried out by dipping in three different consentrations of beeswax emulsion, they were 12%, 8%, and 3%. The samples were then stored at room temperature for 7 days. The result showed that the best curing and coating emulsion of beeswax in reduce the level of physical damage >25% and the sprouting of sweet potato cv. Cilembu during storage were curing at 30 oC with 90% RH and coating with beeswax emulsion of 8%.Keywords:  curing, coating, quality, storage, cilembu sweet potat

    Heterosexual Transmission as a CRF01_AE HIV-1 Spread Factor in Mimika Papua

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    The HIV epidemic has particular characteristic on each region. The genetic diversity of HIV-1 would affect variability of HIV virus that could potentially most virulent, pathogenic and high transmission rate. Thus it triggers the disease progresivity more rapidly and caused  a new pandemic of HIV infection. The aim of the study is determine the genetic characteristics of HIV-1 on patient with heterosexual transmission based on gene fragment encoding the glycoprotein-41 (gp41) of HIV envelope. Descriptive analytic method and cross sectional design were attended on VCT clinic Mitra Masyarakat Mimika in March-May 2015. Samples of blood plasma from patient with HIV-1 sexual transmission wer amplified using RT-PCR and nested PCR. Genetic characteristics were analyzed with DNA Sequencing using software Bioedit and Mega 5. Identification using sequence analysis  showed two subtypes of HIV patient in Mimika, which were CRF01_AE and B subtypes. There were 40 patients (87%) identified as having genetic characteristics CRF01_AE. Subtypes B was also identified in 6 heterosexual patients. This study suggest that CRF01_AE have heterosexual transmission risk higher than subtype B. Predominance of CRF01_AE contribute to the rapid spread of the HIV epidemic in Mimik


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    Fresh meat are highly perishable due to their enriched nutrient composition which is easily contaminated by almost any microorganisms. The application of antimicrobial edible films is one of the effective method to extend the shelf life of fresh meat. This study aimed to get antimicrobial edible films formula that have the potential to preserve fresh meat. The study consisted of several steps: 1) research for making a fresh garlic extract, 2) extraction of gelatin from chicken feet, 3) formulation and manufacturing of antimicrobial edible films and 4) the application of edible films on fresh meat. Gelatin-based antimicrobial edible films was the best one that can be applied on fresh meat. Characteristics of the antimirobial edible film: color L 97.28; elongation: 20 mm; tensile strength <0.1 kgf; thickness 0.06 mm; WVTR 15.49 g/(mm.jam); Aw 0.526; moisture content: 22.73%, and has antimicrobial characteristic because of it’s inhibition ability to the growth of S. aureus and E. coli.(Key words: Antimicrobial, Edible film, Meat


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    ABSTRACTThe purpose of this research is to find out the gratitude of the fostered in living their life, especially while in the Safe House of UPTD PPA Makassar. From the results of the needs analysis, the authors agreed to make Circle Sharing activities as an effort to increase gratitude and build positive feelings for the fostered at the Safe House of UPTD PPA Makassar. The activity was carried out by giving Gratitude Journal and Circle Sharing methods. This type of research is quantitative with data collection methods using pre-test and post-test questionnaires. Based on the results of data analysis using the T-paired sample T-test with SPSS version 21, it was found that the significance value was 0.000. The significance obtained is 0.000 < 0.005. Because the significance value is less than 0.005, it can be concluded that there is an effect of Circle Sharing that has been carried out in increasing gratitude and building positive feelings in the fostered.Keywords: Gratitude, Circle Sharing, Positive Feelings ABSTRAKTujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kebersyukuran binaan dalam menjalani kehidupannya saat berada di Rumah Aman UPTD PPA kota Makassar. Dari hasil analisis kebutuhan, peneliti sepakat untuk membuat kegiatan Circle Sharing sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan kebersyukuran dan membangun perasaan positif pada binaan di Rumah Aman UPTD PPA kota Makassar. Kegiatan dilakukan dengan metode pemberian Gratitude Journal dan Circle Sharing. Jenis Penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner pretest dan posttest. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data menggunakan T-paired sample T-test dengan SPSS versi 21 didapatkan bahwa nilai signifikansi yaitu 0.000. Signifikansi yang didapatkan yaitu 0.000 < 0.005. Karena nilai signifikansi lebih kecil dari 0.005, maka dapat disimpulkan terdapat pengaruh Circle Sharing yang telah dilakukan dalam meningkatkan kebersyukuran dan membangun perasaan positif pada binaan.Kata kunci: Kebersyukuran, Circle Sharing, Perasaan Positi


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    This research is motivated by changes in consumer behavior during the pandemic at Cafe Take Nuda the changes that occur make a person's initial habits change, because they are accustomed to living behavior during a pandemic that requires people to apply health in the slightest thing, changes that are often made every day. people vary depending on the person's daily life which more often applies what kind of health pattern to prevent himself from being exposed to Covid-19. The focus of this research is to find out the problem of consumer behavior at Cafe Take Nuda during the pandemic, whether there is a difference between before the pandemic and during the pandemic. This type of research is qualitative research, research that produces descriptive data in the form of written and spoken words from people and observable behavior. This study uses a technique (snowball sampling), because the researchers took samples from the population by means of interviews. This study aims to determine the consumer behavior of Cafe Take Nuda during the pandemic. Based on the results of consumer research showing the rational behavior changes that researc hers got when going directly to the Cafe Take Nuda location, namely: customers who are consumers of Cafe Take Nuda are always recommended to use hand sanitizer, always use a mask, keep their distance and occupy a table that should fit 4 people. Only 2 people, for customers with more than 2 people, a bigger seat is provided in implementing social distancing, so that changes in consumer behavior are clearly different during a pandemic.Penelitian ini di latar belakangi oleh perubahan perilaku konsumen selama masa pandemi di Cafe Take Nuda perubahan-perubahan yang terjadi membuat kebiasaan awal seseorang menjadi berubah, karena terbiasa dengan perilaku hidup dimasa pandemi yang mengharuskan orang untuk menerapkan kesehatan dalam hal sekecil apa pun, perubahan yang sering dilakukan setiap orang berbeda-beda tergantung dari keseharian orang tersebut lebih sering menerapkan pola kesehatan seperti apa untuk mencegah dirinya terkena Covid-19. Fokus dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui permasalahan perilaku konsumen di Cafe Take Nuda pada masa pandemi, apakah memiliki perbedaan antara sebelum pandemi dan di saat pandemi. Jenis Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif, penelitian yang menghasilkan data-data yang deskriptif berupa kata-kata tertulis maupun lisan dari orang-orang dan perilaku yang dapat diamati. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik (snowball sampling), karena peneliti mengambil subyek sampel dari populasi dengan cara wawancara. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perilaku konsumen Cafe Take Nuda dimasa pandemi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian konsumen menunjukkan perilaku rasional perubahan yang peneliti dapatkan saat terjun langsung ke lokasi Cafe Take Nuda yaitu: pelanggan yang menjadi konsumen Cafe Take Nuda selalu dianjurkan menggunakan  hand  sanitizer,  selalu menggunakan masker,  menjaga jarak dan menduduki meja yang harusnya muat 4 orang digunakan Cuma 2 orang saja, untuk pelanggan yang lebih dari 2 orang disediakan tempat duduk yang lebih besar   dalam   menerapkan   social   distancing,   sehingga   perubahan   perilaku konsumen jelas berbeda saat adanya pandemi


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    Treatment with RT Inhibitors has been used as first line program in Mimika. Regular use of antiretroviral drugs can lower the amount of the virus, but after that HIV can become resistant to the drugs given. Viral resistance to the drugs can occur because of a mutation. If the resistance-associated mutations occur in the DNA of the virus, then the ARV provided will no longer be effective. The aim of this study was to identify the presence of resistance-associated mutations in DNA fragment that encodes the protease and reverse transcriptase. This study used cross sectional design with 84 subjects who had received antiretroviral for > 6 months. The study was conducted in Mitra Masyarakat Mimika Hospital. Laboratory process included extraction, RT-PCR, electrophoresis and sequencing. Data analysis used resistance interpretation algorithms in HIV Database. Results showed that 1 subject who did not receive protease therapy was identified as having minor mutation L10V, 1 subjects receiving NRTI inhibitors had mutation M184V motive and 1 subjects with M41L motive and 1 subjects who received NNRTI inhibitor therapy identified as having mutated Y181C and V108I motive. In conclusion, mutant HIV-1 related to ARV resistance has been identified in two subjects who had received antiretroviral therapy in Mitra Masyarakat Mimika Hospital