7 research outputs found

    Relevansi Konsep Pendidikan Aswaja Anahdliyah Era Industry 4.0 dan Society 5.0 di Pendidikan Tinggi Islam

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    Pendidikan aswaja annahdliyah dengan ajaran Islam Nusantara yang menanamkan bahwa negara kesatuan republik Indonesia adalah bentuk negara yang final dan menjadikan Pancasila sebagai dasar negara Indonesia yang relevan dalam berbagai bidang keilmuan. Antara lain di bidang informasi dan teknologi yang saat ini berkembang pesat dibarengi dengan revolusi Industri 4.0 dan Society 5.0. Revolusi tersebut erat kaitannya dengan inovasi perkembangan teknologi, serta kompetensi Sumber Daya Manusia. Sehingga aswaja annahdliyah dan Pancasila sangat penting untuk ambil bagian dalam peningkatan kemampuan sumber daya manusia khususnya dalam hal soft skill

    Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Kreatif Ibu PKK dalam Pembuatan Meja dan Kursi dengan Pemanfaatan Limbah Plastik

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    This article is about community empowerment in making tables and chairs by utilizing plastic waste, this empowerment is carried out on a group of PKK women. The purpose of this assistance is to improve skills and realize the work of batik-patterned chairs by utilizing inorganic waste in the context of empowering the creative economy. The focus of the study of this article is how is the form of empowering the creative economy of PKK women in making tables and chairs using plastic waste? This assistance prioritizes the utilization of the potential and assets that already exist in the community. To be able to carry out the mentoring program, the steps used in this mentoring activity are Asset Based Community Development (ABCD). The result of this empowerment is that the use of plastic waste is used as a material for making ecobricks. Ecobricks are plastic drink bottles packed with non-organic waste to make reusable building blocks

    Program Habituasi Membaca Asma’ul Husna Berbasis Media Pembelajaran Audio Visual terhadap Anak Usia Dini

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    Character is needed in every individual, especially good character. Creating a good personality can be done in three educational environments: education in the family, school, and community. Effectively, cultivating good character in a person can be through habituation and starting in early childhood education. This service is to create a good character from an early age, namely through reading Asmaul Husna and translating into Indonesian and English. The method in this service uses the ABCD (Asset Base Community Development) method, the location of the service is carried out at the Ma'arif NU Metro Lampung early childhood education institution, which consists of three schools, namely RA Ma'arif, TK Maarif 1, and TK Ma'arif 2 Metro Lampung. As with the Service Locations that will be carried out later, the habituation program is based on the values of ASWAJA and Nahdliyah. However, its application requires innovation from audio-visual media

    Pembentukan Lingkungan Bahasa Arab Untuk Mengembangkan Keterampilan Berbicara

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    This study aims to determine that the formation of the language environment is a major factor in the success of learning foreign speaking skills especially Arabic. The method used is the library research method (library research), data collection is done by examining and exploiting several journal articles, books, and other sources of information deemed relevant to the study. The formation of a language environment is one of the dominant factors supporting the success of learning Arabic speaking skills. It can be seen that speaking skills are very important language skills. Without an optimal language environment, it is difficult to master it. The results of this study are that the formation of the language environment must be the responsibility of the school manager and all boarding officials by involving all students. Thus, all parties will feel the language environment and support wholeheartedly towards all programs related to the language environment. The formation of the language environment can be done through various linguistic activities, including: developing vocabulary (mufrodat), displaying Arabic vocabulary (posters) in language environment facilities, Arabic language practices in daily communication, Arabic speech and drama practices

    Pengaruh Inokulasi Rhizobium Dan Pupuk Fosfat Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Tanaman Kedelai (Glycine max (L) Merrill) Kultivar Argomulyo

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Inokulasi Rhizobium dan Pupuk Fosfat Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Kedelai (Glycine max L Merrill) Kultivar Argomulyo Percobaan dilaksanakan di lahan sawah Desa Panongan kecamatan Palimanan Kabupaten Cirebon. Lokasi penelitian memiliki jenis tanah lempung berliat, suhu udara berkisar antara 250C - 300C, kelembapan 80%, ketinggian 25 m dpl dan memiliki derajat kemasaman tanah (pH) 5,73 (agak masam). Curah hujan 2221,4 mm/tahun dan lama penyinaran matahari 12 jam/hari. Waktu penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Februari 2014 sampai Mei 2014. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode percobaan dengan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) pola faktorial. Penelitian ini terdiri dari dua faktor. Faktor Inokulasi Rhizobium (R) terdiri dari 3 taraf yaitu : 0 g/kg benih,  5 g/kg benih, 10 g/kg benih dan Faktor takaran Pupuk Fosfat (P) terdiri dari 3 taraf yaitu : 75 kg/ha, 150 kg/ha, 225 kg/ha. Kombinasi perlakuan sebanyak 9 perlakuan yang diulang 3 kali, sehingga terdapat 27 satuan percobaan. Variabel yang diamati yaitu tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun trifoliat per rumpun, jumlah bintil akar, volume akar, jumlah polong per rumpun, jumlah polong bernas per rumpun dan jumalah polong hampa per rumpun, bobot polong bernas, bobot polong hampa per rumpun, bobot biji kering per petak, bobot 100 butir biji kering. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa perlakuan Pemberian Inokulasi Rhizobium 10 g/kg benih dan Pupuk Fosfat 150 kg/ha. menunjukkan pengaruh terbaik pada bobot biji kering per petak yang menghasilkan produksi 0,44 kg/petak setara dengan 1,10 ton/ha. Perlakuan pemberian Inokulasi Rhizobium dan Pupuk Fosfat mampu meningkatkan produksi tanaman kedelai (Glycine max L. Merrill). Kultivar Argomulyo


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    The problem that often occurs in the era of globalization education in Indonesia is the lack of religious knowledge, one of the factors is the neglect of Islamic religious values in the learning process and the lack of student morals. The research is qualitative research. While the type of research is descriptive in nature. This research is classified as field research when viewed from the place where the research was carried out. The subjects in this study were school principals, Islamic Religious Education teachers, and students of ma nurul hidayah al-amin indraloka jaya. While the object is coaching in growing students' spiritual intelligence. The data comes from observation interviews and documentation. In this case the researcher acts as a full participant, where the researcher is a planner, implementer, data collector, analyzer and becomes a reporter on research results. The results of the study show that the efforts of the akhlaq aqidah teacher in cultivating the spiritual intelligence of students at MA Nurul Hidayah Al Amin Indraloka Jaya lead to the formation of morals through religious activities, habituation and learning in the classroom. Religious activities at MA Nurul Hidayah Al Amin Indraloka Jaya are considered very effective, because the activities carried out at school are habits that are intended as provisions to deepen faith, broaden knowledge about Islam and form Muslim and Muslim women who are able to filter out negative influences from their environment and become a young generation who good morals in everyday life

    Scientific Geneology and the Concepts of Sanad in Islamic Boarding School: A Study at Roudhotur Ridwan Islamic Boarding School East Lampung

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    The connection of the scientific chain from a kyai to a santri is an obligation should be implemented. Kyai from the pesantren has a relationship with each other, both as teacher-student and fellow students of a teacher. Between pesantren there is a relationship, so that the learning concepts applied also have similarities. This is what makes the scientific concept of santri different from the scientific concept of students in non-Islamic boarding schools. This research is a case study at the Roudhotur Ridwan Islamic boarding school, East Lampung. Furthermore, in collecting data, researchers used interview, observation and documentation techniques. The data sources of this research are Kyai and students. The data that has been obtained is then analyzed using interactive data analysis. This study found that the notion of sanad in Islamic boarding schools is a tradition to maintain the integrity and purity of knowledge