73 research outputs found

    Exploring The Potential Of Optimised Starch Particulates As Platform For Oral Delivery Of A Model Gastrolabile Drug Cefotaxime

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    Use of particulates is a prominent approach for engineering delivery systems to overcome gastrointestinal barriers. Penggunaan zarah adalah pendekatan utama untuk sistem penghantaran kejuruteraan bagi mengatasi rintangan-rintangan di gastrousus

    Quantification of residual crystallinity in ball milled commercially sourced lactose monohydrate by thermo-analytical techniques and terahertz spectroscopy

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    The quantification of crystallinity is necessary in order to be able to control the milling process. The use of thermal analysis for this assessment presents certain challenges, particularly in the case of crystal hydrates. In this study, the residual crystallinity on ball milling of lactose monohydrate (LMH), for periods up to 90 min, was evaluated by thermo-analytical techniques (TGA, DSC) and terahertz spectroscopy (THz). In general, the results from one of the DSC analysis and the THz measurements agree showing a monotonous decrease in relative residual crystallinity with milling time (∼80% reduction after 60 min milling) and a slight increase at the 90 min time point. However, the estimates from TGA and two other methods of analyzing DSC curve do not agree with the former techniques and show variability with significantly higher estimates for crystallinity. It was concluded that, the thermal techniques require more complex treatment of the data in the evaluation of changes in crystallinity of a milled material (in particular to account for the de-vitrification and mutarotation of the material that inevitably occurs during the measurement cycle) while the analysis of THz data is more straightforward, with the measurement having no impact on the native state of the material

    Hydroxypropyl cellulose-based orally disintegrating films of promethazine HCl for the treatment of motion sickness

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    Purpose: To prepare and characterize orally disintegrating films (ODFs) of promethazine hydrochloride (HCl) for prompt treatment of motion sickness.Methods: Films were prepared by solvent casting method using hydroxypropyl cellulose (HPC) as film former and glycerin as plasticizer along with a saliva stimulating and sweetening agent. Nine different film formulations were prepared and evaluated for their characteristics including thickness, disintegration time, tensile strength and drug release behavior.Results: The prepared films were transparent and slightly sticky in nature with thickness that ranged from 0.22 mm to 0.29 mm and tensile strength of 0.56 N/cm² to 2.49 N/cm². The disintegration time of film formulations ranged from 26.3 to 52.7 s and a majority of formulations released approx. 80 % of the drug within 10 min with a non-Fickian diffusion pattern.Conclusion: The study concludes that the orally disintegrating films of promethazine HCl can be prepared using HPC as film former.Key words: Orally disintegrating films, Promethazine, Solvent casting, Motion sicknes

    Synthesis and evaluation of pH dependent hydrogels for controlled release of Venlafaxine HCl

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    pH dependent hydrogel formulations of venlafexine HCl were prepared by free radical polymerization method using polyethylene glycol as polymer. Various samples were prepared with varying concentration of polymer, monomer and cross-linker to study their effect on gel swelling, diffusion characteristics and drug release. Swelling was found to be increased with increase in pH. Increase in acrylic acid concentration increases swelling while increase in cross-linker concentration has an opposite effect on swelling. Drug release study was performed in pH 1.2, 5.5 and 7.5 for 12 hours at 37 oC and drug release was found to increase in higher pH. Prepared hydrogel preparations were also characterized by PXRD, TGA, SEM and FTIR

    Use of off-label and unlicensed drugs in pediatric patients: A longitudinal prevalence survey from Lahore, Pakistan

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    Purpose: To assess the extent of use of unlicensed/off-label drug in the children hospitalized in The Children’s Hospital and Institute of Child Health, Lahore, Pakistan. Methods: A prospective prevalence study was carried out in the selected hospital. A total of 1946 pediatric patients were hospitalized during study period. The patients’ demographic data and unlicensed/off-label drug use were noted by the researcher using a structured questionnaire and then analyzed. Results: During the survey period, 102 (5.24 %) pediatric patients received at least one off-label drug/unlicensed drug. The unlicensed drug was administered to 65 patients (63.7 %) while off-label drug was administered to 37 patients (36.3%). Milrinone (23.5%) was the most frequently prescribed unlicensed drug. Conclusion: The administration of unlicensed/off-label drug to treat different diseases in pediatric population is widespread in the health facility studied. These findings will provide guidance to new researchers in clinical trials, especially on cardiovascular drugs, opioid analgesic, antiemetic and anticancer drugs

    Correlation between molecular dynamics and physical stability of two milled anhydrous sugars: lactose and sucrose

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.The process of milling often results in amorphization and the physical stability of amorphous phase is linked with its molecular dynamics. This study focuses on a propensity of two disaccharides (lactose and sucrose) to amorphize on ball milling and the stability of the resultant amorphous phase. The amorphous content in milled sugars is estimated by Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and the stability was measured in terms of the tendency to recrystallize by Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy (BDS). The results show that the amorphous content increases with milling time and is greater for lactose than sucrose. At the same degree of amorphization, sucrose recrystallize at temperature ∼15 °C higher than lactose, indicating higher stability. The molecular dynamics (beta relaxation process), suggest that milled sucrose is more stable with higher activation energy (∼9 kJ mol−1) than that of lactose. The moisture content of amorphous phase also impacts its molecular dynamics in terms of increase in activation energy as the moisture decrease with increasing the milling times. The study suggests a greater stability of amorphous sucrose and susceptibility of milled lactose to recrystallize, however, on extended milling when the moisture content decreases, lactose was seen to become relatively more stable

    Development and evaluation of scaffold-based nanosponge formulation for controlled drug delivery of naproxen and ibuprofen

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    Purpose: To develop and evaluate nanosponge (NS) based sustained release formulations of naproxen (NAP) and ibuprofen (IBU).Method: Six formulations of each candidate drug were prepared by emulsion solvent diffusion method, using varying ratios of polymers, i.e., ethyl cellulose and polyvinyl alcohol. The prepared formulations were evaluated for various parameters including production yield, particle size, polydispersity index, actual drug content and entrapment efficiency. Morphological, structural and thermo-analytical evaluations were performed using various techniques. In vitro release studies were performed on selected formulations.Results: Nanosponge (NS) formulations of naproxen and ibuprofen were successfully prepared by emulsion solvent diffusion method. The particle size of naproxen and ibuprofen nanosponge formulations ranged from 347.6 to 1358 nm and 248.7 to 327.6 nm, respectively. Formulations with equal proportion of ethyl cellulose and drug resulted in nanosponges with the desired particle size. Production yield, actual drug content and entrapment efficiency was dependent on the ratio of ethyl cellulose and polyvinyl alcohol. Formulations with equal proportion showed least PDI values (0.09 for NAP and 0.07 for IBU) and highest zeta potential (-27.2 mV for NAP and -28.2 mV for IBU). Morphological, structural and thermo-analytical analysis confirmed the encapsulation of drugs in nanosponge cavities, and exhibited spherical and porous morphology. Nanosponge formulations gave a sustained release pattern, based on Higuchi model. Drug release mechanism was Fickian followed Korsmeyer-Peppas model, due probably to the porosity of the nanosponge.Conclusion: Sustained release nanosponge formulations of naproxen and ibuprofen have successfully been prepared.Keywords: Nanosponge, Naproxen, Ibuprofen, Emulsion solvent diffusion method, Sustained releas

    Effect of cellulose acetate phthalate and polyethylene glycol on physical properties and release of theophylline from microcapsules

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    O presente estudo descreve o desenvolvimento de microcápsulas de teofilina pelo método sem adição de solvente e o efeito da adição de plastificante na microencapsulação. A liberação foi estudada em água destilada e os dados foram analisados por vários modelos matemáticos para determinação do mecanismo de liberação. As microcápsulas preparadas mostraram-se esféricas, livres de corrente e com mais de 80% de fármaco encapsulado. O polímero - ftalato de acetato de celulose e o plastificante - polietileno glicol - afetaram as propriedades das microcápsulas, incluindo a liberação do fármaco (tempo para liberação de 50% do fármaco, T50). A formulação com a maior proporção de polímero e sem plastificante (F3) se mostrou como a de liberação mais lenta, com T50 = 4,3 h, enquanto as formulações com menor proporção de polímero e 20% de plastificante (m/m) (F13 &14) apresentaram a liberação mais rápida do fármaco, com T50 de 1,2 h e 1,3 h, respectivamente. A liberação do fármaco para a maioria das formulações seguiu o modelo de Higuchi. Concluiu-se, dos resultados do presente estudo, que o ftalato do acetato de celulose afeta significativamente a liberação controlada do fármaco em água, enquanto que a adição de polietileno glicol aumenta ligeiramente a liberação do fármaco.The present study describes the development of theophylline microcapsules by a non-solvent addition method and the effect of plasticizer addition on microencapsulation. The release was studied in distilled water and the data were analysed by various mathematical models for determining the mechanism of release. Prepared microcapsules were found to be spherical, free flowing and having more than 80% entrapped drug. The polymer - cellulose acetate phthalate and plasticizer - polyethylene glycol was considered to be affecting the properties of microcapsules including drug release (time for 50% drug release, T50). The formulation with the highest proportion of polymer and without plasticizer (F3) showed the slowest release with T50 = 4.3 h, while the formulation with lower proportion of polymer and 20% (w/w) plasticizer (F13 &14) showed the fastest release of drug with T50 values of 1.2 h and 1.3 h, respectively. The drug release from most of the formulations was found to be following Higuchi model. It is concluded from the results of the present study that cellulose acetate phthalate significantly affects the sustained release of the drug in water, whereas the addition of polyethylene glycol slightly enhances the drug release