27 research outputs found

    Siento y expreso : una propuesta para facilitar el aprendizaje y la evaluación de la Expresión Corporal en Educación Infantil

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    El presente trabajo es un estudio y un diseño de propuestas y materiales que faciliten el aprendizaje y la evaluación de acciones motrices artístico-expresivas en la Educación Infantil. Esta investigación se ha llevado a cabo con niños de primer curso del segundo ciclo de Educación Infantil, con los cuales se han realizado ocho sesiones de Expresión Corporal. Las situaciones de aprendizaje que se han puesto en práctica están obtenidas del libro “Danse, acrosport, gymnastique rytmique. Activités artistiques pour les 3-12 ans." Catteau, C; Havage, A. (2004). Este estudio pretende evaluar la Expresión Corporal diseñando una herramienta de medición objetiva y cuantitativa “rubrica” evaluada al principio y al final de la unidad de aprendizaje, con su correspondiente filmado para poder realizar un diagnóstico individual con dicha herramienta de alumnos de la clase. Los resultados de la investigación han sido satisfactorios, han mejorado un 67% de la clase con las situaciones de aprendizaje, y se ha podido observar un claro aumento en la desinhibición y en las acciones artístico-expresivas

    Hábitos saludables en adolescentes de nivel socioeconómico alto: diseño de un programa de hábitos saludables desde la Educación Física.

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    Introducción: Aunque existen muchos estudios que han examinado el cumplimiento de las recomendaciones de actividad física (AF), sueño y tiempo de pantalla de manera independiente, existe un menor número de ellos que ha analizado estas directrices en su conjunto en adolescentes mayores de alto estatus socio-económico. Objetivos: Por ello, los objetivos de este estudio fueron: 1) analizar los hábitos saludables y la adherencia a las recomendaciones de 24h de movimiento, que incluyen la AF, las horas de sueño y el tiempo de pantalla, en adolescentes mayores de un colegio privado de nivel socioeconómico alto de Barcelona; 2) comparar los valores obtenidos entre cursos, tipo de jornada (semana y fin de semana) y género; 3) examinar si la Covid-19 ha modificado los hábitos saludables y 4) proponer una intervención, desde la Educación Física (EF), acorde con los resultados encontrados y las necesidades específicas del centro. Métodos: En este estudio transversal, los 125 alumnos (n=56) y alumnas (n=69) participantes del instituto tenían una media de edad de 15.6 años y cursaban 4º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO) (n=75) y 1º de Bachillerato (n=50). El alumnado cumplimentó diferentes cuestionarios válidos y fiables para medir los niveles de AF, la duración de sueño, el tiempo recreativo de pantalla y la adherencia a la dieta mediterránea. Para analizar la adherencia a las recomendaciones de movimiento de 24h se realizaron análisis descriptivos. Para determinar las diferencias entre los hábitos saludables y el género, tipo de jornada y curso se realizaron pruebas t-Student, ANOVAs de un factor y diferentes pruebas chi-cuadrado, respectivamente. Resultados: Los resultados mostraron que cuatro de cada diez jóvenes de esta muestra de adolescentes catalanes no cumplen ninguna de las tres recomendaciones de AF, sueño y pantallas y menos del 1% cumple todas. Las chicas mostraron menores niveles de AF y mayores de tiempo de pantalla que los chicos. El alumnado de 1º de Bachillerato mostró un menor tiempo de sueño medio y entre semana que el de 4º de ESO. Por último, los niveles de AF fueron menores el fin de semana, mientras que el tiempo de pantalla y de sueño fueron mayores el fin de semana. Además, casi la mitad de los participantes afirmó realizar menos AF, dormir menos y dedicar más tiempo a las pantallas, respecto antes de la Covid-19. Conclusiones: Los datos obtenidos son alarmantes y refuerzan la importancia de diseñar programas escolares de educación para la salud en alumnado con un alto estatus socio-económico, especialmente tras la pandemia de la Covid-19. <br /

    Análisis de las modificaciones que se producen a lo largo de una temporada sobre la fuerza explosiva del tren inferior y la fuerza isométrica máxima del tren superior en jugadores de balonmano en etapas de formación

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    El balonmano es un deporte que se encuentra íntimamente ligado a la capacidad de salto y a los lanzamientos. Estas habilidades se encuentran presentes de forma constante tanto en acciones de ataque como de defensa, pudiendo considerarse ambas habilidades como factores clave del rendimiento específico en esta modalidad deportiva. El objetivo de esta investigación fue valorar las modificaciones que se producen en la fuerza explosiva del tren inferior y la fuerza isométrica máxima del tren superior entre el inicio (pretest) y el final (postest) de una temporada. Un total de 67 jugadores masculinos con edades comprendidas entre los 13 y 18 años (15,3 ± 1,59 años) participaron en el estudio, distribuyéndose la muestra en tres categorías: infantil (12 a 14 años), cadete (14 a 16 años) y juvenil (16 a 18 años). Para estudiar las manifestaciones de la fuerza se utilizaron diferentes saltos pertenecientes a la batería de Bosco y un test de dinamometría manual. Se encontraron diferencias significativas (p&lt;0,05) en la dinamometría manual del brazo dominante en la categoría infantil y en la del brazo no dominante en la categoría cadete entre el pretest y el postest. Asimismo se hallaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en todas las categorías al comparar el brazo dominante con el no dominante. Los resultados obtenidos tras el análisis de la fuerza explosiva del tren inferior muestran diferencias significativas entre el pretest y el postest para las variables CMJ, DJ y RJ en categoría infantil y CMJ y RJ para la categoría cadete. Los resultados indican que los mejores valores en todas las variables de fuerza estudiadas se obtuvieron en la categoría juvenil. A menor categoría menores niveles de fuerza en el tren infe- 28 Movimiento humano 2/2011, 27-41. ISSN: 2014-3060 rior y superior. Sin embargo, a mayor categoría, las diferencias de fuerza entre brazos son más elevadas hacia el brazo dominante encontrándose una mayor descompensación muscular. El análisis de manera sistematizada de la evolución de la capacidad de salto puede constituir un perfecto indicador individual del nivel general del rendimiento físico en categorías inferiores

    Effects of a concurrent exercise training program on low back and sciatic pain and pain disability in late pregnancy

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    Objective: The aim of the present study was to explore the influence of a concurrent exercise (aerobic + resistance) training program, from the 17th gestational week (g.w.) until birth on low back and sciatic pain, and pain disability. A total of 93 pregnant women divided into exercise (n = 49) and control (n = 44) groups followed a 60-min, 3 days/week, concurrent exercise training. Methods: Low back and sciatic pain were measured with a Visual Analogic Scale (VAS). The disability resulting from pain was assessed with the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI). Measures were performed at the 16th and 34th g.w. Results: The exercise group increased 21.9 mm less the VAS low back (between-group differences (B): 95% CI: −33.6 to −10.2; p < 0.001) and 12.9 mm less the VAS sciatica score (between-group differences: 95% CI (B): −21.8 to −4.0; p = 0.005) than the control group. Regarding the ODI questionnaire, the exercise group increased 0.7, 0.5, and 0.7 less than the control group in pain while sleeping (between-group differences (B): 95% CI: −1.4 to −0.01; p = 0.025), pain while lifting weight (between-group differences (B): 95% CI: −0.9 to −0.01; p = 0.016), and limitations of the social life due to pain (between-group differences(B): 95% CI: −1.3 to −0.06; p = 0.032). Furthermore, the exercise group suffered 6.9% less pain than the control group in the ODI total score (between-group differences (B): 95% CI: −13.9 to 0.053; p = 0.052). Conclusion: This concurrent exercise training program adapted to pregnant women improved pain compared to controls.Funding information Regional Ministry of Health of the Junta de Andalucía, Grant/Award Number: PI-0395-2016; Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sports, Grant/Award Number: FPU17/03715; University of Granada, Excellence actions: Units of Excellence; Unit of Excellence on Exercise and Health (UCEES), and by the Junta de Andalucía, Consejería de Conocimiento, Investigación y Universidades and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), Grant/ Award Number: REF. SOMM17/6107/UGR10 página

    Physical fitness and maternal body composition indices during pregnancy and postpartum: the GESTAFIT project

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    ABSTRACT We explored the association of physical fitness (PF) during pregnancy with maternal body composition indices along pregnancy and postpartum period. The study comprised 159 pregnant women (32.9 ± 4.7 years old). Assessments were carried out at the 16th and 34th gestational weeks (g.w.) and six weeks postpartum. Cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF), muscular strength (absolute and relative values) and flexibility were measured. Body composition indices were obtained by using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry at postpartum. The results, after adjusting for potential covariates at the 16th g.w., indicated that greater CRF was associated with lower postpartum indices total fat mass, android and gynoid fat mass (all, p < 0.05). Greater absolute upper-body muscular strength was associated with greater pre-pregnancy body mass index (BMI), gestational weight gain (GWG); and postpartum indices body weight, BMI, lean mass, fat free mass, fat mass, gynoid fat mass, T-score and Z-score bone mineral density (BMD) (all, p < 0.05). Greater upper-body flexibility was associated with lower pre-pregnancy BMI; and postpartum indices body weight, BMI, lean mass, fat free mass, fat mass, android fat mass and gynoid fat mass, and with greater GWG (all, p < 0.05). At the 34th g.w., greater CRF was additionally associated with greater postpartum T-score and Z-score BMD (both, p < 0.05). In conclusion, this study reveals that greater PF levels, especially during early pregnancy, may promote a better body composition in the postpartum period. Therefore, clinicians and health promoters should encourage women to maintain or improve PF levels from early pregnancy. KEYWORDS Cardiorespiratory fitness; strength; flexibility; bone density; gestation Highlights . Given that obesity is on the rise today, it is important to find strategies to cope with it, especially during pregnancy. . The results of the present study suggest that greater physical fitness during early pregnancy is key to promoting better body composition in the postpartum period. . It should be of clinical interest to encourage pregnant women to maintain or improve their physical fitness levels

    Association of objectively measured physical fitness during pregnancy with maternal and neonatal outcomes. The GESTAFIT Project

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    Aim To analyse i) the association of physical fitness during early second trimester and late pregnancy with maternal and neonatal outcomes; and ii) to investigate whether physical fitness is associated with the type of birth (vaginal or caesarean section). Methods Pregnant women from the GESTAFIT Project (n = 159) participated in this longitudinal study. Maternal physical fitness including upper- and lower-body strength, cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) and flexibility were measured through objective physical fitness tests at the 16th and 34th gestational weeks. Maternal and neonatal outcomes were collected from obstetric medical records. Umbilical arterial and venous blood gas pH and partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PCO2) and oxygen (PO2), were assessed. Results At the 16th week, greater upper-body muscle strength was associated with greater neonatal birth weight (r = 0.191, p<0.05). Maternal flexibility was associated with a more alkaline arterial pH (r = 0.220, p<0.05), higher arterial PO2 (r = 0.237, p<0.05) and lower arterial PCO2 (r = -0.331, p<0.01) in umbilical cord blood. Maternal CRF at the 16th gestational week was related to higher arterial umbilical cord PO2 (r = 0.267, p<0.05). The women who had caesarean sections had lower CRF (p<0.001) at the 16th gestational week and worse clustered overall physical fitness, both at the 16th (-0.227, p = 0.003, confidence interval (CI): -0.376, -0.078) and 34th gestational week (-0.223; p = 0.018; CI: -0.432, -0.015) compared with the women who had vaginal births. Conclusion Increasing physical fitness during pregnancy may promote better neonatal outcomes and is associated with a decrease in the risk of caesarean section. This trial was registered at ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT02582567) on October 20, 2015.This study was part of VAA fellowship from the Andalucı´a Talent-Hub Program, launched by the Andalusian Knowledge Agency, co-funded by the European Union’s Seventh Framework Program, Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (COFUND–Grant Agreement nº291780) and the Junta de Andalucı´a. ICR (grant number: FPU13/01993) was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education. This study was also partially funded by the Regional Ministry of Health of the Junta de Andalucı´a (PI-0395-2016) and the University of Granada, Plan Propio de Investigacio´n 2016, Excellence actions: Units of Excellence; Unit of Excellence on Exercise and Health (UCEES). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Body Composition Changes Following a Concurrent Exercise Intervention in Perimenopausal Women: The FLAMENCO Project Randomized Controlled Trial

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    We assessed the efects of a 16-week primary-care-based exercise program on body composition in perimenopausal women. The women (n = 150) were randomized into control (n = 75) or exercise (n = 75) groups. Exercise was provided in a 16-week (60 min/session, 3 days/week) concurrent program. Body composition was measured using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. These are secondary analyses of the FLAMENCO Project (Clinical Trials Reference NCT02358109). In the intention-to-treat analyses, the control group showed no changes in body mass index (BMI) between post- and pre-test, whereas the exercise group showed a 0.75 kg/m2 decrease in BMI (95% CI: -1.29 to -0.22; p = 0.006). Gynoid and android fat mass in control group decreased by 98.3 g and 46.1 g after the 16 weeks, whereas they decreased by 213 g and 139 g in the exercise group, respectively (95% CI: -209 to -3.86; p = 0.042 and 95% CI: -164 to -26.9; p = 0.007, respectively). The control group decreased their pelvis bone mineral content by 2.85 g in the post-test compared with the pre-test, whereas the exercise group increased it by 1.13 g (95% CI: 0.93 to 7.81; p = 0.013). Per-protocol analyses showed similar results. These analyses suggest that the exercise intervention decreased fat depositions and BMI. Exercise might improve bone mineral content in specific areas such as the pelvis

    Influence of a Concurrent Exercise Training Intervention during Pregnancy on Maternal and Arterial and Venous Cord Serum Cytokines: The GESTAFIT Project

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    The aim of the present study was to analyze the influence of a supervised concurrent exercise-training program, from the 17th gestational week until delivery, on cytokines in maternal (at 17th and 35th gestational week, and at delivery) and arterial and venous cord serum. Fifty-eight Caucasian pregnant women (age: 33.5 +/- 4.7 years old, body mass index: 23.6 +/- 4.1kg/m(2)) from the GESTAFIT Project (exercise (n = 37) and control (n = 21) groups) participated in this quasi-experimental study (per-protocol basis). The exercise group followed a 60-min 3 days/week concurrent (aerobic-resistance) exercise-training from the 17th gestational week to delivery. Maternal and arterial and venous cord serum cytokines (fractalkine, interleukin (IL)-1 beta, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, interferon (IFN)-gamma, and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha) were assessed using Luminex xMAP technology. In maternal serum (after adjusting for the baseline values of cytokines), the exercise group decreased TNF-alpha (from baseline to 35th week, p = 0.02), and increased less IL-1 beta (from baseline to delivery, p = 0.03) concentrations than controls. When adjusting for other potential confounders, these differences became non-significant. In cord blood, the exercise group showed reduced arterial IL-6 and venous TNF-alpha (p = 0.03 and p = 0.001, respectively) and higher concentrations of arterial IL-1 beta (p = 0.03) compared to controls. The application of concurrent exercise-training programs could be a strategy to modulate immune responses in pregnant women and their fetuses. However, future research is needed to better understand the origin and clearance of these cytokines, their role in the maternal-placental-fetus crosstalk, and the influence of exercise interventions on them

    Association of Self-Reported Physical Fitness with Pregnancy Related Symptoms the GESTAFIT Project

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    We explored the association of physical fitness (PF) with pregnancy-related symptoms, at the 16th and 34th gestational weeks (g.w.). The International Fitness Scale and the Pregnancy Symptoms Inventory were employed to assess self-reported PF and pregnancy-related symptoms, respectively. At the 16th g.w. greater self-reported overall PF was associated with lower incidence of urinary frequency (p = 0.020); greater overall PF, cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF), muscular strength and speed-agility were associated with lower incidence of tiredness-fatigue (all, p < 0.05); greater overall PF and speed-agility were associated with lower incidence of poor sleep (both, p < 0.05); greater CRF and flexibility were associated with lower limitations by tiredness-fatigue (both, p < 0.05); and greater flexibility was associated with lower limitations by poor sleep (p = 0.021). At the 34th g.w. greater self-reported overall PF, CRF and muscular strength were associated with lower incidence of tiredness-fatigue (all, p < 0.05); greater CRF was associated with lower incidence of poor sleep (p = 0.019); and, greater flexibility was associated with lower incidence of increased vaginal discharge (p = 0.023). Adequate levels of PF, especially CRF, may help women to cope with the most endorsed pregnancy-related symptoms and its limitations, especially tiredness-fatigue and poor sleep

    Aula en bici: un proyecto longitudinal de intervención docente en Ed. Primaria (Class by Bicycle: a longitudinal project of educational intervention in primary school)

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    The purpose of this study is the development and application of a program based on the use of the bicycle as educational tool. This project,named the Class by Bicycle was based on a longitudinal pedagogical treatment structuring the objectives and contents of work throughout PrimarySchool (8-9 years old to 11-12 years old). This experience is included into the motor skill block, as well as into the physical activity, health and educationvalues blocks according to the content blocks of Physical Education established by the Aragón Government (DGA). This experience approached thecycling contents from a tripled perspective: as a mean of urban transport, as an healthy and ecological sport, and as a tool to discover the natural environment. El desarrollo y la aplicación didáctica de un proyecto educativo que articule un contenido asociado a la utilización de la bicicleta, como recurso con amplias posibilidades educativas, es el objetivo del presente trabajo. El proyecto docente realizado se denomina el Aula en bici. Se trata de una experiencia didáctica piloto, en la que se efectúa un tratamiento pedagógico de carácter longitudinal, al vertebrar los objetivos y contenidos de trabajo a lo largo del segundo y tercer ciclo de Educación Primaria (de 3º a 6º curso). La vinculación con los bloques de contenido del Área de Educación Física establecidos por el Gobierno de Aragón (DGA) sitúa esta experiencia en el bloque de las habilidades motrices y en el de actividad física, salud y educación en valores. Esta experiencia ha logrado aproximar el contenido de la bicicleta desde una triple perspectiva: como medio de transporte urbano, como modalidad deportiva ecológica y saludable, y como herramienta para descubrir el medio natural