3,952 research outputs found


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    1. The effects of O2, CO2, and pressure were studied in two very different species of protozoa, a flagellate, Chilomonas paramecium, grown in acetate-ammonium solution and a ciliate, Tetrahymena geleii, grown in 2 per cent proteose-peptone solution. 2. Chilomonas and Tetrahymena live and reproduce in solutions exposed to a wide range of O2 concentrations, but Chilomonas is killed at high O2 tensions in which Tetrahymena grows best. The optimum O2 concentration for Chilomonas is about 75 mm. pressure but it lives and reproduces in O2 tensions as low as 0.5 mm. while Tetrahymena fails to grow in concentrations below 10 mm. O2 pressure. 3. With a constant O2 tension of 50 mm. pressure, it was found that there is no significant variation in growth in Chilomonas between 50 mm. and 740 mm. total pressure. In Tetrahymena, however, under the same conditions, an optimum total pressure was found at about 500 mm. and growth is comparatively poor at 50 mm. total pressure. 4. Tetrahymena does not live very long in CO2 tensions over 122 mm., although Chilomonas grows as well at 400 mm. CO2 as in air at atmospheric pressure (0.2 mm. CO2). Tetrahymena grows best in an environment minus CO2, but the optimum for Chilomonas is 100 mm. CO2 at which pressure an average of 668,600 ± 30,000 organisms per ml. was produced (temperature, 25 ± 1° C.). 5. Chilomonads grown in high CO2 concentrations (e.g., 122 mm.) produce larger starch granules and more starch than those grown in ordinary air at atmospheric pressure. 6. In solutions exposed to 75 mm. O2 tension (optimum) and 122 mm. CO2 plus 540 mm. N2 pressure, chilomonads contain very little, if any, fat. This phenomenon seems to be due to the action of CO2 on the mechanisms concerned with fat production. 7. In Tetrahymena exposed to pure O2, there is very little fat compared to those grown in atmospheric air. This may be due to the greater oxidation of fat in the higher O2 concentrations. 8. Further evidence is presented in support of the contention that Chilomonas utilizes CO2 in the production of starch

    Witten's Invariants of Rational Homology Spheres at Prime Values of KK and Trivial Connection Contribution

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    We establish a relation between the coefficients of asymptotic expansion of trivial connection contribution to Witten's invariant of rational homology spheres and the invariants that T.~Ohtsuki extracted from Witten's invariant at prime values of KK. We also rederive the properties of prime KK invariants discovered by H.~Murakami and T.~Ohtsuki. We do this by using the bounds on Taylor series expansion of the Jones polynomial of algebraically split links, studied in our previous paper. These bounds are enough to prove that Ohtsuki's invariants are of finite type. The relation between Ohtsuki's invariants and trivial connection contribution is verified explicitly for lens spaces and Seifert manifolds.Comment: 32 pages, no figures, LaTe

    On Tractable Exponential Sums

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    We consider the problem of evaluating certain exponential sums. These sums take the form ∑x1,...,xn∈ZNef(x1,...,xn)2πi/N\sum_{x_1,...,x_n \in Z_N} e^{f(x_1,...,x_n) {2 \pi i / N}} , where each x_i is summed over a ring Z_N, and f(x_1,...,x_n) is a multivariate polynomial with integer coefficients. We show that the sum can be evaluated in polynomial time in n and log N when f is a quadratic polynomial. This is true even when the factorization of N is unknown. Previously, this was known for a prime modulus N. On the other hand, for very specific families of polynomials of degree \ge 3, we show the problem is #P-hard, even for any fixed prime or prime power modulus. This leads to a complexity dichotomy theorem - a complete classification of each problem to be either computable in polynomial time or #P-hard - for a class of exponential sums. These sums arise in the classifications of graph homomorphisms and some other counting CSP type problems, and these results lead to complexity dichotomy theorems. For the polynomial-time algorithm, Gauss sums form the basic building blocks. For the hardness results, we prove group-theoretic necessary conditions for tractability. These tests imply that the problem is #P-hard for even very restricted families of simple cubic polynomials over fixed modulus N

    The Mass-Radius Relation Of Young Stars. I. Usco 5, An M4.5 Eclipsing Binary In Upper Scorpius Observed By K2

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    We present the discovery that UScoCTIO 5, a known spectroscopic binary in the Upper Scorpius star-forming region (P = 34 days, M-tot sin(i) = 0.64M(circle dot)), is an eclipsing system with both primary and secondary eclipses apparent in K2 light curves obtained during Campaign 2. We have simultaneously fit the eclipse profiles from the K2 light curves and the existing RV data to demonstrate that UScoCTIO 5 consists of a pair of nearly identical M4.5 stars with M-A = 0.329 +/- 0.002 M-circle dot, R-A = 0.834 +/- 0.006 R-circle dot, M-B = 0.317 +/- 0.002 M-circle dot, and R-B = 0.810 +/- 0.006 R-circle dot. The radii are broadly consistent with pre-main-sequence ages predicted by stellar evolutionary models, but none agree to within the uncertainties. All models predict systematically incorrect masses at the 25%-50% level for the HR diagram position of these mid-M dwarfs, suggesting significant modifications to mass-dependent outcomes of star and planet formation. The form of the discrepancy for most model sets is not that they predict luminosities that are too low, but rather that they predict temperatures that are too high, suggesting that the models do not fully encompass the physics of energy transport (via convection and/or missing opacities) and/or a miscalibration of the SpT-T-eff scale. The simplest modification to the models (changing T-eff to match observations) would yield an older age for this system, in line with the recently proposed older age of Upper Scorpius (tau similar to 11 Myr).NASA Science Mission directorateW. M. Keck FoundationAstronom

    The Impact on Parent Training on Marital Functioning: A Comparison of Two Group Versions of the Triple P – Positive Parenting Program for Parents of Children with Early-Onset Conduct Problems

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    Thirty-seven (37) couples experiencing child behavior problems and concurrent marital conflict were randomly assigned to one of two variants of a group parent training program, either Standard Group Triple P (SGTP; n = 19) or Enhanced Group Triple P (EGTP; n = 18). SGTP incorporated 8 sessions (4 group sessions and 4 telephone consultations) and taught parents to identify the causes of child behaviour problems, promote children’s development, manage misbehavior and plan ahead to prevent child behavior problems in ‘‘high risk’’ parenting situations. Families in the EGTP condition received SGTP plus 2 additional group sessions of partner support training that taught partners to support one another to parent as a team. These additional sessions included information and active skills training in communication skills; giving and receiving constructive feedback; holding casual conversations; supporting each other when problems occur; holding problem solving discussions; and improving relationship happiness. There were significant improvements from pre- to post-intervention for both conditions, on measures of disruptive child behavior, dysfunctional parenting style, conflict over parenting, relationship satisfaction and communication. No differences, however, were found between the two conditions, with both the EGTP and the SGTP programs resulting in similar outcomes. In the main, initial treatment effects for both mothers and fathers were maintained at 3-month follow-up

    Robust and inexpensive equipment design for polymerase chain reaction detection of sequence mutations Cystic fibrosis in a mother and 2 children analysed

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    Every polymerase chain reaction (PCR) requires use of a temperature cycler for about 3 hours. Since there are many diagnostic tests using this technology, it is important that robust but inexpensive machinery is available. Such a standalone machine has been designed and used to analyse an interesting family in which another and her 2 children were diagnosed as having cystic fibrosis

    Midwives' competence : is it affected by working in a rural location?

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    Introduction: Rising health care costs and the need to consolidate expertise in tertiary services have led to the centralisation of services. In the UK, the result has been that many rural maternity units have become midwife-led. A key consideration is that midwives have the skills to competently and confidently provide maternity services in rural areas, which may be geographically isolated and where the midwife may only see a small number of pregnant women each year. Our objective was to compare the views of midwives in rural and urban settings, regarding their competence and confidence with respect to ‘competencies’ identified as being those which all professionals should have in order to provide effective and safe care for low-risk women. Method: This was a comparative questionnaire survey involving a stratified sample of remote and rural maternity units and an ad hoc comparison group of three urban maternity units in Scotland. Questionnaires were sent to 82 midwives working in remote and rural areas and 107 midwives working in urban hospitals with midwife-led units. Results: The response rate from midwives in rural settings was considerably higher (85%) than from midwives in the urban areas (60%). Although the proportion of midwives who reported that they were competent was broadly similar in the two groups, there were some significant differences regarding specific competencies. Midwives in the rural group were more likely to report competence for breech delivery (p = 0.001), while more urban midwives reported competence in skills such as intravenous fluid replacement (p <0.001) and initial and discharge examination of the newborn (p <0.001). Both groups reported facing barriers to continuing professional development; however, more of the rural group had attended an educational event within the last month (p <0.001). Lack of time was a greater barrier for urban midwives (p = 0.02), whereas distance to training was greater for rural midwives (p = 0.009). Lack of motivation or interest was significantly higher in urban units (p = 0.006). Conclusion: It is often assumed that midwives in rural areas where there are fewer deliveries, will be less competent and confident in their practice. Our exploratory study suggests that the issue of competence is far more complex and deserves further attention.NHS Education Scotlan

    Developments in PF-HPLC (pneumatic-fluoropolymer high performance liquid chromatography)

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    Return missions are providing unique opportunities to deepen our knowledge of the formation and evolution of the solar system. The six Apollo missions have been critical in shaping our understanding of the Earth-Moon history [1], and the recent Genesis (solar wind; e.g., [2]), Stardust (cometary dust from Wild 2; e.g., [3,4]) and Hayabusa (dust from S-type asteroid from Itokawa; e.g., [5]) missions brought in a wealth of data
