212 research outputs found

    Latihan Gerak terhadap Keseimbangan Pasien Stroke Non-hemoragik

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    Latihan gerak mempercepat penyembuhan pasien stroke, karena akan mempengaruhi sensasi gerak di otak. Masalah penelitian adalah adakah pengaruh latihan gerak terhadap keseimbangan pada pasien stroke non-hemoragik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membuktikan perbedaan pengaruh latihan gerak terhadap keseimbangan pada pasien stroke non-hemoragik hemiparese kanan dibandingkan dengan hemiparese kiri. Metode penelitian experimental dengan rancangan two group pre test dan post test. Kelompok yang yang diteliti adalah pasien stroke non-hemoragik hemiparese kanan 20 pasien dan hemiparese kiri 20 pasien, diberi latihan gerak sesuai program fisioterapi rumah sakit dr. Moewardi Surakarta. Analisis data dilakukan dengan, uji hipotesis komparatif variabel numerik 2 kelompok dan uji hipotesis komparatif variabel kategorikal tidak berpasangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada hemiparese kanan terjadi kenaikan rata-rata nilai keseimbangan sebesar 2,25, dan pada hemiparese kiri sebesar 1,70. Hasil uji statistik Mann-Whitney menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan yang bermakna terhadap kenaikan nilai keseimbangan antara hemiparese kanan dan hemiparese kiri (p=0,377). Rata-rata kenaikan nilai keseimbangan 1,40 % pada pasien stroke hemiparese kanan dan 18,06 % pada pasien stroke hemiparese kiri. Simpulan penelitian adalah latihan gerak berpengaruh terhadap keseimbangan pada pasien stroke non-hemoragik.Motion exercises stroke patients accelerate healing , because it will affect the sensation of motion in the brain. Research problem was there any influence of motion exercises on balance in patients with non-hemorrhagic stroke. The purpose of this study was to prove the difference in the effect of motion exercises on balance in patients with non-hemorrhagic stroke compared right hemiparese and left hemiparese. Experimental research method by two-group pre-test and post-test. The group studied were non-hemorrhagic stroke patients which 20 right hemiparese patients and 20 left hemiparese patients, given appropriate motion exercise physiotherapy program dr . Moewardi hospital Surakarta. Data analysis was performed by comparative hypothesis testing 2 groups of numerical variables and hypothesis testing comparative unpaired categorical variables. The results showed an increase in right hemiparese average equilibrium value of 2.25, and on the left by 1.70 hemiparese. Results of Mann -Whitney statistical test showed no significant difference in the increase in value of the balance between right and left hemiparese (p=0.377). The average increase of balance in right hemiparese stroke patients was 1.40% and 18.06 % for left hemiparese stroke patients. Conclusion, movement exercise was affect the balance of non-hemorrhagic stroke patients

    Fungsi dan Makna Simbolis Tari Toga di Kerajaan Siguntur Pulau Punjung Sumatera Barat

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    Tari Toga awalnya hanya berfungsi sebagai pertunjukan estetis oleh dayang-dayang untukraja, kemudian pada periode-periode berikutnya mengalami perubahan. Perubahan fungsitersebut dapat disaksikan pada upacara penobatan raja, penyambutan tamu-tamu kerajaan,pengangkatan penghulu, dan pesta perkawinan. Untuk dapat ditampilkan diwajibkan bagipihak penyelenggara memenuhi persyaratan-persyaratan berupa penyembelihan seekorkerbau dan penataan ruang pertunjukan persis sama seperti pertunjukan di istana KerajaanSiguntur. Secara umum, gerak tari Toga merupakan simbol-simbol yang diangkat dari aktivitasmasyarakat. Pertama, simbol yang berhubungan dengan pertanian terdapat pada gerak timalayo,ngirai, lambai, dan buang. Kedua, simbol yang berhubungan dengan sungai terdapat pada gerakayun duduak, tagak dan tak kutindam. Ketiga, simbol yang berhubungan dengan interaksi sosialterdapat pada gerak sambah pambuka, sambah panutuik, mupakaiak, dan ayun duduak. Tujuanpenulisan ini untuk mengungkap fungsi dan makna simbolis tari Toga. Metode penelitianyang digunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Selanjutnya, tulisan ini nantinya menghasilkanpengkajian tentang fungsi dan makna simbolis tari Toga.Kata Kunci: Tari Toga, Kerajaan Siguntur, Simbo


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    Fever stiff is the rise of stiff that happens in increasing of body temperature (the rectal temperature above 380 C) that is caused by a ekstrakranium process. It can cause physical defect, mental defect, behavior disorder, learning disorder, epilepsy even death. Fever stiff is medical emergency that needs immediate assistance. Early diagnosis and appropriate management are needed to avoid serious defect, that is caused by frequent fever stiff. Nursing maintain priority in fever stiff is: prevent/control defect activity, to protect patient from the trauma, maintain breath way, increasing positive self-esteem, giving information to the family about illness process, prognosis and the needs maintain

    Tari Manyakok, Tari Turun Mandi, dan Tari Podang Perisai sebagai Ekspresi Budaya Masyarakat Melayu Riau

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    Tulisan ini merupakan hasil penelitian tentang nilai-nilai budaya masyarakat Melayu melalui tiga tari tradisional di Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi Provinsi Riau. Tiga bentuk tari tradisional tersebut adalah Tari Manyakok, Tari Turun Mandi dan Tari Podang Perisai. Ketiga tari tradisional hidup dan berkembang dilatar belakangi oleh budaya masyarakat setempat. Tari Manyakok merupakan cerminan budaya menangkap ikan yang memiliki simbol-simbol berkaitan dengan budaya masyarakatnya. Tari Turun mandi merupakan tarian ritual yang berhubungan dengan kelahiran seorang anak, dan tari Podang Perisai merupakan simbol kepahlawanan dalam mempertahankan daerah dari serangan musuh

    Pengaruh Latihan Gerak terhadap Keseimbangan Pasien Stroke Non-hemoragik

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     Motion exercises for stroke patients accelerate healing, because it will affect the sensation of motion in cerebral.Goals this study was to prove the difference in the effect of motion exercises on balance in patients with non-hemorrhagic stroke compared with hemiparese right hemiparese left . This studied was experimental design types with two group pre test and post test. Groups studied are non-hemorrhagic stroke patients hemiparese hemiparese right and left 20 patients 20 patients, given the appropriate motion exercise program Dr. hospital physiotherapy. Moewardi Surakarta. Data analysis was done with, comparative tests of hypothesis two groups of numeric variables and hypothesis testing comparative unpaired categorical variables. On the right there is an increase hemiparese average equilibrium value of 2,25, and on the left hemiparese of 1,70. results of the Mann-Whitney statistical test showed no signi$ cant di! erence to the increase in the value of the balance between hemiparese hemiparese right and left (p = 0,377). Average 1,40% increase in the value of balance in stroke patients hemiparese right. And 18,06% in stroke patients hemiparese left

    Hubungan Pola Kebersihan Diri Dengan Terjadinya Gangguan Kulit Pada Petani Padi

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    One of the jobs that is vulnerable to skin disorders is farmers. So that research is needed to see patterns of personal hygiene in farmers. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between patterns of personal hygiene with the occurrence of skin disorders in rice farmers in the Nanggulan Village Work Area Cawas I Health Center, Cawas District, Klaten Regency. This research is non-experimental quantitative research that is an analytic survey with cross-sectional design. The population in this study was 767 people and the sample obtained by 89 respondents. Sampling is done by stratified random sampling technique by proportional random sampling. From the results showed a significant relationship between patterns of personal hygiene with the occurrence of skin disorders with a P-value of 0.001 and = 10.426. The conclusion of this study is that there is a relationship between patterns of personal hygiene with the occurrence of skin disorders in rice farmers in the Nanggula

    Pengaruh Terapi Touch and Talk Terhadap Kecemasan Anak Usia Pra Sekolah

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    Anxiety in children who care in hospitalizatin most be solved. children in preschool age (3-5 years) who received invasive procedure in a hospital is a state of crisis due to a change in health status, environment, family factors, habits or procedures that may cause pain so that the loss of independence of children. State of anxiety that occurs in children will be longer the treatment process than increase the risk of nosocomial infection and traumatic posthospitalization. Preschoolers assume pain is something scary, losing a safe environment. Child in the hospital need the participation of the family in the treatment process and they anxiety. therapy to reduce children's anxiety by parents is therapeutic touch and talk. This study aimed to determine the effect of therapeutic touch and talk to the anxiety of preschool who getting invasive at RSUD Dr. Moewardi. The kind of research was quantitative with quasy experimental nonequivalent control group design. The subject were 30 children ( 15 experiment, 15 control) purposive sampling were selected. Using anxiety cheklist in the adaptation of the theory of stuart and sudden was evaluated. The score were examined by independent sample t-test. A result was found that no different score pre test in experiment and control groub (p-value = 0,449) and have a different score post test in experiment and control groub (p-value = 0,000)


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    Children with Down syndrome are individuals detected from the phenotype (typical clinical symptoms) and have limited intelligence; it is caused by the number of the 21 chromosome is over. This overload number results in homeostasis change encouraging the physical and central nervous system deviance growth. The growth of IQ of the children with Down syndrome can be stimulated by stimulating therapy that is by training the motorist movement since the early child. Through the motorist movement, the nervous growth is stimulated so that it can influence the nerve and brain growth. Games are needed in childhood including the children with Down syndrome, because by having games, it can support their understanding of life


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    Nursing care service given by a nurse hardly influences quality of treatment upbringing which will be received by client. Therefore to be able to give treatment upbringing that is with quality hence nurse need to develop science and practice of treatment one of them is through usage of conceptual model in upbringing giving. Various conceptual models of treatment which has been developed by the experts, one of them is is Self Care Deficit by Dorothea Orem. Principal focus from this conceptual model is ability of someone to take care of their/his self self-supportingly causing is reached ability to maintain its(the health and prosperity. This theory also is a base for nurse in self-supporting of client according to level of its(the dependency do not place client in dependent position, because according to Orem, as of care ldf do not process intuition but is a my prila which can be studied
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