4 research outputs found


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    Let  be a simple, connected, and undirected graph. The graph  can be represented as a matrix such as antiadjacency matrix. An antiadjacency matrix for an undirected graph with order  is a matrix that has an order  and symmetric so that the antiadjacency matrix has a determinant and characteristic polynomial. In this paper, we discuss the properties of antiadjacency matrix of a graph join, such as its determinant and characteristic polynomial. A graph join  is obtained of a graph join operation obtained from joining two disjoint graphs  and

    Implementation of the Model Capacited Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows with a Goal Programming Approach in Determining the Best Route for Goods Distribution

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    This research discusses determination of the best route for the goods distribution from one depot to customers in various locations using the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Time of Windows (CVRPTW) model with a goal programming approach. The goal function of this model are minimize costs, minimize distribution time, maximize vehicle capacity and maximize the number of customers served. We use case study in CV. Oke Jaya companies which has 25 customers and one freight vehicle with 2000 kg capacities to serve the customers in the Serang, Pandeglang, Rangkasbitung and Cikande. For simulation we use software LINGO. Based on this CVRPTW model with a goal programming approach, there are four routes to distribute goods on the CV. Oke Jaya, which considers the customer’s operating hours, with total cost is Rp 233.000,00, the total distribution time is 17 hours 57 minutes and the total capacity of goods distributed is 6150 kg

    Unjuk Kerja Transformator Daya pada Gardu Induk Sistem Kelistrikan Pulau Bangka

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    Efisiensi transformator dapat didefinisikan sebagai perbandingan antara daya listrik keluaran dengan daya listrik yang masuk pada transformator. Oleh karenanya akan dianalisis pengaruh perubahan beban terhadap efisiensi dan rugi-rugi transformator daya di gardu induk Air Anyir, gardu induk Pangkalpinang dan gardu induk Sungailiat. Hasil analisis yang didapatkan pada transformator daya gardu induk Air Anyir pembebanan tertinggi 13.36 MW dengan efisiensi 99.62 % dan rugi total 49.46 kW serta pembebanan terendah sebesar 2.37 MW dengan efisiensi 96.65 % dan rugi total 38.83 kW. Pada tranformator daya gardu induk Pangkalpinang pembebanan tertinggi 17,38 MW dengan efisiensi 99.69 % dan rugi total 61.64 kW serta pembebanan terendah 11.93 MW dengan efisiensi 99.65 % dan rugi total 41.22 kW. Pada transformator daya gardu induk Sungailiat pembebanan tertinggi 12.98 MW dan efisiensi 99.65 %, dan rugi total 45.61 kW sedangkan pembebanan terendah 2.06 MW dengan efisiensi 97.46% dan rugi total 23.88 k


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    Determining reserve for life insurance contributions has factors that influence it, such as contributions developed by participants and operational costs. Based on the financial services authority Number 71 of 2016, related to the company's financial health, one of which is that sharia insurance companies can make reserve for contributions. In this study, we discuss the calculation of the contribution of the initial value of return on investment which is sensitive and different calculations for the technical calculation of the contribution of sharia life insurance using the gross premium assessment method (GPV) by applying the Monte-Carlo simulation and using the vasicek model in calculating the discount factor so that with this method can recommend several possible contributions and contributions reserve from sharia life insurance products