45 research outputs found

    Maisu maistren formakuntza genero berdintasunean

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    Lan honen bidez ikertu nahi izan duguna da, maisu maistren formakuntza genero berdintasunean behar beste lantzen den ala ez, eta hauek jasotzen duten formakuntza errealitateko premiak asetzeko aproposa den. Horretarako, ikasleen eta irakasleen curriculumak aztertu ditugu, egin beharrekoak zeintzuk diren zehaztuz. UPV/EHUko hainbat irakasle elkarrizketatu ditugu errealitatea aztertzeko. Behin emaitzak jasota, ateratako ondorio nagusia izan da genero berdintasuna irakasleen formakuntza ez dela behar beste lantzen. Gainera, maisu maistren irakasleen jardun praktiketan gai hau gehiago landu beharraren premia dagoela eta honen inguruko formakuntza falta dagoela antzeman dugu

    Irakasle identitateari hurbilketa bat behaketa autoetnografikoaren bidez

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    Este artículo es una observación autoetnográfica de la estancia llevada a cabo en una clase de 2. 0 de Educación Primaria durante el último periodo de prácticas del Grado de Educación Primaria. Mediante la metodología etnográfica, se analiza la interacción oral entre la profesora en prácticas y el alumnado, utilizando un sistema categorial basado en la propuesta de Flanders ( 1977). Los resultados son útiles para conocer y compartir algunas características de la conducta e identidad docente de la autora como aprendiz de enseñante, posibilitando la obtención de nuevos recursos para el autoconocimiento en su formación inicial y aportando a la comunidad educativa propuestas para la mejora de los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje

    Irakasle identitateari hurbilketa bat behaketa autoetnografikoaren bidez

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    Este artículo es una observación autoetnográfica de la estancia llevada a cabo en una clase de 2. 0 de Educación Primaria durante el último periodo de prácticas del Grado de Educación Primaria. Mediante la metodología etnográfica, se analiza la interacción oral entre la profesora en prácticas y el alumnado, utilizando un sistema categorial basado en la propuesta de Flanders ( 1977). Los resultados son útiles para conocer y compartir algunas características de la conducta e identidad docente de la autora como aprendiz de enseñante, posibilitando la obtención de nuevos recursos para el autoconocimiento en su formación inicial y aportando a la comunidad educativa propuestas para la mejora de los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje

    Arcobacter butzleri Biofilms: Insights into the Genes Beneath Their Formation

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    Arcobacter butzleri, the most prevalent species of the genus, has the demonstrated ability to adhere to various surfaces through biofilm production. The biofilm formation capability has been related to the expression of certain genes, which have not been characterized in A. butzleri. In order to increase the knowledge of this foodborne pathogen, the aim of this study was to assess the role of six biofilm-associated genes in campylobacteria (flaA, flaB, fliS, luxS, pta and spoT) in the biofilm formation ability of A. butzleri. Knockout mutants were constructed from different foodborne isolates, and static biofilm assays were conducted on polystyrene (PS), reinforced glass and stainless steel. Additionally, motility and Congo red binding assays were performed. In general, mutants in flaAB, fliS and luxS showed a decrease in the biofilm production irrespective of the surface; mutants in spoT showed an increase on stainless steel, and mutants in pta and spoT showed a decrease on reinforced glass but an increase on PS. Our work sheds light on the biofilm-related pathogenesis of A. butzleri, although future studies are necessary to achieve a satisfactory objective.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, grant number AGL2014-56179-P (co-financed with FEDER funds), the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, grant number PPG17/27, and by the Basque Government, grant number PA20/03. A.S.-S. received a Ph.D. fellowship from the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, and I.B from the Basque Government

    Iron Oxide Nanorings and Nanotubes for Magnetic Hyperthermia: The Problem of Intraparticle Interactions

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    Magnetic interactions can play an important role in the heating efficiency of magnetic nanoparticles. Although most of the time interparticle magnetic interactions are a dominant source, in specific cases such as multigranular nanostructures intraparticle interactions are also relevant and their effect is significant. In this work, we have prepared two different multigranular magnetic nanostructures of iron oxide, nanorings (NRs) and nanotubes (NTs), with a similar thickness but different lengths (55 nm for NRs and 470 nm for NTs). In this way, we find that the NTs present stronger intraparticle interactions than the NRs. Magnetometry and transverse susceptibility measurements show that the NTs possess a higher effective anisotropy and saturation magnetization. Despite this, the AC hysteresis loops obtained for the NRs (0?400 Oe, 300 kHz) are more squared, therefore giving rise to a higher heating efficiency (maximum specific absorption rate, SARmax = 110 W/g for the NRs and 80 W/g for the NTs at 400 Oe and 300 kHz). These results indicate that the weaker intraparticle interactions in the case of the NRs are in favor of magnetic hyperthermia in comparison with the NTs.This research was funded by the Vietnam National Foundation for Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED), grant number 103.02-2019.314. The Spanish Government is acknowledged for the “Nanotechnology in translational hyperthermia (HIPERNANO)” research network (RED2018-102626-T) and for funding under the project number MAT2017-83631-C3. Research at USF was supported by US Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Division of Materials Science and Engineering, Award No. DE-FG02-07ER46438. Basque Government is also acknowledged for funding under the project number IT-1005-16 and for the postdoctoral fellowship POS_2020_1_0028

    Cell necrosis, intrinsic apoptosis and senescence contribute to the progression of exencephaly to anencephaly in a mice model of congenital chranioschisis

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    Amniotic fluid; Neonatal mortality; ExencephalyLíquido amniótico; Mortalidad neonatal; ExencefaliaLíquid amniòtic; Mortalitat neonatal; ExencefàliaExencephaly/anencephaly is one of the leading causes of neonatal mortality and the most extreme open neural tube defect with no current treatments and limited mechanistic understanding. We hypothesized that exencephaly leads to a local neurodegenerative process in the brain exposed to the amniotic fluid as well as diffuse degeneration in other encephalic areas and the spinal cord. To evaluate the consequences of in utero neural tissue exposure, brain and spinal cord samples from E17 exencephalic murine fetuses (maternal intraperitoneal administration of valproic acid at E8) were analyzed and compared to controls and saline-injected shams (n = 11/group). Expression of apoptosis and senescence genes (p53, p21, p16, Rbl2, Casp3, Casp9) was determined by qRT-PCR and protein expression analyzed by western blot. Apoptosis was measured by TUNEL assay and PI/AV flow cytometry. Valproic acid at E8 induced exencephaly in 22% of fetuses. At E17 the fetuses exhibited the characteristic absence of cranial bones. The brain structures from exencephalic fetuses demonstrated a loss of layers in cortical regions and a complete loss of structural organization in the olfactory bulb, hippocampus, dental gyrus and septal cortex. E17 fetuses had reduced expression of NeuN, GFAP and Oligodendrocytes in the brain with primed microglia. Intrinsic apoptotic activation (p53, Caspase9 and 3) was upregulated and active Caspase3 localized to the layer of brain exposed to the amniotic fluid. Senescence via p21-Rbl2 was increased in the brain and in the spinal cord at the lamina I-II of the somatosensory dorsal horn. The current study characterizes CNS alterations in murine exencephaly and demonstrates that degeneration due to intrinsic apoptosis and senescence occurs in the directly exposed brain but also remotely in the spinal cord.This work was supported by Prof. Jose L. Peiro internal Cincinnati Children's Hospital funding

    Genetic characterization and biofilm formation of potentially pathogenic foodborne Arcobacter isolates

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    Various species of the genus Arcobacter are regarded as emerging food pathogens and can be cause of human gastroenteric illness, among others. In order to gain knowledge on the risk associated with the presence of arcobacters in retail foods, this study aimed to determine their presence in a variety of products; to evaluate the genetic diversity and the occurrence of virulence and biofilm-associated genes in the isolated strains; and to assess their biofilm activity on polystyrene, borosilicate and stainless steel. Arcobacters were detected in the 22.3% of the analysed samples and the 83 recovered isolates were identified as A. butzleri (n = 53), A. cryaerophilus (n = 24), A. skirrowii (n = 2), A. thereius (n = 3) and A. vitoriensis (n = 1). They were isolated from virtually all tested food types, but mostly from squids and turkey meat (contamination levels of 60% and 40%, respectively). MLST differentiated 68 STs, most of which were novel (89.7%) and represented by a single strain (86.9%). Five novel STs were detected in various isolates derived from seafood, and the statistical analysis revealed their potential association with that type of food product (p < 0,001). All the isolates except one harboured virulence-associated genes and the highest incidence was noted for A. butzleri. Nineteen isolates (23.5%) were able to form biofilms on the different surfaces tested and, of note; glass enhanced the adhesion ability of the majority of them (84.2%). The results highlight the role that common food products can have in the transmission of Arcobacter spp., the pathogenic potential of the different species, and the survival and growth ability of several of them on different food contact surfaces. Therefore, the study provides interesting information regarding the risk arcoThis work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness [project number AGL2014-56179-P, co-financed with FEDER funds]; the University of the Basque Country [grant number PPG17/27]; and by the Basque Government [Project number PA20/03]

    Baso-eskola proiektu pilotuko haurren ebaluazio hezigarria burutzeko adierazleen definizioa

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    2017ko urritik Haur Hezkuntzako hiru ikasketa zentroek (Hernaniko Langile Ikastolak, Donostiako Amara Berri eskolak eta Alkizako eskola txikiak) Kutxa Ekoguneko baso-eskola proiektua pilotatzen dute. Etorkizunean baso-eskola proiektua beste ikasketa zentroetara zabaldu nahi dela-eta, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateak (UPV/EHU) proiektu honetako arlo desberdinak sistematizatu eta ebaluatzea du helburu. Besteak beste, haurren garapen kognitibo zein afektiboa, ingurune naturalaren egokitasuna eta proiektuan parte hartuko duten tutoreen jarraipena. Honen bidez, arlo hauen inguruko ezagutza zientifikoa eta proiektu pilotuaren zilegitasuna lortzea espero da baina ez hori bakarrik, baita unibertsitate mailako ikasketak aberasteko aukera ere, gure ikaslegoaren parte hartze potentzialaren bidez.; Three early childhood schools (Langile Ikastola from Hernani, Amara Berri from Donostia and the school from Alkiza) will develop their 2017-2018 school year as a pilot project in basoeskola from Ekogunea (Fundación Kutxa). The main objective of this work is to present is to present the evaluation model developed for measuring the potential benefits of the participant children in their continous contact with nature. Among the developed or adapted indicators, it can be mentioned the measurement of the cognitive and affective development of the participant children, the suitability of the environment as an educative facility, free play or their environmental attitudes. As a result nine indicators have been developed, which will be validated in this year’s experience, but are easily applicable by other educative centers. Also, this proposal aims to generate scientific knowledge of the benefits of children’s nature education, an area with scarce development

    Fungal Diversity and Composition of the Continental Solar Saltern in Añana Salt Valley (Spain)

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    The Añana Salt Valley in Spain is an active continental solar saltern formed 220 million years ago. To date, no fungal genomic studies of continental salterns have been published, although DNA metabarcoding has recently expanded researchers’ ability to study microbial community structures. Accordingly, the aim of this present study was to evaluate fungal diversity using the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) metabarcoding at different locations along the saltern (springs, ponds, and groundwater) to describe the fungal community of this saline environment. A total of 380 fungal genera were detected. The ubiquity of Saccharomyces was observed in the saltern, although other halotolerant and halophilic fungi like Wallemia, Cladosporium, and Trimmatostroma were also detected. Most of the fungi observed in the saltern were saprotrophs. The fungal distribution appeared to be influenced by surrounding conditions, such as the plant and soil contact, cereal fields, and vineyards of this agricultural region.This research was funded by the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU grant number US19/01 and the Añana Salt Valley Foundation (Specific Agreement between the Añana Salt Valley Foundation and the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU)

    Magnetic Vortex and Hyperthermia Suppression in Multigrain Iron Oxide Nanorings

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    Single-crystal iron oxide nanorings have been proposed as a promising candidate for magnetic hyperthermia application because of their unique shape-induced vortex-domain structure, which supports good colloidal stability and enhanced magnetic properties. However, the synthesis of single crystalline iron oxide has proven to be challenging. In this article, we showed that chemically synthesized multigrain magnetite nanorings disfavor a shape-induced magnetic vortex-domain structure. Our results indicate that the multigrain Fe3O4 nanorings with an average outer diameter of ~110 nm and an inner to outer diameter ratio of ~0.5 do not show a shape-induced vortex-domain structure, which was observed in the single-crystal Fe3O4 nanorings of similar dimensions. At 300 Ks, multigrain magnetite nanorings showed an effective anisotropy field of 440 Oe, which can be attributed to its high surface area and intraparticle interaction. Both calorimetric and AC loop measurements showed a moderate inductive heating efficiency of multigrain magnetite nanorings of ~300 W/g at 800 Oe. Our results shed light on the magnetic ground states of chemically synthesized multigrain Fe3O4 nanorings