26 research outputs found
Background: Indonesia ranks third as the highest number of phornographic users. Pornography has many negative effects for adolescents such as the number of adolescents who engage in deviant behavior, the increasing number of adolescents who are sexually active, will also increase cases of unwanted pregnancy, abortion and brain damage.
Objective: To determine the degree of pornographic exposure among junior and high school students in Jakarta and Banten
Method: This research was conducted in DKI Jakarta and Banten on 1340 junior and senior high school students with cross sectional design. This study used an early detection instrument of pornographic content developed by the Education and Culture Policy Research Center Team, Ministry of Education and Culture in 2017 that has been validated.
Result: The majority of adolescents (94.5%) have been exposed to pornographic content in grade 1 category, 3,7% in grade 2, and 0,1% in grade 3. Adolescents who were exposed in grade 1 were more likely to be girls (96.7%), but more boys were exposed to grade 2 (6.7%) and grade 3 (0.2%). More students from junior high school were exposed in grade 1 (95.1%), but more students from senior high school were exposed in grade 2 (4%), and grade 3 (0.1%).
Conclusion: Most students have been exposed to pornographic content and intervention was needed according to the degree of exposure.
Key words: early detection, pornography adiction, pornography
Latar belakang: Indonesia menduduki peringkat ketiga sebagai negara dengan jumlah pengakses pornografi terbanyak. Pornografi memberikan banyak dampak negatif bagi remaja seperti banyaknya remaja yang melakukan perilaku menyimpang, meningkatnya jumlah remaja yang berperilaku seksual aktif, juga akan meningkatkan kasus kehamilan tidak diinginkan (KTD), tindakan aborsi, dan kerusakan otak.
Tujuan: Mengetahui gambaran derajat keterpaparan konten pornografi pada siswa SMP/MTs dan SMA/MA di DKI Jakarta dan Banten.
Metode: Penelitian ini dilakukan di DKI Jakarta dan Banten pada 1340 siswa SMP/MTs dan SMA/MA dengan desain cross-sectional. Penelitian ini menggunakan instrumen deteksi dini konten pornografi yang dikembangkan oleh Tim Pusat Penelitian Kebijakan Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan pada tahun 2017 yang sudah diuji validitas dan reliabilitasnya.
Hasil: Sebagian besar siswa sudah terpapar pornografi derajat 1 (94,5%), ada 3,7 persen siswa yang terpapar derajat 2, dan 0,1 persen yang terpapar derajat 3. Remaja yang terpapar derajat 1 lebih banyak pada perempuan (96,7%), tetapi laki-laki justru lebih banyak yang terpapar pornografi derajat 2 (6,7%) dan derajat 3 (0,2%). Siswa SMP/MTs lebih banyak yang terpapar pornografi derajat 1 (96,1%), dan siswa SMA/MA lebih banyak yang terpapar derajat 2 (4%), dan derajat 3 (0,1%).
Kesimpulan: Sebagian besar siswa sudah terpapar materi pornografi dan diperlukan intervensi sesuai dengan derajat keterpaparannya.
Kata kunci: deteksi dini, adiksi pornografi, pornograf
Manajemen Peningkatan Kepesertaan dalam Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional pada Kelompok Nelayan Non Penerima Bantuan Iuran (Non PBI)
In order to achieve universal health coverage by 2019, BPJS Kesehatan needs to involve all people to become members of National Health Insurance (NHI). This study aimed to analyze the mechanism of the increase in membership group of fishermen with non recipient contribution (Non PBI) in the National Health Insurance. This was an observational research method which was used to observe the phenomenon of BPJS Kesehatan membership of a group of fishermen. The type of this study was cross-sectional study design because the data was taken at a certain time which was in the year 2014. The research location was in several cities in Indonesia including Jember City, East Java Province, Balikpapan City, East Kalimantan Province; and Makassar City, South Sulawesi Province. Respondents who participated in NHI as Non PBI was 15 people (9.6%). The lack of NHI participants caused by several aspects such as the difficulties of procedure, registration place and also premium payment place. There is also assumption that there is still cost sharing for NHI member when having a service from health service. The knowledge of respondents associated with the registration procedure was 47.8%, and the information about NHI's socialization from television was 62.8%. Enhancement of membership could be implemented by doing more often socialization of program and also easier procedure to register and pay the fee
Religious affiliation, religiosity and health behaviors among high school students in Jakarta, Indonesia
This study aimed to determine a relationship between religious affiliation, religiosity and health behaviors among high school students in Jakarta, Indonesia. This cross-sectional study was conducted in 9 high schools in Jakarta, Indonesia. A total of 767 respondents joined this study. A multivariate analysis was conducted to determine the associations between dependent and independent variables by adjusting age, sex, school type and economic status. Lower non-organized religious activity had a significant association with higher addictive behaviors (AOR: 0.577 95% CI: 0.340-0.979). In case of nutrition behaviors, there were no significant associations among all aspects of religiosity. Lower organized religious activity was associated with physical inactivity (AOR: 0.323 95% CI: 0.170-0.614). In addition, lower non-organized and intrinsic religiosity had significant association with lower personal hygiene behaviors (AOR= 0.433 95% CI: 0.272-0.688; AOR: 0.436 95% CI: 0.198-0.958). Students with higher religiosity tend to engage less in risky health behaviors. Religious leaders and organizations may be engaged in health promotion activities to disseminate and create better understanding of religious values and beliefs regarding health behaviors
Pengaruh Konsumsi Ibu Hamil Dan Ukuran Biometri Janin Pada Panjang Lahir Bayi (Analisis Data Kohort Tumbuh Kembang Anak 2011-2012)
Latar Belakang: Kondisi saat dilahirkan merupakan salah satu parameter kelahiran yang penting dalam mengevaluasi kondisi bayi yang sehat. Kondisi pendek (stuntingi) saat dilahirkan berhubungan dengan tingginya risiko pendek pada masa kanak-kanak dan dewasa. Status kesehatan dan gizi wanita selama kehamilan berpengaruh pada kesehatan bayinya.Tujuan: Menilai pengaruh konsumsi ibu hamil (zat gizi makro-mikro) dan ukuran biometri (panjang tulang paha dan tulang kering janin) dengan panjang bayi lahir.Metode: Desain penelitian adalah kohor prospektif, bagian dari penelitian kohor Tumbuh Kembang Anak tahun 2012 di Kelurahan Kebon Kalapa dan Ciwaringin, Kota Bogor. Sebanyak 93 sampel dipelajari asupan ibu pada trimester III (energi, protein, lemak, zat besi, folat dan zinc). Pemeriksaan USG pada 30 responden untuk menilai panjang tulang paha dan tulang kering janin. Analisis data dilakukan dengan melakukan uji chi-square dan nilai Relative Risk (RR).Hasil: Konsumsi ibu hamil menunjukkan energi 60-65 persen, protein 40-70 persen, dan lemak 57-72 persen dari anjuran kecukupan. Konsumsi Fe, Folat dan Zn 20-30 persen dari kecukupan yang dianjurkan. Konsumsi energi, protein, lemak, Fe, folat dan Zn ibu tidak berhubungan dengan panjang lahir bayi. Panjang paha janin yang kurang berisiko 1,3 kali panjang lahir pendek, panjang tulang kering janin yang kurang berisiko 4 kali panjang lahir pendek, keduanya tidak signifikan secara statistik (p> 0,05).Kesimpulan: Konsumsi ibu hamil pada trimester-III, panjang tulang paha dan tulang kering janin tidak berhubungan dengan panjang lahir bayi
Background: One effort to reduce maternal mortality (MMR) is to increase the use of maternal and child health books (MCH books) as a source of information and maternal health record. However, there are still limited research findings related to the ownership of MCH books.
Objective: This study aimed to measure the relationship of MCH book ownership to the increased utilization of maternal health services in Indonesia.
Method: Secondary data analysis of the 2016 National Health Indicator Survey (Sirkesnas) was used with a cross-sectional design. The population is all women 10-54 years who gave birth to the last child in the last three years. The number of samples was 7149 respondents. The dependent variable includes antenatal visits, delivery assisted by health professionals and delivery in a health facility. The independent variable is the ownership of the MCH book and the characteristics of the mother (age, occupation, education and residence). Multivariate analysis used multiple logistic regression with 95 percent confidence interval.
Results: More than half (57.5%) of mothers have MCH books. After being controlled by maternal characteristics (age, education, place of residence and occupation), MCH book ownership is related to the use of antenatal care services (OR = 2.31, 95% CI: 0,000), delivery by health professionals (OR = 4.49, 95% CI: 0,000), and delivery in a health facility (OR = 2.71, 95% CI: 0,000).
Conclusion: The ownership of the MCH handbook is related to the increased utilization of antenatal (K4) services, delivery assisted by health professionals and delivery in a health facility.
Latar belakang: Salah satu upaya menurunkan angka kematian ibu (AKI) adalah meningkatkan pemanfaatan buku kesehatan ibu dan anak (buku KIA) sebagai sumber informasi dan pencatatan kesehatan ibu. Namun, masih terbatas hasil penelitian yang berhubungan dengan kepemilikan buku KIA.
Tujuan: Studi ini bertujuan mengukur hubungan kepemilikan buku KIA terhadap peningkatan pemanfaatan pelayanan kesehatan maternal di Indonesia.
Metode: Analisis data sekunder Survei Indikator Kesehatan Nasional (Sirkesnas) 2016 digunakan dengan desain potong lintang. Populasi adalah semua wanita 10-54 tahun yang melahirkan anak terakhir dalam kurun waktu tiga tahun terakhir. Jumlah sampel adalah 7149 responden. Variabel dependen meliputi kunjungan antenatal, persalinan ditolong oleh tenaga kesehatan dan persalinan di fasilitas kesehatan. Variabel independen adalah kepemilikan buku KIA dan karakteristik ibu (umur, pekerjaan, pendidikan dan tempat tinggal). Analisis multivariat menggunakan regresi logistik ganda dengan derajat kepercayaan 95 persen.
Hasil: Lebih dari separuh (57,5%) ibu memiliki buku KIA. Setelah dikontrol oleh karakteristik ibu (umur, pendidikan, tempat tinggal dan pekerjaan), kepemilikan buku KIA berhubungan dengan pemanfaatan pelayanan pemeriksaan kehamilan (OR = 2,31, 95% CI: 0,000), persalinan oleh tenaga kesehatan (OR = 4,49, 95% CI: 0,000), dan persalinan di fasilitas kesehatan (OR = 2,71, 95% CI: 0,000).
Kesimpulan: Kepemilikan buku KIA berhubungan dengan peningkatan pemanfaatan layanan antenatal (K4), persalinan ditolong oleh tenaga kesehatan dan persalinan di fasilitas kesehatan
Analisis Kebijakan dan Program Pencegahan Perilaku Merokok pada Sekolah Muhammadiyah di Kota Depok
School has an important role in preventing students’ smoking behavior. This research aims to analyze non- smoking area policies and prevention programs for smoking behavior, as well as of the role of students, parents, teacher and staff in preventing students’ smoking behavior. This qualitative research was conducted in six Muhammadiyah Schools in Depok City. Data collection was carried out in January 2018 to April 2019. The informants of the study were 15 selected through a purposive sampling technique. Data collection is done through in-depth interviews, observation and document analysis. The research instrument was developed from North Carolina Tobacco Free School Assessment Tool to determine smoking behavior, smoking cessation programs and the role of various parties in these policies and programs. Data analysis was carried out by thematic content analysis technique. Schools have implemented non-smoking area policies throughout the school area for student, school teachers, staff and visitors. However, there are no detailed regulations regarding the prevention policy of smoking behavior that is pointed out to staff, teachers and visitors. Educational programs related to the dangers of smoking are carried out in the hidden curriculum. The school has not organized a smoking cessation program. The involvement of parents and students in order to prevent smoking behavior in school’s prevention program has not yet been done optimally. The challenges in preventing smoking behavior is lack of optimal prevention smoking behavior outside of school and the absence of smoking cessation program conducted in schools.
Sekolah memiliki peranan penting dalam mencegah perilaku merokok siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kebijakan Kawasan Tanpa Rokok (KTR) dan program pendidikan pencegahan perilaku merokok, serta peran siswa, staf, dan orang tua dalam pencegahan perilaku merokok siswa. Penelitian kualitatif ini dilakukan di enam Sekolah Muhammadiyah Tingkat Menengah Atas di Kota Depok. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada bulan Januari 2018 hingga April 2019. Informan penelitian berjumlah 15 informan yang dipilih melalui teknik purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan analisis dokumen. Instrumen penelitian dikembangkan dari North Carolina Tobacco Free School Assessment Tool untuk mengetahui kebijakan pencegahan perilaku merokok, program pendidikan untuk mencegah perilaku merokok, program upaya berhenti merokok dan peran berbagai pihak dalam kebijakan dan program tersebut. Analisis data dilakukan dengan teknik konten tematik analisis. Sekolah telah menerapkan kebijakan KTR di seluruh area sekolah bagi siswa, staf, guru dan pengunjung. Namun tidak ada peraturan mendetil terkait kebijakan pencegahan perilaku merokok yang ditujukkan kepada staf, guru dan pengunjung. Program pendidikan terkait bahaya merokok dilakukan secara hidden curriculum. Sekolah belum menyelenggarakan program berhenti merokok. Pelibatan orang tua dan siswa dalam rangka mencegah perilaku merokok di sekolah belum dilakukan secara optimal. Tantangan dalam pencegahan perilaku merokok ialah kurang optimalnya pencegahan perilaku merokok di luar sekolah serta belum adanya program berhenti merokok yang dilakukan di sekolah
Background: Health Operational Assistance (BOK) is a central government fund allocation to support the operation of Health Center (Puskesmas) to increase promotive and preventive activities related to public health, including maternal health.
Objective: This study aims to determine the relationship of BOK utilization on maternal health service coverage.
Method: The study used secondary data from the Ministry of Health e-Renggar Planning and Budget Bureau, Statistics Indonesia, the Ministry of Finance and the 2018 Public Health Development Index (IPKM) report. The unit of analysis is districts. Bivariate analysis was performed by Pearson correlation test, while multivariate analysis was performed by linear regression using SPSS software version 15.
Results: The result of Pearson correlation test showed that BOK utilization was positively correlated with an increase in the antenatal care coverage (r = 0.294; p-value = 0,000) and coverage of deliveries by health workers in health facilities (r = 0.227; p-value = 0,000). The results of linear regression analysis showed BOK utilization, the percentage of poverty and the adequacy of posyandu have a significant relationship with antenatal care coverage and coverage of delivery assisted by health workers in health facilities.
Conclusion: The health operational fund utilization increase antenatal care coverage and coverage of delivery assisted by health workers in health facilities. Therefore, it is necessary to optimize the use of BOK for the achievement of priority public health programs, especially for innovative activities that have a high degree of leverage towards the achievement of SDGs so that the target in reducing Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) can be achieved.
Keywords: health operational fund, maternal health, coverage, services
Latar Belakang: Bantuan Operasional Kesehatan (BOK) merupakan salah satu sumber pembiayaan dari pemerintah pusat untuk menunjang operasional Puskesmas dalam meningkatkan upaya promotif dan preventif terkait kesehatan masyarakat, salah satunya kesehatan ibu.
Tujuan: Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan pemanfaatan BOK terhadap cakupan pelayanan kesehatan ibu.
Metode: Studi ini menggunakan data sekunder dari laporan e-renggar Biro Perencanaan dan Anggaran Kementerian Kesehatan, Badan Pusat Statistik, Kementerian Keuangan dan laporan Indeks Pembangunan Kesehatan Masyarakat (IPKM) tahun 2018. Unit analisis adalah Kabupaten/Kota. Analisis bivariate dilakukan dengan uji korelasi pearson, sedangkan analisis multivariate dilakukan dengan regresi linier menggunakan software SPSS versi 15.
Hasil: Hasil analisis uji korelasi pearson menunjukkan bahwa persentase realisasi BOK berkorelasi positif dengan peningkatan cakupan pemeriksaan kehamilan K4 (r=0,294; p-value=0,000) dan cakupan persalinan oleh tenaga kesehatan di fasilitas kesehatan (r=0,227; p-value=0,000). Hasil analisis regresi linier menunjukkan pemanfaatan BOK, persentase penduduk miskin dan kecukupan posyandu mempunyai hubungan bermakna dengan cakupan K4 dan cakupan persalinan ditolong oleh tenaga kesehatan di fasilitas kesehatan.
Kesimpulan: Pemanfaatan BOK berhubungan dengan peningkatan cakupan K4 dan cakupan persalinan ditolong oleh tenaga kesehatan di fasilitas kesehatan. Optimalisasi pemanfaatan BOK untuk pencapaian program prioritas kesehatan masyarakat diperlukan, terutama untuk kegiatan-kegiatan inovatif yang memiliki daya ungkit tinggi terhadap pencapaian SDGs sehingga target dalam menurunkan Angka Kematian Ibu (AKI) dapat tercapai.
Kata kunci: bantuan operasional kesehatan, kesehatan ibu, cakupan, pelayana
Tantangan Dan Peluang Pengembangan Registrasi Kematian Dengan Penyebabnya Di Kota Surakarta Tahun 2009
Death registration system with cause of death in this time is being developed in every district/city in Indonesia. Until now, Surakarta's city has developed this system since year 2006. The aim of research is to detects challenges and opportunities of development death registration system with cause of death in Surakarta city. The result of this research can be used by other districts/cities in the same development system. The data was collected by an indepth-interview to operator system in the health district, registration and vital statistic, subdistrict, health care center, and focus group discussion to key person and head of household. The result of the research found regulation and comitment of leadership arethe key factors to develop a successful system. While key factors that can be challenge are to develop system by self resources and support from community
Praktik pemberian makan terhadap kejadian kurus pada anak baduta
Background: Wasting is an acute malnutrition form that interrupts immune function, prolong duration of infection and in the end increase mortality risk of children. It is not clear yet which risk factor leading to wasting, simply because wasting-suspected risk factors were also involved in another kind of malnutrition such as stunting and underweight.
Objective: To determine whether infant and young child feeding practices is risk factor for wasting in under two year children.
Method: This research was mix method research which used matching case control design for quantitative research and focus group discussion to gather information in qualitative research. Case were wasting children age 3-23 months old (z-score WHZ <-2 SD) while control were non-wasting children age 3-23 months old (z-score WHZ ≥-2 SD). This research involved 106 under-two years old children and 14 nutritionist from 14 community health center which randomly chosen. Control group was matched by age and socio economic to case group.
Results: Case group had more proportion of inappropriate feeding practices (26.41%% vs 20.75%). More than half respondent failed to meet Indonesian recommended dietary allowance for energy (57.55%). Inappropriate infant and young child feeding practice significantly did not increased risk of wasting in under two children at Yogyakarta (OR=1.4; 95% CI:0.62-3.36; p=0.523). Nutritionist from community health center focused in consultation and counseling in effort to increase infant and young child feeding practice.
Conclusion: Feeding practices in under-two children in Yogyakarta was already good. Infant and young child feeding practice was not risk factor for wasting in under two years old children at Yogyakarta
Pelayanan Manajemen Terpadu Balita Sakit (MTBS) pada Puskesmas di Regional Timur Indonesia
The decline in under-five mortality remains target of health development in Indonesia. One effort that can be done, among others, is to improve the skills of health workers in dealing with sick children through the Integrated management of Chilhood Illness (IMCI). This study aims to evaluate the implementation of IMCI in 10 selected districts/cities in Eastern Region of Indonesia with a sample of 20 puskesmas selected randomly. In total 40 under-five children were observed when receiving IMCI services at the puskesmas. In addition, an assessment of the completeness of filling out of 200 forms of IMCI under-five children who had come to the puskesmas a week before the survey was conducted. Information related to the availability of equipment to support IMCI services is collected through direct observation in 20 selected puskesmas assisted by a check list form. The results showed that 80% of puskesmas in the eastern region have implemented IMCI, but only 25% of puskesmas reaching all the under-five children. As many as 90% of puskesmas have been trained for IMCI, however only 15% have been monitored post training. Only 25% of puskesmas received supervision from the District Health Office in implementing IMCI. The observation results at the IMCI service for children under five showed that, the lowest score for compliance with IMCI was counseling (25.8%) and the highest was diarrhea assessment (73.8%). The results of observing the IMCI forms showed that the lowest score was feeding practice (30.4%) and repeat visits (30.8%). Meanwhile, oral rehydration facilities for diarrhea are reported to be inadequate, because they are only available at 50% of puskesmas. There needs to be monitoring and supervision of officer compliance and increasing the availability of supporting equipment and facilities/insfrastructure in the implementation of IMCI.
Penurunan angka kematian balita masih menjadi target pembangunan kesehatan di Indonesia. Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan antara lain meningkatkan keterampilan tenaga kesehatan dalam menangani balita sakit, melalui pendekatan Manajemen Terpadu Balita Sakit (MTBS). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pelaksanaan MTBS di 10 Kabupaten/Kota terpilih di regional timur, dengan jumlah sampel 20 puskesmas yang dipilih secara acak. Secara total, 40 pasien balita diobservasi pada saat mendapatkan pelayanan MTBS di puskesmas. Selain itu, dilakukan asesmen kelengkapan pengisian dari 200 formulir MTBS balita yang pernah datang ke puskesmas dalam kurun waktu seminggu sebelum survei. Infomasi terkait dengan ketersediaan peralatan untuk mendukung pelayanan MTBS dikumpulkan melalui observasi secara langsung di 20 puskesmas terpilih dibantu dengan formulir check list. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa 80% puskesmas di regional timur telah melaksanakan MTBS, namun hanya 25% puskesmas yang menjangkau seluruh balita. Sebesar 90% puskesmas telah terlatih MTBS, namun hanya 15% yang dilakukan monitoring pasca pelatihan. Hanya 25% puskesmas yang mendapatkan supervisi dari Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten/Kota dalam pelaksanaan MTBS. Hasil observasi pada saat pelayanan MTBS pada balita menunjukkan, skor kepatuhan pelaksanaan MTBS yang terendah adalah konseling (25,8%) dan tertinggi adalah asesmen diare (73,8%). Hasil observasi pengisian formulir MTBS menunjukkan, skor terendah pada pengisian pemberian makan (30,4%) dan kunjungan ulang (30,8%). Sementara itu, fasilitas rehidrasi oral untuk diare dilaporkan belum memadai, karena hanya tersedia di 50% puskesmas. Perlu adanya monitoring dan supervisi terhadap kepatuhan petugas serta peningkatan ketersediaan peralatan dan sarana/prasarana pendukung dalam pelaksanaan MTBS.