232 research outputs found

    Homeward Bound: The Influence of Emigration and Return on Aezkoa Valley and its Surrounding Rural Communities in Northern Navarre at the turn of the 19th Century

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    The aim of this dissertation is to provide a study on Basque transnational migration from the perspective of the homeland. The goal is to see to what extent this transnational migration influenced and impacted local communities in the rural Basque area, concretely in Aezkoa Valley and other villages that surround it at the turn of the nineteenth century into the twentieth. The traditional focus of Basque migration studies has long been on male migrants and unidirectional migratory experiences. This study will address migration phenomena from the other side, attempting to deconstruct migration as a predominantly male and unilateral sphere by analyzing migration effects from the perspective of the homeland, women, children, and family. By addressing the changes that both emigrants and returnees prompted in their hometowns in Aezkoa Valley, the flow of ideas and people in-between two worlds will be analyzed from the point of view of cultural encounters that led to hybrid practices. These encounters and interactions created new realities in the homeland, many times transforming the everyday life of the peasant as well as the society as a whole. These influences will be tracked through the study of different cases or vital experiences of those who decided to emigrate and to return to their homeland, some of whom went back and forth. The impact of these migrants and returnees on society affected areas such as landholding, family interactions and dynamics, and the opening of the rigid neighborhood system that existed in these societies

    Aspectos psicosociales en parejas sometidas a Técnicas de Reproducción Asistida

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    Los problemas de fertilidad constituyen una de las principales alteraciones dentro de la salud reproductiva. Así, destacan la esterilidad e infertilidad como dos de los principales trastornos. Se estima que afectan aproximadamente al 14% de la población en edad fértil. Objetivo: describir los cuidados de enfermería desde la perspectiva psicosocial en parejas heterosexuales sometidas a Técnicas de Reproducción Asistida (TRA) en la Unidad de Reproducción Asistida (URA) del Sistema Nacional de Salud (SNS) con el fin de mejorar su calidad de vida. Metodología: revisión sistemática. Se llevaron a cabo dos búsquedas en la Biblioteca Virtual en Salud de España (BVS), Cuiden, Proquest, Pubmed y Dialnet, con lenguaje controlado (DeCS/MeSH) y palabras clave, utilizando los operadores booleanos, el paréntesis y las comillas para combinar las búsquedas. Asimismo, se buscó en páginas web oficiales y manuales de la biblioteca UPV/EHU. Resultados: se seleccionaron un total de 17 artículos, dos manuales, tres textos legales y dos monografías. Las parejas sometidas a TRA presentan alteraciones emocionales y modificaciones en la relación de pareja y sexualidad. Los cuidados de enfermería identificados se refieren al apoyo emocional, la educación sanitaria, la información y estrategias como el counseling, junto con la continuidad de cuidados. Discusión: tras los resultados obtenidos, se plantea la necesidad de realizar más estudios que investiguen las repercusiones de las TRA y la eficacia de las intervenciones de enfermería. Igualmente, se sugiere que las enfermeras de la URA deberían fomentar la creación de grupos de autoayuda. Conclusión: las TRA generan un gran impacto psicosocial sobre las parejas. Enfermería mediante el apoyo emocional, la información proporcionada, estrategias como el counseling, la disponibilidad, la accesibilidad y la continuidad de cuidados es capaz de mejorar la calidad de vida de las parejas

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    Homeward Bound: The Influence of Emigration and Return on Aezkoa Valley and Its Surrouning Rural Communities in Northern Navarre at the turn of the 19th Century.

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    290 p.El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es proporcionar un estudio sobre la migración transnacional vasca desde la perspectiva de las sociedades de origen. El objetivo es ver hasta qué punto esta migración transnacional influenció e impactó las comunidades en el ámbito rural vasco, concretamente en el Valle de Aezkoa y otros valles del Pirineo Navarro en el cambio del siglo XIX al XX. Los estudios de migración vasca tradicionalmente se han desarrollado desde una perspectiva masculina y unidireccional. Esta tesis analiza los fenómenos de migración desde el otro lado, intentando deconstruir la migración como fenómeno predominantemente masculino y unilateral mediante el análisis de los efectos de la migración desde la perspectiva de las comunidades de origen, las mujeres, los niños y la familia.Al abordar los cambios que tanto los emigrantes como los retornados provocaron en sus comunidades de origen se analiza el flujo de ideas y personas entre dos mundos, el Valle de Aezkoa y América. Estos encuentros e interacciones crearon nuevas realidades en las sociedades de origen de los migrantes, muchas veces transformando la vida cotidiana del campesino y de la sociedad en general. Estas las influencias se rastrearán a través del estudio de diferentes casos o experiencias vitales de aquellos que decidieron emigrar y regresar a su tierra natal. El impacto de estos migrantes y retornados en la sociedad se aprecia en la propiedad de la tierra, en las interacciones familiares y dinámicas familiares, así como en la apertura del rígido sistema de vecindad que regía estas sociedades

    Polyurethane materials: Insights on dynamic properties and self-healing applications

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    199 p.Among all the different kind of polymers formulated as crosslinked materials, polyurethane (PU) is the bestseller of the market, as very versatile and different kind of products can be synthesized changing the initial reagents. For this reason is important to understand their potential dynamic character for a correct reprocessing and recycling of them.In this work, we have performed a deep understanding of the importance of the employed synthetic strategy to the potential application of self-healing membranes in energy storage. In addition, a perspective on the implementation of the different compositions performed is given, revealing the advantages and drawbacks of each system

    Effect of the great crisis on sectoral female employment in Europe: a structural decomposition analysis

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    Sectoral gender segregation in labor markets is a fact. This paper examines the female distribution of employment by sectors in the EU 28, thereby contributing to the literature on the effects of the recession and subsequent austerity measures on female employment. An input-output model and structural decomposition analysis are used to assess the contribution of factors such as technological change, productivity change and final demand change. The latter had a positive impact over the period of analysis by creating new job opportunities for women, especially in the public service sectors, whereas productivity growth had a negative impact, particularly in the private service sectors. These changes have resulted in a reduction in the level of gender sectoral segregation; change in household expenditure again is the main driver of this reduction. Changing trends in labor requirements and gross capital formation have the opposite effect; thus, these trends increase the level of sectoral segregation.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Project ECO2016-76681-R)

    Numerical simulation of problems of great deformation in rock masses and its application in mining

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    The design of a salt working requires detailed studies of the chambers and galleries which will remain opened during the operation. The excavation of the cavity changes the natural distribution of tensions, and the resulting derived cause the flow of salt towards the cavity. The relation between the diverting tensions and the velocity of the associated deformation is defined by a constitutive law depending on temperature. There are a series of computer programs which solve the equations of the thermic and mechanical phenomena, which are used to produce results to compare and combine with the measurements gathered in the mine. So it is a study of the rheologic behavior of a salt material in a visco-elasto-plastic performance, representing such performances by means of programs of numerical simulation based on procedures of finite differences with integration in time

    Development and optimization of a novel sustained-release dextran tablet formulation for propranolol hydrochloride

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    A novel oral controlled delivery system for propranolol hydrochloride (PPL) was developed and optimized. The in vitro dissolution profiles of sustained-release matrix tablets of racemic PPL were determined and compared with the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) tolerance specifications for Propranolol Hydrochloride Extended-Release Capsules. The influence of matrix forming agents (native dextran, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC), cetyl alcohol) and binary mixtures of them on PPL release in vitro was investigated. A central composite design was applied to the optimization of a sustained-release tablet formulation. The sustained-release matrix tablets with good physical, mechanical and technological properties were obtained with a matrix excipient:PPL ratio of 60:40 (w/w), with a dextran:HPMC ratio of 4:1 (w/w) and with a cetyl alcohol amount of 15% (w/w). A comparative kinetic study of the present matrix tablets and commercial SUMIAL RETARD capsules (Spain) was established. The value for the similarity factor (f2 = 69.6) suggested that the dissolution profile of the present two sustained-release oral dosage forms are similar. Higuchi (diffusion) and Hixon–Crowell (erosion) kinetic profiles were achieved and this codependent mechanism of drug release was established