26 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this study is describing translation using borrowing strategy in the novel Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer that is translated into Indonesia. Data in this research are quoted and classified based on the strategy which is used by the translator in translating from SL to RL using Borrowing strategy which is stated by Vinay and Darbelnet (2000:84) and Molina and Albir (2002:520). In this research, the writer finds the borrowing strategy which is used by the translator; use two techniques such as: (1) Naturalized Borrowing shows themodification of spelling and/or pronunciation (referred to EYD), (2) applying borrowing without intentionally modification (pure borrowing). Based on the research, the researcher found 330 data. It is concluded that the total number of pure borrowing (115 words/35%) and naturalized borrowing (215 words/65%).Keywords: Translation, Pure and Naturalized Borrowin


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    This article discusses one of the linguistic challenges discovered in a translation product, namely shifts. The shifts in translation product are inevitable due to numbers of factors, such as cultural differences and unique language systems. The approach used to describe the findings is descriptive-qualitative by having textual data from the source language in English and target language in Indonesian. Having these comparisons will assist to focusing on the analysis of shifts happened in the translation. The data source is one of Sidney Sheldon’s famous novel Windmills of the Gods and its translation in Indonesian language Kincir Angin Para Dewa. There are 112 shifts found in the Indonesian translation, yet this article focuses on ten most representative translation shifts based on Catford’s (1974) translation shifts’ concepts, that is shift of level and shift of category. In this case, the article will take more portion to describe the clause shifts in particular

    The Correlation Between Students’ Habit In Listening Song And Students’ English Listening Skill

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    The purpose of this research is to find out The Correlation between Students’ Habit in Listening Song and Student’s English Listening Skill. The research conducted at the senior high school of Trampil for the twelve grade students. The school is located in East Jakarta. The method used is a survey with correlational analysis. The result of the research are there is positive and significant correlation between students’ habit in listening song and English listening skill. It is shown in the score of Fobserved is 39.286 and Sig is 0.000. The score of Fobserved is more than Ftable (> 3.25), and the score of Sig is less than 0.05 (<0.05). Based on that, we can conclude that the better of students’ habit in listening song, the better students’ listening skill.  Keywords: Correlation, Listening Song, English Listening skill

    Learning Local Wisdom for Character Education: an Insight from Choblong Sundanese Village in Indonesia

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    The purpose of this study is to describe the various local wisdom and describe the diverse character education, which contain in local wisdom in the Sundanese society of Choblong, Cisarua village located in Bogor, West Java, Indonesia. Observation method is the best way to collect information and understand local culture in a society. The local wisdom of these Choblong villagers is believed to have a useful contribution to the values of character education that must always be taught and preserved for the benefit of subsequent regeneration. The local wisdom of the Choblong village can be penetrated to school curriculum for preparing their next generations and the cultural preservation. Although there are many adjustments required when immersion between local culture and school curriculum, but it is possible if the applications of carefully selected local culture are given in their local environmental settings


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    The industry of BIPA (Indonesian for foreigners) has extensively increased both at home and overseas. As a result, its teaching needs to be well-planned and organized. Supported by the view that no best method for all, eclecticism can be selected as approach to teaching. This paper is purposed to describe the initial stages of syllabus design particularly for one-to-one teaching Indonesian using eclectic approach. Carried out by descriptive research as part of research and development design, non-structured interview, observation, and open-ended questionnaire were as instruments to collect the information about learner and previous teaching process. Using a framework of syllabus development by Graves, need analysis and first draft syllabus were taken place. The need analysis reveals the learner characteristics and need of learning, such as age, gender, motivation and expectation. Moreover, grounded by the result of gathered information from need analysis, the developed syllabus is then a combination of task-based approach of language learning and structural-based syllabus which embraces accuracy and fluency as well as covers the features of eclectic system.

    Penerjemahan Frasa Verbal dari Bahasa Inggris ke Bahasa Indonesia

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    This research analyzes the translation of English phrasal verbs into Indonesian. The goal of this research is to identify the translators’ understanding by means of equivalent translation of the phrasal verbs in Indonesian. Such goal is valuable since it helps us to see how the translators were able to comprehend meanings in context. The translation results also enable us to recognize the translators’ understandings of phrasal verbs of source language and their meanings in target language. This is a qualitative research which employs content analysis method. The data analysis technique is categorizing, or separation of the translation results based on the source language’s phrasal verbs type prior to applying meaning equivalence principles to the translations. The results of the analysis show that the respondents still face difficulties in translating English phrasal verbs into Indonesian because they are fixated on the verbal structures of source language and lack of understanding of the rules of the source language structure (linguistic barrier). Metacognitive barrier plays a role in the translation process due to lack of background knowledge gained from experience, thus affecting the ability to build strategies and influence decision-making.AbstrakPenelitian ini menganalisis penerjemahan frasa verbal dari bahasa Inggris ke bahasa Indonesia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi pemahaman penerjemah melalui kesepadanan makna frasa verbal bahasa Indonesia. Usaha identifikasi ini bermanfaat untuk mengenali bahwa pemahaman makna kombinasi frasa verbal bahasa sumber dan konteks penggunaan frasa verbal dalam kalimat dapat diserap dengan baik oleh penerjemah sehingga dapat menghasilkan terjemahan yang tepat. Penelitian ini didasarkan pada pendekatan kualitatif, yaitu menggunakan metode kajian isi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan kategori atau pemisahan hasil terjemahan berdasarkan jenis frasa verbal bahasa sumber, kemudian kriteria kesepadanan makna diterapkan pada hasil terjemahan. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa para responden masih menghadapi kesulitan menerjemahkan frasa verbal bahasa Inggris ke bahasa Indonesia karena mereka masih terpaku pada struktur frasa verbal bahasa sumber dan kurang memahami kaidah struktur bahasa sumber (linguistic barrier). Didapati juga metacognitive barrier, yaitu kurang latar belakang pengetahuan yang diperoleh dari pengalaman sehingga mempengaruhi kemampuan membangun strategi dan memengaruhi pengambilan putusan


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    Tujuan dari resesearch ini adalah untuk menganalisis nilai-nilai dan pembangunan karakter di "Frozen", sebuah film animasi box office yang sangat populer saat ini, terutama di kalangan anak-anak. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan berbasis sastra. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa film ini memiliki beberapa nilai-nilai yang baik yang sesuai dengan pembangunan karakter anak-anak empasized dalam Kurikulum Pendidikan Nasional.Kata Kunci: Nilai-nilai, Pendidikan Karakter, Film


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    Abstract: The purpose of the public service activity was to improve the young children ability in English Vocabulary. The media used in this acitivity is children English songs for teaching vocabulary. The participants of this activity were 2 teachers and 20 children who live at Cibeurem Cisarua Bogor. The result of this activity was an improved teaching ability of the teachers and the good ability of young learners in catching the learning material.  Keywords : Media songs Children , Vocabulary , EC

    Pendidikan Karakter dalam Kearifan Lokal Masyarakat Cisarua

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    Di Cisarua, Bogor dapat kita temukan turis-turis asing yang berasal dari Timur Tengah yang tinggal sementara maupun menetap. Kehadiran mereka di desa Choblong membuat masyarakat khawatir, karena para turis tersebut juga membawa budaya asli mereka yang mungkin dapat memengaruhi budaya lokal masyarakat. Ternyata masyarakat Choblong yang beragama Islam telah menerapkan kekuatan karakter pada masyarakatnya walaupun mereka tidak menyadari kondisi, hal ini dapat dilihat pada aktivitas keagamaan rutin dan tertentu, seperti pengkajian Al Qur’an. Berdasarkan situasi ini, tujuan artikel ini ditulis adalah untuk mendeskripsikan kearifan lokal yang dimiliki masyarakat dan pendidikan karakter yang mewakili setiap aktivitas.Kata kunci: Pendidikan Karakter, Kearifan Loka

    Gaya Bahasa Aliterasi pada Puisi Pilihan Karya Li Qing

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    Gaya bahasa dan penggunaannya dalam puisi selalu menarik untuk dikaji, selain karena gaya bahasa selalu memiliki makna yang terselubung bagi pembacanya, gaya bahasa yang sama ini pun juga memiliki maksud dan tujuan tertentu yang tergantung dari cara si pemapar puisi tersebut memakainya dalam konteks. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui penggunaan gaya bahasa dan gaya bahasa yang dominan pada puisi terpilih karya Li Qing. Karya Li Qing belum banyak dikaji dalam konteks pemahaman gaya bahasa Bahasa Indonesia sehingga bisa memperkaya kajian gaya bahasa puisi asing dengan pemahaman konteks Indonesia. Penulis menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dalam menganalisis puisi terpilih karya Li Qing. Acuan teori gaya bahasa yang digunakan dalam analisis adalah teori dari Keraf (2004). Setelah menganalisis gaya bahasa dalam puisi tersebut, penulis dapat menyampaikan tentang hasil temuan, diantaranya: terdapat 10 gaya bahasa yang digunakan dalam puisi ini yaitu simile, metafora, hiperbola, personifikasi, aliterasi, repitisi, alerogi, metonimia, apostrof dan satire. Gaya bahasa yang dominan adalah aliterasi