55 research outputs found

    Effect of Viscosity Parameter on Numerical Simulation of Fire Damaged Concrete Columns

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    The assessment of the residual strength of post-heated concrete structural members in a professional way is a prime factor to take a decision about the restoration or destruction of fire-damaged structure. This Paper explores the numerical modelling of RC square columns damaged by exposure to heat at 5000C, unjacketed. Software ABAQUS was used for numerical modelling of fire damaged compression member i-e column. The main objective of this study is prediction of axial load and axial deformation of fire damaged concrete using finite element studies. Moreover, a parametric nonlinear finite element (FE) research is carried out to check the effect of viscosity parameters on numerical simulation of fire damaged concrete columns. For the said objectives, numerical simulation of existing experimental study of fire damaged RC columns is conducted with varied values of viscosity parameters. The numerical analysis (Finite Element Modeling) indicated that axial load capacity decreases and axial deformation increases after exposure to fire. The experimental and numerical studies are compared in terms of load displacement analysis. The use of optimum viscosity parameter and its definition to FEM improves significantly the performance of convergence and reduces analysis time of numerical simulations of RC square columns.  Moreover, a good agreement was found between the experimental and the finite model results


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    ABSTRAK MUHAMMAD IQRAR FACHTUR NUGRAHA (2020)ANALISIS KRIMINOLOGIS TERHADAP TINDAK PIDANA KEPEMILIKAN SENJATA API TANPA IZIN (ILLEGAL) (Suatu Penelitian di Wilayah Hukum Pengadilan Negeri Bireuen) Fakultas Hukum Universitas Syiah Kuala(vii, 57) pp.,bibl.,tabl(Ida Keumala Jeumpa, S.H., M.H.)Di dalam Pasal 1 ayat (1) UU Darurat Nomor 12 Tahun 1951 disebutkan Barang siapa, yang tanpa hak memasukkan ke Indonesia, membuat, menerima, mencoba memperoleh, menyerahkan atau mencoba menyerahkan, menguasai, membawa, mempunyai persediaan padanya atau mempunyai dalam miliknya, menyimpan, mengangkut, menyembunyikan, mempergunakan atau mengeluarkan dari Indonesia sesuatu senjata api, amunisi atau sesuatu bahan peledak, dihukum dengan hukuman mati atau hukuman penjara seumur hidup atau hukuman penjara sementara setinggi-tingginya dua puluh tahun, namun pada kenyataannya masih banyak masyarakat khususnya di Kabupaten Bireuen yang memiliki senjata api ilegal.Tujuan penulisan skripsi ini adalah Menjelaskan Modus Operandi pelaku dalam memperoleh kepemilikan senjata api tanpa izin (Illegal), upaya para penegak hukum dalam memberantas kepemilikan senjata api tanpa izin (Illegal) dan hambatan dalam pemberantasan senjata api tanpa izin (illegal).Data dalam penelitian skripsi ini diperoleh dari penelitian kepustakaan dan penelitian lapangan. Penelitian kepustakaan dilakukan dengan cara membaca buku-buku, teks dan perundang-undangan, sedangkan penelitian lapangan dilakukan dengan cara mewawancarai informan dan responden.Modus Operandi yang dilakukan oleh pelaku yaitu dengan membeli senjata api non organik jenis Airsoft Gun yang berasal dari para mantan kombatan sedangkan, selanjutnya modus operandi lainnya yang dilakukan oleh pelaku adalah dengan membongkar senjata api tersebut menjadi bagian-bagian kecil dan dilapisi dengan plastik dan almunium serta dimasukkan kedalam kotak agar senjata api tersebut tidak lembab, upaya pencegahan yang dilakukan adalah dengan melakukan pengumpulan informasi peredaran senjata api ilegal dan penanggulangan adalah dengan melakukan penangkapan terhadap pelaku tindak pidana kepemilikan senjata api, hambatan yang dialami aparat penegak hukum adalah hambatan pihak aparat penegak hukum dalam menjalankan aksi penegakan hukum terhadap tindak pidana kepemilikan senjata api tanpa izin adalah lokasi dan informasi mengenai awal senjata api illegal itu dimasukkan. Saran melakukan kerjasama dengan masyarakat untuk membantu pihak aparat penegak hukum dalam menggali informasi kepemilikan senjata api illegal dengan cara melaporkan jika melihat adanya pengguna senjata api dan merperketan perizinan kepemilikan senjata api guna menghindari terjadinya penyalahgunaan senjata api di kalangan masyarakat

    Social-Culture Factors are Impacting the Status of Women in Punjab: a Case Study

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    Women experience discrimination in communities where men predominate. Socio-cultural influences, particularly in rural areas, have a significant impact on women's status in many different ways. The level of gender equality is a crucial sign of a country's prosperity. This research was developed to look at how sociocultural influences affect the status of women in Punjab, Pakistan. Six districts were selected for this study: Vehari, Sahiwal, Chiniot, Jhang, Faisalabad & Gujranwala.  One tehsil from each district was choosen and In the first phase of the multistage sample, two union councils—one from rural and one from urban areas—were randomly selected from each tehsil.  From each union council, one village was randomly chosen for the second stage. In the end, 15 respondents were conveniently chosen from each village. There were 180 responders in the entire sample. Under the study's goals, an interview schedule was created, and after that, data was gathered through in-person interviews. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) tool was used for collected data analysis. The results show that respondents' family structure, economic position, and level of education all have a significant impact on their status. Therefore, it is advised that measures for women's family planning awareness, employment, education, and training be incorporated into Government programs. Keywords: Socio-culture factors, District Sahiwal, male domination, women's status &nbsp

    Oral lichen planus and hepatitis C virus infection; a symbiotic relationship or a mere co-incidence?

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    Background: Lichen planus (LP) is a common idiopathic chronic inflammatory immune mediated mucocutanous disease that effects stratified squamous epithelia and appendices. Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is quite common across the world. A couple of reports have suggested positive association of HCV infection and oral lichen planus (OLP) and most of the studies are usually confined to Mediterranean and south European countries. Due to high incidence and suspected alliance between these two diseases in Pakistan, the following study was conducted with the view that it may help clinicians to set guidelines for HCV testing of lichen planus patients.Methods: Approximately 11500 patients from general population coming to dental diagnostics department of Fatima Memorial Hospital, Lahore (from March 2015-February 2016) were screened clinically for OLP and by ELISA for HCV infection. Out of these 11500 patients 103 were selected one of them incidental and the other pre-diagnosed or both incidental and both pre-diagnosed. These patients were unaware but had either one or both OLP and HCV infection which was confirmed clinically and by ELISA respectively.Results: Majority of patients presenting for other dental complaints were unaware of these diseases process going on in them and was mostly an incidental finding by the clinician. Either one or both OLP and HCV infection were more conjoint in females comprising 77.7% of the total subjects. OLP alone was most common finding comprising 66.67% of the cases. HCV infection alone was present in 15.53% whereas 16.50% subjects showed presence of both OLP and HCV infection.Conclusions: The current study could not detect statistically significant relationship between OLP and HCV infection in Pakistani population which could be due to genetic variation or may be geographic relationship

    Morphology, biochemistry, and management of Russian olive (Elaeagnus angustifolia L.) accessions in Gilgit-Baltistan, northern Pakistan

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    Russian olive (Elaeagnus angustifolia L., Elagnaceae) is a native multi-purpose medicinal shrub or tree of Asian regions and an integral component of high altitude terraced agroforestry systems of Gilgit-Baltistan, northern Pakistan. The strong increase in deforestation, urbanisation, and the loss of ethnically-based medication practices in local communities are gradually leading to depletion of its stands and knowledge of its use. In view of these circumstances, this study was undertaken to characterise Russian olive accessions as a first step towards the conservation of this important wild plant genetic resource. Ninety-three fruits (including seeds) and leaves were sampled to determine morphological variability among accessions. In addition, the phenolic composition of fruit pulp of 40 fruits was used for determination of phenolic compounds. To assess the local importance of the fruit, 42 Russian olive collectors and traders were interviewed. Data were analysed using PCA and clustering approaches. Fruit traits across groups were equally shared. Elevation had a positive effect on fruit and seed dimensions especially on length (r = 0.606 and 0.515, respectively) and weight (r = 0.618 and 0.695, respectively). Bioactive substances such as DPPH and flavonoids in the sampled fruits exceeded most values found in the literature by a factor of 100 and 30, respectively. The socio-economic household analysis highlighted that Russian olive harvest and trade is a purely additional income strategy. On average, about 90 € (ca. 16000 PKR) were earned by one household ranging from about 35 € to about 205 € per year. Data yielded a mixed picture on morphological and biochemical diversity as well as the socio-economic background, but indicated that northern regions of Pakistan might be an important centre for biodiversity of this species in Central Asia, which merits improved marketing

    Sonographic Incidence and Characteristics of Thyroid Nodules in Various Age Groups and Gender

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    Background: Thyroid nodules (TNs) are among the common diseases of the endocrine system, with 3%–7% prevalence by palpation. The prevalence by high-resolution ultrasonography among randomly selected individuals is 19%–67%, with annual increasing trends worldwide. 5% to 15% of TNs is thyroid cancer, which has become the fastest growing cancer.1 Ultrasonography has become an indispensable tool in the evaluation of thyroid nodular disease, and most patients will have had a thyroid ultrasound prior to initial surgical evaluation.9 Objective: To characterize thyroid nodules in various age groups and gender.  Methodology: In this descriptive study, among 179 patients of thyroid nodule were selected with age and gender discrimination by convenient sampling, at Department of Radiology, Lahore General hospital and Inmol Cancer hospital Lahore. Mindray Z5 and Toshiba xario 100 with linear probe of 7.5-11MHz ultrasound machine was used. Results: Out of 179 collected, 105 were females and 74 were males who visited radiology department due to thyroid nodule. It shows 58.7% females and 41.3% males patients diagnosed. Out of 179 patients 106 patients 59.2% came with irregular margins thyroid nodules and remaining 73 patients 40.8% had thyroid nodules with regular margins. 127 patients 70.9% had hyperechoic thyroid nodules and 52 patients 29.1% had hypoechoic thyroid nodules. Out of 97 patients 54.2% developed (Multi Nodular Goiter) MNG, 66 patients 36.9% developed right thyroid nodules and 16 patients 8.9% developed left thyroid nodules. Females developed 56.2% MNG, 33.3% right thyroid nodule and 10.5% left thyroid nodule while males developed 51.4% MNG, 41.9% right thyroid nodule and 6.8% left thyroid nodule. Out of 179 patients 109 (60.9%) patients shows no perfusion of blood while remaining 70 (30.1%) shows some perfusion of blood on USG. Minimum age was 5 years and maximum were 90 years while their mean was 43. Age group between 41 to 50 years most likely develop thyroid nodules.  Conclusion: In this study we conclude that females most likely develop thyroid nodules than males.  Both males and females mostly develop multi nodular goiter and least develop left thyroid nodule. Patients in 4th decade most likely develop thyroid nodules. Key words: Thyroid nodules, Ultrasonography DOI: 10.7176/JHMN/80-15 Publication date:September 30th 202

    Wheat in the Era of Genomics and Transgenics

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    Wheat, as one of the most important cereal crops in the world and second major caloric source in the world after rice, is the major staple food in South Asia and many other countries of the world. Prior to onset of “Green Revolution,” South Asian countries were facing the threat of severe famine. Green Revolution wheat genotypes brought out these countries from the crisis they were facing and has helped them to sustain their productions for more than half a century. With the emergence of molecular biology and biotechnology, another window of opportunity is opened to sustain wheat yields by using modern techniques of genes identification and utilization. Through this chapter, we have tried to gather information that was generated for wheat improvement in last 3 decades. These afforest included the development of molecular markers, mapping of genes, sequencing of markers genes, and their utilization through marker-assisted selection. The other part recorded various efforts to genetically transform wheat for traits improvements and/or to study their molecular control

    Genome-Wide Diversity of MADS-Box Genes in Bread Wheat is Associated with its Rapid Global Adaptability

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    MADS-box gene family members play multifarious roles in regulating the growth and development of crop plants and hold enormous promise for bolstering grain yield potential under changing global environments. Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is a key stable food crop around the globe. Until now, the available information concerning MADS-box genes in the wheat genome has been insufficient. Here, a comprehensive genome-wide analysis identified 300 high confidence MADS-box genes from the publicly available reference genome of wheat. Comparative phylogenetic analyses with Arabidopsis and rice MADS-box genes classified the wheat genes into 16 distinct subfamilies. Gene duplications were mainly identified in subfamilies containing unbalanced homeologs, pointing towards a potential mechanism for gene family expansion. Moreover, a more rapid evolution was inferred for M-type genes, as compared with MIKC-type genes, indicating their significance in understanding the evolutionary history of the wheat genome. We speculate that subfamily-specific distal telomeric duplications in unbalanced homeologs facilitate the rapid adaptation of wheat to changing environments. Furthermore, our in-silico expression data strongly proposed MADS-box genes as active guardians of plants against pathogen insurgency and harsh environmental conditions. In conclusion, we provide an entire complement of MADS-box genes identified in the wheat genome that could accelerate functional genomics efforts and possibly facilitate bridging gaps between genotype-to-phenotype relationships through fine-tuning of agronomically important traits

    Climate Change and Citrus

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    Climate change is the change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns that lasts for an extended period. Climate change and agriculture are interrelated processes and affect in many ways. Citrus fruits are one of the largest fruit crops in the world. Yield loss at a drastic level due to abiotic stress annually in which temperature and water stress are the main environmental factors. These factors cause biochemical, anatomical, physiological, and genetic changes in plant structure and lead to defective growth, development, and reproduction, which ultimately cause a reduction in the economic yield of the crop. An increase in temperature and water stress at critical phenological stages of citrus results in reduced tree fruit set, decrease in fruit growth and size, increase in fruit acidity, low tree yield, reduced fruit peel thickness, and pre-harvest fruit drop. Stomatal conductance and net carbon dioxide assimilation in citrus leaves can be reduced by super optimal leaf temperature. Water deficit reduces the transpiration rate, stomatal conductance by stomatal closure associated with ABA content and causes an abrupt decrease in photosynthesis and CO2 assimilation in citrus which reduce trees overall growth and production. Interventions in agronomic practices, breeding strategies, and biotechnological approaches can mitigate climate change effects on citrus. The groundwork against climate change is compulsory for better global livelihood and food security
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