1,607 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Program Pemberdayaan Desa (Ppd) melalui Usaha Ekonomi Kelurahan Simpan Pinjam (Uek-sp) di Kelurahan Bukit Kayu Kapur Kota Dumai Tahun 2012

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    The research given title Evaluation Impplementation of The Program economic Enterprises Village saving and Loans (UEK/SP) at Bukit Raya Kapur Village, Dumai City in 2012. Its behind of this research is srill a using funds loans not used according to plan the proposal loan lack of aweareness of the public in paying the mortgage in adition its still a lot of people who do not in the criteria for low-icome communities also enjoy this program and number of delinquent loans is higher as well the list of loans that are pilling up.The aim of research is evaluation implementation of the program economic enterprises village saving and loans (UEK-SP) at Bukit Raya Kapur Village Dumai City in 2012. The usefulness of this research is as input agencies in an effort to take out policy in the future. Types and method of research is descriptive research, which can be defined as program solving or describe investigated by describing the state of the subject and object of research based on the facts that seem or how their. While the method used qualitative research method to describe the actual situation and the actual detail by looking at the problem and research objectives determined purposive based withdrawal nonprobability sample properties. Data was collected by interview and documentation.The research that concludes evaluation implementation of program economic enterprises village saving and loans (UEK/SP) at Bukit Raya Kapur Village Dumai City in 2012 its Not Good. Where implementation of the TUPOKSI by UEK/SP has not been done well, so that people who received benefits from this program is not accuarate and this is also due to the implementation of the verification that is not in accordance with existing guidelines so that the level of arrears communities become higher. Arrears by using so the roll can not be done every single month and also resulted in the list of loans the are pilling up. Futhermore, the absorption of funds which have not been up to touch the law-income communities that lack of venture capital.The Key Word : Evaluation, Program, PPD, UEK/S

    Pengaruh Masa Penugasan Audit dan Spesialisasi Kap terhadap Kualitas Audit - suatu Studi dengan Pendekatan Earnings Surprise Benchmark

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    This study examines the effects of past audits and the Firm specializes in audit quality approaches benchmark earnings surprise. This study shows how the independent variable that are past audist and firm specializes can prove that the dependent variable which iss audit quality identified as having an effect between earnings management with audit quality of financial statements. Proxy that used in this study is net income with total assets and how to compare them by comparing the percentage of the the following proxy with percentage of the difference from the previous year's net income and earnings in the previous year observations with assets.Populations in this study are all companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange in the period 2010 - 2012. Sampling was done in accordance with previous studies of Simnett and Carey (2006), namely with certain criteria so that samples obtained for this study amounted to 120 companies. The analysis method of this research is using logistic regression method.Based on the results of the study shows that the duration of the audit assignment was not significant and has negative impact as well as specialization KAP not significant and has negative impact on audit quality

    Evaluasi Kemampuan Motor Ability pada Atlet Binaan Cabang Bola Voli Man 1 Banda Aceh

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Kemampuan Motor Ability Pada Atlet Binaan Cabang Bola Voli MAN 1 Banda Aceh. Jenis penelitian termasuk penelitian deskriptif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah atlet binaan cabang Bola Voli MAN 1 yang berjumlah 12 orang. Adapun yang menjadi sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 12 orang yang didapatkan melalui total sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan dengan mengukur tingkat kemampuan adalah tes Motor ability pada atlet binaan MAN 1 Banda Aceh yang diperoleh ( Nilai rata-rata tes melempar pada sasaran/target = 15,91 dengan presentase 25% sebanyak 3 orang berkategori Baik Sekali, 66,66% sebanyak 8 orang berkategori Baik dan sebanyak 1 orang berkategori Cukup ). ( Nilai rata-rata kelentukan Togok atlet binaan = 33,93 dengan presentase 33,33% sebanyak 4 orang berkategori Baik Sekali, 50% sebanyak 6 orang berkategori Baik dan 16,66% sebanyak 2 orang berkategori Cukup ). (Nilai rata-rata kelentukan pinggang atlet binaan = 7,68 dengan presentase 41,66% sebanyak 5 orang berkategori Baik, 50% sebanyak 6 orang berkategori Cukup dan 8,33% sebanyak 1 orang berkategori Cukup ). (Nilai rata-rata lompat jauh tanpa awalan atlet binaan = 241,6 dengan presentase 8,33% sebanyak 1 orang berkategori Baik Sekali, 25% sebanyak 6 orang berkategori Baik dan 58,33% sebanyak 4 orang berkategori Cukup, 8,33% sebanyak 1 orang berkategori Kurang ). (Nilai rata-rata telengkup dan bangun atlet binaan = 23,58 dengan presentase 8,33% sebanyak 1 orang berkategori Baik Sekali, 33,33% sebanyak 4 orang berkategori Baik dan 41,66% sebanyak 5 orang berkategori Cukup, 16,66% sebanyak 2 orang berkategori Kurang ). (nilai rata-rata push up atlet binaan = 26,83 dengan presentase 33,33% sebanyak 4 orang berkategori Baik dan 66,66% sebanyak 8 orang berkategori Cukup ). (nilai rata-rata kelincahan atlet binaan = 14,1 dengan presentase 50% sebanyak 6 orang berkategori Baik Sekali dan 50% sebanyak 6 orang berkategori Baik

    Rancang Bangun Sinergi Kebijakan Agropolitan Dan Pengembangan Ekonomi Lokal Menunjang Percepatan Pembangunan Wilayah

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    Orientasi pertumbuhan ekonomi yang tinggi dapat memicu pembangunan yang bias perkotaan dan diskriminasi terhadap wilayah perdesaan dan sektor pertanian, sehingga menyebabkan ketimpangan transfer sumberdaya dari desa ke kota. Kondisi ini dapat menimbulkan beberapa permasalahan seperti kesenjangan pendapatan antara masyarakat perdesaan dengan komunitas perkotaan, migrasi penduduk secara berlebihan dari wilayah perdesaan ke kawasan perkotaan, dan eksploitasi wilayah perdesaan yang cenderung kurang mengindahkan aspek lingkungan sehingga mengakibatkan kerusakan ekosistem dan kemiskinan masyarakat perdesaan. Sinergi kebijakan agropolitan dan pengembangan ekonomi lokal melalui rekayasa kelembagaan klaster ekonomi dan forum kemitraan dapat dianggap sebagai salah satu solusi dalam mengatasi permasalahan tersebut. Idealnya sinergi kebijakan tersebut diimplementasikan mengacu pada langkah strategi seperti sosialisasi, konsolidasi, dan uji coba (fase awal) kegiatan dalam kerangka otonomi daerah


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    The aim of this research is to test whether or not perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and perceived security influence intention to use. The main model and theory for this research is Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). This research was conducted in order to discover the factors of intention to use mobile payment in this case Go-Pay on Go-Ride service, on the Faculty of Economic and Business undergraduate Management students in Semarang. This research uses probability sampling with a sample of 258 respondents (that have never used Go-Pay). The data analysis method used in this research is the multiple regression analysis. The result shows that perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and perceived security have significant positive effect on the intention to use

    User Interface and User Experience Design in Digital Learning Applications for Autistic Users with the Human-Centered Design Method

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    Currently in Indonesia there are millions of school-age children. Some of them still have difficulty in accessing education, including children with special needs. Children with special needs are part of a society that is classified as vulnerable. Some institutions state that they are 10 times more likely to be out of school. Even when they go to school, the learning they receive tends to be not optimal, especially for autistic children. Autism is a disorder of overall human development that results in barriers to socialization, communication, and behavior. With the various obstacles they have, the learning process they receive tends to be less than optimal if it is not balanced with adequate facilities and infrastructure. Therefore, in this study, researchers want to design a digital learning application for autistic users based on a website, where the User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) of the learning application are tailored to the user's needs. By using the Human-Centered Design (HCD) method that focuses on humans in its manufacture. With these grounds and reasons, it is hoped that this research can produce a UI UX with a good level of usability, effectiveness, and user satisfaction

    An Investigation into the Resistance Components of Converting a Traditional Monohull Fishing Vessel into Catamaran Form

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    Resistance or drag is one of the most important factors in ship design, in particular in connection with the development of more efficient and environmentally friendly vessels. The shape of the hull under water will affect the fluid flow characteristics around the ship, hence causing the resistance to increase or decrease. If the resistance increases, the size of main engine and subsequently, the fuel consumption increases accordingly and this is not often anticipated by ship designers and operators. The use of a catamaran for passenger carriers is well known and its application for fishing vessels has received serious attention in the last few years, due to its advantages to produce wider deck area and smaller size of engine at the same displacement as the monohulls. The conversion of monohull fishing vessels in Cilacap the waters into a catamaran hull is an interesting topic in association with the development of better fishing vessels in this region. The resistance investigation of the conversion vessel was carried out by Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) approach and this is combined with classical slender body theory. In terms of mathematical calculation, the results between CFD and the combination of empirical formulas and slender body theory shows such a good agreement and the difference between the two is less than 5%. In terms of naval architecture, the results showed that the modification of a monohull vessel into a catamaran can increase the payload capacity up to two times. Conversely, this causes the resistance to increase about almost four times and this is certainly unpopular for the fishermen
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