134 research outputs found


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    Budaya literasi di Indonesia sangat rendah, sehingga perlu peran dari masyarakat untuk menguatkan budaya literasi. Komunitas aleut bergerak dalam memperkenalkan literasi sejarah kepada masyarakat terutama sejarah yang berada di kota Bandung dan sekitarnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini, untuk mengetahui bagaimana proses perencanaan komunikasi komunitas Aleut dalam literasi sejarah. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif dengan pengumpulan datanya melalui Observasi, Wawancara dan Dokumentasi dengan menggunakan model perencanaan komunikasi milik Philip Lesly. Hasil penelitiannya diketahui bahwa perencanaan komunikasi komunitas aleut dengan menganalisis lingkungan eksternalnya berupa tren masyarakat dan ancaman berupa TIK, memiliki kompetensi inti dari pengurus. Kebijakan berlandaskan visi misi yang dituangkan dalam aktifitas atau kegiatan. Perencanaan program pelaksanaan ; dirumuskan dalam musyawarah kerja berupa kelas literasi, ngaleut dan kegiatan literasi lainnya. Menggunakan berbagai media, baik massa maupun media sosial seperti koran, radio, Instagram, twitter, facebook dan website. Kegiatan komunikasi ; melakukan promosi dan diseminasi informasi terkait program yang akan dan telah dilakukan melalui berbagai media yang dimiliki. Komponen Publik diantaranya ; Umpan balik ; inventarisasi secara langsung dari program yang telah dilakukan dan feedback dari hasil unggahan di media sosial. Proses terakhir Evaluasi ; diadakan dalam rapat evaluasi yang tiap beberapa minggu sekali untuk mengevaluasi hasil umpan balik


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    ABSTRAK Mochamad Iqbal Alamin, 1301782, “Pengaruh Personal Selling Quality Terhadap Keputusan Menggunakan Jasa Bus Pariwisata di Jawa Barat”( Survey Terhadap Wisatawan Grup yang Menggunakan Jasa Bus Pariwisata di Jawa Barat)”, dibawah bimbingan Gitasiswhara, SE.Par., MM dan Dewi Pancawati Novalita, S.Pd, MM. Jawa Barat merupakan salah satu provinsi tujuan wisatawan yang memiliki banyak perusahaan otobus pariwisata. Masalah menurunnya penjualan dan tidak tercapainya target perusahaan otobus di Jawa Barat disebabkan karena banyak hal diantaranya yaitu karena banyaknya perusahaan otobus baru sehingga persaingan semakin ketat selain itu kurang baiknya kualitas promosi terutama kualitas personal selling menjadi salah satu faktor menurunnya pembelian di tiga perusahaan otobus tersebut. Dalam penelitian ini, variabel bebas (x) yang digunakan yaitu personal selling quality sedangkan variabel terikat (y) dalam penelitian ini yaitu keputusan menggunakan jasa. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptip verifikatif dan metode yang digunakan adalah survey dengan teknik sensus, maka semua populasi menjad sampel dengan jumlah 117 responden PIC group yang menggunakan jasa bus pariwisata di perushaan otobus Mulyasari Pratama, Sugih Jaya dan Star Holidays. Teknik analisis data dan uji hipotesis yang digunakan adalah regresi linear berganda. Hasil penelitian secara simultan sub variabel personal selling quality yang terdiri dari delivering product information (X1), Satisfying socio-emotional needs (X2), Satisfying product-related needs (X3) dan helping in the decision making (X4) memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap keputusan menggunakan jasa. Sedangkan secara parsial sub variabel yang memiliki pengaruh signifikan yaitu Delivering product information (X1) dan Helping in the decision making (X4) memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan menggunakan jasa, sedangkan sub variabel Satisfying socio-emotional needs (X2) dan Satisfying product-related needs (X3) tidak memiliki pengaruh terhadap keputusan menggunakan jasa, diharapkan pihak perusahaan terus meningkatkan kualitas personal selling untuk meningkatkan penjualan jasa bus pariwisata di Jawa Barat.. Kata Kunci : Personal Selling Quality, Keputusan Menggunakan Jasa ABSTRACT Mochamad Iqbal Alamin, 1301782, "The Effect of Personal Selling Quality Against Decision to Using Tourism Bus Services in West Java" ( Survey of Groups that Use Tourism Bus Services at West Java ) ", under the guidance of Gitasiswhara, SE .Par., MM and Dewi Pancawati Novalita, S.Pd, MM. West Java is the one of tourist destination province that has many bus tour companies such as West Java. The problem of decreasing sales and not achieving the target in the West Java bus tour companies is due to many things such as the number of new bus tour company so the competition is getting tighter, and thequality of promotion is poor, especially the quality of personal selling becomes the one of factor decreasing the purchase in that companies.In this research, the independent variable (x) used is personal selling quality while the dependent variable (y) in this research is the decision to use services. The type of research used is descriptive verification and the method is survey with census technique,with 117 respondents of PIC group who using tourism bus service atMulyasari Pratama, Sugih Jaya and Star Holidays companies.Data analysis technique and hypothesis test used is multiple linear regression. The result of research shows that sub variable of personal selling quality that is Delivering product information (X1) and Helping in the decision making (X4) have positive and significant influence to service decision, while Satisfying socio-emotional needs (X2) and Satisfying product -related needs (X3) has no effect on the decision to use services, it is expected the company continues to improve the quality of personal selling to increase the sales of tourism bus services in West Java . Key Word : Personal Selling Quality, Purchase Decisio

    Relevance and Challenges for Vocational Education Toward Demographic Dividend in Indonesia

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    The writing of this paper is motivated by the transformation of vocational-based education in the face of demographic dividend and possible problems. This phenomenon is very important to be studied more deeply as an effort to see the success and challenges of vocational education in Indonesia. This article argues that there is a productive relationship between increasing vocational education through vocational secondary schools and diplomas with demographic dividend transitions. This can be seen in the data which show that there is a decline in the unemployment rate in Indonesia, especially for vocational high school graduates; as an impact of improving the quality and quantity of vocational education. The writing of this article uses qualitative methods with the support of secondary data from the Central Statistics Agency and literature studies of various sources related to the issue of study. In the results of the discussion, it was found a new discussion about the role of the government in anticipating the increasingly rapid context of the technological era so that there was no higher educated unemployment. The distribution of inter-regional policies and strengthening in technology qualifications are also potential sources that must be developed again so that the demographic transition can result in improvements in the country's economy


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    Ce Mini-mémoire vise à connaître l’utilisation du média visuel comme la photo authentique pour améliorer la compétence de la production orale dans l’apprentissage de la langue française pour le niveau A1 et à connaître les avantages et les inconvénients de l’utilisation de ce média visuel dans l’apprentissage. Ce média visuel aide l’enseignant dans le processus d’apprentissage, parce qu’il peut se faire et se trouver façilement. Par l’aplication de ce média visuel, les apprenants devraient être plus motivés et actifs en parlant la langue française dans l’apprentissage. Les résultats de cette étude indiquent que le média de la photo authentique peut être mis en oeuvre dans l’apprentissage de niveau débutant en langue française


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    This study aimed to describe the form of presupposition and describe the types of presupposition based onGeorge Yule's theory in Vogel Checkt DHL advertisements on Youtube. This research is a descriptive qualitative research with documentation method. The data sources used are words, phrases, and sentences that have indicators of presupposition in Vogel Checkt DHL advertisements on Youtube. The data were analyzed through 5 stages, namely identifying the data, classifying the data, describing the data, concluding the data, and presenting the results of data analysis. The researcher concluded that the results of this study there are as many as 9 words, 8 phrases, and 4 sentences of data that have indicators of presumption, with the following classification: 5 types of existential presupposition, 12 types of lexical presupposition, 1 type of factual presupposition, 1 type of structural presupposition, 1 type of non-factive presupposition, and 1 type of counterfactual presupposition


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    Evaluasi pembelajaran dengan metode uraian atau esai merupakan salah satu cara untuk mengetahui sampai mana kemampuan siswa menguasai materi pembelajaran. Evaluasi pembelajaran menggunakan esai merupakan ujian yang mengharuskan siswa untuk menulis jawaban mereka dan dinilai secara manual oleh guru dan mengharuskan guru menilai ujian tersebut dengan cara manual. Akan memakan waktu yang cukup banyak jika ujian tersebut dilaksanakan secara serentak oleh siswa, belum lagi tulisan siswa yang sulit untuk dibaca, penilaian yang kurang konsisten dan hal tersebut dapat mempengaruhi kualitas menilaian dari ujian itu sendiri. Untuk mengatasi masalah-masalah tersebut, sistem penilaian jawaban ujian esai otomatis dibuat sebagai pilihan untuk melakukan menilaian esai. Penilaian yang dilakukan melalui metode pemrosesan teks lalu pembobotan term frequency - inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) dan algoritma consine similarity. Berdasar hasil penelitian bahwa sistem penilaian jawaban ujian esai otomatis dengan menggunakan metode consine similarity berjalan dengan baik dengan nilai rata-rata yang diberikan oleh pengajar sebesar 88,89%


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    The transportation manufacturing industry, including PT X (Persero) as a trainmanufacturer in Indonesia, played a crucial role in the country's economic growth. Stainless steel wereused as the primary material in their production, which is a corrosion-resistant type of steel with highdurability. This study focuses on using laser beam welding in exchange with GMAW while consideringthe gap size and oscillation method to achieve optimal joints on Ferritic Stainless Steel DIN 1.4003.Large gap sizes made welding process difficult. The conducted tests in this research include tensiletests, hardness tests, metallography test, and SEM characterization tests. The highest hardness valuehas found in the weld metal region, specifically in specimen with 0.5 mm gap and triangular oscillationmethod with the value of 361.64 kgf/mm2 . The high hardness is attributed to the phase change intomartensite. In the tensile tests, highest tensile strength produced in specimen with 0.5 mm gap and lineoscillation method with average value of 402.175 MPa. This value was not accepted because it is lessthan the tensile strength value of the parent material. All specimens from different variations fracturedat the weld metal region due to the incomplete penetration, which was also be observed in the macrotest results. The welding penetration tended to be sideward, both to the left and right, because of theexcessive width used. In the SEM characterization test that has been conducted, the surface texture ofthe specimens was observed, with the fusion line having a smoother texture than the weld metal region.The study's results did not show significant differences concerning the use of the triangular oscillationmethod or the line oscillation method

    Geothermal System in Parang Wedang, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

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    Geothermal manifestations in Parangtritis, Indonesia, known as Parang Wedang Hot Spring, indicate a geothermal system in the subsurface. This circumstance motivated our research to model the Parang Wedang geothermal system in order to determine its subsurface conditions. Geological mapping, the geophysical method, and geochemical analysis were integrated to produce a conceptual model of the Parang Wedang geothermal system. The study area consists of structural hills, karst hills, and eolian plains with andesite breccias, limestone, andesite, and sand deposits as lithological variations. The results of magnetic modeling indicate that the research area is associated with the presence of an andesite intrusion and shows a NE-SW trending geological structure that is thought to be a path for hydrothermal fluid to the surface. Geochemical analysis was performed at two hot springs with temperatures of 47 °C and 49 °C. Geothermometer calculation showed that the geothermal reservoir in Parang Wedang has a temperature of 100 to 120 °C, a depth of about 180 to 285 m, and can be classified as a low enthalpy geothermal system


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    The development of the era is increasing makes material technology develop more rapidly, especially in composite materials.Based on the facts in the community, fishing rods from fiber glass are still often used. So that a study was conducted on natural fibers, namely flax and bamboo fibers with long treatment of soaking KOH solution. In this research, it is hoped that hemp and bamboo fibers can be used to replace glass fiber materials. In this study using the type of experimental research. Fiber composites were carried out with variations in immersion time of 1, 2, 3 and 4 hours with 5% KOH concentration. Next, analyze the effect of KOH duration on the tensile and bending test results. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded (1) The result of the greatest immersion time lies in the immersion time of 4 hours which has a tensile and bending strength of 36.56 Mpa and 91.14 Mpa. While the lowest tensile and bending strength values ​​were produced by 1 hour immersion which had 18.39 Mpa and 20.40 Mpa results. (2) The results of the fiber arrangement on the hybrid fiber of flax and random and woven bamboo lies in the woven bamboo pattern with a tensile strength of 36.56 Mpa and the highest bending strength is obtained with a random arrangement pattern of 91.14 Mpa. Then the results of the lowest tensile strength found in the random fiber arrangement pattern of 18.39 Mpa and the lowest bending strength was found in the woven arrangement pattern of 20.40 Mpa
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